Doomsday: I can see the health bar, kill monsters and drop treasure

Chapter 191 Distribution of Power in Bauhinia City

after an hour.

Wang Tao got the news he wanted from Nie Siyan, who was beaten to a pulp.

Including the means she used to ambush Wang Tao, and the distribution of power in Zijing City...

There are many more survivors in Bauhinia City than in other places. After all, this is a big city with a population of one million.

Although there are many zombies here, in fact, the most dangerous times in the last days are probably in two stages. As long as you survive these two stages, the probability of survival is much higher.

The first stage was when the zombie virus broke out. The situation was very chaotic and most people died here.

The second stage is when you run out of supplies at home and go out to look for supplies. A considerable number of survivors died here. Or starve to death...

If you survive the first wave of the virus outbreak and then find food, as long as your luck is not too bad, you still have a high probability of surviving.

Especially when superpowers appear, this is the time when human survivors have the highest probability of survival. Even if you are not a superpower, as long as you can seek shelter from superpowers, your chances of survival will be greatly improved.

So there are many zombies in Bauhinia City, but there are also a certain number of people who persist. It is far from comparable to those small counties or small cities.

Wherever there are people, there is struggle. This is an eternal truth.

Even though it is the end of the world and everyone needs to unite to fight the disaster, the struggle is still inevitable.

Zijing City has a large population and many survivors, so naturally there are many struggles. Therefore, there are many forces in Bauhinia City.

Wang Tao previously thought that there should be only one largest survivor force in Bauhinia City, and that was the large-scale survivor base established by the government. But that's not actually the case.

To be precise, at the very beginning, the largest survivor force in Bauhinia City was indeed the large-scale survivor base built by the government - "Zijing Base".

But in less than a month, the base was invaded by zombies! The survivors in the base died or escaped...

After that, people with super powers appeared. After several months of development, there were more and more people with super powers, and naturally there were more and more powers in Bauhinia City.

As for the specific number, Nie Siyan didn't know. After all, there is no need to register. You can claim to be an organization and a force by recruiting a few people. There is no way to count this.

But the big forces can still be counted. There are four big forces in Bauhinia City.

The survivors of Bauhinia City have a recognized strength ranking.

Ranked first is the "Bauhinia Base".

Just from the name, you can tell that the location of this Bauhinia base is the original site of the large-scale survivor base built by the government, and it also uses the original name.

However, although the name and address are the same, the current Bauhinia Base and the previous Bauhinia Base are completely different things.

The Redbud base is now ruled by an army. But this army is not the kind of religious army before the end of the world, but was formed by a retired officer after the end of the world. The quality of these so-called soldiers... can only be said to be individuals.

When the end of the world comes, it is equivalent to the world restarting. Almost everyone is on the same level, and coupled with the disappearance of law and even morality, this leads to the unlimited amplification of human desires.

Just like this retired officer, his original intention in forming the army at that time may have been good. But now...he's become a dictator.

He has the highest status in the entire Bauhinia base. Everyone in the base must obey his orders. He can do whatever he wants. He is a well-deserved local emperor.

Of course, he is also the strongest in the base, and he doesn't misbehave in the base every day - occasionally he does.

He and his army will provide force protection to the survivors in the base.

The survivors of the base need to abide by the rules he set and pay him taxes to obtain asylum. But this tax is not cheap... Some survivors were working as cows and horses before the apocalypse, and they are still working as cows and horses after the apocalypse.

The second ranked force is the "Redbud Prison", generally referred to as the prison.

If we say, Bauhinia Base is a "dictator". That Bauhinia Prison is an out-and-out "villain"!

Because the rulers in the prison are the real criminals before the end of the world!

At that time, the zombie virus broke out and the phenomenon of cannibalism spread crazily. Some places were reduced to purgatory, but some places were like a paradise. Prison is the latter.

Because at that time, these criminals were all locked in cells, most of which were 10 people per room. If someone is infected, at most something will happen to this cell, and the people in other cells will still be intact.

Moreover, this prison is also a heavy-duty prison, with many serious criminals inside, and they are all held in solitary confinement! It can be said that felons are one of the safest people when the zombie virus breaks out.

On the contrary, the prison guards are more unlucky. They all live in dormitories and usually work together. If one person is infected, the others will be unlucky.

So after the zombie wave broke out, the people still alive in the prison were all criminals. Especially those convicted of serious crimes, many survived.

Later, there was a cell where the criminal escaped, and this criminal released other criminals. Slowly, all the criminals still alive in the prison were released.

These people are all ruthless, especially those with serious crimes, and they are all people with blood on their hands. People like them are like a fish in water in the apocalypse.

They quickly formed a force called Bauhinia Prison. Based on the original prison, after all, the defense of their prison is really good, and zombies can't get in at all.

And those felons became the rulers of the prison.

After these felons gained strength and power, one can imagine the situation. Basically, the people under their rule did not end well. Those who were killed were all minor, and most of them were tortured to death!

Even many of the ordinary prisoners who were released before did not end up well.

However, as there are fewer and fewer people, these felons also know that they cannot continue to act recklessly. After all, if we kill everyone, who will do the work for them?

But their reputation has spread, no survivor dares to go to prison, and they can't recruit anyone at all.

So, they began to use some special methods. For example, capturing survivors from outside to work as coolies, or buying survivors from other forces...

Nie Siyan said before that foreign survivors like Wang Tao could be sold at high prices, which meant selling them to prisons.

The third-ranked force is a force that emerged relatively late and is relatively loosely managed. It is called the "Union of Superpowers". This name is very impressive.

The reason why it is called this is because this force only accepts people with super powers.

Their base is in a small gymnasium. There are not many people, but their overall strength is very strong. After all, they are all superpowers.

But their reputation... isn't very good either.

Because they are arrogant, look down on ordinary people, and are unwilling to stay with ordinary people. They even call themselves "new humans".

This group of people may not enslave or abuse ordinary people, but if they see ordinary people in crisis, they will never take action, even if it is just a little help.

To some extent, they all have some psychological problems...

The fourth ranked force is called "Heaven and Earth". There is no doubt that this is the name of a club, and their base is also in this club, so survivors generally call them "Club".

This force is a little special, because it is a force composed entirely of women, and they do not recruit any men.

I heard that the prototype of this force was a team composed of a group of women from the Heaven and Earth Club.

They come from humble backgrounds and their status is not very glorious, but their hearts are good and they want to unite the survivors and jointly resist the disaster.

But who would have imagined that their boss was deceived by a scumbag. That scumbag deceived the crystal core and killed their boss. He even wanted to deceive them and take over the position of boss.

Later, they were discovered and stopped by others in time, but from then on, they no longer believed in men.

Later, when they formally formed the force, they only recruited women.

But after all, women's physical fitness is not as good as men's, and they will suffer a lot in the apocalypse. The reason why they have the confidence to not want men is because their new boss is a very powerful person!

Without this new boss, their force might just be an ordinary force, and since they are all women, they might soon be swallowed up by other forces without even leaving their bones.

However, recently, I heard that there seems to be some instability in the club...

These are the four major forces in Bauhinia City today - base, prison, alliance and club.

In addition to these four major forces and the small forces that cannot be named, there are also some moderate forces with a certain reputation. Their strength is definitely not as good as the big forces, but they are not weak either. They are considered the second echelon. There are not many forces at this level, only a dozen or so.

This Nie Siyan is a member of the medium-power "Skull and Bones Society". To be precise, he is the wife of the boss of the Skull and Bones Society.

This Skull and Bones Society can be regarded as one of the notorious forces in Bauhinia City. This is not what Wang Tao said, this is what Nie Siyan said herself.

Because this force focuses on deception and abduction! They had previously deceived the survivors in Bauhinia City, but after the news spread, they could no longer deceive them, so they began to deceive the outside survivors.

Although they claim to "only seek wealth, not life", in fact, countless people have died indirectly at their hands. Especially those who are sold to prison, basically don’t even think about living after entering...

In fact, Wang Tao only needs to have a rough idea of ​​these forces, and he is not very interested. What really interested him were military bases.

But Nie Siyan didn't know much about the military base. She knew that some people went to the military base, but she never received a reply and she didn't know if they were dead.

As for Wuyang City next door, Nie Siyan did know some news.

Some survivors who escaped from Wuyang City said that there were very terrifying giant zombie monsters there. Even second-level superpowers would be trampled to death if they encountered such zombie monsters. There is no way for the survivors to survive, and many powerful survivors have fled...

This news made Wang Tao frown a little. The military base is in Wuyang City. If Wuyang City is really so dangerous, how can he get there?

And isn’t the military base in good shape now? Airdrops can be made frequently, so it doesn’t look like it’s in great danger.

Wang Tao shook his head and thought no more. There is no point in thinking, you can only know by going and seeing for yourself.

Originally, Wang Tao planned to inquire about information in Zijing City first, and then go to Wuyang City Military Base with a little preparation.

But looking at the situation now, he may have to improve his strength a little bit. Although his current strength is pretty good, there is still a lot of room for improvement...

"Brother, I, I have told you everything, please let me go... We are all compatriots struggling to survive in the last days. It is better to dissolve enemies than to make enemies..."

Nie Siyan spoke a little unclearly because her face was swollen from Wang Tao's beating.

"Oh? Now you remember that we are compatriots?"


Wang Tao slapped him again.


Another red mark appeared on Nie Siyan's face, and she cried.

Regardless of whether she answered or not, whether she was quibbling or not, Wang Tao would give her a slap in the face. She didn't want to speak, but if she didn't speak she would be beaten and kicked... She felt that Wang Tao wanted to hit her on purpose!

In fact, this is indeed the case.

Wang Tao thinks that he is not a good person, but he definitely hopes that there are more good people in the world. After all, who wants to live in a world of intrigue and intrigue all the time?

But with people like Nie Siyan around, there will be no good people in the future. After all, good people are not fools.

If there are no survivors who will help each other in the future, and meeting each other is just a conspiracy...then humanity will be finished sooner or later.

"I'm asking you something."

Wang Tao patted her face gently.

Nie Siyan trembled with fright, and she quickly lowered her head and apologized.

"sorry Sorry……"

After saying that, she prepared herself for a spanking. After all, she was slapped almost every time she said a word.

But this time, the slap didn't come.

This made Nie Siyan breathe a sigh of relief, and she felt like her teeth were about to be knocked out.

But soon, she felt something was wrong——

Although she was blindfolded, she could clearly feel a gaze looking at her. This is definitely not the kind of leering look, but a very cold and indifferent look.

Is this man considering...killing her?

Nie Siyan's body suddenly had goosebumps, and a chill ran from the soles of her feet to the top of her head!

She quickly knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Wang Tao.

"Brother, don't kill me! I, I am still useful to you. I still have some supplies in my hand. These are all yours! I also know where the supplies from the Skull and Bones Society are, even if you ask me to steal the supplies from the Skull and Bones Society. Whatever you ask me to do will do!"

Wang Tao suddenly raised his eyebrows.

He was really thinking about whether to kill her just now. Because he felt that this woman was of no use to him anymore. But I didn't expect that this woman's perception was quite strong. Could it be that she felt her own murderous intent?

Wang Tao looked at her again.

[HP: 3380/11000]

[Blue amount: 1000/2200]

[Level: Level 2]

[Impurities in the body: 23%]

Nie Siyan's attributes are average in Wang Tao's opinion. Judging from her blue energy, she should have two kinds of superpowers, and she has only successfully fused 21 crystal cores.

In addition, Wang Tao already knows the news he wants to know, and she has ill intentions towards Wang Tao... It is naturally best to kill this kind of person.

But this woman seems to be quite sensible, maybe she can use the waste again? After all, the Skull and Bones Society is also a medium-sized organization with good strength, and it should have some supplies.

Although their supplies were obtained through deception, Wang Tao didn't have any mysophobia and he would take whatever he could get.


Wang Tao slapped Nie Siyan down again with another slap. The blood bar on Nie Siyan's head decreased again.

Wang Tao didn't have any sadistic tendencies when he beat her, it was just to beat her to the last bit of blood so that she couldn't resist.

But Nie Siyan breathed a sigh of relief after being slapped. As long as Wang Tao hits her, she will not die for the time being...

Wang Tao came to another room.

Before, he asked Xu Xiaojun to torture and interrogate the man who was tied up together. Wang Tao also roughly told Xu Xiaojun what he was asking.

"Brother Wang, he said..."

The two compared their confessions and found they were basically the same.

"It seems that he is not lying."

Wang Tao nodded, and then said to Xu Xiaojun:

"Go and deal with that person."

"Ah? I, I can't..."

Xu Xiaojun was stunned for a moment, and then panicked.

Although he has survived in the apocalypse for so long and is very strong, he has never killed anyone!

"You can do it, believe in yourself."

Wang Tao patted Xu Xiaojun's shoulder encouragingly.

Xu Xiaojun is good at everything, but he is too kind. Of course, being kind is also a good thing, but be ruthless when you need to be ruthless!

Wang Tao is naturally cultivating him intentionally.

"I'm good!"

Xu Xiaojun gritted his teeth and nodded, forcing himself.

He also knew that his character might hinder Wang Tao... Anyway, these people have killed countless people, and they deserve to die!

Xu Xiaojun came to the man's side.

"I've said everything, please let me go, I'll be a cow for you..."

While the man was still talking, Xu Xiaojun grabbed his head and twisted it suddenly.


The man's health bar cleared instantly.

Xu Xiaojun didn't have any skills, so he almost twisted the opponent's head off with all his brute force.

Wang Tao is very satisfied with Xu Xiaojun's performance. He was about to say a few words of comfort, but he found that Xu Xiaojun seemed calmer than he thought.

"Whenever I think of the evil things this man has done, I get very angry... After killing him, I feel the same as killing a zombie fish. I don't feel any nausea or discomfort..."

Xu Xiaojun scratched his head and spoke with some confusion.

"Oh? That's good!"

Wang Tao was a little surprised, which was a good thing. He was afraid that Xu Xiaojun would be under psychological pressure, but this was something he had to accept... Now it seemed that he was worrying too much. Maybe these stubborn people are born with their own way of adjustment.

Wang Tao once again came to the place where Nie Siyan was imprisoned and said to the woman who was still kneeling on the ground:

"Take me to your Skull and Bones base tomorrow."

"...Huh? You, you want to go to our base?"

Nie Siyan was a little surprised when she heard Wang Tao speak. After all, as long as Wang Tao asked her to do it again, she would be alive. But after hearing clearly the content of Wang Tao's words, she was stunned for a moment. If you go to their base, isn't that just throwing yourself into a trap?


"Okay, okay, I'll take you there!"

Nie Siyan, who received another slap, quickly knelt on the ground and nodded.

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