Nie Siyan held the ax in both hands and struck Huang Wei hard on the back of the neck.

There was just a pop and blood splattered everywhere.

The defense of human beings is generally much worse than that of zombies. Even if he is a second-level superpower, he still cannot block this fatal axe.

Before Huang Wei died, he still had a look of horror and disbelief in his eyes. He didn't expect that Nie Siyan really dared to kill her. Wasn't she afraid of Huang Heng's revenge...

After killing Huang Wei with her own hands, Nie Siyan felt a little dazed.

After all, this is his brother-in-law, and they have known each other for more than ten years. To a certain extent, it can be said that she watched the other person grow up. But just letting her kill it with her own hands...

As for Liao Xia next to her, she was almost scared to death.

She also didn't expect that Nie Siyan would kill Huang Wei so decisively, without even saying anything nice...

"Go, you two, get all the supplies here."

Wang Tao said to Nie Siyan and Liao Xia.

Nie Siyan quickly threw away the ax and helped Liao Xia up.

Although the two had various conflicts before, Nie Siyan sometimes wanted Liao Xia to die. But at this time, I can’t control so much.

Nie Siyan had one of her legs broken by Wang Tao, while Liao Xia had all her limbs broken. She obviously couldn't carry anything, so she had to be supported by Nie Siyan and lead the way.

The reason why Wang Tao asked Liao Xia if she knew where the supplies here were was because Nie Siyan said that she didn't know where the supplies of Huang Heng and the three of them were. Huang Heng now likes Liao Xia more, and has a better relationship with Liao Xia. And Liao Xia now has this kind of relationship with Huang Wei, so Liao Xia should know.

Soon, under Liao Xia's guidance, Nie Siyan found many supplies on this floor. Xu Xiaojun, who was following behind, got them in front of Wang Tao.

It has to be said that Huang Heng and others are quite good at hiding their belongings in all kinds of nooks and crannies. If someone hadn't led the way, it would not have been easy for Wang Tao to find them.

As for the value of these things, Wang Tao grinned.

His trip to the Skull and Bones Society was really the right one.

Not to mention food, Wang Tao is not short of food now. Speaking of crystal nuclei, there are a total of 623 first-order crystal nuclei and 28 second-order crystal nuclei!

Nie Siyan and others may have some hamster attributes and like to hoard things. But it may also be related to the fact that they can't use these crystal nuclei for the time being.

Huang Heng, Huang Wei, Nie Siyan and Liao Xia are all second-level superpowers. Unlike Wang Tao, they cannot fuse the first-order crystal core now.

And they have their own superpowers in their bodies. When they were promoted to the second level, they probably didn't pass on their superpowers. So they can't fuse the new second-order crystal core now.

This resulted in them hoarding a bunch of crystal nuclei in their hands, but they were of no use.

It's okay to give it to your subordinates, but these people are obviously stingy and reluctant to give it to their younger brother. Or maybe he has his own system of rewards and punishments, and won't promote all his juniors to superpowers at once. So these crystal nuclei were left in my hands...

Of course, there is another important reason why they have so many crystal nuclei in their hands. That is, they often cheat and deceive, and most of these are their trophies...

Crystal cores are now basically equivalent to the currency of Bauhinia City. Whether it is transactions between individuals or transactions between forces, they are basically settled with crystal cores.

However, because there are many types of crystal nuclei, few are suitable for them, and they even do not recognize many crystal nuclei... so the values ​​of these crystal nuclei are also different.

It’s hard to say what the specific price is. It depends on the relationship between supply and demand, and may fluctuate every day... So the current crystal core market is still a little chaotic.

But no matter how chaotic it is, everyone has a few consensuses.

One is the same type of crystal nucleus, with orange having the highest value, followed by red, and so on, with white having the lowest value.

Another is that the second-order crystal nucleus is more valuable than the first-order crystal nucleus, the third-order crystal nucleus is more valuable than the second-order crystal nucleus, and so on.

Finally, everyone generally knows the specific functional core and the value is relatively stable. Regardless of whether anyone is in a hurry or not, the price is stable. As for the crystal cores with unknown uses, the prices fluctuate greatly - if some people want them, they will be expensive, if no one wants them, they will be cheap.

Of course, this price is comparable to other crystal cores. In fact, the value of the crystal core itself is still very expensive.

Because a crystal nucleus synthesizer was dropped by airdrop before!

The crystal nucleation synthesizer can remove the side effects of crystal nucleation! The price is that a lot of crystal nuclei are consumed. It consumes much more than Wang Tao's synthesis. It is simply a bottomless pit, and impurities cannot be eliminated.

But even so, these crystal nuclei with no side effects are still sought after by countless people.

There is no shortage of rich people at any time, even in the last days.

Nie Siyan said that many people in big forces are now using synthesized crystal nuclei. Naturally, people from small and medium-sized groups like them would not dare to be so extravagant.

However, there are two types of crystal cores that are very expensive regardless of quality and grade. That is the Almighty Crystal Core and the Promotion Crystal Core. After all, these two crystal cores can be used by all superpowers...

Most of the hundreds of crystal nuclei in front of Wang Tao are white and of ordinary quality. But it’s not a big problem for Wang Tao. Anyway, he can synthesize it and get whatever quality he wants.

Wang Tao put away all these crystal nuclei, and then looked at other things. There are also some gold and silver jewelry, snacks, tobacco and alcohol here.

People with superpowers trade directly, either by bartering or by settling with crystal cores. But ordinary people can't get crystal nuclei - if they have crystal nuclei, they are no longer ordinary people.

Therefore, transactions between ordinary people generally use gold and silver as currency.

Gold and silver were of course of no use to Wang Tao, but the golden light was quite nice, so Wang Tao put them away.

Then there are things like snacks, tobacco and alcohol. These things that can satisfy your appetite are also quite valuable in the apocalypse. Especially cigarettes, which are almost as hard currency as crystal cores.

As the saying goes, there is no shortage of rich people at any time. Ordinary people may still be worrying about tomorrow's lunch, but some people have already started smoking and drinking.

Wang Tao put all these things away and asked Xu Xiaojun to carry them. Then he looked at Liao Xia.

"Is there anything else you want to explain?"


Liao Xia said with a sad face.

These are the most valuable things in the entire arcade city. Except for the food, which was not easy to get, everything else was taken away by Wang Tao. She really had nothing.

"Are you sure? Think about it..."

Wang Tao looked at her deeply.


Liao Xia thought desperately for a while, but she felt that there was really nothing valuable here. She has nothing but her body - wait, body?

Liao Xia's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Brother! I still have myself, and I am also you now!"

Wang Tao frowned immediately.

He thought Liao Xia really thought of something, but she said about her body? unlucky!

Wang Tao looked at Nie Siyan.

"Kill her."


Nie Siyan's body suddenly trembled.

Huang Wei is dead, and Liao Xia is going to die, so will it be his turn next?

Seeing Wang Tao's emotionless eyes, Nie Siyan did not dare to delay. She immediately picked up the ax she had thrown away before and came to Liao Xia's side.

"no, you can not……"


Liao Xia looked horrified, but the look of horror on her face soon became fixed.

Nie Siyan may have rested for a while and regained some strength. The power of her ax was extremely powerful, and she cut off Liao Xia's entire head.

Seeing Liao Xia staring at her with deformed eyes, Nie Siyan felt cold all over.

"very good."

Regarding Nie Siyan's obedience, Wang Tao nodded secretly.

At this time, there was suddenly some movement behind him.

The three of them all turned around and saw Huang Wei, who had been killed by Nie Siyan before, standing up at some point. His body was twisted, his eyes were white, and his mouth was filled with disgusting mucus and blood. Then he twisted his body, holding a nearly severed head, and walked quickly towards Wang Tao and the others.

"Oops! I forgot to hit the last hit!"

Nie Siyan suddenly woke up. After a person is killed, as long as his head is not damaged, even if he is not infected with the virus, there is a certain probability that he will become a zombie!

She was in a confused mood just now and forgot to touch up the knife.

However, Wang Tao seemed very calm and winked at Xu Xiaojun.

Xu Xiaojun walked over immediately. After several fights with the zombie Huang Wei, he easily killed him.

Killing humans will not increase your blood volume, but killing zombies will. That's why Wang Tao deliberately didn't do a last-ditch attack.

Wang Tao had previously speculated that the probability of a person becoming a zombie after death should be related to the amount of impurities in the body.

The impurities in Huang Wei's body were more than 50%, and Wang Tao felt that the probability of him turning into a zombie was still high.

Sure enough, he was so confident that he really turned into a zombie.

After Xu Xiaojun killed the zombie Huang Wei, his health increased by more than 500. not bad.

As for Liao Xia, the impurities in her body are not too much, only more than 30%. Wang Tao estimates that there is no chance.

Nie Siyan's legs felt a little weak as she watched Xu Xiaojun skillfully dig out the crystal core from the zombie Huang Wei's head.


Nie Siyan immediately knelt in front of Wang Tao, hugged Wang Tao's legs and said:

"Brother, don't kill me. I don't want to die. Please..."

Looking at Nie Siyan with runny nose and tears, Wang Tao bent down slightly, lifted her chin, and forced her to look at him.

Nie Siyan is actually quite good-looking. Although she wears heavy makeup, she has a unique flavor. Especially with her hot figure, it's easy to get excited just by looking at her.

But Wang Tao is obviously not that hungry, after all, he has just vented his anger. Coupled with the fact that Nie Siyan cried and wore makeup, her charm was greatly reduced.

"elder brother……"

Nie Siyan looked at Wang Tao's cold eyes, and she felt that she might die at any time. Especially when Wang Tao's hand slowly moved from her chin to her neck, Nie Siyan trembled all over, and a stream of heat gushed out of her lower body.



Wang Tao slapped Nie Siyan away. Nie Siyan hit the wall and suddenly felt stars in her eyes.

Where she was just now, there was a pool of water stains on the ground.

Really scared me to death.

Wang Tao covered his nose and stood up. He said to Nie Siyan, who was still a little dizzy:

"Give you a chance, do something for me. If you succeed, I won't kill you."

"I do, I do!"

Nie Siyan ignored her headache and nodded quickly like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Clean up this place and yourself first."


Wang Tao ignored Nie Siyan and did not dare to run away.

When he came to the window and looked at the tall buildings in the distance, Wang Tao could already imagine how many crystal nuclei there were.

"Since crystal cores are already used as currency here, maybe we can try to trade with others..."

Wang Tao is still relatively short of second-order crystal cores, and his own abilities have not yet been fully improved. And now there is Xu Xiaojun...

But he has a lot of good things in his hands, and many people probably want them. He was going to look back and see if there was a chance to sell some things in exchange for some crystal cores.

Of course, he cannot give up the search for second-level zombies or even third-level zombies. Although his blood volume has reached the upper limit of second-level zombies, he does not have too much special energy...

After a while, Nie Siyan endured the severe pain in her body and finally cleaned up the place, then took a cold shower to make herself clean.

Nie Siyan is now wearing a pair of silk pajamas, and her body is looming forward and backward. Her face is slightly swollen, but without makeup, her face is pale and looks a little pitiful...

When Wang Tao saw this situation, he wanted to slap her again.

"Who are you dressing up like this for? Continue to dress as you did before."

Wang Tao said coldly.

"Oh, I'll do it right away!"

Nie Siyan was startled.

She really dressed up to win Wang Tao's sympathy, and see if she could seduce Wang Tao - she was about to die, and she would do anything to survive, but she didn't expect Wang Tao to refuse this trick.

Nie Siyan did not dare to keep Wang Tao waiting, and soon limped out wearing a tight leather jacket and heavy makeup.

"That's pretty much it."

Wang Tao nodded with satisfaction.

It wasn't that he had any special hobbies, but that he was planning to let Nie Siyan trick Huang Heng, the boss of the Skull and Bones Society. If Nie Siyan is different from usual, it might arouse suspicion.

"come over."

Wang Tao waved, and Nie Siyan immediately speeded up and came to Wang Tao's side. She even consciously knelt at Wang Tao's feet with a look on her face to please her.

Wang Tao looked at her condescendingly and said:

"I'll give you a bottle of medicine. When Huang Heng comes back, you can find a way to drink it for him. If you complete this task, I won't kill you."

"Ah...I, I will be discovered..."

Upon hearing this mission, Nie Siyan suddenly looked bitter.

If poisoning was discovered, she would be killed by Huang Heng even if she was not killed by Wang Tao.

"It depends on how you operate it. This medicine is colorless and odorless, so it won't attract his attention."

Wang Tao took out a bottle of weakness potion and handed it to Nie Siyan.

The three second-level superpowers from the Skull and Bones Society all have more than 10,000 health. Since Huang Heng is much stronger than them, his health is estimated to be more than 20,000. Wang Tao only has less than 30,000 blood, so there is no problem for him to be more cautious when it comes to people with such powers.

Moreover, if the second-level superpower users let go of the fight, the noise may be very loud and may easily cause unnecessary trouble.

What Wang Tao pursues is a quick victory and a quick victory over Huang Heng.

If Nie Siyan could give him a bottle of weakness potion, it would be easy.

Nie Siyan took the potion with a look of embarrassment, and she began to think crazily about a reason to give Huang Heng the medicine.

As for the question of whether to take the medicine, she didn't even have to think about it, she would definitely take it. Although they are husband and wife, husband and wife are originally birds of the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes. At this time, your own life is the most important!

Nie Siyan probably knew what Huang Heng was doing, and she estimated that Huang Heng would come back in the evening.

But Huang Heng came back much later than she expected.

As night fell, a small off-road vehicle cautiously came downstairs to the arcade.

Seeing Huang Heng's car finally back, Nie Siyan, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately went downstairs to greet him.

Huang Heng is a man who looks very similar to Huang Wei, but is obviously much older. He was the only one in the car and he liked to move alone. It's not that he dislikes others for holding him back, but that he's worried that others will steal his head.

After getting off the car, he was surprised to see Nie Siyan waiting nearby.

"Huh? You're back? How's the harvest? If you can't complete the task this week, even you will have to accept punishment. By the way, where is Liao Xia, is she asleep?"

Huang Heng said with a straight face.


Nie Siyan still had some thoughts of reporting the news to Huang Heng. But seeing him like this, this last thought disappeared.

When Huang Heng came back, he scolded her and asked Liao Xia, but he didn't even notice that his face was swollen. She couldn't find any excuses she could think of...

Taking a deep breath, Nie Siyan smiled sweetly.

"Xiao Liao is waiting for you upstairs. She is taking a bath..."

Upon hearing this, Huang Heng's eyes lit up.

"I just happen to want to take a shower, so go ahead."


Nie Siyan endured the pain in her legs and limped behind Huang Heng, leaning on a wooden stick.

"What's wrong with your legs?"

Huang Heng suddenly turned around.

"I encountered a powerful second-level zombie before. I had never fought it before. I broke my leg while escaping..."

Nie Siyan pretended to be embarrassed and spoke.

"Huh? The second-level zombie! Where is it specifically? I will go there and kill it tomorrow!"


Nie Siyan picked up an address at random.

Soon, the two came to the third floor.

Huang Heng started to take off his clothes as soon as he entered the door, preparing to take a shower.

After he threw down the dry water bag he was carrying, Nie Siyan immediately brought a glass of water and handed it to him naturally.

"You're thirsty, drink some water."

Nie Siyan's expression remained unchanged, but she was very nervous.

Huang Heng didn't think much about it. He happened to be a little dry.

Seeing that the water was very clear and had no strange smell, he drank it all in one gulp.



But after drinking the water, his feet suddenly became weak and he almost fell.

Before Huang Heng could figure out what was going on, he saw a figure holding a big ax appear behind him.

For a moment, it was terrifying.

Without thinking, he subconsciously wanted to run away, but his speed was much slower than usual, and he suddenly stumbled.


The back of the huge ax hit Huang Heng directly on the back of his neck.

Huang Heng felt his eyes go dark and fainted.

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