"Buy the second-order crystal core? Then what price should we pay..."

Nie Siyan asked.

"Let them bring their own price."

Different types and qualities of crystal cores have huge price differences, and it is impossible for Wang Tao to list all the prices.

"Yes! Then I...will prepare now?"

Nie Siyan was a little eager to try.

She is not afraid of Wang Tao assigning tasks to her, because having tasks means that she is still useful. If Wang Tao really ignored her, that would be trouble...

"By the way, just ask if there is any news about second- and third-level zombies. We can buy them for a fee."


"Go ahead."

Wang Tao waved his hand.

After Nie Siyan left, Wang Tao took out the map of Zijing City.

He had marked many places on it, and some places said "suspected third-level zombies."

For the current major forces in Bauhinia City, second-order crystal cores are just what they need. After all, there are many second-order superpowers now. If there are second-level zombies, they will definitely find a way to kill them. Under normal circumstances, the location of the second-level zombies would not be revealed easily.

But the third-level zombies are different. It is said that even the people from the four major forces have not taken the initiative to fight against the third-level zombies.

Therefore, some places where there are suspected third-level zombies are gradually becoming known. They try to avoid these places when they go out.

These marked information about suspected third-level zombies were all obtained by Wang Tao from Huang Heng. He was going to make a selection and then go and test the strength of the third-level zombies in Bauhinia City. The premise is that it is indeed a third-level zombie. If it was level three or above, Wang Tao would definitely be able to run as far as he wanted.

After some selection, Wang Tao chose a place closest to the video game city.

It was a hotel, and it was said that there was a third-level zombie inside. It’s unclear how strong it is, but a second-level superpower has been killed by it before.

Wang Tao speculated that this was probably a third-level lord zombie!

Because ordinary zombies and elite zombies generally wander around and will not appear in fixed places. But the lord zombies will have a fixed territory. This zombie looks a bit like it.

With Wang Tao's current strength, it should not be difficult to deal with the third-level elite zombies. As for the lord-level zombies, you can try to challenge them.

Of course, Wang Tao had to first see how much blood the zombie had. If there was too much blood, then he would definitely not consider it.

After determining the target, Wang Tao called Jiang Shixue and Xu Xiaojun to prepare to visit the location.

"Hello Mr. Wang!"

When going downstairs, people from the Yinghuo Club saw Wang Tao and immediately said hello.

Wang Tao nodded slightly.

His current status is Nie Siyan's distinguished guest. Nie Siyan has told the people below in advance that they should be as respectful to Wang Tao as they are to her.

"Brother Wang, do you want to go out?"

At this time, Nie Siyan came down from upstairs again.

She had just used the walkie-talkie to contact other forces on the rooftop. She must talk to others about the Skull and Bones Society's name change and the purchase of crystal cores.

When she saw Wang Tao coming downstairs, she ran over quickly.

"I'm going to Danfeng Hotel."

Wang Tao nodded.

"Danfeng Hotel... Ahem, Brother Wang, why don't you take me for a ride? There is a force nearby, and I'm going to go there..."

Nie Siyan is much bolder now. If it were yesterday, she would not have dared to take the initiative to join Wang Tao.

"Then let's go."

Wang Tao glanced at her.

After getting in the car, Nie Siyan sat upright and told Wang Tao that the place she wanted to go was a small power. Although not very strong, their boss is very capable. Although he is a first-level superpower, he often runs outside.

Nie Siyan, a second-level superpower user, did not dare to run around, but only dared to follow the route she was familiar with. One can imagine how capable the boss of that small force is.

Nie Siyan wanted to recruit this person into the Firefly Club. After all, Wang Tao said that he wanted to investigate the location of the second and third zombies and acquire the second-order crystal core. These things require someone to be out there running. Nie Siyan knew that she would definitely not be able to do it, so she had to find a way to recruit some people.

If it were the former Skull and Bones Society, there is a high probability that they would not be able to recruit this person because the reputation of the Skull and Bones Society is not good. But the Skull and Bones Society was gone and now it was the Firefly Society, so she was ready to give it a try.

"you alone?"

Wang Tao was a little surprised.

Shouldn't this kind of thing be left to the subordinates? Even if the president goes there in person, he still has to bring some people, right? The president always felt a bit shabby when he went alone.

"It's more convenient for me to be alone. If there is any danger, I can escape quickly..."

Nie Siyan said immediately.

It is indeed convenient to be alone, but that is only for the strong. It doesn't apply to her. The main reason why she goes out alone is because she has no one left.

The Skull and Bones Society originally had 300 people, but Wang Tao directly sold it—oh no, it was Huang Heng who directly sold more than 260 people. There are now only about thirty people left in the Firefly Club.

Now that she has changed careers, most of the people have gone out to search for supplies. Her superhuman subordinates have to guard the base. After all, their video game city is quite big and the security cannot be relaxed... so naturally there are not many people left. .

Wang Tao said nothing, but glanced at Nie Siyan.

Feeling Wang Tao's eyes, Nie Siyan quickly spoke again.

"Ahem, I can't hide anything from you, Brother Wang. In fact, I don't have enough manpower..."

Only then did Wang Tao look away.

"If I find you cheating on me again, then don't come back."

No matter what the situation, Wang Tao doesn't like someone deliberately hiding something from him.


Nie Siyan immediately lowered her head, feeling a cold sweat on her back.

She didn’t know if she was beaten by Wang Tao before. She felt that she was particularly afraid of Wang Tao. When Wang Tao looked at her, she broke into a cold sweat... But, she subconsciously wanted to be with Wang Tao. After all, Wang Tao was too strong. !

Nie Siyan herself felt that she was a bit too cheap...

Wang Tao looked at Nie Siyan who lowered her head and stopped talking. He was thinking about how to reward Nie Siyan if she got things done. After all, Wang Tao has always been a person who distinguishes rewards and punishments.

Nie Siyan currently only has two abilities, both of which are first-level. One is "Throwing Mastery" and the other is "Dream Interpretation".

When she met Wang Tao before, she didn't even have a chance to resist, so her throwing proficiency was of course useless.

The power of dream interpretation is the ability to wake people up from sleep.

This ability is matched with the "sleeping smoke" of his superpowers.

According to Nie Siyan, they had previously encountered several zombies that could only release sleeping smoke. After killing the zombies, in addition to several sleeping smoke crystal cores, there was also a dream interpretation crystal core.

This is the equivalent of poison and antidote.

Nie Siyan fused the understanding dream crystal core. She asked her four men to fuse the sleeping smoke crystal core, so that it would be convenient for them to go out and move together.

As for why her two abilities are still at the first level... Actually speaking, she is both lucky and unlucky.

She is said to be lucky because the second-level promotion crystal core she fused was of ordinary white quality, and there was a 20% chance that her fusion was successful. This was definitely a stroke of luck.

And she was unlucky because she could have integrated four powers.

She was cautious when preparing to fuse the fourth power, but never found the right one. It happened that Huang Heng needed her combat power at that time, so he gave her a white promotion core. As a result, she succeeded in reaching the second level.

Then when she was promoted to the second level, she passed on the second level superpower to her brother-in-law Huang Wei.

Of course this was not done voluntarily by her, but at Huang Heng's request. Because the superpowers inherited from the past have no side effects...

Nie Siyan actually complained about this matter, but she had no way to resist Huang Heng and could only do as he was told.

But what Nie Siyan didn't expect was that after she reached the second level, she would no longer be able to fuse the first-level crystal core, and she did not have a suitable second-level crystal core in her hand, which resulted in her still being Two first-level abilities, one of which has no combat effectiveness...

This is why she is said to be the weakest among the four.

Wang Tao felt that if Nie Siyan performed well, she should improve her strength, otherwise it would be too much of a hindrance.

Wang Tao has a lot of crystal cores in his hand, and even peeling crystal cores, which can directly replace her powers... But how to do it depends on Nie Siyan's subsequent performance.

At noon, Wang Tao's car arrived not far from the Danfeng Hotel.

Nie Siyan still had some way to go, but she did not dare to ask Wang Tao to send her there, so she could only walk there by herself.

But just then, the intercom rang in the car.


Several people subconsciously looked at the car intercom.

"Zizi...Help! Is there anyone? Please help us...Zizi..."

Why does this familiar voice feel so familiar?

Wang Tao looked at Nie Siyan subconsciously.

Nie Siyan was stunned for a moment, and then she felt a cold air coming from the soles of her feet directly to the top of her head!

She spoke tremblingly:

"This, this is me?! No, this is my voice!"

Wang Tao looked at the walkie-talkie and frowned deeply.

To be honest, if Nie Siyan wasn't in the car right now, he would have really thought that this was Nie Siyan. The voice on the walkie-talkie sounded exactly like hers!

"Is it possible that you have a twin sister?"

Wang Tao raised his head and glanced at Nie Siyan.


Nie Siyan waved her hands quickly.

Her mind was a little confused now. After all, it felt strange to be sitting here while listening to her own voice on the intercom.

Wang Tao thought for a while, then pressed the intercom and asked:

"Who are you? Where are you? What danger have you encountered?"

"Who are you……"

After a while.

"Zizi...ah? There is someone! There is really someone! My name is Nie Siyan, and we are surrounded by a group of bad guys! They want to kill us! Help!"


Nie Siyan felt like her head was going to explode!

This time, not only him, but also Xu Xiaojun, who was belatedly aware, started to break out in a cold sweat.

Wang Tao also felt a little numb on his scalp.

He just thought that this might be someone deliberately imitating Nie Siyan to deceive, and then dumping the blame on Nie Siyan.

After Tina heard the other party's reply, Wang Tao didn't think so anymore.

Because when he said these words, not only his voice and tone were exactly the same as Nie Siyan's, but every word he said was exactly the same as when Nie Siyan deceived people before!

It’s almost like a copy and paste!

Only Nie Siyan and Wang Tao knew about this matter. How could the people on the walkie-talkie know?

So...this is not someone deliberately imitating it!

Wang Tao immediately turned his head and looked at Jiang Shixue.

"Xiaoxue, can you hear what's on the walkie-talkie?"


Jiang Shixue nodded.


Wang Tao's brows frowned deeply.

If this was not imitated by someone, Wang Tao felt that it was most likely an illusion. The black fog monster he encountered in Shuize County before would use hallucinations to influence people's thinking.

Jiang Shixue may not be affected by hallucinations due to her special constitution.

Therefore, if all three of them heard the sound, but Jiang Shixue did not, then it was 100% an illusion!

But what Wang Tao didn't expect was that Jiang Shixue could hear it too!

So now there may be two situations. One is that this illusion is very strong and Jiang Shixue cannot avoid it. The other is that this is not an illusion, but something Wang Tao has never seen before...


Wang Tao has always been in awe of the unknown.

After he found that he could not figure out what was going on, he immediately asked Xu Xiaojun to evacuate here.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the outside environment had changed!

Originally they were supposed to be near Shan Feng Hotel, but now... they are downstairs at Haochen Hotel!

These two hotels, one in the south and one in the north, are not in the same place at all!

"Brother, what on earth is going on..."

Nie Siyan was already shaking with fear.

Xu Xiaojun was also a little scared. His eyes were as wide as bells and he was ready to fight at any time.

Wang Tao's eyes glowed green, and the eyes of Jiang Shixue next to him also glowed red, but the scene outside remained unchanged.

Wang Tao touched the entangled tree roots on his wrist again, and then said to several people:

"get off!"

Several people got out of the car immediately.

Xu Xiaojun took out his giant ax from the trunk and stood next to Wang Tao like a door god.

Nie Siyan was very scared, and she didn't care too much and hid behind Wang Tao.

Jiang Shixue looked curious. She had never known what fear was.

Several people waited outside the car for a while. Except for the intercom in the car, which kept ringing, there was no other sound. It's too quiet here, and there's not even a zombie!

"I feel that the problem may be in this hotel..."

Wang Tao looked at Haochen Hotel and frowned.

"But I have come to this hotel every time before and checked it every time. There is nothing wrong with it..."

Nie Siyan spoke weakly at this time.

"Are you sure this is the hotel where you are?"

Wang Tao suddenly said to Nie Siyan.


She was really not sure about this weird situation now.

At this time, Nie Siyan's voice on the car intercom stopped, and a moment later, a terrifying roar suddenly came from inside!

"Save me! Why don't you come and save me! Damn it, you deserve to die!"

Although the voice was very sharp, it could still be heard that it was indeed Nie Siyan's voice!

Nie Siyan was completely hiding behind Wang Tao like an ostrich at this time, and even Wang Tao saw that she was slowly losing blood.

But it's not her fault. If it were anyone else who came to this weird environment, it probably wouldn't be much different.

"Come on, let's go take a look inside the hotel!"

Wang Tao said to several people.

If this was an illusion, they were trapped in it. We had to find a way to escape. Wang Tao guessed that it would not be possible to drive away directly. He might encounter a situation like a ghost hitting the wall, and he would always circle there. So he still feels that the focus of the problem lies within the hotel.

However, when a few people were about to enter the hotel, they suddenly heard footsteps coming from inside. Then a bald man with tattoos on his face suddenly rushed out.

"Help! Help!"

He was in good physical condition, but his face was very frightened, as if he had seen something terrible.

When Nie Siyan saw this person, she was immediately shocked.

"Zhu Han, why are you here too!"

This person is none other than her right-hand man!

"Sister Nie! Help me!"

When Zhu Han saw Nie Siyan, he seemed to have seen a savior. His face suddenly became happy, and then he ran directly to Wang Tao.

Nie Siyan was about to talk to Wang Tao, but Wang Tao took out a fire ax without saying a word and struck Zhu Han with it.


A shock wave hit Zhu Han's body.

Zhu Han was directly knocked away. He had just ran out of the hotel lobby and was smashed into the hotel again.


Nie Siyan's eyes widened when she saw this scene, but she was quiet and didn't dare to say more.

A moment later, Zhu Han, covered in blood, limped out again.

"You, why did you hit me!"

He glared at Wang Tao.

"Why did I hit you? I'm going to kill you too!"

Wang Tao grinned.

You have a red health bar on your head, you say it’s Zhu Han?

The health bar of survivors is green, while the health bar of zombies and monsters is red!

And he is still a second-level elite!

The second level has a suffix and has no miscellaneous attributes in the body, so it is 100% a zombie!

[HP: 11238/15000]

[Blue amount: 10000/10000]

[Level: Level 2·Elite]

Wang Tao didn't talk nonsense to him and rushed forward directly.

After just a few encounters, he was eliminated by Wang Tao.


When Zhu Han died, his eyes were still staring, as if he was innocent.

Even after he died, his body did not change at all, he was still Zhu Han.

Nie Siyan covered her mouth, she didn't dare to say anything.

Regardless of whether this was Zhu Han or not, she was not qualified to influence Wang Tao's decision.

When Wang Tao saw this scene, he was a little surprised.

so similar!

This person or thing looks so much like Zhu Han!

But unfortunately, eyes may be deceiving, but the health bar is not.

Just as Wang Tao put away his trophies, another sound came from the hotel.

"Help! Help!"

A figure that was very familiar to Nie Siyan ran out.

"Liao Xia..."

Wang Tao looked at the opponent's 20,000 blood and the attributes of the second-level elite, and rushed forward again without saying a word.

A moment later, Liao Xia died.

Before she died, she stared at Wang Tao, as if she was wronged.

Then, Huang Wei also appeared.

Still has 20,000 blood and second-level elite attributes. Still easily killed by Wang Tao.

When Huang Heng walked out of the hotel after seeing Huang Wei's death, Nie Siyan was completely dumbfounded.

"Is it possible...'I' will also come out of the hotel?!"

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