[HP: 30000/30000]

[Blue amount: 30000/20000]

[Level: Level 3·Elite]

This "Huang Heng" turned out to be a third-level elite zombie. This surprised Wang Tao.

After all, with his current strength, it is not too difficult to kill the third-level elite.

"Honey, why are you with others? Come to me!"

This "Huang Heng" is different from the previous ones.

As soon as the previous people came out, they ran towards Wang Tao and others, and kept shouting for help.

Although this Huang Heng also ran out shouting for help, he immediately stopped when he saw Nie Siyan and started interacting with Nie Siyan.

It just feels like he seems...smarter?

Nie Siyan was shocked when she heard Huang Heng's words.

In any case, she and Huang Heng have been married for many years, but she killed Huang Heng with her own hands, so for Huang Heng. As long as she is a normal person, she must feel a little guilty in her heart.

Now seeing Huang Heng frowning and looking very unhappy, Nie Siyan subconsciously wanted to walk towards Huang Heng.

But in an instant, she felt a cold gaze on herself.

Nie Siyan paused, then immediately took a step back and hid behind Xu Xiaojun.

She felt a little guilty towards Huang Heng, but she was afraid of Wang Tao!

Wang Tao, who was not far away, saw Nie Siyan take two steps and then go back, and then he looked away.

Nie Siyan's mind just now must have been affected.

Wang Tao walked towards Huang Heng step by step.

"You want to fight me? You're overestimating your own abilities!"

Huang Heng looked at Wang Tao with a hint of contempt in his eyes.

Then he took out a machete from nowhere and pointed it at Wang Tao arrogantly.

This Huang Henggang looked very nervous and ran for his life, but now he looked arrogant, as if the danger behind him was gone?

Wang Tao couldn't complain, he directly activated the barrier ability and accelerated towards Huang Heng.

However, during the sprint, black tree roots appeared one after another on Wang Tao's body, and these roots quickly wrapped around Wang Tao's body.

By the time Wang Tao rushed in front of Huang Heng, he had transformed from a 1.9-meter-tall ordinary person into a 2.5-meter-tall monster!

Seeing this scene, Xu Xiaojun and Jiang Shixue were both calm, but Nie Siyan covered her mouth in horror.

She suddenly felt that Huang Heng seemed to have no problem, but Wang Tao had a big problem!

Who is the monster here?

Nie Siyan felt like she was going crazy.

the other side.

Huang Heng slashed at Wang Tao who rushed over.

Wang Tao did not dodge or dodge, and used the entangled tree roots to withstand the blow.



Then Wang Tao punched Huang Heng on the head.



Huang Heng was smashed directly into the hotel lobby.

Wang Tao did not pursue, but looked at the knife mark on his shoulder and frowned.

"What a high attack!"

The defensive power of the entangled tree roots is still very strong. The Night Demon can only hit him with more than 100 health, and the weakened third-level lord zombie fish can also hit more than 100 health.

But Huang Heng, who had 30,000 HP, directly received more than 500 HP!

Although this Huang Heng has the same HP as the Night Demon, his attacks are four to five times that of the Night Demon!

However, Huang Heng's defense was also much lower. Wang Tao could only hit the Night Demon with more than 3,000 HP when he was wearing the entangled tree roots, but he could hit nearly 5,000 HP on Huang Heng!

This is a zombie with high attack and low defense!

Wang Tao inside the root armor smiled. He likes opponents like this!

"you wanna die……"

Huang Heng walked out of the hotel lobby, then rushed towards Wang Tao with a machete.


The two fought together again.

Wang Tao now has two fighting methods. When the entangled tree roots are not activated on his body, he will focus on dodge and defense. Sometimes it is better to miss an opportunity than to put yourself at risk of injury. After all, if you are scratched by a zombie, you may not be able to do without the inhibitor for the rest of your life.

But if there are tree roots wrapped around him, Wang Tao's fighting style is extremely unrestrained! Relying on the high defense of the entangled tree roots and the mechanism that it does not deduct blood, it is crazy to exchange injuries for injuries and lives for lives!

This style of fighting is very violent, but also very fast.

Just like his battle with this Huang Heng, only a few moves passed, and in less than thirty seconds, Huang Heng was beaten to the point where there was no trace of blood left.

Wang Tao glanced at his health bar.


This was the most serious injury he had ever suffered from entangled tree roots.

However, Wang Tao was not unhappy at all, because this Huang Heng was going to die.

Wang Tao lifted up the huge tree root sole, and then gave Huang Heng a hard kick, which was lying at his feet.




Huang Heng's head exploded to pieces and his health bar was cleared.

A large number of loot packages jumped out of Huang Heng's body instantly.

Wang Tao didn't have time to study, so he directly put away these trophies and the crystal core in Huang Heng's brain.

"Huh? Is his knife a real knife? Or a bone knife?"

Wang Tao was a little surprised when he saw the knife with a name dropped by Huang Heng, but he didn't take a closer look and quickly put it into his space backpack.

Then he quickly used the crystal core to replenish the blood of the entangled tree roots while looking towards the lobby of Haochen Hotel.

According to this rhythm, Nie Siyan should be the next one to come out, right?

Wang Tao even looked forward to it. It would be interesting if two identical Nie Siyan stood together, right?

At this moment, Nie Siyan's voice sounded again on the intercom in Wang Tao's car.

"You all have to die! You all have to die! You all have to die!"

Her voice was filled with resentment.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the sound of the intercom, and they subconsciously looked at the intercom.

Suddenly, Nie Siyan, who was hiding behind Xu Xiaojun, moved.

A dagger suddenly appeared in her hand and she stabbed Jiang Shixue next to Xu Xiaojun!

When the dagger was about to touch Jiang Shixue, Jiang Shixue suddenly turned around and then punched her. There was a fierce collision between her white and tender fist and the dagger. But there was no sound of bloody hands tearing or bones breaking. Instead, the dagger directly twisted and deformed!


Nie Siyan was directly knocked away by the blow.

Her entire right arm was twisted irregularly, and there were bone residues protruding from her elbow.

Wang Tao had a wonderful expression on his face when he saw this scene.

"What do you think? You chose the person with the fastest reaction to attack..."

Jiang Shixue's reaction and speed are the fastest among the three. Even Wang Tao can't compare. Not to mention Jiang Shixue's body is very hard. She has the body of a serious second-level lord zombie. How can an ordinary dagger break through her defense? Obviously impossible.

Even if Nie Siyan can sneak attack Xu Xiaojun, she is much better than Jiang Shixue.

Of course, she should not be called Nie Siyan at this moment.

Because I don’t know when, Nie Siyan was transferred!

[HP: 38470/40000]

[Blue amount: 15000/20000]

[Level: Level 3·Elite]

Not only did Wang Tao not notice it, but Jiang Shixue, who had always been sensitive, didn't notice it either.

"There's something..."

Wang Tao felt that his adrenaline was already being secreted.

"Let me kill her later!"

Wang Tao said to Jiang Shixue.

"Okay~" Jiang Shixue nodded, and then said with some confusion, "Her defense seems to be very weak."

"I saw."

Wang Tao also nodded.

In any case, this "Nie Siyan" is also a third-level elite, obviously one level higher than Jiang Shixue, and has so much more health. But his arm was broken by Jiang Shixue's punch. Her defense is a bit low.

"Xiaojun, keep an eye on the car to prevent anything from damaging it."

Wang Tao said to Xu Xiaojun.

The current situation is a bit weird. If something really damages the car, it will be a huge loss. After all, this car is quite valuable.


Xu Xiaojun stood next to the car holding a giant axe.


Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue immediately rushed towards Nie Siyan.

When the two of them were sprinting towards Nie Siyan, Wang Tao suddenly discovered that Nie Siyan was clearly right in front of him, but he felt that Nie Siyan seemed to have disappeared?

No, it's not like that! She did disappear because the blood bar on her head was gone!

Wang Tao's eyes glowed with a rich green light. His vision was raised to its maximum, but he still couldn't visually detect the flaw. The Nie Siyan in front of him was indeed exactly the same as the real one!

Wang Tao punched this Nie Siyan.

This punch used a shock wave and hit the target instantly. This Nie Siyan was shattered like a mosaic.

Then Wang Tao felt like something appeared behind him.

Wang Tao turned his head and saw Nie Siyan appearing behind him. She punched him in the waist with an indifferent expression.




No, is this hurt serious?

Only 34 drops of blood were given, and these 34 drops of blood were absorbed by the entangled tree roots.

Why do you feel that, besides having some weird abilities, this Nie Siyan seems to be quite weak in both attack and defense?

If this is the case, then Wang Tao will be completely relieved.

He and Jiang Shixue, let alone talk about it, their defense capabilities are very good.

"Fuck it!"

Wang Tao punched again, and this time he also used a shock wave, which was still a large fan-shaped one.

He didn't know what Nie Siyan's weird ability was, but she just attacked indiscriminately.

Don't tell me, this trick really works.

Wang Tao punched a few random shock waves, knocking Nie Siyan out of the air!




Nie Siyan was knocked away and landed in front of Jiang Shixue.

Jiang Shixue punched Nie Siyan in the face.




Nie Siyan, who was still in the air, was hit hard on the ground by Jiang Shixue's punch. There were cracks on the cement floor.

Wang Tao took the opportunity to rush over and stepped heavily on Nie Siyan.

This kick did not cause any damage, but it left Nie Siyan unable to move.

As a result, Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue punched and kicked Nie Siyan.

Soon, Nie Siyan's blood volume bottomed out.

Seeing that there was still a trace of blood left in her, Wang Tao signaled Jiang Shixue to stop. He raised a fist as big as a casserole and was about to smash it into Nie Siyan's face.

But at this time, Wang Tao saw that the red blood bar on Nie Siyan's head disappeared, and then turned into a green blood bar again!

Wang Tao stopped when his fist was still ten centimeters away from Nie Siyan's face.

The Nie Siyan at her feet no longer had the indifferent face just now, but a look of horror.

"Brother, spare your life! It's me, don't kill me!"

Wang Tao let go of his feet and looked at Nie Siyan, who was not injured. He was a little curious.

What's going on with her? Could it be that the zombies just switched places with her, and then switched back again?

Wang Tao grabbed Nie Siyan and pulled her up from the ground with his left hand.


Suddenly, a gust of wind came from the right ear.

Wang Tao noticed that Nie Siyan's eyes suddenly widened, as if she had seen something horrifying.

So Wang Tao didn't even look back and punched himself directly on the right side.




The other Nie Siyan was directly punched in the head by Wang Tao.

Nie Siyan, who was in Wang Tao's arms, was frightened. She saw "herself" being shot in the head with her own eyes!

Wang Tao put away the loot with ease, and then looked at the surrounding environment.


The surrounding space shattered like a mirror.

Only then did Wang Tao realize that his group was not at the entrance of Haochen Hotel, but at the entrance of Danfeng Hotel!

It is indeed a fantasy!

This feeling of shattered illusions was a bit familiar to Wang Tao. He had felt it before from the black fog monster in Shuize County.

Wang Tao looked around again.

There were several zombie corpses lying at the door of the hotel!

Based on the locations of these corpses, Wang Tao roughly identified them.

"Zhu Han", "Liao Xia" and "Huang Wei" are all thin zombies. They seem to be of the same species.

"Huang Heng" is a tall and thin zombie with slender limbs. One of its hands is almost the same as a normal person, but the other hand is broken off at the forearm.

"No wonder it dropped a bone knife!"

Wang Tao thought of the knife he just picked up. It should be its other arm!

"Nie Siyan" is a somewhat obese zombie who looks ordinary and has no major physical characteristics.

"Is this illusion created by this zombie? It feels nothing special, and it feels very weak..."

Wang Tao frowned a little, feeling something was wrong.

After all, when he fought the black fog monster, the black fog monster was so strong that the illusion it created was not as realistic as this one. Although the "Nie Siyan" zombie's ability is a bit weird, its overall strength is a bit weak. Even the previous black fog monsters were much stronger than it...

Suddenly, Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue seemed to feel something, and they looked up at the top floor of Danfeng Hotel at the same time.

Through an open glass window, they saw a black shadow.

Wang Tao's hair stood up instantly.

[HP: 100000/100000]

[Blue amount: 100000/100000]

[Level: Level 4·Lord]

[Impurities in the body: 60%]

[Awakening:? ? ? 】

"Fuck! Get out quickly!"

He said why he always felt something was wrong! It turns out that this illusion was not created by the zombie "Nie Siyan", but by the big guy on the roof of the hotel!

The fourth level lord monster!

It's hard to say whether Wang Tao can defeat the third-level lord now, but here comes a fourth-level lord!

He has a feeling that "if you look at it one more time, you will die"!

No wonder Jiang Shixue couldn't see through this illusion, it was two levels off!


Wang Tao immediately ran into the driver's seat, stepped on the accelerator, and drove everyone away personally.

In the car, Wang Tao stared at the surrounding environment, fearing that something would happen.

Fortunately, there were no accidents all the way back to the arcade, and the monster didn't chase me.

However, both Wang Tao and Nie Siyan had some residual effects of the illusion - when he saw the people in the video game city, Wang Tao actually had the illusion that the other person was a zombie!

If he hadn't been able to see the opponent's green health bar, he really couldn't guarantee that he would have killed these people!

"What a terrifying illusion!"

Wang Tao quickly led a few people upstairs.

He could tell the difference, but he was afraid that Nie Siyan couldn't tell the difference. If Nie Siyan took action, it would be troublesome.

As for Xu Xiaojun and Jiang Shixue...they didn't even have any trouble!

Looking at this "single-minded" and "little idiot", Wang Tao actually felt a little envious.

Xu Xiaojun has no sequelae. It should be his hidden ability of "sticking to his heart".

[Stick to your true heart: not easily confused by external things]

And Jiang Shixue... should be just plain stupid.

The more people think in their minds, the more likely they will be affected by this sequelae...

After returning upstairs, Wang Tao said seriously to Nie Siyan:

"You stay here and don't go out these days. Even if you see any zombies, monsters, etc., you can't attack. Otherwise, I will kill you before you attack! As for recruiting and purchasing Crystal Core, please take a moment and adjust your condition first."

After hearing Wang Tao's words, Nie Siyan nodded quickly.

"I see!"

When she first returned to the video game city, she felt like the people around her were Liao Xia, Huang Wei and Huang Heng! If Wang Tao hadn't pulled her, she might have actually taken action...

The illusion of this fourth-level lord is truly terrifying!

Wang Tao recalled the attributes of the fourth-level monster he had seen before. It had one more attribute than other zombies or monsters——

[Awakening:? ? ? 】

"What does awakening mean? Is it the ability to upgrade to the fourth level? And I can't see the specific attributes... Is it because my level is too low?"

Wang Tao is only at the second level now, which is really low compared to the fourth level...

Wang Tao shook his head and thought no more.

Wang Tao first asked why Nie Siyan disappeared. Nie Siyan said that she didn't understand either. She was still a little dizzy and couldn't explain it to Wang Tao.

So Wang Tao asked her to rest first and talk later.

Then Wang Tao took out the map of Bauhinia City and remarked the location of the Danfeng Hotel - fourth-order lord, extremely dangerous!

Although he didn't quite understand why this monster didn't continue to attack them with illusions. He didn't know if there were any restrictions, but he wasn't going to go. At least he can't go until he reaches the third level. Otherwise, it’s just food delivery...

It was already evening. Wang Tao drank several bottles of nutrient solution to replenish the energy in his body and then took a shower.

When the fatigue and tension in his body slowly disappeared, Wang Tao looked at the space backpack in the mirror.

This operation was actually a near miss, mainly because the fourth-level lord monster did not end up in person.

It is estimated that it does not know Wang Tao's third-level combat power, or what restrictions it has. Otherwise, it’s hard to say what the outcome will be…

As for the harvest this time, it is naturally very rich!

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