During this trip to the Danfeng Hotel, Wang Tao killed a total of three second-level elite zombies and two third-level elite zombies, excluding the ordinary zombies on the road.

These three second-level elite zombies are all of the same type, and they all have the same crystal cores in their heads, a total of 3 [second-level crystal cores: athletes].

Wang Tao already has many of these crystal nuclei in his hands, and he likes them because they have passive abilities. He plans to try fusion them later.

Then there are the trophies exploded by these three zombies, which are basically the same.

The first zombie to be killed exploded two packages, and the other two zombies each exploded a package.

[Obtain: Running Potion (Medium)*15]

[Obtain: Running Potion (Medium) Production Blueprint*1]

The three zombies exploded a total of 15 bottles of running potion (middle) and a production blueprint.

[Running potion (medium): After injection, the strength of the lower limbs increases, and the running speed increases by 50%-150% (the stronger the physique, the greater the improvement), lasts for 10 minutes, and cools down for 6 hours]

Compared with the small bottle running potion, the speed of the medium bottle running potion is not only improved, but the small bottle only has 10%-100%, and the cooling time is also reduced. The cooling time of the small bottle is 12 hours, and the cooling time of the medium bottle is directly reduced by half.

[Running Potion (Medium) Blueprint: After learning it, you can make 5 running potions (Medium) each time. Materials required: Rapid Mushroom*1, Level 2 Zombie Crystal Core*1, Purified Water*100ml, 10kcal food]

The running potion is a good thing, but making this potion requires a second-order crystal core, which is still a bit luxurious. In addition, without core materials, Wang Tao will definitely not be able to make it now.

Then came the highlight of this harvest—the trophies of two third-level elite zombies.

"Huang Heng" and "Nie Siyan" zombies are both third-level elite zombies. They are leapfrog kills for Wang Tao, so they have a lot of special energy!

Killing the "Huang Heng" zombie will give you 6,000 special energy, and killing the "Nie Siyan" zombie will give you 9,600 special energy!

Wang Tao's current special energy has reached 41140!

Now that there is so much special energy, some of his previous plans can also be started.

But don’t rush for now, let’s take a look at the loot first.

"Huang Heng" zombie exploded three packages.

The first package was a crystal core gift package. Counting the crystal cores in his head, there were six crystal cores in total.

They are red [Third-order crystal core·Almighty], purple [Third-order crystal core·Promotion], blue [Third-order crystal core·Athlete], purple [Third-order crystal core·High-frequency vibration], blue [Third-order crystal core·High frequency vibration] [Level 3 Crystal Core·Sprint] and the last orange [Level 3 Crystal Core·Right Arm Bone Blade]

"No wonder this zombie's attack damage is so high. It turns out it has the ability to vibrate at high frequencies..."

Wang Tao has seen the other crystal cores before, but this is the first time he has seen the right arm bone blade.

[Level 3 Crystal Core·Right Arm Bone Knife]

[Quality: Epic (100%)]

[Purity: 40% (side effect: reduced defense)]

[Right arm bone knife: Passive ability, the right arm decays quickly, and then grows a sharp bone knife]

This crystal core is said to have a side effect of lowering defense, but there are actually two. After all, turning his right arm into a bone knife is definitely a side effect for Wang Tao. And there is no way to get rid of this side effect...

But for some disabled people who are missing their right arm, this ability should be very good. Anyway, one arm is missing, and replacing it with a bone knife is better than having no arm at all...

Speaking of bone knives, Wang Tao looked at the knife dropped by the "Huang Heng" zombie.

[Obtain: Sharp Bone Knife*1]

Although the items used by zombies have names after being dropped and can be stored in space backpacks, they have no specific attributes. Wang Tao doesn't know whether this bone knife is strong or not.

However, the contents of the "Huang Heng" zombie's second trophy package can be used to make use of this bone knife.

[Obtain: Improved Bone Knife Manufacturing Blueprint*1]

[Improved bone knife manufacturing drawings: A sharp bone knife can be produced. Materials required: bone knife*1 (the quality of the core material will affect the quality of the final molding), third-order crystal core*1, iron block* 20. Steel wire*20, gear*20, sharp edge*20, nail*20, screw*20]

[Improved bone knife: unknown attributes]

This improved bone knife manufacturing blueprint is somewhat similar to the previous improved worn-out great axe, but that blueprint used a second-order crystal core, while this one uses a third-order crystal core.

Wang Tao's current materials were naturally enough, and he immediately took them out to prepare for manufacturing.

As for the third-order crystal core, Wang Tao took out the [third-order crystal core·water breathing] after looking at it. Wang Tao feels that the other third-order crystal nuclei are useful. This water-breathing crystal nucleus is relatively average. Anyway, he still has many first- and second-order water-breathing crystal nuclei. So just use it.

After a burst of colorful light flashed, a brand new bone knife appeared.

This bone knife is like a door panel. Compared with the original, it has become larger, wider, heavier, and more ferocious!

[Improved sharp bone knife]

[Level 3 (Excellent)]

[Attack power +50, durability +50, attack speed +5%]

"This attribute... is so strong!"

After seeing the specific attributes, Wang Tao was very surprised.

The giant ax he used for Xu Xiaojun had +30 attack power and durability, and also reduced attack speed. And now this bone knife not only has two attributes increased by 50, but also increases attack speed!

Wang Tao played a few tricks.

This bone knife is not light, but it is much lighter than the giant axe. Although it is long and wide overall, considering Wang Tao's strength, it is effortless to swing it.

Wang Tao took the bone knife and slashed at a steel bar.


Although the steel bar was not broken, a gap appeared directly on it!

The bone knife was intact and its durability was not lost.

Wang Tao slashed again, but this time he used high-frequency vibration.


This thumb-thick steel bar was cut into two pieces!


Wang Tao is very satisfied.

He had been saying before that he couldn't find a suitable weapon, especially when he used the entangled tree roots, the fire ax couldn't be used.

And this bone knife is very big, and it seems to match his tree root armor perfectly!

More importantly, with this bone knife, Wang Tao can use high-frequency vibration powers at any time, which can add a lot of attack power to him!

After waving it around the room a few times, Wang Tao put away the bone knife with satisfaction.

The third loot package released by the zombie "Huang Heng" is also a running potion.

[Obtain: Running Potion (Medium)*10]

10 bottles of potions are also pretty good.

Then there are the trophies exploded by "Nie Siyan" zombies. The same three loot packages.

The first crystal core gift pack plus its own crystal core make a total of five.

They are purple [Level 3 Crystal Core·Almighty], blue [Level 3 Crystal Core·Athlete], purple [Level 3 Crystal Core·Throwing Mastery], red [Level 3 Crystal Core·Stealth], and white [Level 3 Crystal Core·Stealth]. Core·Revitalization】and the last red【Third-order crystal core·Positioning transformation】.

There was no promotion to the crystal core this time, and Wang Tao had basically seen the rest of the crystal cores. Only the last crystal core is a new face.

[Third-order crystal core·positioning conversion]

[Quality: Excellent (80%)]

[Purity: 40% (side effect: reduced attack and defense)]

[Position conversion: Within a certain range, select a large creature to bind for ten minutes. During these ten minutes, a large amount of energy can be consumed and its position is exchanged. The exchange cannot exceed this range. It can be used up to 5 times within ten minutes, and there is a probability of failure. The probability of failure is related to the strength of the opponent's mental power. After ten minutes, the positioning conversion will cool down for 1 hour]

This crystal core is obviously the ability of the "Nie Siyan" zombie to suddenly replace Nie Siyan, and then suddenly replace Nie Siyan.

Judging from its introduction, this positioning conversion capability is quite impressive. You can directly swap places with the other party!

At some critical moments, it will definitely work wonders.

For example, if a zombie is in a place where no one can attack it, can we just change its position so that everyone can attack it?

For example, if a hostile superpower is hiding in the crowd and cannot attack him, then use this ability to directly replace him?

For another example, is it possible to prepare a trap in advance and swap the positions of zombies or supernatural beings so that they can enter the trap?

It feels like this can all be done!

Of course, this power is not invincible.

First of all, when you replace the other person, you also replace yourself. For example, if you swap places with a zombie, you will get the zombie out of the zombie group, but the person you exchanged will also enter the zombie group. If the person is unable to avoid danger, then this becomes a one-time power.

Then there is this side effect, the attack and defense are all reduced... he is a proper tool. Of course, Wang Tao can find a way to remove this side effect, but other restrictions on this ability cannot be removed.

For example, it can only be within a certain range, can only be bound for ten minutes, and can only be used five times, which consumes a lot of energy each time. And the most important thing is that it is possible to fail. The probability of failure is related to the opponent's mental strength and so on.

The existence of these restrictions makes the ability of positioning conversion destined to be a strange move, but not a magical skill.

Wang Tao suspected that the reason why the zombies chose Nie Siyan might be because of Nie Siyan's mental weakness...

Of course, no matter how restrictive it is, the ability itself is still good.

If there is a chance to get two more positioning conversion crystal cores in the future to eliminate the side effects, Wang Tao thinks that he can cultivate them and find someone with high defense to fuse this crystal core, and then he can create a person who can exchange positions with the enemy. Tool man...

Wang Tao continued to check the loot.

The second loot package released by the zombie "Nie Siyan" is a potion.

[Obtain: Spiritual Growth Potion*10]

[Spiritual Growth Potion: After injection, your spirit will gain a certain degree of permanent increase]

Without saying a word, Wang Tao started injecting directly into his arm.

There is never too much of this stuff, he just uses it if he can.

It took some time to complete the injection, and Wang Tao felt as if his head had been washed with water, and all his fatigue disappeared. The most important thing is that the hallucinatory sequelae caused by the previous fourth-level lord monster are gone!

“Much more comfortable!”

Wang Tao took a deep breath. Then look at the last loot package. Inside are throwing weapons.

[Obtain: Stainless Steel Flying Knife*30]

[Stainless Steel Throwing Knife: Throwing Weapon, Attack +20]

This throwing weapon is much stronger than the previous scalpel! The scalpel does not add any attributes, but this flying knife directly adds 20 attack. It is estimated that the power of this flying knife throw is no worse than Wang Tao's attack. Moreover, this flying knife is not as brittle as a scalpel and can be used repeatedly!

If that zombie had thrown a throwing knife, it might have been a lot of trouble. But who knew it had no brains and went straight to attack Jiang Shixue.

But speaking of brains, these zombies should be brainless, but during the battle, Wang Tao felt that these zombies were almost like humans... This was obviously not their own ability, but the ability of the fourth-level lord monster.

It should be the one with it [Awakening:? ? ? 】Related, I just don’t know whether it is a direct change in the environment, or a change in the cognition of Wang Tao and others...

Wang Tao now knows too little about the fourth level information.

But it's not that he doesn't understand it at all. At least he knows that one hundred thousand blood must be the fourth level, and it is most likely the lower limit of the fourth level.

He also knew that there would be an awakening attribute at the fourth level. Although I don’t know exactly what this awakening means, this awakening must be very strong... The gap between the fourth level and the third level is definitely larger than the third level and the second level!

After all, levels one, two, and three are all low levels, while level four is the middle level...

After briefly imagining what happened at the fourth level, Wang Tao quickly shook his head. He has not even reached the limit of the third level now, and it is still too far to think about the fourth level.

He looked at the crystal core he now owned.

He had thought before that he would use special energy to synthesize crystal nuclei and then use them himself. But the special energy was never enough.

Now that he has more than 40,000 special powers, he can give it a try.

Wang Tao looked at his own abilities, which were currently second-order shock wave +1, second-order precision shooting +1, second-order barrier +1, and first-order high-frequency vibration +10.

He had a thought.

[Special Energy-5000]

[Special Energy-1000]

[Remaining special energy: 35140]

After spending six thousand special energy, he extracted both precise shooting and high-frequency vibration.

There are only two abilities left on Wang Tao's attribute panel. At the same time, his mana amount is 2200 less, but he has two more crystal cores in his backpack.

[Second-level crystal core·Precise shooting (+1)]

[Quality: Epic (100%)]

[Purity: 100% (Side Effects: None)]

The first one is a precision shot, and the second one is a high-frequency vibration.

[First-order crystal nucleus·high frequency vibration (+10)]

[Quality: Epic (100%)]

[Purity: 100% (Side Effects: None)]

However, these two crystal nuclei were different from those he had seen before.

There is a +1 behind precision shooting, and a +10 behind high-frequency vibration... This should represent how many crystal cores were used to fuse this crystal core.

At this time, a prompt suddenly popped up.

[Note: Synthesized abilities cannot be fused by others]

"Huh? Ability like barrier cannot allow other people to fuse?"

This made Wang Tao a little disappointed. He also thought that if there was a chance, he could synthesize some superpowers and then extract them into crystal nuclei to sell them for money. It seems that this road is no longer possible.

But this is harmless, after all, as long as you can use it, the most important thing is that you are strong.

Wang Tao first put the two crystal nuclei aside, and then began to fuse the first-order crystal nuclei.

He was going to let the first-order crystal nuclei of those passive abilities combine with each other to see if they could synthesize an awesome power.

Wang Tao previously speculated that the more similar the abilities are, the higher the probability of synthesis.

Those attacking abilities, or abilities with some special abilities, are all diverse. It's not easy for Wang Tao to find similarities.

But there is one kind of power that is different, and that is passive power. This kind of passive ability basically passively increases certain attributes. To some extent, this should be similar...

Anyway, Wang Tao currently has more than 30,000 special energy, and synthesizing and extracting first-level abilities only requires 1,000 special energy, which is not expensive. So Wang Tao was ready to give it a try to see if his guess was correct.

After a period of trying, Wang Tao looked at the brand new ability on his attribute panel and burst into laughter.

"I knew it would definitely work! Although there are restrictions..."

Wang Tao now has three abilities, namely second-order shock wave +1, second-order barrier +1, and first-order status enhancement +1!

[Status enhancement: Passive ability, which can increase strength, running speed, athletic ability, and throwing skills (side effects: none)]

After some experiments, Wang Tao found that he could only synthesize up to 4 original abilities into one. If there are more than 4 abilities, it would be impossible to synthesize them, and a prompt would appear——

[The current ability has been synthesized to the upper limit in the current stage, please try again in the next stage]

This should mean that the first-level ability can only be synthesized 4 times, but if it is upgraded to the second level, it should be able to continue to be synthesized?

Wang Tao has exactly five first-level passive abilities. They are Powerful, Running, Athletic, Throwing Mastery, and Timed Defense.

Timed Defense is a power that increases defense at night. Compared with the previous abilities, this ability is not that useful to Wang Tao, so he chose the first four.

Although there are some minor limitations, this new ability is still ridiculously powerful. After all, one is worth four!

Wang Tao used 10 first-level all-powerful crystal cores to instantly increase this status enhancement to +10, and then used a second-level promotion crystal core to upgrade this ability to the second level.

Then Wang Tao took out another crystal core that had just been synthesized.

[Second-order crystal core·violent]

[Quality: Epic (100%)]

[Purity: 100% (Side Effects: None)]

This ability is that when the blood volume is lower than 30%, the blood volume will be full, the size will increase, and in addition to defense, all other attributes will be enhanced in all aspects! You can rage up to once per day for one hour.

When he killed the gorilla zombie before, he exploded a violent crystal core, and then traded another violent crystal core from Yang Changhong. In the past two days, more than two hundred people were sold to prison, and among the crystal cores obtained, there was another violent one!

This just allowed Wang Tao to synthesize a 100% pure violent crystal core.

Wang Tao merged directly, and after a moment, Wang Tao had a violent ability on his panel.

Then Wang Tao looked at Violence and Status Enhancement. These two are passive abilities. They should be able to be combined, right?


[Status Enhancement + Fury (94%)]

You can bet on this probability.

Wang Tao immediately consumed 5000 special energy to synthesize it.

[The fusion is successful and new abilities are obtained: Level 2 Level 1·Super Violent]

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