Video game city, night.

Wang Tao looked at the crystal core in his hand and grinned.

The population in the apocalypse is not valuable at all. If you get any disease, or are infected with the zombie virus, or are affected by the battle, you will die.

But it is worth money, because an ordinary person can exchange it for 1 first-order white crystal core! A first-level superpower user can exchange at least 20 first-level white crystal cores!

This is the market situation in Bauhinia City, and it has been this price recently.

So after Wang Tao sent these people to prison, he obtained 700 first-order white crystal cores!

In addition to the crystal nuclei found from these people and their homes, as well as the crystal nuclei obtained from the four second-level superpowers Nie Siyan and Huang Heng, Wang Tao obtained a total of 2,000 first-level crystal nuclei and 50 A second-order crystal nucleus!

Although most of these crystal nuclei are quite rubbish, they are all useless crystal nuclei such as self-destruction and big stomach king, or crystal nuclei with super side effects.

But Wang Tao doesn't care about this, he can synthesize it anyway.

As long as he synthesizes these white crystal nuclei into orange, even the self-exploding crystal nuclei will become very valuable!

After all, many forces have crystal nucleus synthesizers in their hands, which can eliminate the side effects of crystal nuclei by synthesizing crystal nuclei. However, the crystal nucleus synthesizer can only synthesize crystal nuclei of the same grade and quality.

For example, if you want to remove the side effects of a first-order orange crystal core, you have to use multiple first-order orange crystal nuclei to synthesize it.

Therefore, even if it is useless crystal cores such as Self-Destruction and Big Eater, as long as it is not white, the price will increase a lot. If it is orange, the value will directly double.

Wang Tao is going to synthesize some of these first-order crystal nuclei and go back to trade second-order crystal nuclei with others.

Bauhinia City is very large, and there are many survivors. Even if the crystal cores are rare, there must be a lot of them overall, far more than what Wang Tao can collect by himself. There are a lot of crystal cores in the prison, maybe you can trade with them in the future.

And I have to say that this prison is also very trustworthy. There were no glitches in this transaction, it was completed smoothly, and they were very happy to give the crystal core.

But it's understandable, after all, the prison is now one of the forces with the worst reputation in Bauhinia City. The Skull and Bones Society is nothing compared to them.

The reputation has deteriorated to such an extent that there is no way to recover it.

No one will go to the prison now, even foreign survivors. If they stay in Bauhinia City for a few days, they will know the bad reputation of the prison.

And the prison needs new blood... so the prison can only buy people from other places.

But their reputation has become so bad that even these middle-level forces, let alone other survivors, dare not make deals with them.

The prison has no choice but to improve its reputation in other aspects, such as quick transactions, trustworthiness, not defaulting on crystal cores, abiding by the rules, etc.

Needless to say, although this cannot change their reputation, it has indeed made considerable progress in cooperation with other forces.

As long as the prison abides by the trading rules, there will still be many people willing to trade with the prison. After all, no one will have trouble with crystal nuclei and inhibitors.

So after a period of development, although the reputation of the prison is still very bad, the goodwill of the prison is very good.

The prison doesn't care about reputation. Anyway, as long as they are strong and there are people doing business with them, that's enough...

When Wang Tao was selecting the crystal core, he suddenly raised his eyebrows.

He was now sitting in front of the window and could clearly see a sneaky figure downstairs. That person was none other than Nie Siyan.

"Is this woman back?"

Wang Tao was very surprised.

This transaction of sending more than 200 people to prison lasted for a day. After Wang Tao got the crystal core, he didn't bother to care about Nie Siyan. She could leave anytime she wanted.

Since Wang Tao said to spare her life, Wang Tao will definitely not break his promise. After all, this woman is no longer of use to him.

After the transaction ended in the evening, the woman did not come back. Wang Tao thought she had left.

But now, she is back?

When the person on duty saw Nie Siyan, he naturally opened the door quickly.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.


Wang Tao lit an oil lamp. He had not turned on the light just now. After all, he could see at night.

Nie Siyan looked at the burly figure under the dim light. She was a little scared, but she still walked over.

"Brother Wang..."

In fact, she is older than Wang Tao, so calling him Brother Wang is naturally a relatively affectionate honorific. And she still doesn't know what Wang Tao's name is. She only knows that Xu Xiaojun calls him Brother Wang.

"Why are you coming back?"

Wang Tao was a little confused.

Is this woman with the M attribute? He treated her like this, how dare she come back?

But when Nie Siyan heard this, she thought Wang Tao was asking for help.

She immediately plopped down and knelt in front of Wang Tao.

"Brother Wang, I'm sorry! I shouldn't have escaped, please punish me!"

Hearing this, Wang Tao glanced at her thoughtfully.

"You want to follow me?"

"Yes! I want to follow Brother Wang!"

Nie Siyan spoke quickly.

She had already run away today. She didn't take a single crystal core, so Wang Tao probably wouldn't go after her specifically. But on the way to escape, she suddenly didn't want to run anymore.

It's not that she likes to be abused, but she finds that she has no place to go... Wang Tao is so strong, she wants to follow Wang Tao!

Mu Qiang is the nature of many people, and she is no exception.

Wang Tao is the most powerful superpower she has ever seen! Following a person with such a superpower definitely has a better future than following Huang Heng!

And more importantly, even though Wang Tao beat her many times, she was subconsciously frightened when she thought of Wang Tao. But Wang Tao is a person with a bottom line, which can be seen from the fact that he "hates survivors who cheat and abduct" and "sends survivors who can earn him crystal cores to prison."

If she joins other forces, she doesn't know what those bosses are like. It's okay to do business in a place like a prison, but she would never dare to let her join!

As for setting up a force of her own, she knew she wasn't the material. After all, her fighting ability is not strong...

So after thinking about it carefully, Nie Siyan decided to go back to the video game city.

Although she knew that Wang Tao hated her, she had done a lot for Wang Tao, so Wang Tao probably wouldn't kill her.

As long as she is sincere, there is a certain probability that Wang Tao will take her in. So she's back.

When Wang Tao saw Nie Siyan nodding, he said with a faint smile:

"Then do you think you are worthy?"

It wasn't that Wang Tao was mocking her, but she had to see who was following Wang Tao. There was Xu Xiaojun and Jiang Shixue. Which one could she compare to?

"I don't deserve it! I know I don't deserve it, but I hope Brother Wang can give me a chance! I will definitely perform well..."

Nie Siyan lay at Wang Tao's feet, bowing to the ground.

Wang Tao frowned and thought for a while.

He felt that Nie Siyan really wanted to follow him, after all, his strength was obvious to all.

But Wang Tao didn't want to bring a drag bottle, and to be honest, Wang Tao didn't really believe in her character.

After all, she could personally kill his husband and brother-in-law, and was also proficient in deception and abduction. How could Wang Tao trust such a person?

But looking at Nie Siyan's "I'm very sensible" look, Wang Tao felt that although it was impossible to take her to the military base, he would stay in Zijing City for a while, and maybe he could leave her here to run errands and do odd jobs. .

"Keep your head up."

Wang Tao ordered.

Nie Siyan immediately raised her head and looked at Wang Tao with some fear and some expectancy.

Wang Tao reached out and gently stroked Nie Siyan's hair, as if stroking a puppy.

"Give you a chance and perform well. I hope you won't disappoint me. Otherwise..."

Wang Tao's hand slowly slid down and placed on Nie Siyan's neck.

Nie Si felt chills in her bones for a moment, but her pupils showed a hint of joy, and she immediately promised:

"Yes! I will definitely not let Brother Wang down!"

"Then go down."

Wang Tao patted her little face, Nie Siyan stood up slowly, and then left the room very respectfully.

After going out, she immediately leaned against the wall. She felt that her back was soaked. However, she was still feeling a little excited at the moment.

Although Wang Tao didn't directly say that he would accept her, he gave her a chance. She must seize this opportunity! As long as she is happy to serve Wang Tao, she will definitely benefit - even if Wang Tao doesn't reward her with anything and just provides her with a shelter, it will be worth it!

Inside the house, Wang Tao packed up the crystal core and went to bed to sleep.

It didn't matter whether he kept Nie Siyan or not. Seeing that she came back on her own initiative, he gave her a chance.

Jiang Shixue, who had been in the dark, immediately ran to the bed and crawled into Wang Tao's arms like a clingy kitten.


The next day.

Nie Siyan summoned everyone again.

Her face looked a little sad.

Everyone didn't know why, but they were very worried.

Because they discovered that those who had made high contributions yesterday were missing - they had been asked to stay in the parking lot behind the arcade and were unaware of what was happening in the hall.

They thought that Boss Huang took those people to other places alone to enjoy some benefits. Or maybe Boss Huang abandoned them and went to a new base with those people...

The more they thought about it, the more uneasy they became.

After all, in this situation, without the protection of powerful superpowers, they might not be able to survive!

Nie Siyan waited until everyone arrived, then said in a low tone:

"Those who were called out yesterday...were sold to prison."


Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then there was an uproar in an instant.

Sold to prison? They are in this business, so how can they not know what this means? This can basically declare the death of these people, and they died tragically!

"Why, why..."

An ordinary person asked tremblingly.

He doesn't want to be sold to jail, he wants to live!

"Because Boss Huang is short of crystal cores, he sold these people to exchange for crystal cores..."

Nie Siyan explained.


Everyone was a little dumbfounded.

Can the boss still lack crystal cores? Even if there is a shortage of crystal cores, we should not squeeze them and make them work harder! How can anyone directly kill the chicken to get the eggs and sell the people...

Everyone was instantly in danger.

If the boss can sell those with good performance, then he can definitely sell them too!

They even doubted whether Nie Siyan would tie them up later...

But I heard Nie Siyan say again:

"We were just as confused as you about Boss Huang's behavior, so we went to find Boss Huang to argue. Then... Huang Wei, Liao Xia and Boss Huang had a fight..."


Everyone had question marks on their faces again.

Is there a leadership fight? Is this okay?

But what shocked them was yet to come.

Nie Siyan continued:

"As a result, Huang Wei and Liao Xia died..."


"Boss Huang is dead too."


Now, not only the survivors, but also the bald man and Nie Siyan's confidants were dumbfounded. It all feels like a bolt from the blue.

The boss is dead?

The boss's biological brother and the boss's second wife are also dead?

Three of the four second-level superpowers from their Skull and Bones Society died directly?

Although it is said that when some people were insulted by Boss Huang, they also had thoughts that they wished Boss Huang would die soon. But that's just an idea. Rationally speaking, everyone doesn't want anything to happen to Boss Huang. After all, they have all survived until now under the protection of Boss Huang.

If there is no such powerful second-level superpower like Boss Huang, how will ordinary people and first-level superpowers like them live in the future... The Skull and Bones Society may not all have to fall out of the medium-sized force!

According to the established rules in Bauhinia City, only forces formed by superpowers will be recognized by most people, and only forces formed by second-level superpowers can be called medium-sized forces.

In the past, the Skeleton Club had four second-level superpowers, especially Boss Huang, who had very strong combat power. Therefore, the overall strength of the Skull and Bones Society is considered acceptable among medium-sized forces.

But now, their population has not only dropped by 80% to 90%! Three second-level superpowers died! There is only one second-level superpower left, and it is Nie Siyan who is not very powerful in combat...

Everyone felt that their eyes were darkened.

It's over, Skull and Bones is completely over...

The reputation of medium-sized forces does not matter, and reputation is not what they care about. Rather, if the strength of an organization plummets, other organizations will definitely fall into trouble!

The Skull and Bones Society has offended many people before, and they might step on it.

There are also people who covet Skull and Bones Society supplies, and they must be very interested in the current Skull and Bones Society. After all, the news that Boss Huang has sold more than 200 people will definitely spread. These are all crystal nuclei and inhibitors...

As for whether what Nie Siyan said is true or not, and what role Nie Siyan plays... no one has considered it. Since none of the three bosses and bosses showed up, something must have happened to them. What we need to consider now is not the specific inside story, but what to do in the future...

Seeing everyone's worried expressions, Nie Siyan said:

"If anyone is willing to leave, they can leave."

No one moved.

Everyone is not a fool. Even if the Skull and Bones Society's strength has plummeted, there is still a second-level superpower in charge. If they leave, they will really have no protection at all...

"Sister Nie, you will be our new boss from now on!"

The bald man next to Nie Siyan suddenly said loudly.

Others quickly agreed that if Nie Siyan left, the Skull and Bones Society would really be disbanded.

Looking at the expectant looks of everyone, Nie Siyan glanced upstairs again without missing a trace. Then he sighed and said:

"Since everyone trusts me so much, I can't let you down. But I plan not to engage in the human trafficking business in the future. I will also change my name to draw a clear line from the previous Skull and Bones Society..."

The name "Skull and Bones" was a name Huang Heng thought of casually at the time. It had no meaning. He simply thought it was domineering.

Everyone was relieved when they heard Nie Siyan agreed.

Although Nie Siyan's desire to change careers was somewhat unexpected, except for the bald man and others who were a little confused, others were indifferent and even a little happy. Because these people have the worst performance, the reason for their poor performance is either that they are not capable of doing this, or they are psychologically resistant and unwilling to do it. So changing careers is actually a good thing for them.

Nie Siyan said again:

"Then let's change our name to the Firefly Club!"

Firefly is the name of this arcade city.

"Meet the president!"

The bald man was the most discerning and shouted immediately. The others were a little slower than half a beat, but they also hurriedly caught up.

To be honest, Nie Siyan felt a little happy when she saw these people respectfully calling her president.

Power is something that both men and women are easily obsessed with.

But she was just in a daze for a moment, and soon came back to her senses.

"Since everyone calls me president, I definitely can't ignore everyone. I will study the next development plan and strive to let everyone live a good life. But I will say something ugly first. If anyone affects our development , then don’t blame me for being rude!”


Everyone was shocked and immediately agreed.

"Okay, let's go down first. There shouldn't be any tasks in these two days. Everyone should have a good rest."


After sending these people away, Nie Siyan glanced at the bald men before going upstairs.



The bald man looked thoughtful when he saw Nie Siyan walking upstairs.

He knew that the death of Boss Huang was definitely not as simple as Nie Siyan said. It was most likely related to those Nie Siyan's friends! He didn't forget that the strangers were still up there.

But this has nothing to do with him, he just needs to follow Nie Siyan firmly. He didn't know it was, but thanks to their loyalty, if it weren't for Nie Siyan's kind words, he and the others would probably be in jail right now...

third floor.

After Nie Siyan came up, she, who was still a little high-spirited just now, immediately came to Wang Tao with a respectful look and knelt down on one knee.

"Brother Wang, I have conveyed everything as you requested..."


Wang Tao nodded.

It was naturally Wang Tao's idea to change the name of the Skull and Bones Society and make Nie Siyan its president.

He himself looked down upon the president, but since Nie Siyan had made up her mind to follow him, he would give her some support.

It is sometimes quite convenient to have a force run errands for you.

As for the blame for selling more than 200 people to prison, it was naturally left to the dead Huang Heng. The more troubled the times, the more important reputation is.

Anyway, everyone in Huang Heng is dead, so he should make more contributions. If there is any blame in the future, just throw it all on his head.

"Your next task is to go to other forces to purchase second-order crystal cores in the name of the Firefly Society..."

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