Lan Yulian divided everyone into several teams, and each team was led by a powerful second-level superpower.

She and Lu Yingfeng acted as firefighters. Especially Lan Yulian, she should try her best to pay attention to everyone's physical condition. If there is an injured person, she needs to go there and get treatment immediately.

On Wang Tao's side, Nie Siyan was appointed as the captain, with Xu Xiaojun assisting and leading the others. Wang Tao only took Jiang Shixue with him.

After the teams were divided, Lu Yingfeng took the lead and led everyone into the sports center.

The sports center is very large and has several landmark buildings. A lot of money was invested in it back then.

But now it is a desolate and dilapidated scene, with many buildings collapsed and some green plants growing wildly in the gaps. I knew it was a sports center, but I didn’t know it and thought it was a botanical garden.

The gymnasium is in the middle of the sports center. Since there is no way to drive inside, Lan Yulian parked all the cars outside the sports center, and everyone got out of the car and walked forward.

"There are zombies!"

As soon as I entered the sports center, I saw zombies appearing, and there were quite a few of them.

Wang Tao took a look and saw that they were all second-level ordinary zombies—wait, second-level ordinary zombies?

Wang Tao thought he had seen it wrong, so he took another look.

[HP: 23000/23000]

[Mana amount: 0/0]

[Level: Level 2·Normal]

You read that right, it is indeed a second-level ordinary zombie!

This was the first time Wang Tao saw second-level ordinary zombies. These zombies seemed to be very weak, but Wang Tao's face was very serious.

The most zombies in the world are probably ordinary zombies. If ordinary zombies have evolved to the second can the survivors survive?

There are still many ordinary people and first-level superpowers, and these second-level ordinary zombies will definitely cause them a lot of trouble.

"I hope it's just an exception..."

Wang Tao muttered in his heart, and then told Nie Siyan and the others that this was a second-level ordinary zombie and asked them to pay attention.

Soon, the survivors came into contact with the zombies, and the battle began.

Wang Tao observed that these second-level ordinary zombies were similar to first-level ordinary zombies. They had no special powers and relied entirely on their strong physical fitness to attack.

However, compared with first-level zombies, they are stronger, faster, have higher defense, and have more health bars.

Many people kill first-level ordinary zombies instantly, but it takes a lot of effort to kill second-level ordinary zombies.

Especially when you encounter those second-level ordinary zombies with more than 20,000 blood, even if they are not as strong as the second-level elite zombies, they are equally difficult to kill...

The most important thing is that after finally killing these zombies, there is not even a crystal core inside... This is very unpleasant.

Of course, since they are second-level zombies, killing these zombies will increase the health bar of those with insufficient health. But the addition is not too much, and the feeling is not obvious. Many people cannot feel the increase in their blood volume at all...

The joy that everyone had just picked up the airdrop was slowly disappearing - if the gym was full of zombies like this, then even third-level zombies would be useless! Zombies without crystal cores are useless!

But after coming, it is definitely impossible to retreat without even seeing the rightful owner. We can only keep moving forward.

Wang Tao observed Lu Yingfeng.

This woman was indeed as strong as he thought.

Her weapon is a Tang Dao, and he seems to have practiced it himself, and he looks very handsome when wielding the Tang Dao!

If Xu Xiaojun is extremely violent, he relies on brute force to kill these zombies.

Lu Yingfeng's skills were superb. She killed these zombies without wasting any more energy. If you can kill with 8 points of force, you will definitely not use 10 points of force. You can avoid zombie attacks by taking one step back, but never take two steps back.

Her fighting method seems very dangerous, but everything is under Lu Yingfeng's control. And she won't waste any effort. Even though her physical fitness and stamina may not be as good as Xu Xiaojun's, she feels that her endurance is much stronger than Xu Xiaojun's!

Lu Yingfeng was strolling among the zombies. Even though she was holding a not-so-long knife, no zombies could get close to her.

Even if there were some unexpected situations occasionally, she would react quickly, as if she had expected them.

"How handsome!"

Wang Tao was very moved when he saw it.

Lu Yingfeng obviously did not use active powers, but relied on a systematic set of sword skills to make it like no one among the zombies.

If he could learn this set of sword skills, and combined with his tyrannical strength and that bone knife, wouldn't he be able to kill indiscriminately among the zombies?

"Look back and see if I can steal a teacher...or just let me become her teacher!"

Wang Tao has already made a small calculation in his mind.

Then he looked at Lan Yulian again.

Wang Tao didn't know the specific name of Lan Yulian's ability, but he saw that after a person was injured, Lan Yulian ran over, waved to the person from the air, and saw a green light flying from Lan Yulian's hand. to the opponent's head, and then the person's blood volume begins to increase.

After a while, the man's blood volume increased a lot. However, he has not fully recovered because the wounds on his body have not healed yet.

Wang Tao feels that this ability is a bit like his medical kit.

Medical kits can also add blood to people, but they may not be able to fill up the blood because some injuries need to be recovered slowly.

Of course, the blood added by Lan Yulian is stronger than the medical kit.

The medical kit can only add 100 health points each time. For Wang Tao, who now has nearly 30,000 health points, it is not very useful.

But Lan Yulian’s ability can increase blood by 1,000 at a time!

It is equivalent to the hemostatic medicine in Wang Tao's hand.

There doesn't seem to be a cooldown time for her ability, and she can use it as soon as she has residual health. Much better than a health kit.

Moreover, Wang Tao also discovered that Lan Yulian not only had the ability to increase blood, but also had the ability to heal injuries.

There was an old unlucky guy who fell into a manhole on the street, although he was not hit by the zombies. When his teammates fished him out, one of his feet was slightly deformed.

In this case, just adding blood is useless.

So, Lan Yulian waved her hand at the man, and a ray of white light flew into the man's leg.

After a while, his feet slowly returned to normal!

"Huh? I'm fine!"

This person was still in disbelief, and then quickly thanked Lan Yulian.

Lan Yulian waved her hand, indicating no need.

Wang Tao saw that when she added blood to people, she did not consume much mana, but when she treated their injuries, she consumed a small amount of mana.

Obviously, this ability to heal injuries consumes mana.

"Yes, she is a serious wet nurse..."

Wang Tao nodded secretly.

If nothing else, these two abilities are very strong.

If Lan Yulian doesn't want to be in the club anymore, she will definitely be a guest no matter where she goes.

And Wang Tao felt that she and Lu Yingfeng were a perfect match.

Lu Yingfeng is very powerful in combat. Killing zombies is like chopping melons and vegetables. Under her special protection, no zombies could approach Lan Yulian.

She would occasionally suffer some minor injuries, after all, there were too many zombies, and then she saw Lan Yulian swipe a green light at Lu Yingfeng, and Lu Yingfeng was instantly full of blood!

Lu Yingfeng protects Lan Yulian, and Lan Yulian protects Lu Yingfeng.

As long as the two of them don't seek death or encounter irresistible danger, they basically can't die with their fighting style.

Wang Tao is a little envious...

He looked at the others again, but there was no one else who stood out to him.

It took some time, and all these second-level ordinary zombies were killed.

Many people's faces were not very good-looking. After all, they had been busy for so long and didn't even see a single crystal core.

But Nie Siyan was very happy, because just now Wang Tao secretly told her that she should kill more zombies, do more last-hitting, and even grab heads. Because killing these ordinary zombies can also make you stronger, although the speed is a bit slower.

Nie Siyan naturally listened to Wang Tao, and she quietly stole many heads from others.

Now she can clearly feel that her strength has become stronger!

Wang Tao glanced at her, she already had 20,000 HP, but she gained 5,000 HP by grabbing heads... I have to say, she is also a talent.

"keep going!"

After Lu Yingfeng confirmed that there was no danger around, she immediately led the team towards the stadium again.

There is an artificial lake at the south gate of the gymnasium with a bridge on the lake. If you want to enter the stadium from the south gate, you have to cross this bridge. And now there is a large group of zombies on the bridge.

Seeing these zombies, Wang Tao frowned.

[HP: 30000/30000]

[Mana amount: 0/0]

[Level: Level 3·Normal]

Level 3 ordinary zombies!

Could this be the kind of zombies that Lan Yulian mentioned before, strong but without crystal cores?

At a glance, they were all third-level ordinary zombies, not even an elite.

Wang Tao really wanted to say, what kind of zombies are you raising? Can't you even raise an elite zombie? What is the use of this bunch of third-level ordinary zombies?

But the complaints in his heart were complaints, and Wang Tao was going to take action himself this time.

Because he is only at level 2 now, and ordinary zombies at level 3 are also at level 3, which can be regarded as a leapfrog kill and can add special energy.

Wang Tao just used up his special energy yesterday, and he can just replenish it today.

"These are level three zombies."

Wang Tao came to Lan Yulian and whispered to her.

"Are you encountering level 3 zombies now? And there are so many of them!"

Lan Yulian was suddenly shocked.

"But don't worry, these are third-level ordinary zombies. They have no special powers, so they are stronger than the second-level ordinary zombies we just killed. They shouldn't be too difficult to deal with..."


Hearing this, Lan Yulian breathed a sigh of relief.

According to previous experience, the first-level elite zombies and the first-level ordinary zombies are completely different creatures, and the same is true for the second-level ones. It is estimated that the probability of the third-level ordinary zombies is similar.

Lan Yulian immediately ordered to go down and tell everyone that they had encountered third-level ordinary zombies, so that everyone should not fight alone, and everyone should act in accordance with the team-in the previous battle, because the threat of those second-level ordinary zombies was not great, many people were a little bloated. , so the formation is quite chaotic.

Now that they heard that these were third-level ordinary zombies, everyone immediately looked stern, and then formed a team obediently, preparing to work together to kill these zombies.

Wang Tao took Xu Xiaojun's giant ax over.

The attack range of this giant ax is also large, and the shock wave it emits is also large, making it convenient for Wang Tao to attack in groups.

Seeing these zombies twisting their bodies and running towards everyone, Lan Yulian waved her hand.


Everyone formed a team and slowly moved forward.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly surpassed everyone and rushed directly into the zombie group.

"Wang Tao!"

Lan Yulian, who had been observing the overall situation, suddenly changed her expression.

"What is he going to do!"

Wang Tao had just told her personally that this was a group of third-level ordinary zombies, so how could Wang Tao dare to rush in alone?

Lu Yingfeng next to her also frowned.

She didn't understand what Wang Tao was going to do, but she was ready to save people. If Wang Tao got stuck and couldn't get out, she had to pull Wang Tao out quickly.

But what happened next made both women's eyes widen.

I saw Wang Tao rushing into the zombies, raising his giant ax high with both hands, and then suddenly slashed towards the ground!

A transparent shock wave centered on Wang Tao and spread in a ring shape.





This group of zombies was instantly hit by the shock wave and fell to the ground!

A large area of ​​10,000+ damage floated out from the heads of these zombies, densely packed and dazzling!

Wang Tao was quite satisfied when he saw the damage.

"As expected of a third-level zombie. My strength has improved so much recently, and I can only deal more than 10,000 damage..."

Wang Tao raised the giant ax again, and before these ordinary zombies could get up, another circular shock wave was sent out.






At this moment, countless zombies were shattered by the shock wave, not even a whole corpse was left!

Seeing that there were still some fish that had slipped through the net, Wang Tao struck again.






After three axes went down, Wang Tao was the only one standing on the bridge. He was surrounded by smelly blood and disgusting minced meat.


Everyone was completely dumbfounded.

No, didn't I just say that the people on the bridge were all third-level ordinary zombies? I've mispoken? Or did you see it wrong?

This should be a second-level ordinary zombie, right?

But even if they were second-level zombies, it was outrageous that Wang Tao could kill so many zombies with these three axes!

And if this is really a third-level zombie——

hiss! Then how strong must this Wang Tao be!

Everyone who saw this scene couldn't believe their eyes.

After all, they had just fought against second-level ordinary zombies and knew how strong they were. Most of them would have to put a lot of effort into killing a second-level ordinary zombie...

"This, is this really a third-level ordinary zombie?"

Lan Yulian looked at Lu Yingfeng with confused eyes.

Lu Yingfeng took a deep breath and said:

"They should be third-level zombies. They give me a completely different feeling from those second-level zombies..."

"But, why is he so strong?"

Lan Yulian still couldn't believe it.


Lu Yingfeng didn't say anything, and she couldn't believe it.

She felt that she could kill these third-level ordinary zombies, but it would definitely take a lot of fighting, and since she didn't have the ability to attack in groups, she could only kill them one by one. How could someone like Wang Tao send out three shock waves and crush all the third-level zombies on the bridge in a matter of seconds...

It turns out that Wang Tao is so strong!

"Isn't he a third-level superpower?"

Lan Yulian asked again.

"Probably not..."

Lu Yingfeng shook her head.

Wang Tao didn't know how much impact he had on others. He's collecting the loot.

Although these are ordinary zombies without crystal cores, they are leapfrog kills and will explode with multiple loot packages. Although there is nothing good in these packages, they are just some materials, but it is better than nothing.

After walking around the bridge and collecting all the trophies, Wang Tao looked at Lan Yulian and others.

"Why are you all standing there, why don't you go into the gym?"


Lan Yulian quickly waved her hand and called everyone over.


She came to Wang Tao and looked at Wang Tao like a monster.

"Very strong!"

Lu Yingfeng took the call.

"Haha, these third-level ordinary zombies are actually very weak. You two can easily deal with them."

Wang Tao's words are not pretentious, because these third-level ordinary zombies are indeed weak. Ordinary zombies and elite zombies are completely different species, with a huge gap in strength.

These second-level superpowers can definitely kill these third-level ordinary zombies. It's just slower.

"real or fake?"

Lan Yulian was a little skeptical.

She has never fought against this kind of third-level ordinary zombies, and she doesn't know how strong they are.

"Of course it's true. I can't lie to you. There should be a lot of these third-level ordinary zombies in the gym. You will know when you try them later."


Lan Yulian nodded first, then smiled.

"If we encounter danger inside later, with our relationship, you won't ignore it, right?"

"Not always."

Wang Tao smiled and said.


Seeing Lan Yulian's confused look, Wang Tao leaned over and whispered in her ear:

"I will act alone later, not with you, so I will definitely not be able to take care of you. But if you are really in danger, just call me and I will come over if I hear you."

"...You're not with us? That's too dangerous!"

Lan Yulian was a little surprised and worried.


When Wang Tao first came to the door, he sensed through the plants in the gymnasium that there seemed to be something on the second and third floors underground, and he was going to go and have a look.

But that place was dangerous and others who had gone there would surely have died. There was no need for Wang Tao to let them die.

"Okay, then be careful." Lan Yulian nodded worriedly, and then said playfully, "If you are in any danger, you can call me, and I will definitely come and save you if I hear you!"



Lan Yulian stretched out her hand, and Wang Tao gave her a high five.

Then Wang Tao said again:

"This gym is very big and there are many areas inside. I personally feel that you can go to Area is relatively safe there."

No matter how many people can accomplish great things, the fourth brigade is the weakest, so there is no need to show off.

"Huh? Area E?"

Lan Yulian has a map of the stadium in her hand. Area E is a bit far from the south gate and requires a long detour.

"Believe me."

"Okay! Then let's go to Area E!"

Seeing that Wang Tao didn't look like he was joking, Lan Yulian decided to believe him.

The windows of the gymnasium were blocked by vines. It was very dark inside and everyone was a little nervous.

Lan Yulian followed the route on the map and slowly led everyone towards Area E.

Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue broke away from the team and disappeared into the darkness.

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