Wang Tao let go of the two girls, and then said to He Jijun:

"Lao He, go home."

"Sit tight!"


The helicopter lowered its head slightly and quickly headed towards the military base.

Inside the cabin.

Wang Tao looked at these familiar faces and slowly grinned.

"It's great to see you again!"

Not one of the core members who escaped from Shuize County alive before is missing!

Ding Yuqin, Han Rui, Li Qiuyu, Wei Zhenguo, Xiang Hongbin, Lu Gang, Chen Zhuang, Gao Hua.

Although these people look very vicissitudes of life and have obviously suffered a lot, it is good to be alive!

Especially Xiang Hongbin. His condition was very miserable at that time, half of his body was gone. Although Wang Tao helped him save his life, the severed limbs could not be regenerated. He is now a disabled person with only one hand and one arm. Even so, he still survived tenaciously!

Wang Tao walked over and hit Xiang Hongbin on the chest.

"Lao Xiang! There are not many people I admire in my life, Wang Tao, and you are definitely one of them!"

"Haha! That's my honor!"

Xiang Hongbin grinned, his face was disfigured, and his smile was very ferocious, but Wang Tao felt extremely friendly. He hugged Xiang Hongbin heavily.

Xiang Hongbin complained a little:

"Damn it! Even if you are strong, why are you still so tall! Are you two meters tall? I have to look up to you!"

"Ha ha!"

Wang Tao laughed, and then came to Wei Zhenguo again.

"Old Wei!"

"Old Wang!"

The two of them hugged each other tightly without saying anything else.

Friendship between men does not require much words, a look or an action is enough.

Of course, Wang Tao really wanted to chat with Wei Zhenguo, but there was no rush now and he would go back and chat slowly.

He came to Lu Gang and Chen Zhuang again, fist bumped and hugged them.

When he was at the Shuize base, Wang Tao felt that Lu Gang was still quite young. Looking at him now, he looks a lot older, but he is also more masculine.

As for Chen Zhuang, he was a doctor at the Shuize base and basically did not participate in combat. And now, it can be seen from the various equipment on his body that although he is still a doctor, he not only has a scalpel but also a machete in his hand.

"Brother Wang!"

Gao Hua looked at Wang Tao with some excitement.

He has made many correct decisions in his life, but after the end of the world, there was only one correct decision he made, and that was to hug Wang Tao's thigh!

If it weren't for Wang Tao, he would have died countless times.

After feeling the despair of the doomsday, he couldn't imagine that he could live for more than half a year!

"Glad you're alive!"

Wang Tao had done it casually before rescuing him, and he had to work hard himself, otherwise he wouldn't be alive now.

"It's all thanks to Brother Wang!"

Gao Hua's definition of himself is to sell his life to Wang Tao. So he doesn't need to say anything, he just lets his actions speak for himself.

Wang Tao patted his shoulder and then came to Li Qiuyu.

He opened his arms, and Li Qiuyu also took the initiative to hug Wang Tao, but did not speak. She looked a little miserable at this time.

Li Qiuyu knew that her daughter was probably dead since she got on the plane and found that Jiang Shixue was not there.

Now it was up to Wang Tao to tell her the bad news in person, but she deceived herself and didn't want to hear it.

As long as she doesn't know the exact situation, Jiang Shixue will always be alive - she can only lie to herself in this way.

"What? You're not still angry with me, are you?"

Wang Tao said suddenly.

When he was separated from Ding Yuqin and the others, Wang Tao used Li Qiuyu to threaten Jiang Shixue and asked Jiang Shixue to go with him to attract the black fog monster.

"Huh? Angry? Why are you angry?"

Li Qiuyu was a little confused. She didn't know what Wang Tao was talking about.

She did say some angry words before, such as Jiang Shixue's shortcomings and that she would hate Wang Tao for the rest of her life. But these were just angry words. She was a sensible person and had never really been angry with Wang Tao.

Looking at Li Qiuyu's blank expression, Wang Tao suddenly felt a little cute.

"Then what's wrong with you?"

"I just...forget's nothing, I'm just so happy to see you..."

Li Qiuyu sighed, suddenly feeling relieved again.

Since she had already guessed the result, she wasn't going to ask. Let Jiang Shixue live in your heart forever.

Seeing Li Qiuyu like this, Wang Tao almost told the news that Jiang Shixue was still alive, but he still held back. After all, the surprise was a surprise for both Li Qiuyu and Jiang Shixue, so naturally it couldn't be revealed in advance.

At this time, Li Qiuyu suddenly lowered his head and whispered:

"Wang Tao, can I follow you from now on?"

"Of course!"

Wang Tao nodded at first, and then suddenly realized that this "following" seemed to be more than just following.


During the time that Li Qiuyu was with Ding Yuqin and Wei Zhenguo, he learned a lot from them and gradually changed some of his previous ideas.

She only has two goals now.

The first goal is to find Jiang Shixue, but this goal is obviously hopeless now.

The second goal is to live well and do your best to live!

Because her life is not only her own, but also the lives of those who sacrificed for them along the way! If she died, wouldn't it mean that everyone else died in vain?

And if she wants to live well, she herself doesn't have the ability. Han Rui told her a long time ago that she should attach herself to a man. Now she feels that what Han Rui said makes sense...

Wang Tao looked a little strange, but he didn't say much.

To be honest, he is a little confused now. How will he deal with the relationship between Jiang Shixue and Li Qiuyu when they meet... Forget it, there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain - even if there is no road, find a way for it. Come!

Wang Tao let go of Li Qiuyu, and finally came to Ding Yuqin and Han Rui again and sat between them.

Neither of the two women were the kind of thick-skinned people, but at this moment they didn't care at all about the eyes of others, they were just leaning on Wang Tao's arms.

"You both have lost a lot of weight..."

Wang Tao gently touched the faces of the two women and said.

He could tell that both women must have suffered a lot.

But Ding Yuqin and Han Rui didn't care how much they suffered. They just felt happy now and the hardship was worth it.

Wang Tao asked them what their previous situation was like. After Ding Yuqin and Han Rui's explanations, Wang Tao roughly understood their experience.

When they separated from Wang Tao in Shuize County, they headed towards the Red Stone Base. But the road was very uneventful and encountered many dangers. However, with Wei Zhenguo, a second-level superpower, there was no danger.

After going through all kinds of hardships and finally arriving in Hongshi County, they found that there was no Redstone Base here, and the Redstone Base had been destroyed long ago!

This made them all desperate and didn't know where to go for a while.

But no matter how desperate they are, they still have to live. Fortunately, Wang Tao left them a lot of supplies before. They relied on these supplies to persevere and began their wandering life in the apocalypse.

Their goal is to find a large survivor base, but it is not that easy to find. They have been looking for it and still haven't found it. Then they encountered a zombie wave...

"That's right! We got reliable news that there is a large survivor base in the west of Wuyang City! We also have some clues!"

Ding Yuqin suddenly said again.

Of course what she was talking about was Han Rui's preparation for a deal with Wang Tao when she didn't know Wang Tao's identity.

"What clue?"

Wang Tao asked curiously.

"We got a contact to that base!"

"Contact information?"

Wang Tao frowned.

In this situation, is the contact information still useful?

"That's right! But this is not an ordinary contact method. It is very complicated to be specific and requires many steps. But the most important thing is that you need to have equipment left by the military, preferably in a place like a military base, because If you want to contact them, you need to use many military methods..."

Wang Tao raised his eyebrows.

"What a coincidence, I'm in the military base in Wuyang City!"

"You are indeed here!"

When they saw Wang Tao's camouflage helicopter, they had already made some guesses.

Ding Yuqin said curiously:

"Then your military base..."

"When I went there, there was no one in the military base. Now there are only a few of us in the military base. Moreover, the urban area of ​​Wuyang City is very dangerous. There are a lot of zombies, even many fourth-level lord zombies. If these zombies come to the military base , we can't hold it..."

Wang Tao briefly talked about the military base.

The two women's faces looked a little unhappy after hearing this.

They originally thought that they could follow them to their base. But I didn’t expect that the place where Wang Tao was was very unsafe...

"You don't have to worry. As long as we are strong, we can live anywhere. When we return to the base, I will help you improve your strength. You are too weak now!"

As soon as Wang Tao said these words, not only Ding Yuqin and Han Rui, but everyone else was also very embarrassed.

There is not even a third-level person among them!

But Wang Tao can also understand, after all, they have been wandering, hiding here and there every day, survival is a problem, and they don't have much time to hunt zombies to improve their strength.

However, zombies evolve very quickly, and if their strength is not improved in the early stage, it will be more difficult to improve their strength in the later stage. Will be trapped in an infinite loop.

If you want to break this cycle, you must either keep hunting zombies and keep up with the pace of zombie evolution, like Wang Tao. Or find someone to help, Wang Tao can naturally help them.

But then again, although Ding Yuqin and the others are not at the third level, they don't have many impurities in their bodies, and they don't see any side effects.

Speaking of this, Ding Yuqin suddenly felt a little proud.

"This is all because of the side-effect-free crystal nuclei you gave us before, as well as the crystal nucleus synthesizer... so we are very cautious about fusing crystal nuclei..."

"That's good!"

Wang Tao nodded. Impurities and side effects in the body are difficult to remove. They are like a building that is not high but has a solid foundation.

After chatting with a few people for a while, He Jijun's voice rang out.

"Here we are!"

Buzz buzz——

The helicopter landed slowly at the airport of the military base.

Ding Yuqin and others observed this huge military base with curiosity and wonder.

Before Wang Tao came back, he had already spoken to Yang Changhong and others at the base, telling them that everything was safe and that he had brought back a group of survivors.

Yang Changhong and Jiang Shixue were together, so they didn't come out to greet them. After all, this was the task Wang Tao had given her before.

Nie Siyan and Xu Xiaojun both came out. Their eyes were very curious, wondering who Wang Tao had brought back.

The helicopter door opened and a group of people came out in surprise.

"This is a military base! It looks so safe!"

"Are we going to live here in the future?"

"It doesn't seem possible. I just heard from Brother Wang that the urban area of ​​Wuyang City next to it is very dangerous! But we didn't go there just now, so we didn't see those giant zombies..."

"Oh, it would be great if I could live here..."


Everyone communicated quietly.

Xu Xiaojun drove over in a military vehicle. He wanted to transport the plane to the hangar. Nie Siyan got out of the passenger seat.

"Brother Wang!"

She quickly greeted Wang Tao, and then looked at everyone curiously, especially when she saw Wang Tao holding a beautiful woman by the hand. She instantly understood the identities of these people.


Wang Tao nodded, and then explained to Wei Zhenguo and his party.

"This is Xu Xiaojun and Nie Siyan. They have been my companions for this period of time..."



Several people greeted them warmly, and then Nie Siyan led everyone into the base.

Ding Yuqin and the others were a little embarrassed, but feeling the warmth in Wang Tao's big hands, they slowly relaxed again.

Wang Tao observed Li Qiuyu, and he may have accepted the "fact" that Jiang Shixue was gone. Li Qiuyu didn't look too sad. Of course, sad emotions may not be displayed on the face, but may also be hidden in the heart.

Everyone came to the command center, and Nie Siyan took them to assign rooms.

Wang Tao came to Li Qiuyu.

"Come with me, I have something to tell you alone."


Li Qiuyu's face turned red and she was a little confused. But he still followed Wang Tao obediently to the door of a house.

Wang Tao knocked on the door. After a while, Yang Changhong opened the door. She glanced at Li Qiuyu behind Wang Tao, and then made an OK gesture to Wang Tao.

Wang Tao nodded, and then said to Li Qiuyu:

"Go in and sit for a while."


Li Qiuyu walked in with her head lowered nervously.

The interior of the house is very simple, there is nothing superfluous, but the room is large. There is a living room, bedroom and bathroom, and a handsome military dog ​​is wagging its tail.

Wang Tao called Lightning and told Li Qiuyu that it was very well-behaved and could be touched casually.

Then he came to the bedroom and saw Jiang Shixue lowering her head to check the supplies list.

Wang Tao asked Yang Changhong to find a reason to hold Jiang Shixue in the room. This was obviously the method Yang Changhong found.

Jiang Shixue is actually a bad student. It's not that she's not smart, but she has no interest in learning and simply doesn't like learning. She is particularly annoyed by math.

In addition, this supply list was manipulated by Yang Changhong. She calculated for a long time, but still couldn't get it right. It’s a big deal.

If Yang Changhong hadn't said that this was a list that Wang Tao needed very much and asked her to help complete it, she would never have agreed.

Jiang Shixue heard the sound of the door opening, but she didn't pay attention and was still concentrating on her work. But she didn't know what was going on today, she always felt a little uneasy...

Jiang Shixue yawned and looked up when she felt someone walking in front of her.


She heard the sound of the helicopter just now, but Yang Changhong checked the list with her, so she didn't come out.


Wang Tao nodded, then suddenly leaned over and whispered in her ear:

"I have prepared a little surprise for you..."

"Huh? For me?"

Jiang Shixue was stunned for a moment, and then she had a look of surprise on her face - she was already surprised before she saw the surprise.

"Of course! Come on, right in the living room."

As soon as Jiang Shixue left the room, she saw a figure squatting next to Lightning, stroking its head.

Jiang Shixue was stunned instantly.

Although that was just a back figure, the feeling of blood connection made Jiang Shixue know who she was!

Jiang Shixue immediately turned to look at Wang Tao, her eyes seeming to say whether she was dreaming.

Wang Tao made an affirmative look.

Jiang Shixue's eyes turned red instantly.

She walked towards Li Qiuyu step by step, fearing that he would disappear if she walked too fast.

When Li Qiuyu felt someone approaching her, she raised her head, froze for a moment, and then rubbed her eyes.

"Xiaoxue... I dreamed of you again..."

Li Qiuyu subconsciously reached out and touched Jiang Shixue's face.

But this time, her hand did not pass through Jiang Shixue, and the figure in front of her was not fragmented, and even had warmth.




Li Qiuyu suddenly stood up and hugged Jiang Shixue tightly. As if she was afraid that the other party would disappear, she then spoke tremblingly:

"Xiao, Xiaoxue, is it true... I'm not dreaming?"

"Mom, it's me. I'm not dead. It was Brother Wang Tao who saved me."

Jiang Shixue whispered in Li Qiuyu's arms.

Li Qiuyu quickly let go of Jiang Shixue and nervously checked Jiang Shixue. After making sure that there were no missing arms or legs, she looked at Wang Tao next to her:

"Wang Tao, you, you lied to me..."

Li Qiuyu was excited and resentful at the same time.

She is not stupid either. Now she understands that Wang Tao was teasing her on purpose! Her ups and downs in the past two days... were simply controlled by Wang Tao. Fortunately, she didn't have a heart disease!

"Haha, please take your time and chat."

Wang Tao left with satisfaction.

He brought Yang Changhong and Lightning to Ding Yuqin and others.

"Hello, my name is Yang Changhong."

On the way here, Wang Tao briefly talked to Yang Changhong about Ding Yuqin and the others. Yang Changhong was not surprised that Wang Tao had two women. Although she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, when she thought that she was the one who came later... she felt less uncomfortable instantly.


Ding Yuqin and Han Rui both shook hands with Yang Changhong.

Both women glanced at Wang Tao with some resentment, but they said nothing sensibly. They planned to have a chat with Wang Tao in the evening.

Wang Tao also introduced Lightning. Ding Yuqin and others fell in love with this big wolf dog instantly.

Then Wang Tao told them about Jiang Shixue.

"Xiaoxue is still alive? That's great!"

After hearing this, several people were happy for Li Qiuyu.

Ding Yuqin rolled her eyes at Wang Tao.

"Did you deliberately not tell Sister Qiu Yu!"

Wang Tao smiled and pinched Ding Yuqin's face, then said to her:

"Sister-in-law, are your skills rusty? Is it okay to make a simple lunch?"


Wang Tao asked Ding Yuqin to take someone to prepare lunch, while he called Han Rui and He Jijun to study the so-called "contact information" that Han Rui had mentioned before.

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