On this day, Lan Yulian brought a lot of crystal nuclei to Wang Tao.

"Wang Tao, see if there is anything you can use."

Wang Tao glanced at her and said:

"Give it all to me? You still owe me so much debt, and this crystal core is not enough to pay it back!"

"I just let you choose, I don't give them all to you..."

Lan Yulian said quickly.


"...Anyway, I mortgaged myself to you, do you like it?" Lan Yulian rolled her eyes at Wang Tao first, and then said pitifully, "I only have these few crystal cores left. I can't give them all to you, otherwise the base There will be no way to develop…”

Wang Tao was just joking. She knew that Lan Yulian had now become the master of the base and had to consider the more than 10,000 people in the base.

"Then keep the crystal core. I'll pick a few and leave the rest to you."

"Love you!"

Lan Yulian immediately happily hugged Wang Tao and kissed him hard on the face. Then she brought her little face closer, and Wang Tao had no choice but to kiss her.

Lu Yingfeng next to them rolled her eyes at the two of them.

She choked on their dog food, and even felt envious of them. It is indeed enviable to have a suitable and powerful partner in the apocalypse.

Lan Yulian still had a lot of things to do, so she left after giving the crystal core.

Wang Tao took all these crystal nuclei into the space, and when he took them out again, the number was reduced by more than half, but they all turned into high-quality crystal nuclei above purple!

Since Lan Yulian is already his woman, Wang Tao definitely doesn't mind helping her a little.

And among these crystal nuclei, Wang Tao did find a few that he could use.

Wang Tao looked at his own power.

His current four abilities are:

[Level 2·Copper Wall and Iron Wall (+10)]

[Level 2: Extraordinary Fury (+10)]

[Level 2: Comprehension (+10)]

[Level 2: Harmony of Yin and Yang (+1)]

The first three abilities are already +10, and only this newly fused yin-yang harmony is only +1... This is obviously not possible.

So Wang Tao is going to try to combine this yin and yang harmony with other powers to see if it can be combined.

He now has more than 300,000 special energy, and it only takes 5,000 to extract and synthesize a second-level superpower, which is enough for him to experiment.

After some experiments, Wang Tao was a little surprised.

This reconciliation of yin and yang is a passive ability. He thought it could be combined with other passive abilities. However, after testing, he found that the probability of combining it with other passive abilities was not high. On the contrary, the probability of combining it with mental abilities was very high!

This shows that this reconciliation of yin and yang is a spiritual power.

But accidents are accidents, which is actually a good thing, because Wang Tao does have a lot of spiritual abilities that he wants to integrate.

Wang Tao searched and found several suitable crystal nuclei.

They are [mental interference], [mental fluctuation] and [mental barrier].

[Mental interference: Can slightly affect the spirit of creatures]

[Mental Fluctuation: Can make creatures mentally unstable]

[Spiritual Barrier: Open a barrier that can block mental attacks]

Wang Tao had a mental interference crystal core before, which was exploded by the toad zombie when he was at the Shuize base. Now I have obtained two more from them, which can be used to synthesize an epic crystal core.

Simply put, this ability causes creatures to make wrong judgments. For creatures with simpler minds, the impact is quite large. For more intelligent creatures, the effect will be smaller or even have no effect at all.

Wang Tao deliberately tried it. So far, this ability cannot affect people at all, but can only affect zombies.

For example, let the zombies mistake him for the lord, and then follow him, protect him, and fight for him.

But the problem is that this ability has to be close to him to take effect, and as long as the zombies are close to him, they will smell his human breath, and then the zombies' appetite will be aroused, causing the interference to be completely ineffective...

But if it is combined with the concealment potion, it will be different. The concealment potion can change the smell of the body so that the zombies cannot smell that he is a human. This way the zombies won't want to eat him.

Of course, even if you use the concealment potion, you can't get too close to the zombies, otherwise it will still be ineffective, but at least you don't have to be as uncontrollable as before.

When Wang Tao used the concealment potion, he could have a dozen second-level zombies surrounding him, which looked quite impressive, but it was not very practical.

The second mental wave crystal core is also quite interesting. It also has a greater impact on creatures with simpler minds. But this affects the other person's mood. It has no effect on humans, but on zombies, it can make zombies suddenly become violent or passive... This power may be used as a strange move.

The third crystal core mental barrier is powerful.

This ability can create an invisible barrier. This barrier can cover a person, as if it is attached to the person, and can move with the person.

This barrier can last for about ten minutes and can withstand some mental attacks during these ten minutes.

For example, if Wang Tao puts a mental barrier on a zombie, and then uses mental interference on it, the mental interference will be ineffective.

However, this mental barrier has its own health bar. If you receive 10,000 blood, your health bar will be reduced by a mental attack. After the health bar is cleared, the mental barrier will disappear. As for the physical attack, it cannot be blocked, but it does not consume the health bar.

Anyway, overall, Wang Tao's favorite among these abilities is this mental barrier. A life-saving power at critical moments!

In fact, the first two abilities are not very good, but mental cores are too rare. Wang Tao wanted to upgrade to the third level as soon as possible, so naturally he couldn't wait any longer.

So, after some manipulation by Wang Tao, Wang Tao gained a new ability.

[Second-level power·Yin-Yang reconciliation]

The name has not changed, it is still called Harmony of Yin and Yang, but the specific information has increased a lot.

[Yin-Yang Harmony: It can slightly affect the spirit of the creature, make the spirit of the creature unstable, and open a barrier that can block mental attacks. When interacting with Wushan Yunyu of the opposite sex, the mana of both parties will be quickly replenished, and the user will permanently increase A certain amount of blue. There is a cooldown time for permanently increasing mana, and the cooldown time is random. (Side effects: none)】

Seeing this superpower, Wang Tao laughed, and then he fused the all-powerful crystal core that he had prepared in advance.

After a while, Wang Tao’s new ability will be +10!

[Level 2: Harmony of Yin and Yang (+10)]

Now all four of his abilities are +10, and he can be promoted to the third level! He has already prepared the promotion crystal core for promotion to the third level.

But Wang Tao is in no rush for promotion. Because after he is promoted, killing ordinary third-level ordinary zombies and third-level elite zombies will not be considered as a leapfrog kill.

Loot packages are a minor thing, mostly special powers.

Third-level abilities, whether fused or extracted, consume 30,000 special energy each time. Wang Tao spent hundreds of thousands of abilities to synthesize the crystal core this time, and now he only has more than 100,000 left, which will be gone after just a few uses.

So Wang Tao planned to kill more third-level zombies first, save some special energy, and then advance to third-level. Anyway, he is now at the third level of combat power, and it is not difficult to kill most of the third level zombies.

Wang Tao checked the items on himself and in his space backpack again to see if there was anything missing.

"By the way, I almost forgot about this!"

Wang Tao has an extra seed in his hand.

[Iron Tree Vine Seed: Planted in the ground, a violent Iron Tree Iron Vine will grow. If planted in the body, an obedient iron tree vine will grow.]

"Do you want to plant it in your body..."

Wang Tao hesitated a little.

It would definitely be useless if planted in the ground. Even if he killed the vine, he would only get one peeling crystal core, maybe not yet.

But with the seed planted in his body, Wang Tao was afraid that he would grow into a monster. After all, this is different from the previous magical seed. The magical seed clearly states that it will grow hidden abilities...

"Rub it, it's planted!"

In the end, Wang Tao was cruel and put the seed directly in his mouth.

This seed instantly melted in Wang Tao's body like a crystal nucleus.

Then a status appeared below Wang Tao's health bar:

[Countdown to germination of iron tree vine seeds: 2 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds]

The previous magical seeds took ten days, but this Iron Tree Vine Seed only took three days, which was much faster.

"It's only three days, just wait."

Wang Tao shook his head and didn't think about it for the time being. He took Jiang Shixue out to hunt zombies.

The zombies at the sports center have begun to run to other places, which makes Bauhinia City suddenly become much more dangerous. After all, there are many third-level zombies.

Fortunately, many forces have moved their families to the Bauhinia Base. As long as they don't go out, they are basically safe.

This saves trouble for Wang Tao, as he doesn't have to run to the sports center.

Three days later.

Wang Tao's special energy once again reached more than 300,000, which can be used more than ten times even if it is fused or extracted from third-order crystal nuclei.

And the iron tree vine seeds in Wang Tao's body finally sprouted.

What he feared didn't happen, he didn't turn into a monster.

At the end of the countdown, Wang Tao felt like there was something in his mouth, and then he spit out a black vine that looked like a small snake. It's called a vine, but it doesn't have any leaves. It feels like a tree root.

In fact, they are quite similar. Not only can it be turned into a bracelet and worn on Wang Tao's hand like a tree root, it is also a third-level weapon in itself!

[Level 3 weapon·Iron tree vine]

[HP: 10000/10000 (upper limit 100000)]

[Status: Awakening]

[Amplification: Split (1), independent attack]

[Fitness: 100%]

However, the difference between the iron tree vines and the entangled tree roots is that the entangled tree roots are worn on the body and add various boosts to him, while the iron tree vines split and attack independently.

[Split (1): Currently 1 vine, up to 10 vines]

[Independent attack: You can follow the master’s orders to attack alone]

"Can this vine split? Up to 10 branches? It's interesting..."

Wang Tao could vaguely feel a very vague and simple consciousness, which was the consciousness of Iron Tree Vine.

Since it grows from Wang Tao's body, it has a 100% fit and Wang Tao can directly control it.

As soon as he thought, he saw that the vine instantly grew ten meters and directly wrapped around a brick not far away. Then the vine retracted instantly and brought the brick to Wang Tao's hand.

"This is quite interesting!"

Wang Tao tested it several times, and he found that the biggest role of this vine should be to help him trap his prey!

He conducted experiments on zombies, and the second-level zombies were entangled in the iron tree vines and could not escape at all. They were even pulled directly in front of Wang Tao and then hacked to death by Wang Tao.

As for using vines to attack, it is somewhat inappropriate. Because its current attack is far inferior to Wang Tao, it is better to be a control player.

But there are two problems.

One is that it's only ten meters, which is a bit too short.

The second is that it currently only has 10,000 health, and its defense is not too high... overall it is still too fragile.

You need to increase its HP.

The more blood it has, the longer it should become. After all, the iron tree vines I had seen before were very long.

Wang Tao thought it was the same as the entangled tree roots. If he wanted to increase his blood volume, he would either feed his own blood volume or feed the crystal core.

As a result, Wang Tao tried it, but it didn't work. Then a prompt popped up, meaning that the iron tree vines must be divided first before they can be cultivated. For example, if it splits into two branches, then Wang Tao can increase its health to 20,000. Three branches will equal 30,000 health, and so on.

This is a bit painful, but it has its benefits. That means the two vines each have 20,000 blood!

In other words, if Wang Tao can grow this iron tree vine to 10 and keep nourishing its blood, then Wang Tao will get 10 iron tree vines with 100,000 blood each! A total of 1 million blood!

Wang Tao is somewhat looking forward to the final product.

As for how it can split, it is said to be related to time. Anyway, as long as Wang Tao keeps it, don't raise it to death, it will split sooner or later...

This is considered late-stage equipment, so it can only be used like this for the time being. But for Wang Tao, it is enough to let this vine occasionally act as a control ability.

But when it came to weapons, Wang Tao thought of his entangled tree roots. He had always said he wanted to cultivate them before, but he never had time.

Now I just want to cultivate it to see if it can reach 100,000 blood.

As a result of this test, Wang Tao called him a cheater - if he wanted to cultivate it to 100,000 health, he would need too many crystal nuclei!

If the entangled tree root has residual blood and you increase its current blood volume, then a first-level crystal core can add 100 blood, a second-level crystal core can add 1,000 blood, and a third-level crystal core can add 10,000 blood.

If you want to increase the blood limit of the entangled tree roots, a first-order crystal core can only increase the blood limit by 10, a second-order crystal core can only increase the blood limit by 100, and a third-order crystal core can only increase the blood limit by 1,000!

Entangling Tree Roots now has 20,000 health, which is still 80,000 short of 100,000.

If you want to increase the 80,000 blood, you need 80 third-order crystal cores, or 800 second-order crystal cores, or 8,000 first-order crystal cores!

Although Wang Tao has some wealth now, he can't withstand such consumption!

There is no other way, Wang Tao can only choose to use his own blood to increase.

If you use your blood to nourish the entangled tree roots, you will fall into a weak state, and you will definitely not be able to use it under normal circumstances. But now it's safe for the time being. With Lan Yulian and the others protecting them, it won't be a big problem.

So Wang Tao found Lan Yulian and asked her to cooperate with him.

Wang Tao nourished the roots of the tree with his own blood, and Lan Yulian added blood to Wang Tao. Although adding blood consumes mana, Wang Tao and Lan Yulian can restore mana at the same time... Good guy, it's a perpetual motion machine!

Lan Yulian was not very clear about the specific situation of the entangled tree roots, but when Wang Tao told her the plan, she immediately agreed.

So, the two started taking action.

Then, two things happened that were slightly beyond Wang Tao's expectations.

The first thing is that it consumes so much blood to increase the upper limit of the blood volume of the entangled tree roots - Wang Tao consumes 10,000 blood to increase the upper limit of 100 blood volume for the entangled tree roots!

The second thing is that he is really weak - he is so weak that Wang Tao cannot take the initiative to help Lan Yulian replenish his mana. We can only let Lan Yulian take the initiative.

While Lan Yulian was helping Wang Tao add blood, she was also replenishing blue herself...Wang Tao felt a little distressed when she saw it.

But fortunately, Lan Yulian herself enjoyed it and she didn't feel tired.

So, Wang Tao and Lan Yulian stayed in the room and didn't go out for a whole day.

Lu Yingfeng almost thought something had happened to Lan Yulian. After she came to see her, she immediately ran away with a red face.

"In broad daylight, you are so shameless!"

Finally, when Lan Yulian was exhausted and collapsed, the amount of blood wrapped around the roots of the tree reached 100,000!

Without the blood sucking around the tree roots, although Wang Tao is still in a weak state, and this weakness will last for another day, he is not as abnormal as before when he was 99% weak, and he can already move.

Wang Tao hugged Lan Yulian.

"Okay, that's enough."

“Phew—I’m so exhausted, sister!”

After hearing Wang Tao's words, Lan Yulian instantly relaxed and lay on Wang Tao's chest like a dead fish. It takes a lot of energy and energy out of her body, and most people probably can't handle it. But it's not without its benefits. At least after using so many treatments, she became more comfortable with this power.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Wang Tao kissed her forehead gently.

"Hmph, stinky man... I'll take a rest for a while..."

Lan Yulian snorted, then lay on Wang Tao and fell asleep.

The next day.

Lan Yulian woke up from Wang Tao's arms.

Seeing Wang Tao still holding her and letting herself lie comfortably in his arms, Lan Yulian felt a little sweet in her heart.

"Wang Tao, I seem to like you more and more..."

She muttered.

Wang Tao opened his eyes, kissed her forehead and said:

"Are you awake? Are you still sleeping?"

"Don't sleep anymore, get up!"

Lan Yulian is a self-disciplined person. She had a crazy day yesterday and has to work today. She just took over this base and started reforms, so she will be quite busy during this period.


Although both of them are very strong, nothing serious happened. But it's still a bit weak. Wang Tao's condition persisted because of his weakness, while Lan Yulian's condition was due to excessive physical and mental exertion.

"You are finally willing to get out of bed..."

During breakfast, Lu Yingfeng couldn't help but complained. She was afraid that Lan Yulian didn't know how to control herself at such a young age and would be in trouble if something went wrong with her body.


Lan Yulian's face turned red.

Although she was doing business with Wang Tao, it was not easy to explain.

"I've eaten and I'm going to work!"

Lan Yulian immediately pulled Lu Yingfeng and left as if fleeing.

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