The next day.

The bald man was woken up by his younger brother in a daze.

"Ah? The prey is here?"

"Brother, it's dawn..."

"..." The bald man quickly got up, "No one came last night?"

"No, there's nothing. There's no one in the milk tea shop opposite..."

"Did Sister Nie give you any instructions again?"

The bald man asked again.

"No, Sister Nie seems to have fallen asleep..."

"Huh, that's good!"

Hearing this, the bald man breathed a sigh of relief.

What if Sister Nie gave him some instructions last night and he didn't hear them, he would be in big trouble!

"By the way, has Sister Nie's temper improved? She hasn't given us instructions for so long..."

The younger brother is a little curious.

"...I don't know. Maybe I haven't slept well in the past few days and I'm too sleepy now? Who cares! It's already dawn anyway, so it's not that dangerous. We can just wait here for Sister Nie's instructions!"

The bald man smiled.

Although Nie Siyan is the boss's woman, she also has performance requirements. My performance has not been up to standard lately, so I have a bad temper. He was unwilling to contact Nie Siyan unless necessary.


My younger brother has the same idea as him. Although it is boring to lie in wait here, it is better than being scolded in the past.

But just as they finished discussing Nie Siyan, the intercom suddenly rang, and it was Nie Siyan.

"Everyone, gather downstairs in the shopping mall opposite Haochen Hotel!"

"Ah? Okay! Sister Nie, wait a moment! Be there soon!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, not understanding why they wanted to gather there, but they all obeyed the order unconditionally.

the other side.

Nie Siyan, whose face was still slightly swollen, handed the walkie-talkie to the man in front of her with a flattering look.

The chains on her body had been loosened, and the blindfold had been removed. But she didn't have the slightest thought of running away at this time.

Because her legs were broken just now when she was escaping.

"Let's go."

Wang Tao took Jiang Shixue's little hand and went downstairs first. Xu Xiaojun glanced at Nie Siyan, who immediately limped to follow.

Coming downstairs, Wang Tao asked Xu Xiaojun to drive. He, Jiang Shixue and Nie Siyan were all sitting in the back seat.

Looking at Wang Tao beside her, Nie Siyan felt a lot of pressure.

This man's strength was so terrifying that she had no ability to resist at all! Her life now lies in the opponent's hands, and she may die at any time...

Not long after, all Nie Siyan's younger brothers arrived.

Seeing a car here, everyone immediately became alert. Because of the privacy glass, they couldn't see clearly what was going on in the car.

At this time, the rear window was lowered halfway, revealing Nie Siyan's profile. Everyone was a little confused after seeing it and didn't know what was going on.

"I met a friend. Now I'm taking my friend back to see Brother Huang. You all should follow."

Nie Siyan didn't even look at the boys and spoke with an indifferent expression.

Mainly, she didn't dare to look at it, because the swelling on the other side of her face hadn't subsided yet.

"Ah? Yes!"

Everyone nodded immediately, and no one dared to ask more questions.

The bald man looked at the car in surprise.

Due to acid rain, most vehicles are now unusable. Their Skull and Bones Club only has two cars in total, and they are quite dilapidated, and they are driven by the boss. Others rarely get a ride.

The car in front of him looked very expensive, and he wanted to get in and experience it.

"Sister Nie, I have something to report to you..."

The bald man walked forward as he spoke. If Nie Siyan wanted to listen, wouldn't he be able to get in the car?

"Let's talk about it when we get back!"

Nie Siyan's tone was even more indifferent, almost cursing directly.


The bald man stopped instantly. He felt a little regretful, but did not dare to say anything more. As for whether there was anything wrong with Nie Siyan, he couldn't tell at all, because Nie Siyan had such a personality and he was used to being scolded.

So, surrounded by this group of people, Xu Xiaojun drove towards the headquarters of the Skull and Bones Society.

The headquarters of the Skull and Bones Society is in a video game city, a little far away from the Haochen Hotel.

However, Nie Siyan and the others often walked this road and knew where it was safer. They even opened a section of the road specially. In addition, we were lucky and didn't encounter any powerful zombies on the road, so the group's speed was not slow. About two hours later, we arrived at the arcade.

This video game city has three floors. The first floor is a restaurant, the second floor is a shop, the third floor is a video game city, and there is a parking lot at the back. This is Skull and Bones territory.

The arrival of the vehicle instantly attracted the attention of people in the arcade city.

However, after seeing that the people behind the car were all their own people, they relaxed instantly.

"Did you catch a big fish today?"

"This car didn't seem cheap before the end of the world, right? I'm so lucky to have gotten this car now!"

"This is...Sister Nie's person? I heard that Sister Nie hasn't opened a business for a long time. I didn't expect that this opening would bring such a big harvest!"


In the car, Wang Tao observed.

The windows on the first and second floors of the arcade are covered with barbed wire, and there are obstacles such as steel nails and pillars outside. The big iron door on the front is also studded with steel nails and sharp blades...

Then Wang Tao looked at those people who stretched their heads to look outside.

Some are ordinary people with one thousand blood, and some are first-level superpowers with two or three thousand blood. They don't even have second-level superpowers. They are all weaklings.

Wang Tao already knew the strength of the Skull and Bones Society from Nie Siyan in advance.

There are a total of 300 people in the Skull and Bones Society, most of whom are ordinary people. There are more than 30 people with superpowers, basically all first-level superpowers, and only 4 second-level superpowers.

These four are Huang Heng, the boss of the Skull and Bones Society, Huang Heng's brother Huang Wei, Huang Heng's wife Nie Siyan, and Huang Heng's second wife Liao Xia after the end of the world.

Among them, Huang Heng is naturally the strongest, followed by Liao Xia, Huang Wei again, and finally Nie Siyan.

The reason why Nie Siyan is at the bottom is not because she doesn't work hard, but because her two abilities are not considered powerful attack abilities, so her strength is inferior.

In the Skull and Bones Society, except for the president Huang Heng, everyone else has to work, even his woman and brother are no exception. Moreover, these three second-level superpowers still have performance requirements!

Huang Heng stipulated that the three of them must turn in a certain amount of supplies every week, and there would be penalties if they failed to complete it. There are rewards if you complete it well.

Of course, Huang Heng does not do nothing, his mission is to improve his strength. So he has been searching for second-level zombies in the city.

Bauhinia City is very big, and there are actually a lot of second-level zombies here. But whether it can be beaten is a question. Huang Heng is looking for those second-level zombies that are not too strong, that is, second-level elite zombies.

As for the second-level lord zombies, only those powerful forces can defeat them. As for the third-level zombies, Nie Siyan has never heard of anyone who can kill zombies so far.

If you can really kill level three zombies, there is no need to hide this kind of thing, because this is the best recruitment advertisement, so there is a high probability that no one can do it...

The door slowly opened.

If it were anyone else, they would definitely have to be examined, but Nie Siyan didn't. She showed her face and went in smoothly.

"Is Brother Wang at home?"

Nie Siyan asked one of the guards.

"Back to Sister Nie, the boss just went out this morning..."

The guard said quickly.

"Where are Xiao Liao and Xiao Huang?"

Nie Siyan asked again.

"Sister Liao and the second boss are upstairs..."


Nie Siyan nodded coldly, then raised the car window.

The car continued to move forward and then stopped at the end of the parking lot of the arcade. There were a lot of weeds in the parking lot, and no one was cleaning them up, blocking the cars. There was a dilapidated pickup truck not far away. It was Huang Heng's car.

"You all get down."

Nie Siyan waved her hand, and the bald man and others quickly nodded and bowed and left.

When no one was around, Nie Siyan said to Wang Tao next to her with a flattering look:

"Brother, look..."

"Get out of the car."

Wang Tao got out of the car calmly, and Xu Xiaojun followed.

Jiang Shixue didn't get out of the car, so Wang Tao asked her to stay in the car and act as a backup.

Nie Siyan put on a mask before getting out of the car. Her face was a little swollen and she didn't want others to see it.

There were many ordinary survivors on the first floor. They were a little curious when they saw Wang Tao. After all, they were too strong to not attract attention.

However, this was the person brought by Nie Siyan. They did not dare to look at it and quickly lowered their heads.

"Go find that Liao Xia and Huang Wei."

Wang Tao said to Nie Siyan.

"Ah? Yes!"

Nie Siyan was stunned for a moment, then quickly said yes.

At this time, she suddenly felt nervous and excited.

Her fighting ability is not strong, but Liao Xia and Huang Wei are very strong! Together they can probably compete with Huang Heng!

If they were allowed to deal with this man...

Nie Siyan suddenly felt anxious for Xiao Jiujiu, but she didn't dare to show any signs of it on her face.

She limped and took Wang Tao and three others upstairs. She turned a blind eye to the curious looks of others. After all, it was normal to get injured when going out.

In her mind, she was thinking about how to hint Huang Wei and Liao Xia when she saw them later... It was a pity that these two people should not be together, otherwise they would be done with just shouting.

The three of them reached the third floor smoothly.

The people I met upstairs were all very respectful after seeing Nie Siyan. Although they were a little confused about the two big guys behind Nie Siyan, they didn't dare to ask more questions.

The Skull and Bones base has many rules, one of which is: ordinary people live on the first floor, first-level superpowers live on the second floor, and second-level superpowers live on the third floor.

So once we got to the third floor, there was no one there in an instant.

Nie Siyan felt that her heartbeat was a little faster. She had already thought of some hints. She would wait and see whether she would meet Liao Xia or Huang Wei first.


Suddenly, Wang Tao frowned.

He heard some noises in a room not far away.

When the three of them walked to the door of this room, Xu Xiaojun and Nie Siyan also heard it. But they couldn't hear clearly, and the sound insulation here was very good.

Wang Tao raised his eyebrows with a playful look on his face and said to Nie Siyan:

"Go in."

Nie Siyan didn't dare to resist, so she quickly opened the door.


The door was unlocked. The moment she opened the door, Nie Siyan, who was about to speak, suddenly froze.

Because she saw a man and a woman lying on the window in front of the window of this room.

The two of them may have been so engrossed that they didn't notice anyone coming in.

"Shh..." Wang Tao turned his head and made a silencing gesture.

Nie Siyan wanted to yell and remind this couple that no matter what messy relationship they had, they were still their own people. But when she looked at Wang Tao's warning eyes, she swallowed and did not dare to say anything.

When Xu Xiaojun saw this situation, his face turned red instantly. He was still relatively innocent and couldn't bear to see this.

Wang Tao gave Xu Xiaojun a "look at Nie Siyan" look. He came behind the doggy couple silently.



The two of them were still chatting obsessively, and they didn't realize that there was a person coming behind them.

Wang Tao instantly grabbed the two men's necks, then pulled them hard, forcing them to separate, and smashed them to the ground.


Wang Tao's strength was so great that under his full attack, the two of them were knocked unconscious before they could even realize what was going on.

Wang Tao poured some weakening potion on them by the way, then made fists with both hands and punched their limbs and heads several times.

Even the third-level zombies may not be able to withstand Wang Tao's fist. Although the tree roots are not entangled now, it is not something that the two of them can resist.

After a few punches, the two of them were paralyzed, their health bars dropped wildly, and they were left with a huge amount of blood in an instant.

Wang Tao grabbed their hair and pulled them up forcefully. Have them kneel on the ground.


Until now, both of them still haven't realized what happened.

They felt... suddenly separated uncontrollably, and then their eyes became dizzy, and they didn't even feel the pain in their bodies.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already kneeling on the ground.

In front of them, two figures appeared.

One is a fat man two meters tall, and the other is... Nie Siyan?

Only then did the two realize belatedly that they seemed to have been caught and raped!

They subconsciously wanted to explain, but suddenly they felt a heartbreaking pain all over their body! My hands and feet seemed to be broken, and I couldn’t control them...

"It's very interesting."

At this time, the two saw a figure appear from behind them and slowly walked up to them.

At this time, Nie Siyan moved a chair very knowingly and placed it under Wang Tao's butt.

Wang Tao glanced at Nie Siyan. He could feel that Nie Siyan was shaking all over, as if she was scared?

Nie Siyan was indeed frightened at this moment.

Although this couple was too engrossed to notice Wang Tao just now, when they were caught by Wang Tao, they definitely had a chance to resist. After all, they are both second-level superpowers!

But in fact, it didn't happen. The two of them were beaten so hard throughout the whole process that they were almost beaten to death!

This is obviously not because they don’t want to resist, but because they can’t resist!

This Wang Tao is much stronger than she imagined!

She had previously thought that Wang Tao's strength might be close to Huang Heng, or at most the same as Huang Heng. But now it seems that he will definitely surpass Huang Heng!

Could he be a third-level superpower?

Nie Siyan was covered in cold sweat. Facing such a powerful superpower, she even had a small thought. That was seeking death!

Although she felt that Wang Tao should not have noticed her thoughts, she did not dare to gamble, so she had to show her kindness quickly when she found the right opportunity.

Wang Tao ignored Nie Siyan for the time being. He sat down generously and then looked at the man and woman kneeling on the ground in front of him.

The man was estimated to be in his twenties, with 15,000 blood, average appearance, but with some muscles on his body.

The woman looks a few years older than the man, has 13,000 blood, and a very hot figure, second only to Nie Siyan, but her face is that of a plastic surgery Internet celebrity.

After being beaten up by Wang Tao, her face was directly deformed. This was a real deformation that might not come back. After all, there should be no plastic surgeons nowadays.

Both were naked and looked frightened.

Now they roughly figured out what was going on - they were beaten by a strange man until they couldn't resist!

But the problem is, they are second-level superpowers!

Being subdued without any chance of fighting back?

Huang Wei and Liao Xia still can't believe it.

Of course, not only could they not believe that they had been subdued, they also could not believe that this person was brought by Nie Siyan.

"You bitch! You betrayed my brother!"

Huang Wei yelled at Nie Siyan.


Nie Siyan was silent.

She despises these two people in her heart. How dare you say betrayal?

But she didn't dare to speak now because her face hurt, and she was afraid that she would be beaten again if she said something wrong.

Seeing that Nie Siyan was silent, Huang Wei seemed to be even more energetic.

"Bitch, if I had known earlier, I would have taken advantage of you when you were hurt last time! This would have saved your adulterer from getting advantage in vain!"

He seemed to have misunderstood the relationship between Nie Siyan and Wang Tao.

When Nie Siyan heard this, her face suddenly darkened. She said that the last time she was injured, this brother-in-law was always sneaking around the door of her room. Fortunately she wasn't asleep at the time!

Seeing that Nie Siyan remained silent, Huang Wei looked at Wang Tao angrily.

"You, please let us go quickly! Otherwise, my brother will kill you when he comes back!"

Although Huang Wei is now a prisoner, he does not admit defeat and is even threatening. Because he knows how strong his brother is, the absolute top superpower! His brother is his confidence.

Compared with him, Liao Xia next to her was much more knowledgeable.

She said with a sobbing look on her face:

"Brother, just ask for whatever you want. I still have a lot of crystal nuclei and I'll give them to you! Please let me go. We have no grievances. There's no need for this..."

Wang Tao ignored Huang Wei and looked at Liao Xia with interest.

"Do you know where all the supplies in your brother-in-law's hands are?"

"I know, I know everything! Not only do I know about him, I also know about my husband!"

"very good."

Wang Tao nodded, then turned to look at Nie Siyan.

"kill him."


"Or I kill you."


Nie Siyan looked at the ax handed over by Xu Xiaojun. She took it with some struggle, and then limped towards Huang Wei.

"Bitch, what are you going to do!"

Huang Wei finally felt scared at this time. His brother is very powerful, but his brother is not around now!

He suddenly seemed enlightened and quickly begged Wang Tao for mercy.

"Brother, I was wrong..."

But what responded to him was Nie Siyan's heavy blow.


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