After swallowing the miracle seeds, it takes ten days to germinate.

And now, ten days are up!

Wang Tao found that the countdown under his health bar had disappeared, but his hidden attribute column had one more attribute.

[Hidden attributes: physical fitness, night vision, plant affinity]

One more "plant friendly"!

[Plant affinity: can feel some of the feelings of plants]

"Huh? What does this mean?"

There were no plants in the room where Wang Tao was, so he walked out.

It was already dark now, and if he didn't activate his night vision, he wouldn't be able to see clearly what was going on outside.

Then Wang Tao closed his eyes and thought about using his plant affinity to hide his abilities.

After a moment, Wang Tao's eyes widened.

"It's kind of magical!"

Although he had just closed his eyes, he could vaguely "see" the surrounding situation!

Wang Tao seemed to have found something interesting. He conducted many experiments and even invited Jiang Shixue and Xu Xiaojun.

After studying for an hour, Wang Tao probably figured out the use of his hidden ability.

He is friendly to plants and seems to have "sense" powers. But the actual effect is worse than the ability to perceive.

Wang Tao had communicated with Han Rui before and knew how she felt using her sensory powers.

To put it simply, Han Rui can sense most creatures within the range of his sensory abilities! The reason why I say most of them is because she can't feel the creatures that are too small, such as bugs and the like.

Her perception is so strong that zombies and humans have nowhere to hide in front of this perception!

But Wang Tao's affinity with plants is different. He seems to be... able to communicate with plants? The word communication is not very accurate, because these plants are not intelligent... It can only be said that he can feel the movement of some plants, and then judge what is going on here from the movement of these plants.

To put it simply, if there are no plants around or a person is suspended above the plants, Wang Tao cannot sense it.

If someone walks on the plants or stirs the plants with their hands, Wang Tao will know that there may be a person or a zombie here...

So in terms of perception alone, Wang Tao's plant affinity is completely incomparable to Han Rui's perception.

But he is friendly to plants and has some abilities that his senses don't possess.

Perception powers can only see what is happening at the time, while plant affinity can infer the previous situation by looking at the situation of the plants.

For example, someone was standing on the lawn ten minutes ago. Wang Tao could tell by feeling the state of the plants that a two-legged thing passed by here ten minutes ago. Judging from its walking posture, it was most likely a human...

So to a certain extent, Wang Tao can see the "past".

Of course, as I said before, the power of perception is very intuitive. If you say you see it, you will see it.

However, his plant affinity is not as intuitive as perception. It requires his own research and judgment, and he needs to use his brain...

But this is already good for Wang Tao.

After all, no matter what, this can be regarded as half of the perception ability!

He was still complaining before, and he would feel much more comfortable if Han Rui was here. Now that he has this ability, he can do some of Han Rui's previous jobs.

Wang Tao experimented for a while, and he had a deep understanding of his own range of perception, what plants were suitable for perception, etc.

His range of perception is actually quite large. When standing in the middle of the mall, he can sense the plants in the entire mall! This is much larger than Han Rui's perception range, and it doesn't consume Wang Tao's mana.

However, his perception was not very accurate. He asked Jiang Shixue to test it, and ran around in the building without touching the surrounding plants, so Wang Tao could not sense it. Moreover, Wang Tao has no way of sensing the opponent's specific strength and can only analyze it through his own experience...

As for what kind of plants are most suitable to use, it is naturally some grass or moss. These plants are numerous and cover a large area. As long as they are touched, they will leave traces. Wang Tao can "see" these traces and infer the general situation here.

If it were in the past, I felt that the usage scenarios of this ability were relatively limited, or that it was only suitable in the wild. But now, there are plants everywhere in the city, so this ability has a lot of use!

With this hidden ability, it can be regarded as a complement to Wang Tao's perception.

Now that he has a new ability, Wang Tao is ready to try the effect now.

"Xiaoxue, let's go out and take a look."


Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue came to the Haochen Hotel together.

It's night now, and there are still quite a lot of zombies on the road. However, the night vision of the two is not a big problem.

There are also many plants growing in the Haochen Hotel, such as weeds, mosses, and wall-creepers, which Wang Tao can use.

Wang Tao felt at the base of the wall outside the hotel, and soon felt that several people were walking around regularly upstairs, as if they were... patrolling?

But based on these alone, it is obviously impossible to judge anything.

So, after Wang Tao thought for a moment, he threw a few stones into the building.

There was not much movement, but this movement instantly attracted the attention of many people. Wang Tao could sense that there were more and more people immediately, and he waited silently.

After about ten minutes, the people inside seemed to realize that there was no danger and went to sleep.

A smile suddenly appeared on Wang Tao's face. He already got the answer he wanted.

The two quietly returned to the mall, and then Wang Tao told Xu Xiaojun and Jiang Shixue what he had discovered.

"The woman named Nie Siyan said that there were 11 of them in total, and they were all on the 10th floor of Haochen Hotel, which is the top floor. There were gangsters downstairs, and the passage upstairs was blocked by them, so the gangsters couldn't get up. But I I just sensed that there was only one person moving on the top floor, and this person went downstairs, and then went up again..."

Wang Tao made it very clear, and everyone understood it, whether they were idiots or idiots.

"She's lying to us!"

Xu Xiaojun was a little angry.

When he heard the call for help, his first reaction was to save people. He feels that everyone is a survivor in the apocalypse and should help each other.

But now, he realizes that helping each other might just be his wishful thinking... He is stubborn, but he is not stupid. If you deliberately lie to them in this situation, there is absolutely no way anything good will come of it!

Jiang Shixue didn't speak, not even showing any anger. She didn't care about other people, she just looked at Wang Tao and waited for Wang Tao's instructions.

"This group of people are obviously uneasy and well-intentioned, so we don't have to be polite. It just so happens that we also need to understand the situation here... Wait a moment, and I will try to see if there is a chance to catch her!"

Wang Tao brought the walkie-talkie over.

Haochen Hotel.

Nie Siyan looked at the bald man with a dark face.

"Have you finished checking?"

The bald man said quickly:

"Don't worry, Sister Nie. I've checked. The hotel is very safe! It may be the noise caused by some zombies outside... Those zombies disturbed your sleep, Sister Nie. Damn it!"

"get out."

Nie Siyan waved her hand impatiently.


The bald man immediately bowed his back and backed out, closing the door gently.

Nie Siyan stood up and looked at the stars outside the window, feeling a little irritated.

She hasn't opened her shop for several days. She finally met someone today, but after a few words she fell silent. The other party didn’t go to the convenience store either…

Originally, her sleep had not been very good these past few days, but there had been some commotion in the hotel just now, so she couldn't sleep now.

"If you're not fooled, forget it. If you are, watch how I torture you..."

There was a hint of cruelty on Nie Siyan's face.

"Zizi... Hey, are you still there... Zizi..."

Suddenly, the intercom rang next to her.

This startled Nie Siyan, but after hearing the familiar voice inside, she suddenly became happy.

Then she cleared her throat.

"Brother, when are you coming! Those gangsters have been threatening us, and we can't stop them anymore! Wuwu..."

"Wait a moment, I will rescue you right away!"

Wang Tao's voice was heroic and resolute.

"Thank you so much, you are such a good person -" Nie Siyan was about to say some nice words of thanks, but she suddenly froze, and her tone was a little weird and said, "You mean, you are coming here in the middle of the night?"

"Yes! Just wait, it will be there in about half an hour, very soon!"

"Okay! Thanks! I have to tell them the good news!"

Nie Siyan quickly picked up another walkie-talkie.

"Attention, everyone! The prey is coming! You all go to convenience stores and milk tea shops to hide! Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

Many of her men were still sleeping, and they were all stunned when they heard the news.

"Ah? Now go over's not even daylight yet?"

"Sister Nie, are you sure? I don't doubt what you mean, but..."

"It's so dangerous at night..."

Listening to the complaints from her men, Nie Siyan's face darkened.

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up! If I find out that someone hasn't done their job, you know the consequences!"

Hearing Nie Siyan's gloomy threat, everyone felt a chill in their hearts. They did not dare to resist and immediately went to work.

"Oh, be careful. I hope you don't run into the Night Demon..."

After Nie Siyan arranged all her men, she and three men on night duty were the only ones left in the hotel.

"What an idiot. He came here in the middle of the night! But it just so happens that such an idiot doesn't deserve to live in the world..."

Nie Siyan gritted her teeth and said.

She couldn't sleep well anyway, so she decided not to sleep today and waited for good news from her subordinates.

So, half an hour later.

Nie Siyan looked at her two walkie-talkies and frowned.

The survivor had not contacted her since he contacted her half an hour ago. She took the initiative to contact her, but she could not be contacted.

Her other walkie-talkie also had no message, indicating that no one was found...

A somewhat irritated Nie Siyan picked up the second walkie-talkie.

"What's going on over there?"

"Report to Sister Nie, nothing happened at the convenience store!"

"The same goes for milk tea shops... What instructions does Sister Nie have?"


Nie Siyan threw the walkie-talkie on the sofa.

"Isn't it half an hour as promised? Why haven't you come yet? Did you get cold feet? Or was there an accident on the road?"

Nie Siyan had already scolded Wang Tao bloody in her heart, but she still waited patiently. After all, this is the end of the world, and not many people can be punctual.

So, another half hour passed.

Just when Nie Siyan felt that there was no chance of tonight.

The first intercom suddenly rang again.

"Ms. Nie, are you there?"

"I am here!"

Nie Siyan replied immediately.

"Sorry, we just found out that we went to the wrong place... I found a map and we are on our way to your place! But there are a lot of zombies on the road, so just wait for me for another two hours!"

Wang Tao's voice was full of apology.


Nie Siyan's face looked ugly. How could this be the wrong place?

But think about it, there are quite a lot of buildings nearby, plus it’s night time and there’s no map yet, so it’s normal to find the wrong one...

"Okay! We are waiting for you. Brother, you must be careful and put your own safety first! We will have no problem holding on for another half day!"

Nie Siyan's tone was sincere, but her expression at the moment was one of gritted teeth.

"Haha, don't worry, just wait! Wait for us for two hours!"

After speaking, Wang Tao directly cut off the communication.

"This Shabi, I'll wait for you for another two hours!"

Nie Siyan took out a crumpled cigarette from her body.


Two hours later.

Looking at the two walkie-talkies that were still silent, Nie Siyan's expression turned grim.

She contacted her subordinates again.

Nothing happened there either, and they were sure that no one went to the convenience store or milk tea shop.

"I'll wait for you for the last hour! If you don't come back in an hour, just turn off the intercom and go to sleep!"

Nie Siyan said to herself bitterly.

She was very sleepy now, but she couldn't rest for this prey.

So, she waited for another hour.

Still nothing happened.

It's already late at night, and it will be dawn if we don't sleep!

Nie Siyan rubbed her tired eyes and immediately prepared to turn off the intercom and go to sleep.

Her men were probably too sleepy, but she didn't bother to ask.


But just then, the intercom rang suddenly!

"Zizi...Ms. Nie, are you still there? I've arrived...zizi..."

Um? arrive? !

Nie Siyan was immediately overjoyed.

She immediately used a second walkie-talkie to get her men ready, saying people were coming.

Then she pretended to be very excited and said:

"Really? Where are you now?"

"Behind you!"

This voice came not from the intercom, but from behind her!


Nie Siyan was suddenly shocked, but before she could turn around, she suddenly felt a pain in the back of her head, then her vision went dark and she lost consciousness. Vaguely, she seemed to see a flash of green light.

Behind him, Wang Tao retracted his hand.

"The strength is a bit weak! I am so cautious..."

Wang Tao was speechless, but he quickly put Nie Siyan in a sack.

Then he carried Nie Siyan on his shoulders, took her walkie-talkie and backpack, and after making sure that nothing was missing, he walked downstairs.

Downstairs, Jiang Shixue stood next to a guard on duty who was knocked unconscious by her.

"Let's go."

Wang Tao also picked up this man.

There were only two people on duty at the Haochen Hotel, and they couldn't see Wang Tao from that direction. So the two left the Haochen Hotel without being discovered by anyone. All the way back to the mall was smooth sailing.

Wang Tao tied up both of them.

Especially this woman, Wang Tao tied her tightly with the iron chain on the car. Not to mention, this woman's figure is a bit explosive, and it becomes even more prominent when tied with the iron chain.

The man is a first-level superpower with four thousand blood, and his strength is not enough to prove. The woman is a second-level superpower with more than 10,000 HP, and her strength is barely adequate.

Then Wang Tao tied the woman and the man into two different rooms.

"You go interrogate the man, and I'll interrogate the woman."

Wang Tao said to Xu Xiaojun.


Xu Xiaojun nodded fiercely.

Although he is an honest man, it does not mean that he will not be angry.

Xu Xiaojun came to the man and beat him violently.

" hurts..."

After a moment, the man opened his eyes drowsily, but everything in front of him was pitch black. His eyes were blindfolded. He seemed to understand something instantly, and suddenly said in a hurry:

"Don't kill me, I say, I will say anything!"

On the other side, Wang Tao slapped the unconscious woman on the face.

Bang bang bang——

Her face was almost swollen, and she finally woke up slowly. It was also pitch black before her eyes.

"You answer whatever I ask. I have already asked your companion in advance. If I find that you answer differently, then you both will die."

Wang Tao said indifferently.

But this woman was much calmer than the man. She moved her body, and when she felt she couldn't break free, she immediately spoke:

"Who are you! I can give you whatever you want. Please let me go..."


Before she could finish her words, she was slapped.

"You answer whatever I ask. I haven't asked yet, and I hope there won't be a second time."


Nie Siyan was very angry, but her life was in the hands of others, so she had the sense not to say anything more.


"...Nie Siyan."

"Huh?" Wang Tao was stunned for a moment, then slapped her, "I'll tell you my real name."

"...My real name is Nie Siyan..."

Nie Siyan suppressed her anger and sounded a little aggrieved.


Wang Tao was speechless. This woman used her real name when she came to deceive people?







"Female!" Nie Siyan said through gritted teeth.

Wang Tao suddenly asked:

"Why did you lie to me?"

"I do not--"


Nie Siyan subconsciously wanted to quibble, but she was slapped hard by Wang Tao.

Blood overflowed from the corners of her mouth, but Wang Tao showed no pity for her.

"I, I want your supplies..."

Nie Siyan had no choice, her subordinates were definitely not harsh with their mouths... Looking at Wang Tao like this, she had no doubt that Wang Tao would kill him, so she could only speak truthfully.

"anything else?"

"And...and you, you, the foreign superpowers, can be sold for very high prices..."

Hearing this, Wang Tao narrowed his eyes slightly.

Can people with super powers be traded in Bauhinia City now? Quite developed!

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