
Wang Tao suspected that he heard wrongly.

He looked at Lan Yulian.

Although Lan Yulian's back was turned to him, Wang Tao could see that her ears were red.

Is this woman serious?

Before Wang Tao had time to wonder, Lan Yulian suddenly turned around and hugged Wang Tao.

Although her face turned red, she still raised her head and faced Wang Tao bravely.

"I was serious!"

There is no man who doesn’t love beautiful women, especially when a beautiful woman takes the initiative to throw herself into his arms. It is estimated that few men can remain calm.

Feeling the softness in his arms, Wang Tao did not pretend to be reserved. He gently hugged Lan Yulian's slender waist, looked at those big watery eyes, and asked curiously:


Although Wang Tao admits that he may have some personality charm, Lan Yulian is obviously not the kind of woman who is a nymphomaniac. For her to take the initiative to throw herself into his arms, Wang Tao was obviously surprised.

"I don't want you to leave! The military base is too dangerous. Going there will lead to death! You might as well stay at the Bauhinia Base to maximize your value! I can also give up the position of leader to you. Let's Fight disaster together..."

Seeing the sincerity in Lan Yulian's eyes, Wang Tao was a little moved. Then he pretended to be disappointed and said:

"Is it just because of this? So you want me to stay and work for you!"

"...Okay, I admit, I do like you, but just a little."

Lan Yulian was a little shy, but she didn't hide it.

Now is the end of the world, and sometimes the survivors may not even meet a few people, let alone meet the right person of the opposite sex.

Lan Yulian felt that she was lucky to meet such a high-quality member of the opposite sex as Wang Tao.

If Wang Tao chooses to stay at the Bauhinia Base, then she may have more contact with Wang Tao and get to know him better. If she thinks it's suitable, she can try to deal with him.

But now, Wang Tao has made it clear that he wants to leave, but he still goes to such a dangerous place, which is no different from sending death. So she ran out of time to ink.

To say how much she loves Wang Tao, it's not that much. After all, the two of them don't have much contact. It would be too false to say that they are in love with each other to the death.

But there is definitely affection between men and women. After all, Wang Tao is handsome and strong. Such an excellent man is very popular with women.

From an emotional point of view, she somewhat likes Wang Tao and is willing to live with Wang Tao. From a rational perspective, if Wang Tao can be kept at Bauhinia Base, it will definitely bring endless benefits.

Lan Yulian was still a little hesitant before, or she hadn't realized her heart yet.

But in the past few days, she had thought a lot and talked a lot with Lu Yingfeng. Lu Yingfeng even encourages the pursuit of one's own happiness from time to time. Such a good man will be gone if he doesn't seize the opportunity! In addition, the topic with Wang Tao just now was a bit ambiguous...

Therefore, Lan Yulian directly expressed her feelings to Wang Tao.

Of course, she said that she was willing to go to bed with Wang Tao, which was a bit hot-headed. After all, she is not an open woman, and she would never have been able to say such things before.

But again, this is the end of the world and there is no time for her to fall in love. If you hesitate for a moment, it may not be a simple matter of fate, but a separation of life and death!

Besides, who can live without an impulsive moment? Maybe she will regret today's decision in the future, but no matter what, she has no regrets now!

Wang Tao could feel Lan Yulian's sincerity. It is true that she wants to keep herself, and it is true that she likes herself.

But Wang Tao shook his head.

"There's no way I can stay."

Lan Yulian's heart suddenly felt cold.

Does Wang Tao really have no feelings for her at all? Lan Yulian said quickly:

"I still owe you so much debt, and I can't pay it back. But I can't break my promise. Since I can't pay it now, I have to pay it myself! You can't leave!"

Lan Yulian's eyes were a little red, and there was mist in her eyes. Wang Tao's straightforward rejection made her feel a little aggrieved.

Wang Tao gently stroked her face and said:

"Let's do this. I must be going to the military base. After all, I have been busy for so long and cannot give up halfway. But I promise you, if the military base is really dangerous, then I will come back to you. If the military base is safe, Then I will still come back and pick you up. What do you think?"


Lan Yulian didn't say anything, just stood on her toes and kissed her.

The ability to reconcile yin and yang is very powerful.

Wang Tao and Lan Yulian's mana levels quickly returned to full.

Moreover, the upper limit of Wang Tao's mana amount was directly increased by 1,000!

After the storm.

Lan Yulian lay in Wang Tao's arms, hugging Wang Tao's waist tightly. She looked up at Wang Tao with eyes full of reluctance.

"Can't you really stay, even if it's for me..."

If Lan Yulian was still a little unsure about Wang Tao's feelings before she and Wang Tao recovered her energy, she might really only like him a little bit. Now...she felt as if she had really fallen in love with Wang Tao.

Wang Tao lowered his head and pecked Lan Yulian's forehead gently.

He didn't answer, but his attitude was already obvious.

"Heartless man..."

Lan Yulian hammered Wang Tao's chest muscles a few times, then felt puzzled and took a few more bites.

Of course, she was reluctant to use any force.

Seeing Lan Yulian rubbing against his chest like a kitten, Wang Tao gently stroked her silky hair and smooth back.

For a moment, neither of them made a sound.

"Brother, it will get dark soon."

Suddenly, a voice sounded in their ears.

The two of them turned their heads at the same time and saw Jiang Shixue with her head tilted beside the bed.




Lan Yulian grabbed the quilt and covered her whole body, huddled on Wang Tao's chest like an ostrich.

"Xiaoxue, you... shouldn't be here forever, right?"

Wang Tao rubbed his eyebrows and felt a little headache.

The two of them were so engrossed in returning to Lan just now that they forgot that there was another person beside them!

"Yes, I've always been there."

Jiang Shixue said matter-of-factly.


The blue jade lotus in her arms shrank tighter.

"Forget it, let's go back."

Wang Tao said helplessly.

Anyway, Jiang Shixue is different from others, just treat her as a zombie.

Wang Tao patted Lan Yulian's butt.

"Let's go. It will be dark if we don't go back. Maybe Lu Yingfeng will start looking for you..."


Lan Yulian twisted in Wang Tao's arms and did not get up.

Wang Tao could feel that her body temperature was very high, and she was probably shy.

So, amid Lan Yulian's exclamation, Wang Tao lifted the quilt directly.

Lan Yulian still had her head buried, as if she didn't dare to see anyone. Wang Tao could only work hard and help her dress herself.

Lan Yulian didn't resist anymore, she enjoyed Wang Tao's tenderness.

Wang Tao looked at the trace of blood on the sheets and sighed in his heart. He doesn't want to provoke so many women, but they are too charming!

After both of them got dressed, Wang Tao rubbed Jiang Shixue's head.

"Let's go."


After walking out of the club, Lan Yulian looked at Wang Tao pitifully.

"You come and drive..."


Wang Tao drove, Lan Yulian sat in the passenger seat, and Jiang Shixue sat in the back seat.

Wang Tao discovered that although Lan Yulian, a woman, looked very independent, she was actually clingy.

On the way from the club to the Bauhinia base, she kept staring at Wang Tao, poking and touching him from time to time. If Wang Tao hadn't been driving, it felt like she could pounce on him at any time.

The deep affection in her eyes can be felt by anyone who is not a fool.

Of course, it could also be that the two have just established their relationship and are still in the inseparable stage...

However, after arriving at the Bauhinia Base, Lan Yulian's expression immediately turned serious, turning into the cold leader of the Bauhinia Base. , as if nothing happened between her and Wang Tao.

"...Women are indeed fickle."

Wang Tao sighed and drove the car directly to the central area of ​​the base.

This place used to be where the general lived, but now it belongs to Lan Yulian.

Just before returning, Lan Yulian contacted Lu Yingfeng. Lu Yingfeng was waiting at the door.

When Wang Tao and the others got off the car and walked towards the house together, Lu Yingfeng's eyes looked at Lan Yulian from time to time.

"Why are you looking at me all the time? Is there something on my face?"

Lan Yulian looked a little uncomfortable.

"It's nothing, I just feel that the leader seems to be in a good mood and radiant, as if he has reached the third level, but the leader has obviously not reached the third level yet..."

Lu Yingfeng was a little confused.

Like Lan Yulian, she has no experience in matters between men and women.

"Ahem, don't look blindly, and hurry in!"


The center of the Bauhinia Base is a complex of several buildings.

This is planned as a resting place for senior personnel handling government affairs and the base.

Lan Yulian lives in a compound. Her third-level subordinates were all arranged around.

"Do I need to arrange a separate place for Mr. Wang?"

Lu Yingfeng spoke quietly beside Lan Yulian.

"Need not."

Lan Yulian shook her head.


Entering the compound, there are no outsiders here.

Lan Yulian hugged Wang Tao instantly and clung to Wang Tao under Lu Yingfeng's shocked eyes.


"Xiaofeng, let me introduce you a little bit again. This is my boyfriend Wang Tao!"

Lan Yulian introduced it generously.


Lu Yingfeng opened her mouth, and then showed a smile.

Although she didn't know what happened to Lan Yulian and Wang Tao this afternoon, it was obviously what she wanted to see that Lan Yulian could be with Wang Tao.

But, why do I suddenly feel a little cautious...

Lu Yingfeng shook her head and stopped thinking about it. She planned to torture Lan Yulian at night to see what was going on.

At this time, Lan Yulian's face turned red again and she said:

"Xiaofeng, Wang Tao will be in my room tonight. You can find a room by yourself."

She usually lives with Lu Yingfeng. One of them has a good relationship, and the other one is Lu Yingfeng who can also protect her.


Lu Yingfeng felt abandoned instantly.

She glanced at Wang Tao with some resentment, then sighed and turned to prepare the food.

"A ruthless woman, is she going to give up after all?"

Wang Tao smiled and poked Lan Yulian's nose.


Lan Yulian snorted, and then said in a low tone:

"She and I can be together for a long time, but I don't know how many more days I can be with you..."

Wang Tao stroked Lan Yulian's hair sympathetically, but did not answer.

"By the way, where are Xu Xiaojun and the others?"

"I have arranged them next door. Do you want to go?"

"Let's go tomorrow."

Wang Tao felt that Lan Yulian was right, and he didn't know how many days he could stay with Lan Yulian, so he might as well spend more time with her and do more meaningful things.

After a simple dinner, Lan Yulian took Wang Tao into the room and closed the door.

After a while, Lu Yingfeng, who was eavesdropping outside the room, blushed.


The next day, early morning.

Lan Yulian helped Wang Tao dress and wash very gently. Just like a very sensible newlywed wife.

Wang Tao knew that she wanted to use Wenrou Township to keep herself here!

The two of them didn't go anywhere today. They just spent the whole day in the big yard.

Lu Yingfeng couldn't bear it and ran away. Only Jiang Shixue was accompanying the two of them.

Another day passed like this.

Lan Yulian wanted to stay with Wang Tao again. This feeling of not caring about worldly affairs was really refreshing.

But she also knew she couldn't be willful. She had just become the leader of the base, and she still had a lot to do. It was already a luxury to have one day to waste.

Wang Tao didn't care, he went to meet Xu Xiaojun and Nie Siyan next door.

Nie Siyan had already brought everyone from the Firefly Club to the Bauhinia Base yesterday, and Lan Yulian gave her a good place. All members of the Firefly Club are grateful to Nie Siyan.

Lan Yulian and the general have different ideas. The general is more exclusive. They only have their own forces in the Bauhinia base.

Nie Siyan is more tolerant. She wants to bring all the forces in Bauhinia City to the base. In fact, the original base had this idea, but unfortunately the base was unexpectedly destroyed... She can be regarded as inheriting the legacy of her predecessors. .

Wang Tao is more in favor of Lan Yulian's idea. After all, there is strength in numbers. Moreover, bringing all these people into the base and collecting some taxes later can also help the base make more money.

The general didn't do this because he felt that everyone else was a time bomb, and the cost of managing them was not proportional to the gain. But everyone knows that in the eyes of Wang Tao and others, the general is also a time bomb...

Lan Yulian is confident that she can run the base well. She even kept the general, Kong Xiu and the others.

Her actions confused the usually calm general. Others were overjoyed.

In fact, many forces want to live in the Bauhinia Base, but the general has not been open to it before. Now that they have this opportunity, they are naturally very happy.

However, Lan Yulian also said something ugly beforehand. It was okay to live in the base, but one had to abide by the rules. If they don't follow the rules, the prison chiefs will serve as a warning to them.

When the prison chief is mentioned, many people feel a chill in their hearts.

Thinking of the situation where Lan Yulian ordered people to kill the prison chief without blinking an eye. They were even more in awe of this new female leader...

"Brother Wang!"

Nie Siyan and Xu Xiaojun greeted Wang Tao immediately when they saw him.

"You should take this opportunity to improve your strength during this period of time."

Wang Tao said to the two of them.

They are already at the third level, and the upper limit of the third level's health should be about 100,000 blood. However, they only have more than 40,000 blood now, and there is still a lot of room for improvement in the future.


The two nodded.

At this time, Nie Siyan suddenly took out a small notebook and said:

"Brother Wang, Lan Yulian gave me several positions to choose from. Which one do you think is suitable for me to choose?"

Since Lan Yulian wants to attract other people in Bauhinia City to the base, she must give them some benefits.

Having a good relationship with someone like Nie Siyan naturally brings great benefits. For example, give her an official position.

But Wang Tao didn't even look at it and just shook his head.

"You're not suitable."

Nie Siyan was stunned for a moment, and then immediately lowered her head like a frosted eggplant.

"Oh...then, let me reject her. In fact, it would be good for me to be the boss of the Firefly Club..."

Upon hearing this, Wang Tao glanced at her immediately.

"Do you still want to be the boss of the Firefly Club? Okay, then just stay here by yourself. We'll leave first later."


Nie Siyan raised her head, looking a little confused.

Xu Xiaojun explained at this time:

"Brother Wang will not stay at the Bauhinia Base for long. We are going to the military base."

If Wang Tao didn't take the initiative to talk about this matter, Xu Xiaojun would definitely not talk much. So Nie Siyan still doesn't know Wang Tao's destination.

After hearing Wang Tao's explanation, she was stunned. Then as if he thought of something, his face suddenly looked a little surprised and excited and he said:

"Brother Wang! Do you mean that I can follow you?"

"Don't you want to stay at the Bauhinia Base? I won't force you."

Wang Tao said lightly.


Nie Siyan knelt directly in front of Wang Tao and hugged Wang Tao's thigh.

"Brother Wang, I want to follow you! I can be a cow or a horse for you! Please don't abandon me!"

Nie Siyan suddenly understood. No wonder Wang Tao immediately rejected her decision when she asked who would be the leader of the Bauhinia Base. Although she was indeed not capable enough, Wang Tao probably also wanted to take her away for some reason!

This time too, Wang Tao just said she couldn't do it without even looking at it, and she was still very sad. He thought that even if he was already at the third level, he still had no weight in Wang Tao's eyes. But this is not the case!

Wang Tao wanted to take her away!

She at least has some weight in Wang Tao's heart!

As for the two options of leaving with Wang Tao or staying at the Bauhinia Base, which one has the greatest future potential. Without even thinking about it, she definitely chose to follow Wang Tao!

The more you get in touch with Wang Tao, the more you understand how powerful he is. She had never been so afraid of someone before, and she had never admired someone so much now!

It may be dangerous to follow Wang Tao. After all, the situation in Wuyang City is said to be terrifying. But the benefits of following Wang Tao are definitely worth the risk!

Not to mention, she felt that she had really fallen in love with Wang Tao...

Wang Tao had no intention of taking Nie Siyan with him, after all, she was very weak. But since Nie Siyan has reached the third level, she is no longer a drag, and she is very loyal, so it is okay to take her with her.

"Then hunt more zombies during this period to increase your strength. Your strength is still too weak."

Wang Tao touched her head and said.


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