"...Is there anyone? Please help us!"

Wang Tao raised his eyebrows as he listened to the female voice on the car intercom.

His car walkie-talkie was always on, just in case he could hear the calls of other survivors... He was just telling Xu Xiaojun that he didn't know when the survivors would be found, but he didn't expect the delivery to come to his door?

But the other party was asking for help and was obviously in great danger. In this unfamiliar place, Wang Tao has to be more cautious. This huge Zijing City must be more dangerous than any place he has been before.

Xu Xiaojun slowly parked the car on the side of the road, and both he and Jiang Shixue looked at Wang Tao.

Wang Tao pressed the call button on the walkie-talkie and spoke in a calm tone:

"Who are you? Where are you? What danger have you encountered?"

"Who are you……"

Wang Tao repeated it several times, and after a while.

"Zizi...ah? There is someone! There is really someone!"

Although she deliberately suppressed her voice, she could clearly feel that she was surprised.

"My name is Nie Siyan, we are surrounded by a group of bad guys! They want to kill us! Help!"

The voice on the intercom was panicked.

"Huh? You mean...people? Survivors? Are you surrounded by survivors?"

Wang Tao frowned.

He thought this group of people was surrounded by zombies... If it was a struggle between survivors, it would be more complicated.

"Yes! There are a group of murderous bad guys outside! Brother, can you come and save us? If they rush up, we will all die!"

Listening to the other party's anxious words, Wang Tao said calmly:

"Please tell me the specific situation."


After the other party briefly narrated it, Wang Tao roughly understood what happened.

According to this Nie Siyan, they are now in a place called "Haochen Hotel", and there are still 11 people there.

They were collecting supplies outside yesterday and rested here last night. But who knew that suddenly a group of survivors broke into the hotel.

This group of people was extremely vicious and powerful. They directly occupied their place and wanted to capture them as slaves. They were outmatched and had no choice but to run upstairs.

They are now hiding on the tenth floor and have blocked the stairs leading to the tenth floor. The gang of thugs cannot get up for the time being.

But when they escaped, they were in a hurry and left the food below. Now the food has been occupied by the villains. The hotel had been ransacked a long time ago, and there was no food at all upstairs. They were now so hungry that they were dizzy.

And the gang of thugs downstairs were still coercing and tempting them. It was said that they had two choices now, either to behave obediently and apologize, and let this matter be a thing of the past. Or stay up there until you starve to death...

No one believed this, because Nie Siyan had seen with her own eyes the way the gangsters downstairs brutally murdered their companions!

As long as they dare to go down, they will definitely die! And he will be subjected to all kinds of inhumane torture before death!

This group of people had no choice but to use their walkie-talkies to call for help. They tried using the walkie-talkie for a long time, and Wang Tao was the first person who could be contacted.

"Brother, please, save us! We don't want to die! We must repay our kindness! We will definitely repay you!"

As soon as this woman finished speaking, other people's voices started to sound.

"Please big brother, please save us! We'll be a cow and a horse for you!"

"I still have a lot of food at home, I will give it to you when the time comes!"

"I still have many acquaintances in the base. They are all powerful. I will introduce them to you when the time comes!"

"I also have a beautiful wife at home..."


Listening to the chatter on the other side, Wang Tao directly filtered selectively.

He only heard one important point - there is indeed a survivor base here, which seems to be quite small...

Wang Tao thought for a while and said:

"What's your strength? What's the strength of that gang of gangsters?"

"We are all first-level superpowers, but that gang of gangsters has a second-level superpower!"

Nie Siyan said quickly.

"Second-level superpower? Sorry, I can't beat him."

Wang Tao's tone was a bit awkward.

Although he wouldn't mind rescuing other survivors, for now, all this was based on Nie Siyan's words. Wang Tao has seen too many intrigues, especially since this is still the end of the world, so even if he is strong, he must be careful. At least you can't reveal all your cards.

So he planned to pretend to be a first-level superpower to see how the other party would react.

There was silence for a moment, and then Nie Siyan's voice sounded again.

"Brother, you don't need to defeat them! You just need to attract them away! We put some supplies in the convenience store downstairs, which contain food crystal nuclei, and there is an earth bomb in these supplies! I tell you To detonate it, you just need to detonate the bomb and attract them away! Just give us one minute—no, just give us thirty seconds, and we can escape on our own!"

Um? Home bomb?

Wang Tao was a little surprised. He hadn't seen this thing for a long time.

And...detonate a soil bomb? Is she serious? If this thing rang, it would not be any gangsters, but a large number of zombies!

His current identity is an "ordinary first-level superpower". Does he think he will do such a thing if his life is too long?

As if Nie Siyan knew Wang Tao's concerns, she quickly spoke again:

"Brother, don't worry. This is a soil bomb we often use. The amount of explosives has been reduced. The sound is not very loud and will not attract too many zombies! And you don't need to go there. It can be detonated outside a certain range. ! As for the remote control, it’s in the milk tea shop opposite the convenience store..."

After hearing this, Wang Tao frowned immediately.

"You don't carry this thing with you? But you deliberately leave it outside? Just leave it outside, but you still keep the remote control and the soil bomb separately?"

Why does Wang Tao feel that this is like waiting for him on purpose... This is reality, not a game. Isn't there an NPC that specializes in issuing tasks?

Nie Siyan seemed a little dumbfounded when she heard this.

"Brother, it's because we are more cautious! Leave more escape routes for yourself. All the survivors here are like this! You...couldn't you be an outsider?"

"..." Wang Tao didn't answer her. He paused and said, "Okay, then I'll think about it..."

After speaking, Wang Tao turned off the intercom directly, not giving the other party a chance to speak again.

Then Wang Tao looked at Jiang Shixue and Xu Xiaojun.

"Do you have any ideas?"

"I don't know, I listen to my brother."

Jiang Shixue shook her head quickly.

"I feel... we can go rescue people. But I listen to you, Brother Wang."

Xu Xiaojun scratched his head.


Wang Tao covered his face speechlessly. What he asked was not the question of whether to go or not, but the question of how credible Nie Siyan's words were... But Jiang Shixue and Xu Xiaojun, one is an idiot and the other is stubborn. , asking them is useless.

As for the question of whether to go or not, I definitely have to go. He had to learn about the current situation in Bauhinia City from this woman's mouth.

Wang Tao took out the map and carefully checked the location of Haochen Hotel. It's about three kilometers away from Wang Tao's current location.

Then Wang Tao also memorized the building information around the Haochen Hotel. There was no convenience store location on the map. After all, this is a paper map and cannot be updated in real time. However, Wang Tao determined the approximate location of the convenience store...

"Let's go here."

Wang Tao pointed to a place and said.

This is a small shopping mall, and you can see the Haochen Hotel from here.

After entering the city, Wang Tao did not dare to drive too fast. After all, there were many zombies in the city. But fortunately, his car is very good. Although it is a gas car, as long as you don't step on the accelerator hard, the noise is still relatively small.

"Big cities are just different!"

On the way to this shopping mall, Wang Tao sighed.

When he was in Shuize County or other small counties before, there were not necessarily zombies on the road. If you're lucky, you may never even encounter zombies.

But Bauhinia City was different. As soon as he entered Bauhinia City, he encountered many zombies. Now as we slowly go deeper, there are more and more zombies on the road.

It was impossible to walk quietly to the mall, so Wang Tao had to ask Xu Xiaojun to slow down, and then he and Xu Xiaojun released shock waves outside the window.

Most of them are ordinary zombies and can be killed easily.

Occasionally, he would encounter first-level elite zombies, and Xu Xiaojun would get out of the car to deal with them. After all, they had crystal cores and couldn't waste them.

After spending some time, Wang Tao and his party finally arrived at this small shopping mall.

The exterior walls of the shopping mall are covered with green plants, and the exposed walls are also very old and rusty. There are also large holes in some places, as if they were blown by artillery shells.

Wang Tao drove the car to the entrance of the shopping mall. There were green plants at the entrance. Many green plants blocked the windows, making the entire shopping mall dark.

However, Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue can see at night, so this is nothing to them. Wang Tao asked Xu Xiaojun to drive and follow him. He and Jiang Shixue walked in front to explore the road.


"It's safe here too..."

The two briefly walked around the first floor of the mall. Apart from some ordinary zombies, there was no danger.

Parking the car in the shade, the three of them went upstairs together.

This shopping mall is not big, but it is not short either. It has six floors in total. After spending some time, Wang Tao and the others searched the inside.

"Why is there not even a second-level zombie in such a big shopping mall..."

Wang Tao was a little disappointed.

In such a dark environment, zombies should be more likely to be favored. But although there are many zombies here, they are all ordinary zombies. Occasionally there are a few first-level elite zombies, but they are all easily eliminated by Xu Xiaojun.

"Forget it, let's take a look at the Haochen Hotel first..."

Wang Tao came upstairs, where he could see the Haochen Hotel not far away.

The Haochen Hotel, like this small shopping mall, is old and full of plants.

Wang Tao observed for a while and found no survivors or gangsters. But if they had been hiding inside, Wang Tao would indeed not be able to see them.

Wang Tao planned to wait for a day to see what happened over there.

The locations of convenience stores and milk tea shops were also found by Wang Tao. But he doesn't like food or bombs, so just pay a little attention.

Haochen Hotel, in the presidential suite on the top floor.

"Why haven't you contacted me yet?"

A woman with heavy makeup, coquettish clothes, a tight leather jacket, a very explosive figure, and short shoulder-length hair was standing in front of the window holding a walkie-talkie, frowning deeply.

"It's been several hours since the last call, so I should think about it... Could it be that I was discovered?"

But soon, she shook her head again.

"Impossible! This is obviously an outsider who doesn't know the situation in Zijing City at all. He can't possibly find something wrong! Just wait..."

Dong dong dong——

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside.


A bald man with tattoos on his face walked in. He nodded and bowed:

"Sister Nie, they asked me to ask how long we will be in ambush today...will the pig come yet?"

Hearing this, Nie Siyan, who was already in a bad mood, suddenly became even more angry. She cursed without any concealment:

"Trash, don't you have any patience? What use do you have!"

"Sister Nie, you taught me a lesson!"

The bald man bent even deeper without any rebuttal.

After Nie Siyan cursed a few words, she took a deep breath, glanced at her watch and said:

"Wait a little longer, just wait until... five o'clock. If no one comes by five o'clock, you can withdraw."


The bald man slowly backed out and closed the door.

Nie Siyan took out a crumpled cigarette from her body and lit it with an old lighter.


She sat on the sofa, crossed her legs, and puffed away.

The anesthesia of nicotine calmed her down a little.

"It's definitely impossible to save people, but I don't believe that there are really people who don't care about those food and crystal nuclei... After all, so many people have been fooled!"

Nie Siyan thought of those who had been fooled before, and a cruel smile suddenly appeared on her face.

This is a trap.

What she said about being surrounded by bad guys and being hunted was obviously false.

The purpose is naturally to attract people, then capture these people, loot them, and sell them for money!

Of course, he also knew that it was impossible for anyone to really come to save her. Because she has seen too much darkness in the apocalypse. Those who can survive to this day, regardless of their IQ, are at least not good people.

It may be possible to save people casually, but in this situation where she is trapped by a group of gangsters, including second-level superpowers, most people will definitely choose to watch.

So she didn't expect anyone to save her. What she counted on was the "supplies" she had revealed before, hidden in the convenience store!

In the apocalypse, if you want to save people, many people may hesitate. But when it comes to where to pick up supplies, make sure you run faster than anyone else! Even though this place has some risks.

She is taking advantage of these people's greed for petty gains.

When outside survivors hear that she has supplies in the convenience store, they will most likely go to the convenience store to take a look, regardless of whether they want to save people or not.

If not, forget it. If so, then it’s not profitable?

Those who are smarter may first go to the milk tea shop opposite the convenience store to see if there is a detonator.

But whether she is going to a convenience store or the milk tea shop opposite, she will always have her way - she has professional staff at these two places. As long as someone enters, they will faint after a while! Even a second-level superpower can't handle it!

Many people who are greedy for petty gains think, just take a look, and if there is any danger, just run away. After all, the convenience store is so big, can it still stop them from escaping?

Sorry, it really works!

As long as someone passes by, even takes a look, they will become her prey!

But she also has her own principles: she only seeks wealth, not life.

She would rob those who took the bait, take their valuables, and then sell them to other organizations in the city.

As for whether they will die after being sold, that has nothing to do with her.

Of course, it's okay to do this routine once or twice, but if you do it for a long time, it will inevitably be discovered. After all, there are still many unlucky people alive, and they will definitely spread the news.

Therefore, she only deals with newcomers!

The place she chose was the only way for most of the survivors coming from the east.

Bauhinia City is a big city, and survivors nearby will want to come to Bauhinia City. The previous humans were too weak and might have been hiding in some places. But now many people are psychics and have the strength to go to bigger places. Bauhinia City is obviously a good choice. After all, there is a large survivor base here.

And she just needs to sit here and wait for the new guy to come.

The people who can make it this far must be capable, and most likely have a lot of resources in their hands, and they are not acting alone, but as a group of people. They have more resources at their disposal.

Even if they don't have any resources, their group of superpowers are already very valuable!

As long as Nie Siyan does it properly, it will be a cost-free and risk-free transaction!

And in order to act realistically, she also asked her men to play gangsters and hang out downstairs from time to time to prove that what she said was true.

I can’t say how awesome her routine is, but as soon as people become greedy, they will definitely take the bait!

She just needs to wait patiently...

"Huh? Are there really gangsters? Is everything this Nie Siyan said true?"

In the shopping mall, Wang Tao saw several people wearing black clothes, covering their faces, holding machetes in their hands on the first floor of the Haochen Hotel. They were not easy to mess with at first sight.

These people pointed upstairs, cursed and muttered something under their breath.

"But they are all first-level superpowers. I didn't see the second-level superpower..."

Wang Tao touched his chin.

These first-level superpowers are nothing to worry about.

But he had to know the level of the opponent's second-level superpower.

"Observe again, and then you can take action after confirming the strength of the second-level superpower..."

Although Wang Tao felt that even if he didn't know the specific information about the other party, she would probably crush them in the past. But this is a strange place after all, so it’s better to be cautious.

Wang Tao misses Han Rui's sensory abilities. If Han Rui is there, he can take Han Rui for a walk and basically know whether the other party is real or not...

Wang Tao and the other three stayed in the mall until night without going out.

He had been debugging the walkie-talkie to see if he could receive other signals.

At a certain moment, Wang Tao was suddenly stunned, and then a little surprised.

"Huh? The magical seed in my body... has sprouted!"

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