The ability of a swimmer seems to be pretty good. Passive abilities can be used without mana, which is equivalent to permanently improving physical attributes. If you have the chance, you can try combining it with other passive abilities...

Then comes the second loot package.

There are all potions in here, there are two kinds in total.

[Obtain: Breath-holding Potion*10]

The first one is the breath-holding potion. This potion is quite effective and can hold your breath for ten minutes. Wang Tao already has dozens of bottles in his hand, but unfortunately he has no production drawings.

[Obtain: Infertility Treatment Potion*10]

[Infertility treatment medicine: can treat most infertility diseases]


This second potion made Wang Tao a little confused.

Kill a zombie fish and reveal a drug to treat infertility? No matter how you look at it, it’s outrageous!

But when I think about this fish having so many roe, it seems reasonable?

But there is no doubt that this is definitely good stuff.

If it was before the end of the world, it would probably be worth a lot of money. After all, many people have this problem. Although it is the end of the world now, there may still be people troubled by this problem...

Wang Tao definitely doesn't need it, but he can sell it to people in need in the future.

Then comes the final loot package.

[Obtain: Diving Suit*1]

[Wetsuit: Durability +30, tear resistance +30, able to stay underwater at about 20 meters for an hour. The oxygen bottle automatically replenishes oxygen and can be fully charged after 10 hours of exposure to the air]

Inside is a set of black clothes that look like a frog, but this set of clothes is very unusual. It's a diving suit, with matching oxygen bottles and propellers. Looks very good.

And this can automatically replenish oxygen! Equivalent to 10 hours of charging and 1 hour of battery life.

This piece of clothing cannot be worn normally, but it may come in handy at a critical moment.

But now Wang Tao doesn't dare to go into the water at will. It is now confirmed that there may be zombie fish in the water. Just like this third-level lord zombie fish today, if Wang Tao encountered it in the water, it would most likely be dead...

Even if it was a second-level zombie fish that was easily killed by Wang Tao, it was hard to say whether he could beat it if it were in the water.

In addition to the loot from this third-level zombie fish, Wang Tao also killed some second-level and first-level elite zombie fish before, but only obtained some breath-holding potions and water breathing crystal nuclei.

He felt that except for the third-level zombie fish, the other zombie fish were very weak. Even the elites seemed to have little ability. Because he has never seen other crystal nuclei appear. Maybe it’s because these fish are all cultured from third-level zombie fish? After all, it has so much fish roe...

But no matter what, I gained a lot this time.

"Wang Tao!"

Yang Changhong and others just finished cleaning the battlefield, and she came over with a cloth bag.

"These crystal nuclei are given to you. After all, you discovered this, and you also solved the third-level zombie fish, saving us from a crisis..."

The crystal nuclei in the bag are all "water breathing", both first and second order.

Wang Tao has told them the ability of this crystal core, but they all expressed their unwillingness to fuse.

This water breathing ability is strong, but it will have gills and scales on its body. Moreover, there are creatures like zombie fish in the water. It is impossible for them to go into the water unless they have to, so this crystal core is of no use to them.

"Okay. Thanks."

Wang Tao was not polite and put it away directly.

Although these crystal nuclei are of no use to him personally, they can be used to nourish the entangled tree roots. Don't want it for nothing.

"We should be the ones thanking you!"

Yang Changhong said with a smile.

Her improvement this time is not small, and the strength of her entire team has improved! If it weren't for Wang Tao, they wouldn't have had this kind of harvest.

After a few polite words, Yang Changhong said again:

"As for the next step, what I mean is that we have a good night's rest here today, get up early tomorrow and rush on our way, trying to reach Bauhinia City as soon as possible..."

"Okay, everyone, let's take a good rest."

This group of people had been a little excited about fishing these past few days and couldn't sleep well. It’s not too late to recharge your batteries before rushing on.

At night, Wang Tao used zombie culture fluid on Jiang Shixue again.

Jiang Shixue's blood volume has reached 29,200. If she does it again, she will reach the upper limit of the second-level blood volume!

Then Wang Tao discovered that tree essence could be used again. But only he and Jiang Shixue could use it. After Xu Xiaojun drank a portion, there was no change. Is the cooling time of using this tree essence related to strength?

Although he was a little confused, Wang Tao didn't study too much and just drank it.

Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue each drank 10 servings, because they could only drink 10 servings during the cooling period. Any more would have no effect.

Then, Wang Tao's health volume remained unchanged, and his mana volume reached 8,000!

And Jiang Shixue's blood volume finally reached 29999! No need to wait for the next training!

"Can you feel how you can advance to the third level?"

Wang Tao asked curiously.

"I have no idea."

Jiang Shixue's little face was a little confused.

After Wang Tao reached this level of blood, he could clearly feel that he had to upgrade all his abilities to the third level before he could advance to the third level.

So he wanted to ask Jiang Shixue how she felt. As a result, Jiang Shixue still couldn't feel anything.

Wang Tao thought for a while and directly took out a third-level promotion crystal core of excellent quality. The impurities in Jiang Shixue's body are already 100%, so there is no need to worry about the impurities and there is no need for Wang Tao to synthesize them.

But unfortunately, after Jiang Shixue put the promotion crystal core in her mouth, it could not be fused. She really doesn't need to advance to the crystal core.

This made Wang Tao a little helpless. Jiang Shixue's situation was very special and he couldn't understand it.

But no matter what, Jiang Shixue has reached 29,999 blood points after all, and is now Wang Tao's strongest helper, making Wang Tao's small team stronger again. Wang Tao even felt that she should be able to deal with a third-level night demon by herself! But there is no need to experiment with this kind of thing. After all, why should we fight alone when we can fight in groups?

Early the next morning, everyone in the convoy was ready to go. Following Yang Changhong's order, everyone headed towards Bauhinia City again.

The two previous escapes caused the convoy to deviate slightly from the direction, but the overall direction was correct, and it had been heading west.

Yang Changhong and Wang Tao quickly planned a new route after looking at the map and adjusting it slightly.

We didn't encounter any big dangers this time. We occasionally encountered some zombies, but Yang Changhong and the others took care of them. If it was a more difficult situation, let Xu Xiaojun come in.

However, the convoy has encountered several airdrops in the past few days!

This is something Wang Tao didn’t expect. In the past, airdrops were almost once a month. Why do you feel that airdrops are becoming more and more frequent recently?

The transport planes did not pass directly above Wang Tao these few times. Wang Tao tried to contact him several times, but failed to do so.

As for the airdrops, I picked up two, which contained medicine and food. Although there are no inhibitors and mechanical exoskeleton, it is still okay.

"Huh? There's another airdrop!"

On this day, Wang Tao suddenly raised his head. He heard the plane!

After a while, a plane appeared in the sky. And from the looks of the plane, it seems like it will pass by them!

"The airdrop plane is coming!"

Yang Changhong also discovered it, and she immediately informed her on the car intercom.

Seeing the plane getting closer and closer to the convoy, everyone looked forward to it.

The last time a transport plane flew over their heads, it dropped five airdrops. Now I don’t want five, even if I can throw one away!

Wang Tao took out a military walkie-talkie and began to try to contact the pilots in the sky.

"Hello, I am survivor Wang Tao, and I am below you!"

"Hello, I am survivor Wang Tao, and I am below you!"



There was a sound of electricity coming from the walkie-talkie, and Wang Tao was not surprised. The last time we contacted him was when the plane was flying directly overhead, but now we are still far away. But Wang Tao didn't stop and kept trying.

When the plane slowly flew over everyone's head, finally, there was an echo on the intercom!

"Zizi... Wang Tao... I know you... I am Luo..."

Wang Tao's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard the hoarse voice on the intercom.

"Colonel Luo? What a coincidence, it's you again!"

He didn't expect that it would still be Luo Guozhong, unless there was another pilot named Luo.

"'s me...the gone...sorry...zizi..."

The other party actually apologized to Wang Tao, but his voice was a little cold.

"Have all the airdrops been dropped? It's okay. We are not short of supplies for the time being..."

Wang Tao explained immediately. It doesn't matter if it's an airdrop or not, but as long as we can establish a good relationship with Colonel Luo, there will definitely be more airdrops in the future.

"Then... sizzling... good..."

Seeing that the plane had flown overhead and was about to fly away, Wang Tao quickly said:

"I will go to the military base soon. We are destined to meet each other. I will treat you to a drink then!"


There was no reply from the other party and the plane had already gone away.

"Oh, it's a pity that there is no airdrop this time... let's go, let's go!"

Yang Changhong's somewhat regretful voice sounded from the car intercom.

Everyone continued on their way.

That evening, when Wang Tao was studying how to use his more than 20,000 special energy, Yang Changhong's voice came from the car intercom again.

"Wang Tao, we have arrived in downtown Zijing City!"

"Huh? Are you here already?"

Wang Tao raised his head. You can see that there are more and more houses on the roadside and the roads are getting wider and wider, but there are also more and more abandoned vehicles on the road.

Looking further into the distance, you can see some tall buildings.

"Zijing City, we are finally here!"

Wang Tao sighed. This trip to Bauhinia City was many days later than he expected, and many things happened in the middle. But luckily we arrived safely.

The convoy stopped on the side of the road. Yang Changhong got out of the car and knocked on Wang Tao's door.

"Wang Tao, are you planning to..."

"Come up and talk."


Yang Changhong got in the car and looked at Wang Tao's handsome face. Her expression was very complicated and reluctant.

After all, Wang Tao is so strong, and she really wants Wang Tao to join her motorcade. Unfortunately, Wang Tao has already made it clear that he wants to go to the military base. Now that we have arrived at Zijing City, it depends on when Wang Tao will leave...

"What about you, what are your plans?"

Wang Tao asked rhetorically.

"We are going to rest here for one night. Tomorrow we will go to the city to find survivors in Bauhinia City and learn about the situation in Bauhinia City from them. If there is a large survivor base, just ask where it is. If the base is suitable, We are prepared to stay here. If it is not suitable, or there is no large survivor base, then let’s talk about it..."

Yang Changhong revealed the next plan of their group. However, her tone was a little melancholy. After all, she didn't know what was going on in Bauhinia City. There is also a high possibility that her trip was in vain...

Wang Tao nodded, then smiled and said:

"We also have a night's rest, so let's separate tomorrow morning."


Yang Changhong didn't say anything more, got out of the car and left.

She found a suitable location and the convoy began to "set up camp."

Wang Tao took Jiang Shixue and Xu Xiaojun around to make sure there was nothing around that could threaten their safety.

Before dark, the convoy was ready.

Yang Changhong invited Wang Tao to come over for dinner. In the past, for convenience, everyone basically ate separately. But everyone will be separated early tomorrow morning, and today this may be everyone’s last meal, so it still has a sense of ritual.

"Wang Tao, thank you very much for your care along the way..."

Yang Changhong raised his glass and replaced the wine with water.

She actually liked drinking, but after the apocalypse came, she gave up drinking, after all, drinking would cause trouble.

"We all take care of each other."

Wang Tao raised his water glass and touched it with her.

Everyone's mood is somewhat sad. They don't say they are good brothers with Wang Tao now, but at least they can be regarded as friends. If it were before the end of the world, we might have a chance to get together in the future, but now is the end of the world, and after this separation, we may never have the chance to meet again in this life...

After dinner, it was getting dark.

Yang Changhong arranged for people to take turns on duty, while Wang Tao returned to the car.

Although he was not sleepy, he was ready to take a good rest. After all, he was going to Bauhinia City tomorrow. With the size and population of Bauhinia City, he could already imagine how dangerous it was inside...

But at this time, Yang Changhong suddenly came again.

"Wang Tao, I have something I want to talk to you about. Can you come over for a while?"


When Wang Tao got out of the car, Yang Changhong immediately turned around and took Wang Tao outside her car with his head lowered. Wang Tao didn't even see her face clearly.

"Shall we go up and talk?"

Yang Changhong turned around, and Wang Tao realized that she seemed to be... wearing light makeup?


Wang Tao got in the car with her.

Yang Changhong's car is very luxurious, selling for more than 5 million before the end of the world. Owning this kind of car is definitely a symbol of superiority.

Although the appearance of this car is very vicissitudes of life, coupled with various modifications, it makes the car feel a bit shabby, but once you enter, you find that the interior is still very well maintained, and the interior is much more luxurious than Wang Tao's car. .

"What's matter?"

After Wang Tao looked at it for a while, he asked with some doubts.


As Yang Changhong spoke, he suddenly reached out and hugged Wang Tao's neck. His whole body was pressed against Wang Tao. Wang Tao could clearly feel a softness.

"What are you doing?"

Looking at Yang Changhong, who was obviously not drinking, but had a blushing face and blurred eyes, Wang Tao looked a little confused, but did not push her away.

"When we say goodbye this time, we may never see each other again for the rest of our lives..."

Yang Changhong stared at Wang Tao and said softly.

"Do you want Wang Tao to stay?"

Wang Tao raised his eyebrows.

But Yang Changhong shook his head.

"No, I know you are a very independent person. I am self-aware and cannot keep you..."

"Then what are you..."

Wang Tao was a little confused.

"I'm not sure how long I can live. If I'm unlucky, I might die tomorrow. And you are the strongest man I have ever seen... So, I want to try the beautiful things in the world before I die. Even if I die in the future , and there is no regret..."

After Yang Changhong finished speaking, his face turned even redder, but he did not shy away from Wang Tao's eyes. If she really dies in the future, she doesn't want to be an old maid before she dies...

Wang Tao was speechless when he heard this.

He thought this woman had fallen in love with him, but it turned out that she was just being sentimental.

As if Yang Changhong knew what Wang Tao was thinking, she smiled mischievously:

"I admit that you are strong, but as a proud person like me, it is impossible to fall in love with a man in a few days. I just feel that other women are not worthy of me, so you just have to do it!"

Although she said this, her hand holding Wang Tao tightened.

Wang Tao didn't understand what this woman was thinking, but who cares, he couldn't refuse the meat that was put to his mouth. He hasn't eaten meat for a long time.

"Proud? I want to see how long you can be proud!"

Wang Tao laughed evilly and reached out to take off Yang Changhong's clothes.

" don't have anything inside..."

"Prepared specially for you..."

Yang Changhong blushed and let Wang Tao strip her naked little by little.

Wang Tao held Yang Changhong's head and kissed him gently.

In the corner of the temporary camp, a luxury off-road vehicle was vibrating regularly.

Later in the night.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong, please forgive me..."


Wang Tao walked out of Yang Changhong's car neatly dressed.

When the officer on duty saw him, he just smiled ambiguously and didn't say much.

Wang Tao returned to his car.

Jiang Shixue was sleeping inside. When she heard the noise, she opened her eyes and glanced at Wang Tao. She was a little curious, but she didn't ask.

After Wang Tao lay down, she naturally got into Wang Tao's arms.

If it were before, Wang Tao would still feel a little uncomfortable. After all, he is also a hot-blooded young man.

But now, feeling the people around him, Wang Tao looked calm and even took the initiative to hug Jiang Shixue. This made Jiang Shixue's eyes brighten.

Wang Tao didn't feel any fluctuation in his heart.

Oh, just a woman. Can it disturb my Taoist mind?

The next day, early morning.

Wang Tao's car silently left the convoy. He didn't even go to say hello to Yang Changhong.

Inside a luxury off-road vehicle.

Yang Changhong looked at the car leaving and said with a look of resentment:

"What an enemy! I can't leave today. Let's have another day of rest... If I still have a chance to meet you in this life... I'll look good with you!"


As soon as Wang Tao entered the urban area of ​​Zijing City, the car intercom that had been on suddenly rang.

"Zizi...Help! Is there anyone? Please help us...Zizi..."

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