Wang Tao originally planned to use flames to burn this third-order lord monster to death, just like he did in the miniature reservoir last time.

But he didn't expect that the flame went out!

This big tree monster is not afraid of fire? !


The big tree monster waved its vines again and attacked Wang Tao.

Wang Tao dodged several attacks and retreated to Jiang Shixue.

"It's not afraid of fire, so we have to... fight hard!"

Wang Tao sighed.

He didn't really want to fight this big tree monster, but he had no choice now. Of course, he can escape, but it's not like he can't be beaten, so there's definitely no need to escape. He came here just to kill this monster!

Wang Tao took a deep breath, and some black tree roots appeared from his wrists, and soon covered his whole body. In the blink of an eye, a two-meter-five-meter-tall "root monster" appeared.

The reason why Wang Tao did not use entangled tree roots before was because he was afraid of setting fire to himself. After all, entangled tree roots are afraid of fire. But since the fire attack is ineffective, Wang Tao has no scruples and directly shows his strongest posture!

While wearing this set of armor wrapped around tree roots, Wang Tao could use this bone knife more smoothly. He held a knife flower in his hand, and then rushed directly towards the big tree monster.


Wang Tao rushed to the big tree monster in an instant and slashed its body hard.


"What a high defense!"

Wang Tao's knife was cut out when he turned on the copper wall and iron wall ability, used high-frequency vibration, and wore entangled tree roots.

It can almost be regarded as Wang Tao's peak state, but he only hit him with more than 3,000 health! If he were to fight ordinary third-level zombies, Wang Tao felt like he could kill them instantly. One can imagine how high the defense power of this big tree monster is.

But it's not a big problem. One sword can cut more than three thousand people, and a dozen or so swords can kill it!

Of course, the big tree monster would definitely not allow Wang Tao to do this. The vines on its body danced wildly and hit Wang Tao.

Wang Tao originally wanted to rely on the entangled tree roots to fight, but he found that the entangled tree roots seemed a little unbearable, and immediately retreated.

"Such high damage!"

Wang Tao was a little speechless.

He had just slashed the big tree monster twice more, losing more than 7,000 blood. But those vines hit the entangled tree roots, hitting them four times, knocking out more than 4,000 blood!

You must know that the entangling tree originally had 10,000 health points, but half of it was knocked out at once!

"It seems we can only use shock waves."

High-frequency vibrations cause the highest damage, and Wang Tao originally wanted to fight quickly. But since the entangled tree roots couldn't bear it, he could only use shock waves to fight guerrillas from a distance.


Wang Tao raised his sword and sent out a shock wave towards the big tree monster.

But what Wang Tao didn't expect was that those vines suddenly appeared in front of the big tree monster and blocked the attack.

The shock wave knocked out more than 500 blood from these vines. The vines had a total of 100,000 health. These 500 blood were the same as scratching an itch.

Seeing so many vines with 100,000 blood showing their teeth and claws in front of his eyes, Wang Tao had a headache.

This giant tree monster is difficult to kill - you'll get attacked at close range and you won't be able to hold it back. Long-distance attacks will be blocked, and a pile of 100,000-blood vines can't hurt the big tree monster at all!

The only good thing is that this big tree monster seems to have no other means of attack except the vines, at least for the time being, and it moves very slowly, which makes Wang Tao's pressure not so great.

Wang Tao suddenly felt a little regret at this time. He should focus on cultivating the tree roots.

Entangling Roots currently only has 10,000 health, but its upper limit is 100,000. But this needs to be cultivated, either with crystal nuclei or one's own blood volume.

Wang Tao just kept the HP and fit of the entangled tree roots at 100%, and did not deliberately cultivate them. After all, the defense of the entangled tree roots itself is very high... Now it seems that this defense is not high enough.

If his entangled tree roots had 100,000 blood, he might be able to withstand the attack of the vines and kill this big tree monster...

"Brother, I'll attract it, and you'll attack."

At this time, Jiang Shixue suddenly spoke.

"No! It's too dangerous!"

Wang Tao immediately shook his head.

Jiang Shixue was attacked by a vine just now and lost more than 2,000 blood. Even if Jiang Shixue had 29,999 blood, she couldn't resist a few hits.

"Brother, I can do it, and I believe in you."

Jiang Shixue said seriously.

In terms of daily life, Jiang Shixue has always been a bit dull, but when fighting, she becomes relatively sober.

Wang Tao hesitated for a moment, but looking at Jiang Shixue's calm eyes, he finally nodded.

"Okay! But if there is danger, I will ask you to retreat. You must retreat!"


After a little discussion, Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue separated. The two of them rushed towards the big tree monster, one on the left and the other on the right.

The big tree monster immediately waved its vines and attacked the two people at the same time. But at this time, Jiang Shixue's eyes flashed red.

I saw the vines attacking Wang Tao suddenly paused, and then attacked Jiang Shixue!

This is Jiang Shixue’s hidden attribute, the Eye of Contract!

[Eye of Contract: Night vision, controlling other people’s thinking to a certain extent]

This ability can control thoughts, which sounds very powerful. But the impact on powerful creatures is very limited.

Like this third-level lord monster, Jiang Shixue, who is at the second-level lord level, can only slightly affect the opponent for a moment, such as attracting attacks.

But you can do a lot of things in just one moment!

Wang Tao rushed directly to the big tree monster, raised his bone knife, and slashed wildly. There are almost no skills, all relying on brute strength!








In three seconds, Wang Tao slashed six times, directly cutting off half of the tree monster's blood.

Then Wang Tao didn't like fighting at all and retreated decisively.


As soon as he walked away with his front feet, many vines followed him on his back feet, hitting the spot where Wang Tao was just now, creating a big hole inside.

Wang Tao evacuated towards Jiang Shixue and soon saw Jiang Shixue lying in the rubble.


Jiang Shixue was also knocked out of half of her blood.


Jiang Shixue climbed up from the ruins. Although she was injured, there was no expression of pain on her face.

Wang Tao quickly hugged her and quickly left the battlefield.

This big tree monster seems to be a little violent and is attacking the surroundings indiscriminately.

"It seems like it can't find us anymore..."

Wang Tao stood on a pile of gravel with Jiang Shixue in his arms.

This pile of rubble was just smashed by the big tree monster. Everything around it was destroyed, including the surrounding plants.

This big tree monster has no eyes, so it should be able to determine Wang Tao's location through its perception.

But there are no plants in this rubble, so it can't sense it.

And it doesn't seem to have any intelligence. If it were a human, it would definitely be able to judge Wang Tao's approximate location based on the route Wang Tao just escaped from. But it has no such judgment and is just wreaking havoc crazily.

This also made Wang Tao relax. If it were a monster with high intelligence, it would undoubtedly be much more difficult to deal with...

Wang Tao looked at Jiang Shixue in his arms.

Although Jiang Shixue still had half of her blood, she was still very safe. But seeing her whole body covered with blood marks from being beaten, but she was just frowning slightly, Wang Tao still felt a little distressed.

After all, he and Jiang Shixue had lived in the apocalypse for two months and had feelings.

Wang Tao took out the medical kit to stop her bleeding, and then asked:

"Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt."

Jiang Shixue shook her head.

Seeing Wang Tao helping her treat the wound carefully, Jiang Shixue suddenly reached out and touched Wang Tao's face.

"What's wrong?"

Wang Tao was a little confused.

"I seem to...remember something..."

Jiang Shixue looked a little confused.

"Huh? What did you remember?"

Wang Tao was a little curious.

"There seems to be a woman who treated me like this, but I can't remember her face clearly..."

Her "treat" naturally meant helping her treat her wounds.

Wang Tao thought for a moment, then smiled and said:

"Then it's most likely your mother."

He didn't know if Jiang Shixue had any close female friends or relatives, but if he treated her wounds carefully like this, there was a high probability that she was her mother. After all, in most cases, parents are definitely good to their children.


Jiang Shixue's eyes were confused for a moment, but she didn't hesitate. Wang Tao told her before that she should not have any psychological pressure, as she would remember it sooner or later.

And "mother" is just a noun to her. She still feels comfortable being with Wang Tao...

After Wang Tao helped her deal with the wound, he looked at the big tree monster again.

At this time, the big tree monster was no longer violent, but the vines on its body were slowly dancing around, as if it was looking for Wang Tao's location.

"Brother, let me attract it again."

Jiang Shixue only lost a lot of blood, but her arms and legs were not missing, and her strength was not greatly compromised.

"Okay. But don't get too close this time. Try not to let her attack you!"

Wang Tao did not refuse. The big tree monster now only has 25,000 blood left, and it has no ability to restore blood. If Wang Tao hadn't killed it, Jiang Shixue's beating would have been in vain.


After the two discussed for a while, they rushed out of the rubble and split up.

When the two stepped on some underground moss, the big tree monster discovered them. But this time, it didn't dance with the vines, but the ground suddenly trembled, like an earthquake, and then several thick tree roots came out of the ground!

These tree roots instantly formed obstacles, trapping Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue respectively, and then quickly shrank!

"Do you still have this ability?"

Wang Tao quickly used all the available potions, and then gave the strongest blow to the tree root in front of him.


He cut out a gap in the tree root in front of him!

The attack power of the high-frequency vibration ability is undeniable.

Wang Tao got out of this gap, and then saw the big tree monster slowly coming here. He could clearly see that these huge tree roots grew from the body of the big tree monster.

These tree roots are growing wildly, and some of them reach the ceiling.

Only then did Wang Tao know what was going on with the big hole he had just entered in the underground parking lot. It was the big tree monster that used the tree roots to open it!

And Wang Tao also thought that Lan Yulian had told him before that the Bauhinia Base and Prison raised zombies here. It was originally very safe, but somehow they suffered some damage, causing the zombies to escape from Area A, and there were also some outsiders. The zombies ran in, and from then on it slowly started to get out of control.

Wang Tao felt that it might be the damage caused by the big tree monster! After all, the destructive power of its roots is quite strong, so it should have no problem destroying the buildings where zombies are kept!

But there is no time to think too much now, because Wang Tao discovered that the IQ of this big tree monster is indeed simple, and may even be "single-threaded" - when it activated these tree roots, the vines on its body stopped dancing!


Wang Tao immediately rushed towards the big tree monster, and then quickly swung the bone knife.





In two seconds, he slashed four times.

The big tree monster finally seemed to have come to its senses. The roots on its body stopped moving, and the vines swung again, hitting Wang Tao.

But this time Wang Tao didn't hide.

While resisting several vine attacks, he slashed the last two swords at the big tree monster.




The vines that were pulling towards Wang Tao suddenly seemed to wither and fell at Wang Tao's feet. The roots growing out of it slowly stopped moving and became no different from ordinary tree roots.

As for the big tree monster itself, it collapsed suddenly.


Four loot packages burst out, and Wang Tao quickly put them into his space backpack.

Then Wang Tao discovered that the blood bars of the vines on the big tree monster were decreasing crazily, losing tens of thousands of blood in the blink of an eye.

Wang Tao's brain hadn't reacted yet, but his hands were already moving.

He raised his bone knife and slashed at the vines.

Swish swish——

The vines that had a lot of HP and high defense just now were almost like ordinary plants. Wang Tao slashed them one by one with ease and determination.

After these vines died, a loot package also exploded!

Wang Tao quickly put away the packages of loot, and then ran to Jiang Shixue's location without checking the body of the big tree monster.


Suddenly, a hole was punched through the root of the tree on Jiang Shixue's side, and Jiang Shixue got out of it.

"The defenses of these roots are weakened."

Jiang Shixue explained, and then she saw the huge monster lying on the ground.

"Brother killed it? Amazing!"

Jiang Shixue immediately praised.

Wang Tao was immediately relieved when he saw that Jiang Shixue was not injured again.

Then he and Jiang Shixue came to the big tree monster together.

Wang Tao used plant affinity to sense the surrounding movements while checking the big tree monster.

This monster should be regarded as the second largest monster Wang Tao encountered, and it is also one of the most difficult monsters...

The big tree monster was so big that Wang Tao didn't know where to start. But he unexpectedly discovered that after the big tree monster died, the bark actually had names and could be stored in a space backpack!

[Iron Bark: Production Material]

Is this monster called "Iron Tree"?

Wang Tao immediately put all the iron bark into his space backpack.

[Obtain: Iron Bark*100]

This iron tree monster instantly turned into a barkless tree.


Jiang Shixue sensed something at this moment and pointed at a place.

Wang Tao cut it with a bone knife, then reached out and took out a red crystal core.

[Third-order crystal nucleus·tree root]

[Quality: Excellent (80%)]

[Purity: 40% (Side Effect: Body becomes woody)]

[Tree roots: The legs transform into large and defensive roots, which can walk in the soil]

This ability should be the roots that the Iron Tree Monster just used. Looking at this introduction, I don’t seem to feel how strong it is. But it's very strong in actual combat. If it weren't for Wang Tao's high attack, it's hard to say whether he could break through the defense of this tree root.

However, this power will turn his legs into tree roots. Although he can walk in the soil, judging from the appearance of the big tree monster, it is obviously not very fast.

And this is not a side effect and cannot be eliminated. Then the price is a bit too high, and Wang Tao doesn't like it.

Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue searched the iron tree monster again to see if there were anything similar to the entangled tree roots or magical seeds.

First, he found lots of tree essences.

[Obtain: Tree Essence*13445]

A portion of tree essence can increase health by 100 and mana by 100. Although you need to take a certain amount of time after every ten servings, it is still a good thing. Wang Tao, Jiang Shixue, and Xu Xiaojun have been using it.

Then I did find a seed.

But this seed is different from the previous magical seeds.

[Iron Tree Vine Seed: Planted in the ground, a violent Iron Tree Iron Vine will grow. If planted in the body, an obedient iron tree vine will grow.]

Wang Tao raised his eyebrows when he saw the introduction of this seed.

If you plant the iron tree vine seeds in your body, what will grow is not a hidden ability, but a vine? Do you want to give it a try...

Except for the crystal core, tree essence and iron tree vine seeds, this iron tree monster has nothing else.

But at this moment, the tree roots wrapped around Wang Tao's wrist suddenly moved. It squirmed gently on Wang Tao's wrist, as if it was conveying some message to Wang Tao.

Wang Tao was a little surprised, then felt it carefully and was stunned.

"Huh? I feel like the entangled tree roots are trying to 'eat' the corpse of the iron tree monster..."

Wang Tao was a little unsure.

The entangled tree root is a creature with little autonomous consciousness and cannot directly convey thoughts to Wang Tao. Wang Tao only vaguely feels that way.

But after all, he was his fighting partner, and Wang Tao would definitely respond if needed, so Wang Tao issued an order to let the entangled tree roots move freely.

Then the entangled tree roots were seen breaking away from Wang Tao's wrist, and like a snake, they quickly got into the iron tree monster's body, leaving only a small root exposed.

When Wang Tao looked at the small tree roots, he found that the state of the entangled tree roots had changed a little.

[Level 3 Weapon·Tangled Roots]

[HP: 7563/10000 (upper limit 100000)]

[Status: Evolving (remaining time: 59 minutes and 59 seconds)]

[Amplification: HP, attack, defense (weakness: fear of fire)]

[Fitness: 74%]

"Evolutionary state?"

Wang Tao's face suddenly showed a look of anticipation. Can this thing evolve? What could this evolve into?

It was only an hour, and he could afford to wait.

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