Wang Tao didn't fight against superpowers many times. Only now did he realize that in certain situations - such as Yin people, superpowers of the same level were easier to deal with than zombies.

Because superpowers have too many weaknesses.

After all, at the end of the day, superpowers are still humans and have weaknesses all over their bodies. The only weakness of zombies is their heads.

Just like the Huang Heng in front of me.

[HP: 120/21300]

[Blue amount: 1930/3400]

[Level: Level 2]

[Impurities in the body: 63%]

Huang Heng's attribute is not weak anymore, he has 20,000 blood. If zombies had this attribute, it would be impossible for Wang Tao to kill them with one strike.

However, Huang Heng was given a weakening potion and sneak attack, and was knocked unconscious by Wang Tao's axe. He had no ability to resist at all.

After being knocked unconscious, Wang Tao immediately tied up Huang Heng with an iron chain, and then punched and kicked him together with Xu Xiaojun.

Huang Heng woke up, fainted, and then was beaten to wake up.

It's not that Wang Tao likes to torture people, it's just that Wang Tao wants Huang Heng to lose his blood.

Soon, Huang Heng was beaten until there was still a trace of blood left, and his limbs were directly interrupted. He was completely unable to pose a threat to Wang Tao.

For this kind of person, Wang Tao doesn't have any psychological burden to do anything.

The people in this video game city are not good people, including ordinary people, they are all cheating. Even if he kills all these people, Wang Tao will not feel the slightest guilt.

The reason why Huang Heng was spared was naturally because Wang Tao wanted to know more information. After all, he was the boss of the Skull and Bones Society and knew more than others.

"You, you... whatever you want... I will give it to you..."

Huang Heng was much more knowledgeable than his younger brother. He had been begging for mercy since he found that he could not resist.

Looking at Huang Heng who had been beaten into a human shape, Wang Tao said coldly:

"I ask, you answer."

"I answer, I answer..."

So, Wang Tao asked a lot of things.

After he felt that nothing more could be squeezed out of Huang Heng's mouth, he looked at Nie Siyan, who had been shivering next to him. He gave her a "you know" look.


Nie Siyan swallowed and picked up the ax with some trembling.

Huang Heng seemed to have a premonition of something. Kneeling on the ground, he turned his head with difficulty and looked at Nie Siyan with some confusion and anger.

He didn't understand. Although he said he was a little indifferent to Nie Siyan, he didn't say anything wrong. Why did Nie Siyan collude with others to kill him?

He still doesn't understand that it was not that Nie Siyan colluded with others, but that when he asked Nie Siyan to go out to cheat and deceive, he kicked the iron plate!

Nie Siyan didn't dare to look into Huang Heng's eyes. She closed her eyes and struck Huang Heng's neck with an axe.



After Huang Heng uttered the last two words, he fell to the ground with a thud.

Dang clang——

Nie Siyan dropped the ax and looked very dazed.

In any case, he and Huang Heng have been husband and wife for many years, and they will fight side by side when the end of the world comes. But now, she has personally dealt with her husband...

Wang Tao ignored Nie Siyan. He looked at Huang Heng's body with some anticipation. With such high impurities in his body, he should have a high probability of turning into a zombie.

Wang Tao took out his walkie-talkie and called Jiang Shixue up.

He left Jiang Shixue in the car to prevent any accidents. Now that the matter was resolved, there was no need for this back-up.

Now Jiang Shixue needs to come over to suppress the battle. After all, Wang Tao is not sure whether Huang Heng's zombie will turn into a second-level zombie or a third-level zombie.

Jiang Shixue did not follow the normal path, crawled in from the window like a ghost, and appeared next to Wang Tao silently, without anyone else noticing. If Wang Tao hadn't been able to sense through plants, he might not have been able to detect it. After Jiang Shixue's blood volume reached the upper limit of the second level, her strength became stronger.

After several people waited for a while, Huang Heng's body suddenly began to twitch.

When he saw a red blood bar slowly appearing on his head, Wang Tao waved his hand, and the three of them took action at the same time.

After a while, Huang Heng's blood volume of 29,999 was cleared.

After Huang Heng's mutation, combined with some previous situations. Wang Tao probably also understood a pattern of how some superpowers mutate into zombies——

When a human becomes a zombie, his health and mana will be doubled. If the upper limit of the current level is not reached, the upper limit will be reached. If it reaches the upper limit, it may become a higher-level zombie!

To put it simply, after a superpower with 10,000 blood becomes a zombie, its blood volume will increase to 20,000 blood; after a superpower with 20,000 million blood mutates, its blood volume will reach 29,999 blood. After the superpower with 29,999 blood mutates, he will become a third-level zombie with 30,000 blood!

It's a pity that this Huang Heng doesn't have 29999 blood, otherwise the gain from killing a third-level zombie would definitely be greater...

After dealing with the zombies, Wang Tao asked Xu Xiaojun to dig out the crystal core.

Huang Heng himself also has many crystal nuclei, both first and second order. He didn't keep all the cores at home.

Wang Tao put all the crystal nuclei away, and then he looked at Nie Siyan, thinking about how the Skull and Bones Society would deal with it.

Wang Tao had previously planned to go directly to the military base in Wuyang City, but after receiving the news that Wuyang City was very dangerous, Wang Tao planned to stay in Zijing City for a few more days to improve his strength before going to Wuyang City.

Since I am staying in Zijing City, I naturally need a place to stay.

This arcade city is quite good, and Wang Tao is not the kind of picky person. It has certain defense facilities and a bed to sleep on, which is enough. But there are others in this Skull and Bones society...

Wang Tao has no intention of becoming the new boss of this group of people. These people are all deceivers and have shed countless innocent blood on their hands. There is no guarantee of their character. Wang Tao didn't want to keep them.

But if he was asked to kill all these people... there were three hundred people after all, Wang Tao really couldn't do it. Although he thinks he is not a good person, he is not a murderer either. If he killed so many people with his own hands, although he wouldn't feel guilty, he would definitely feel uncomfortable.

How to deal with it...

While Wang Tao was thinking, Nie Siyan felt Wang Tao's gaze and suddenly felt a chill all over her body.

She seemed to feel that her life and death depended on Wang Tao's thoughts!

Dong dong dong——

"Brother, master, dad, grandpa... don't kill me! Please..."

Nie Siyan quickly crawled to Wang Tao's feet and changed several names in one go.

She had been beaten so many times and killed his brother-in-law and his husband with her own hands just to save her own life. She really didn't want to die!

"Huh? Do you think I mean what I say?"

Wang Tao frowned.

He said before that as long as Nie Siyan successfully drugged Huang Heng, Wang Tao would not kill her. But now Nie Siyan obviously doesn't believe in his character!

"...Brother, you, you only said you wouldn't kill me, but you didn't say others wouldn't kill me..."

Nie Siyan glanced at Xu Xiaojun tremblingly.


Don't tell me, that's what Wang Tao really thinks.

He didn't want to do it himself, but Xu Xiaojun and Jiang Shixue would.

Seeing Wang Tao's silence, Nie Siyan became even more frightened.

This time she did not dare to hug Wang Tao's legs, but crawled in front of Wang Tao with her head on the floor.

Wang Tao suddenly said:

"I want to live here temporarily, but I don't want to see so many people, especially those who harm my compatriots. I don't like it very much. So, if you can have a suitable solution, I can guarantee that I will keep you here for a while." Life."

Hearing this, Nie Siyan suddenly raised her head.

In her opinion, if she didn't want to see these people, the easiest way was to kill them. But Wang Tao is not a fool, so he naturally knows this method. But since he is useless, he must have his own ideas.

So killing these people won't work. If you don't kill them and still want them to disappear, then there is only one way - to do her old job!

"I have a way, I can sell them all to prison..."


Wang Tao suddenly raised his eyebrows.

He really hadn't thought of this method, after all, he was a serious person. But if you think about it carefully, it seems possible.

These people have trafficked a lot of people before, and it makes sense to sell them now.

"Then I'll leave it to you."

Wang Tao patted Nie Siyan's head.

"Brother, don't worry! I will definitely do it!"

Nie Siyan suddenly became happy.

Wang Tao nodded, and then said:

"By the way, although you people are all full of evil, there may still be some innocent or helpless people... So, you..."

After hearing what Wang Tao said, Nie Siyan's eyes widened immediately. She felt that Wang Tao was so cunning and no worse than her.

Nie Siyan immediately lowered her head.


The next day, early morning.

In the video game city, the Skull and Bones Society didn't realize that their boss was dead.

After all, the third floor is the territory of four second-level superpowers, and everyone else is below. The battle last night was very fast, and they were all sneak attacks, causing little movement. In addition, the sound insulation of the video game city is good, so no one else can It’s normal to know.

Nie Siyan's face had been swollen, and Wang Tao used some medical kits for her, which restored her to a lot of health, and even her legs were no longer lame. She summoned everyone in the name of Huang Heng.

After everyone gathered in the parking lot behind, Nie Siyan said:

"Last night, Boss Huang discussed something with us, which was to improve everyone's treatment..."


Before she could finish speaking, there was a sudden uproar below. Many people even shouted excitedly.

Wang Tao, who was upstairs, frowned when he saw this scene. Although the improvement in salary was indeed something to be happy about, it was also too undisciplined. It is indeed right to send these people away.

Nie Siyan was already used to this. She took a long steel rod and knocked on the steel pipe next to her. After attracting everyone's attention, she continued:

"As for the specific increase in salary, it is related to everyone's contribution to the base. Therefore, you should now write down the specific details of your performance on paper so that we can allocate it reasonably. Be careful not to falsely report information. Everything about you is under our control, if anyone falsely reports information... there will be consequences at your own risk!"

When it came to bearing the consequences, Nie Siyan took a deep look at everyone. She wasn't kidding, the consequences were really serious.

After hearing this, everyone started whispering again.

Many people don’t remember how many people they have deceived, and they have to ask their companions to help them remember.

However, there are also some ordinary people who look disappointed because they have no performance.

Nie Siyan asked someone to bring paper and pen.

Soon, everyone had written down their various "contributions".

Nie Siyan put away all the things with an expressionless face, and then said to everyone:

"Everyone, please don't go out today. Let's wait for news at the base."


Everyone said yes with excitement.

There are many ordinary people in the Skull and Bones Society, and they are all wondering if they will have a chance to become superpowers this time. And those first-level superpowers are thinking about whether there is a chance to advance to second-level superpowers!

Although some people were confused as to why Boss Huang didn't show up, they didn't think much about it. After all, everyone knew that Boss Huang loved Liao Xia, his new wife, more, and he might be having a fight under the covers right now.

Nie Siyan went upstairs with the collected information.

Upstairs, Wang Tao is having breakfast.

Breakfast is smoked dried fish and flatbread soaked in nutrient solution.

The dried fish was left over from before. Wang Tao and the three of them had magical stomach pouches that stored a lot of fish meat.

The pie was given by Yang Changhong when they separated from Yang Changhong's motorcade. They had a lot of rice and noodles on hand, and for convenience, they made them into this kind of portable dry food.

When Nie Siyan saw the food, she immediately swallowed.

She hasn't eaten for two or three days since she was caught by Wang Tao. But she didn't dare to have any dissatisfaction and immediately presented the information respectfully.

Wang Tao took the information.

"Tsk, tsk, you people really deserve to die!"

Looking at this information, Wang Tao shook his head.

Before, he had thought that since there were so many ordinary people in the Skull and Bones Society, there should not be many of these ordinary people engaged in trafficking. After all, ordinary people's ability to survive outside is relatively low.

Unexpectedly, although most ordinary people did not personally engage in deception and abduction, many of them participated indirectly. For example, some provide information, some make traps, some take the initiative to act as bait, and so on.

Then... we can only send some people to prison.

Maybe some people deliberately falsely reported their performance, but Wang Tao wouldn't bother investigating. He had told Nie Siyan before that there would be consequences for making false reports.

After spending some time, Wang Tao divided the information into two parts. One is very thick and the other is very thin.

Wang Tao handed a thick portion to Nie Siyan, who quickly caught it with both hands.

"These are the people. As for how to operate it, I leave it to you."

"Ah? Leave it to me?"

Nie Siyan couldn't believe it.

There are at least two hundred people selected by Wang Tao, which can sell a lot of crystal cores!

And more importantly, if this matter is left to her, then she can run away!

After all, they have always been a door-to-door delivery service...

After watching Nie Siyan's shock, her eyes seemed to twinkle. Wang Tao's expression remained unchanged.

"I only want my crystal core, I don't care about the process, you can do it yourself. Go ahead."


Nie Siyan quickly bowed her head in excitement and retreated.

After going downstairs, Nie Siyan immediately informed everyone that Boss Huang had read the list and asked those with good performance to gather in the lobby on the first floor. Those with poor performance should stay in the parking lot and don't wander around.

For a time, these people with poor performance felt like they were widowed, and they felt abandoned.

Those with good performance are so proud of themselves, especially those who have falsely reported their performance, that their tails are almost in the sky. '

"That's what I'm saying! Our Skull and Bones Society has never kept statistics on these things. Apart from ourselves, other people can only know a rough idea of ​​how many achievements we have made. If we just make a little false report, there won't be any problem at all!"

"Actually, we also want to serve the boss better!"

"That's right!"


Soon, Nie Siyan arrived. There were some superpowers behind her.


Nie Siyan began to tell everyone about some chicken soup. At the same time, the superpowers behind her secretly released their superpowers.

Soon, everyone felt dizzy.

"what happened……"

Boom, boom, boom——

One after another, the group began to fall to the ground.

After everyone fainted, the bald man came to Nie Siyan and asked respectfully:

"Sister Nie, boss, this is..."

They didn't know what it meant, they just followed Nie Siyan's instructions.

"Boss, we don't have enough crystal cores. I want to change some crystal cores."

Nie Siyan glanced at the bald man.

"Change the crystal core? Hiss——"

The bald man suddenly took a breath of air.

Nie Siyan asked the bald men to search all these people, and then drove the pickup truck in the parking lot over.

In the past, they used pickup trucks to deliver goods, but this time there were too many people and they had to make many trips.

After loading the first batch of goods into the car, Nie Siyan went up to the third floor.

"Brother, everything is ready. Look..."

"Go ahead."

I waved.


Just when Nie Siyan was getting ready to leave, Wang Tao suddenly said:

"Remember, not a single crystal core that belongs to me is missing."

Nie Siyan's heart suddenly trembled.


After a while, Nie Siyan left the arcade with the first batch of goods.

Nie Siyan's subordinates have the ability of "sleeping smoke". This ability is colorless and odorless, and it is difficult to detect if you are not paying special attention.

After inhaling smoke, you will fall into sleep. The more you inhale, the stronger the effect of drowsiness will be. Even a second-level superpower user cannot handle it if he inhales too much.

Nie Siyan relies on these abilities to deceive people.

"Brother Wang, could she have run away secretly?"

Xu Xiaojun scratched his head and asked.

"Then let's see if she has the courage..."

Wang Tao has already said that not a single crystal core that belongs to him is missing.

It didn't matter whether Nie Siyan ran away or not, but she had to complete the deal and give him the crystal core.

If she doesn't understand...then she's really looking for death. Even if she can hide somewhere temporarily, Wang Tao can still find her out.

Nie Siyan's transaction amounted to more than 200, which was definitely a large transaction and could not be completed by a small pickup truck.

She arrived at the prison cautiously. When the prison heard that there were so many people, they sent a car to pull them there without saying a word.

"You boss Huang are so awesome! You are so willing!"

The person in charge of docking at the prison was a lean young man. He was a little confused.

"I don't know what he thinks..."

Nie Siyan pretended to be helpless.

The other party didn't ask much. They didn't want to know the process, they just wanted the result.

The prison was very cheerful. After seeing the goods, they immediately paid for the crystal cores. After Nie Siyan confirmed that the number of crystal cores was OK, she went upstairs and handed them over to Wang Tao. The prison can be settled with crystal cores or inhibitors. What Wang Tao wants is crystal cores.

Then Nie Siyan helped deliver the goods two more times before sending everyone to prison. After all, this batch is indeed too much.

Prison gate, evening.

After delivering the goods, Nie Siyan looked a little struggling.

She didn't greedy for any crystal core, and she completed the task assigned to her by Wang Tao very well. He also sent the bald man and others back. She was alone now - she could escape!

However, she hesitated again...

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