Doomsday: I can see the health bar, kill monsters and drop treasure

Chapter 212 Encountering a plant monster again


Wang Tao swung his sword, and a third-level ordinary zombie was split into two halves.


Looking at the zombie corpses lying around, Wang Tao took a deep breath.

"There are so many zombies here!"

After leaving the team, he encountered many zombies along the way. And they are basically second- and third-level ordinary zombies.

Although he can easily deal with them, these zombies don't have any loot, which is a bit uncomfortable.

But when Wang Tao looked at his special energy, he suddenly grinned again.

[Special energy: 54140]

From the bridge on the artificial lake to now, Wang Tao has received a total of 54,000 special energies!

His previous maximum was only 26,000, which directly exceeded his previous upper limit.

It only requires 5,000 special energy to synthesize or extract second-level powers. With so much special energy, it can be operated many times!

But now is not the time to study superpowers, Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue moved on.

This is a multi-functional gymnasium with a total of three floors above ground, divided into six areas, namely A, B, C, D, E, and F.

Among them, areas A and B are the largest, areas C and D are the second, and areas E and F are the smallest.

Before, there were obstacles in the middle of each area and they were not connected.

The area where the Bauhinia base and prison raise zombies is in Area A, but now Area A has been completely occupied. Some zombies have broken through some obstacles and ran to other areas.

No one knows which area is the most dangerous now, but Areas A and B are definitely very dangerous, because they are next to each other, and it is estimated that many zombies have gone to Area B.

However, Wang Tao's target is not any of these areas, but the underground.

He could vaguely sense through the plants in the gymnasium that there were not many zombies in areas E and F, so they were relatively safe. There are more zombies in areas C and D, so they will definitely be more dangerous.

As for areas A and B... Wang Tao couldn't feel anything because there were no plants for him to use.

Just because you don't feel any movement doesn't mean there's no danger. It may even be more dangerous.

So Wang Tao asked Lan Yulian to go to Area E.

As for why he didn't go, it was because he sensed that there seemed to be... a very strong plant monster in the underground parking lot of the stadium!

His hidden ability to be friendly to plants is also shared by plant monsters. So when he sensed the plant monster, the plant monster also sensed him!

At that moment, Wang Tao knew that he was being targeted by this plant monster!

There were many vines, moss and other plants in the gymnasium, and it was impossible for him to avoid them.

So instead of letting a monster stare at you all the time, you might as well take the initiative and look for this monster!

Moreover, in the information given to Lan Yulian by the Bauhinia Base, there was no mention of this plant monster, and there was not even much mention of the underground parking lot. They said it was too dark in the underground parking lot and too difficult to clean, so they simply blocked the underground parking lot.

Now it seems that either they are hiding some information about the underground parking lot. Either something happened in the underground parking lot that they didn't know about.

But no matter what the situation is, Wang Tao must go and take a look at this underground parking lot. Anyway, he and Jiang Shixue both have night vision and are not afraid of the dark.

After walking for a while and killing a few ordinary third-level zombies, Wang Tao found one of the elevator entrances in the underground parking lot.

"They are all blocked..."

If it were just to block the elevator door, Wang Tao could still find a way to open it, but this would directly block the elevator shaft with some building materials.

Wang Tao had no choice but to look for the next place.


Suddenly, Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue raised their heads at the same time, looking into the darkness with two pairs of eyes, one green and one red.

In their sight, a zombie with pus oozing from its body and some deformities appeared from the corner, twisting its body and walking quickly towards the two of them.

[HP: 30000/30000]

[Blue amount: 3000/3000]

[Level: Level 3·Elite]

"Could this be the third-level zombie they cultivated? But it's a bit weak..."

Wang Tao frowned when he saw this zombie.

Although this zombie is a third-level elite, it only has 3,000 blue. This amount of mana is not as much as some first-level power users...

"Don't take action, I'm going to see its strength."

Wang Tao confessed to Jiang Shixue, then walked towards the zombie with the bone knife in hand.

"Ho ho..."

The zombie roared angrily at Wang Tao, then stretched out his hands to grab Wang Tao.

Wang Tao easily dodged its attack.

"The attack speed is average..."

Then Wang Tao quickly took a few steps back, and the zombie quickly chased after him.

"The movement speed is just average..."

When the zombie caught up, Wang Tao stabbed it directly on the head.


This knife directly chopped off half of its face.

"The defense is so-so..."

"Ho ho..."

The attacked zombie seemed a little angry. It roared and rushed towards Wang Tao again.

Wang Tao had no intention of trying its attack again, so he swung the sword directly.



The blood bar of the oozing zombie is reset to zero.

"It's really weak..."

Wang Tao took a look at his special energy.

Although this zombie is very weak, it still has some special energy, a total of 1,500. Of course, the reward is not much. Wang Tao can get more than 6,000 special energy by killing other third-level elite zombies.

Wang Tao looked at its crystal core again.

[Level 3 Crystal Core·Defense]

[Quality: Ordinary (20%)]

[Purity: 40% (Side Effect: Body Discharge)]

[Defense: Passive ability, enhance self-defense]

A very ordinary third-level defense crystal core.

As for the loot, it did release three loot packages, but the contents of these three packages were average.

The crystal core gift package in the first package actually only had one crystal core, and it was also a defense. Fortunately, it was a blue quality one, which was a little better than the one in my hand.

The second package contains a bunch of crafting materials that can be exploded by ordinary zombies.

The third package is [Defense Potion (Small)*10], so the items in this package are pretty good.

"This kind of zombie should have been cultivated by them. It is indeed very weak. It feels like an enhanced version of the second-level ordinary zombie. However, it may still be a bit difficult for others to deal with..."

Wang Tao felt that if they were all third-level zombies of this level, then the Bauhinia Base should be able to solve them by gathering so many people.

But it’s hard to say how many promotion cores this zombie can explode...

Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue continued to look for the entrance to the underground parking lot.

Along the way, he encountered several more third-level zombies, but Wang Tao easily dispatched them all.

"Brother, it seems you can go down here."

While passing through a corridor, Jiang Shixue suddenly spoke.

Wang Tao followed Jiang Shixue's gaze and found a large hole at the end of the corridor, with many thorny vines at the entrance.

Wang Tao ran over quickly.

Looking in from this hole, I happened to see the roofs of several cars.

Below is the parking lot!

Wang Tao did not rush down, but studied the cave entrance first.

Judging from the damage at the entrance of the hole, Wang Tao always if something broke out of the ground and made a big hole in the floor!

Could it be that weird plant thing?

Wang Tao thought.

He took out his walkie-talkie and contacted Lan Yulian.

"I'm Wang Tao, how are you doing there?"


After a burst of electricity, Lan Yulian's voice sounded.

"I am Lan Yulian. We are safe for the time being. There are no casualties. What about you? Is it safe where you are?"

"I'm safe here too."

Wang Tao nodded.

"By the way, why did you take Xiaoxue away! Do you know how dangerous it is here? Even if you brought Xiaoxue, you actually took her away alone! If I weren't afraid that contacting you rashly would disturb you, I I've wanted to scold you for a long time, you..."

While Lan Yulian was speaking, there was Lu Yingfeng's voice next to her, and she was also a bit cursing.

After listening to what the two of them said, Wang Tao not only didn't get angry, but actually smiled.

Because he could feel that Lan Yulian really cared about Jiang Shixue.

In Lan Yulian's eyes, Jiang Shixue was just a dull, lovable little girl. She didn't expect that when Wang Tao set off, Jiang Shixue was also in the car. She didn't even expect that when Wang Tao left alone before, he actually took Jiang Shixue away with him!

If it weren't for the wrong timing, she would have come over and taught Wang Tao a lesson.

"Does she care about me?"

Jiang Shixue, who was beside Wang Tao, asked with some confusion.


Wang Tao touched Jiang Shixue's little head, and then said to the intercom:

"I brought Xiaoxue because she has some special abilities that are useful to me. Don't worry, I will protect Xiaoxue. Aren't you still worried about my strength?"

Wang Tao originally wanted to explain Jiang Shixue's strength to her, but he should pay attention again. He was going to let Xiaoxue turn around and scare her to satisfy his own evil taste.

"...Forget it, you've already taken me away. It's useless for me to say anything. I just hope you can keep your word!"

Lan Yulian sighed helplessly.

"Don't worry. Then where are you now?"

Wang Tao changed the topic.

"We are... there are too many zombies on the road. There are many third-level ordinary zombies, and we also encountered a few third-level elite zombies. We haven't reached Area E yet..."

When it came to business, Lan Yulian immediately gathered her emotions and quickly explained to Wang Tao.

"That's going pretty well."

Wang Tao estimated that according to their progress, they should reach Area E in another thirty minutes.

"But I exploded a promotion core!"

Lan Yulian suddenly said again.

"...promoted to the crystal core? Congratulations!"

Wang Tao was a little surprised. He didn't expect Lan Yulian to be so lucky.

"What about you? What did you gain? Did you get the promotion core?"

Lan Yulian asked.

"...I'm going to be busy, so that's it for now."

Wang Tao decisively ended the call.

He killed 5 level 3 elite zombies and exploded 10 crystal cores, but there was not a single promotion core inside...

Wang Tao once thought that these zombies would not explode and advance to the crystal core, but he did not expect that Lan Yulian's side would explode.

"Oh. It turns out it's my bad luck..."

Shaking his head helplessly, Wang Tao looked at Jiang Shixue beside him and said:

"Let's go, let's go first."


Wang Tao took a closer look and jumped directly after confirming that there was no danger below.


He landed gently on the roof of the car.

Jiang Shixue also fell behind.

"So many plants..."

After Wang Tao came down, he found that the underground parking lot was full of plants. Vines, moss, tree roots, and some unknown plants...

"I feel like I have entered the lair of this plant monster..."

Wang Tao complained.

However, having more plants is also beneficial to him. For example, now, he found the location of the plant monster in an instant!


Wang Tao immediately led Jiang Shixue towards the direction of the plant monster.

At this time, suddenly a vine whipped towards Wang Tao and the others like a whip!

Without night vision, Wang Tao might have been tricked. But with night vision, he saw the vine at a glance.

"This thing can also attack?"

Wang Tao was a little surprised because he didn't see a health bar on the vine, so he subconsciously ignored it.

Wang Tao raised his bone knife and slashed at the vine.


The vine was cut into two halves and fell at Wang Tao's feet.

Wang Tao picked it up and looked at it carefully. It was indeed a very ordinary vine.

He waited for a while, and after seeing no other attacks, he and Jiang Shixue continued walking forward.

But just after taking a few steps, another vine came over.

This time there were three vines, and Wang Tao also easily cut off the three vines with one stroke.

"Is this the attack of the plant monster in the dark? It feels very weak..."

Wang Tao muttered and continued to move forward.

About a minute later, another vine whipped towards him.

But this time it's not three sticks at a time, but a dense pile.

Seeing another vine attack, Wang Tao subconsciously wanted to use his sword again. After all, these are ordinary vines with little defense.

But after seeing the vines clearly, Wang Tao grabbed Jiang Shixue and moved away.


These vines hit the position where Wang Tao was just now, and then——


Countless rubble was blown away, several cars were directly smashed, and a huge crack appeared on the concrete floor.

"Damn it, you even need to use the art of war!"

Wang Tao was a little surprised.

I just wanted to cut through these ordinary vines with one knife, but I didn't expect that one of these vines had a health bar.


One hundred thousand blood volume!

Wang Tao didn't know what it was, so he didn't dare to answer it and just pulled Jiang Shixue and ran away.

Now it seems that he was right to avoid it. If he suffers this for a while, his skin will peel off even if he doesn't die.


After the attack of this 100,000-blood vine failed to work, it immediately continued to dance and flew towards Wang Tao.

Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue moved around and dodged several of its attacks. Wang Tao also used a knife to fight the vine, but Wang Tao only hit it with more than 100 health points. With 100,000 health points, it was about the same as Mao Yuyu.

Wang Tao suddenly thought of the entangled tree roots. At that time, the entangled tree roots also had 100,000 health points, could not be beaten, and had only one attribute: health bar...

Wang Tao didn't know if this vine was the same type of creature as the entangled tree roots, but it was definitely not the true form of the plant monster.

"Let's find its true form!"

Wang Tao didn't intend to fight the vine. He and Jiang Shixue bypassed the vine to the left and right and ran directly forward.


More vines attacked.

Wang Tao stared at these vines, and sure enough, several more with 100,000 blood appeared. Moreover, these vines do not share the health bar, each one has 100,000 blood!

Fortunately, Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue were both very fast and could easily avoid it if they took precautions in advance.



The vines filled with hundreds of thousands of blood were creating cracks in the ground, breaking the pillars in the parking lot, and smashing the cars into pieces.

This is so destructive!

At a certain moment, Wang Tao pointed at a place and shouted:

"Right there!"

Without saying a word, Jiang Shixue rushed directly towards the location pointed by Wang Tao.

At this time, Vine suddenly wanted to defend, but Wang Tao, who had been dodging and had never attacked before, took the initiative this time. He directly waved the bone knife and attacked these 100,000-blood vines.




The bone knife collided with the vines, making loud noises.

The cement pavement around Wang Tao was almost reduced to rubble.

At this moment, these vines suddenly retracted and instantly broke away from the battle with Wang Tao.

At the same time, a thin figure flew towards Wang Tao.

Wang Tao immediately reached out and caught Jiang Shixue.

"Is everything okay?"

Wang Tao saw that Jiang Shixue's health bar had dropped by more than 2,000.

"I'm fine, it's coming."

Wang Tao quickly looked up and saw a huge figure slowly appearing from the darkness.

This is a figure that looks like a big tree, and its entire body is metallic black. Some vines danced around it like tentacles.

Perhaps due to the limited floor height of the underground parking lot, its body is a bit longer and looks shorter and thicker.

[HP: 50000/50000]

[Blue amount: 50000/50000]

[Level: Level 3·Lord]

[Impurities in the body: 70%]

This is a third-level lord monster!

Seeing this somewhat exaggerated attribute, Wang Tao breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it has 50,000 health, fortunately it is not a fourth-level monster with more than 100,000 health. Otherwise, Wang Tao would have no choice but to run away.

Wang Tao didn't see where the monster's face was, or it had no face, it was just like this.

It walked out of the darkness, waving those 100,000-blood vines to attack Wang Tao.

Perhaps because they were closer, these vines swung much faster, and Wang Tao was embarrassed to dodge.

Wang Tao found the right opportunity, and after dodging the vine attack, he suddenly launched a charge and came to the big tree monster.

He slashed twice, and a "-1034" and a "-1287" damage number popped up on the big tree monster.

"What a high defense!"

Wang Tao was a little surprised, but he didn't panic.

He quickly took out a small pot from his waist and poured the liquid in the small pot onto the big tree monster instantly.

"Big tree monster, right? Let's see if you can withstand the fire!"

Wang Tao always had gasoline in his car. When he felt that there were plant monsters here, he specially brought the gasoline with him!


Wang Tao took out a lighter, lit it and threw it at the plant monster.


The big tree monster was instantly enveloped in flames.

Wang Tao immediately moved away, he was ready to escape the sea of ​​fire.

But the flames on the big tree monster became smaller and smaller, and after a moment... the flames went out!

"Damn it, you're not afraid of fire?"

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