"...That's probably it."

Han Rui carefully explained the "contact information" and its origin to Wang Tao.

To put it simply, when they were on the road, they encountered a team of soldiers, but there were only three people left in this team of soldiers, and they were all seriously injured and could not be saved. Before they died, they told Wei Zhenguo a way to contact the base and asked them to go to the base.

The reason why this contact information cannot be false is because this team has contacted the other party before, but unfortunately they could not persist until...

As for the specific operation method of this contact method, communication needs to be carried out through the equipment of the military base and some lines buried underground.

But this does not mean that you can contact them directly if you have these things. Specifically, you need various debugging equipment, inputting secret keys, etc., which is very complicated.

Of course, the most important thing is that the equipment and lines are not damaged!

So if Wang Tao wants to contact that base now, he has to see if there are any problems with the equipment and lines.

The equipment here is basically fine, but there is a problem with the wiring. Many lines were broken before, and Wang Tao didn't repair them. Maybe he should try to repair them now.

If there is no way to repair it, then you can only find other alternatives, such as other military bases.

He Jijun used the equipment inside to check himself. The places where underground cables are damaged are basically not in military bases, but in other places, making repairs very troublesome. But it’s not like it can’t be repaired.

There are some lines that are not broken, but it is difficult to contact people on these lines. The only people contacted twice were the survivor base that was destroyed before and Ding Yuqin.

After understanding this, Wang Tao was ready to try to contact that base. If he knew the specific location of the other party, then he might be able to fly there!

"Next, let's find a way to repair these lines... Lao He, you can do it. After all, I don't know anything about this either."

Wang Tao said to everyone.


He Jijun nodded.

He is naturally also very interested in the base to the west. If given the opportunity, he would definitely hope to live in a large survivor base.

Han Rui wrote down the specific steps, secret keys and passwords and gave them to He Jijun.

As for Han Rui and the others, they naturally wanted to help, but before that, Wang Tao had to improve their strength. After all, they are still second-level superpowers, so they are too weak.

At noon, Ding Yuqin and others made several large pots of lunch. Although the appearance is not very good, the quantity is sufficient and enough is enough.

For these new survivors, they haven't seen so many delicious foods in a long time, and they all eat while crying.

Li Qiuyu and Jiang Shixue also came out, their eyes were red, and they had obviously cried.

Ding Yuqin and Han Rui quickly pulled Jiang Shixue over, and then several people bowed to Jiang Shixue at the same time.

Wang Tao is their savior, and so is Jiang Shixue.

Jiang Shixue was a little embarrassed by such a big battle, and looked at Wang Tao as if asking for help.

Wang Tao smiled and said:

"We are all on our own, so there is no need to be too polite, otherwise it will make you look unfamiliar. Now that we can still get together, we can just help each other in the future!"


Everyone smiled and nodded.

Li Qiuyu came to Wang Tao and spoke very solemnly:

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome." Wang Tao nodded first, then raised his eyebrows and whispered, "Just be prepared to act like a cow and a horse to repay me."


Li Qiuyu rolled her eyes at Wang Tao, but didn't say much.

After dinner, Wang Tao called Ding Yuqin and Wei Zhenguo together.

"I'm going to help you improve your strength!"

After hearing this, everyone was a little excited.

"Would it be too much trouble for you? We're not in a hurry!"

Ding Yuqin spoke quickly.

"It's indeed a bit troublesome. After all, we have used a lot of crystal nuclei before, so let's upgrade you to the early stage of the third level first."

Wang Tao thought for a while and said.

If nothing else, let's just say that in the environment of Wuyang City, it is really dangerous to not have third-level strength. Even level three is not safe, after all there are level four zombies!

If Wang Tao had enough crystal cores in his hand, he would definitely want to upgrade them to the third level with full superpowers. But he didn’t have enough crystal cores in his hand, so he could only upgrade them to the early stage of the third level first, and then slowly add more superpowers in the future. .


But when everyone heard this, they all had questions in their heads.

After all, there are so many of them, and they have all been promoted to the third level? How many crystal nuclei are needed!

Several people suddenly remembered that Wang Tao rescued them in the morning and dealt with the three third-level lord zombies, and quickly eliminated the zombies - so it was easy for Wang Tao to kill the third-level lord zombies. There are a large number of third-level promotion crystal cores, which seems... not surprising?

"Wang Tao, are you already at the fourth level?"

Xiang Hongbin asked suspiciously, leaning on a cane.

Everyone else also looked at Wang Tao.

Although superpowers can sense each other and roughly feel what level the other person is, it is not 100% applicable.

For example, some people are good at concealing their aura, or they have been promoted for a long time and can control their aura well, or there is a big gap between the two... these are all impossible to sense.

They couldn't sense Wang Tao's specific strength, so it was normal to have this guess.

"That's not true. It's too difficult to advance to the fourth level. It's completely different from the third level. I'll tell you in detail later."

Wang Tao shook his head.


After hearing Wang Tao's words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. If Wang Tao really reaches the fourth level, that would definitely be a good thing, but it would also give them a strong sense of frustration. After all, they are only at the second level...

But Wang Tao added another sentence.

"I can only start to advance to the fourth level tomorrow."


Seeing that Wang Tao didn't look like he was joking, everyone was confused.

No, is it really level four?

Ding Yuqin and Han Rui grabbed Wang Tao's hand at the same time, with some pride on their faces. After all, this was their man.

Wei Zhenguo, who was a little shocked, asked again:

"What about the others? Including that old He, what are their strengths?"

"They are all of the third level, and they are the pinnacle of the third level."


"Good guy, no wonder you said I couldn't beat Lao He! You dug a hole for me!"

Wei Zhenguo immediately pretended to be furious.

"Haha, you agreed to spar with Lao He, and he agreed. You can't go back on your word! But if you go to fight him now, you are definitely looking for abuse. Wait until you reach the third level before going, although It’s still looking for abuse, but it won’t be a terrible loss.”


Wei Zhenguo felt that Wang Tao was too bad to plot against an old comrade like him at this time.

But he didn't refuse. After all, competing with strong people can also improve your strength. Others want this opportunity but can't get it!

Wang Tao smiled and took out some crystal nuclei, all of which were red and orange.

Although they knew that Wang Tao was very strong and Wang Tao had given them many high-quality crystal cores before, they were still a little shocked to see so many second-order crystal cores and even third-order promotion cores.

Wang Tao said to several people:

"What kind of crystal nuclei did you fuse when you were in the second level? If they are ordinary crystal nuclei, you can peel them off and fuse them again. I have quite a lot of second-level crystal nuclei here."

Wang Tao has a lot of second-order peeling crystal cores in his hands, which are basically useless now, so it is just for them.

"Can you still peel it off?"

Ding Yuqin and others were a little curious. They had never heard that fused powers could be exchanged.

"This is the exfoliation of the crystal nucleus."

Wang Tao took out the peeling crystal core and introduced it to them. Then I started asking them one by one to match them with more suitable abilities. The stripping of the stripping, the fusion of the new abilities.

"Wang Tao, I don't want it anymore. I'm just a cripple. It would be a waste if you give it to me..."

Xiang Hongbin looked at the crystal core with envy, but waved his hand.

He was disabled and his combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. If you use a gun, you can also provide remote support. If he doesn't use a gun, he is one of the two biggest losers in the team, the other being Li Qiuyu.

But both Xiang Hongbin and Li Qiuyu are special.

Xiang Hongbin's injury was for everyone; Li Qiuyu, her daughter Jiang Shixue and Wang Tao, went to lure away the black fog monster together, causing life and death to be uncertain, and she was everyone's savior.

Therefore, no matter from their previous relationship or their contributions to everyone, everyone has no reason to give up on them, but they have both been promoted to the second level.

But one of them is disabled, and neither of them has fought much... They are both weak in combat ability.

Usually, they try to use their resources to other members of the team, and if there are any leftovers, they use them themselves.

So until now, Wei Zhenguo and the others all have the second-level upper limit of 29,999 blood, but Xiang Hongbin only has over 20,000 blood, and Li Qiuyu only has less than 10,000... So to a certain extent, both of them are Drag the oil bottle.

Xiang Hongbin's words made Ding Yuqin and the others a little uncomfortable. After all, Xiang Hongbin's injuries were for them.

"I don't want it either. I have no fighting ability. It would be a waste to give it to me..."

Li Qiuyu also whispered beside Wang Tao.

She is self-aware and knows that these things bring more benefits to others than herself.

When Wang Tao saw the two of them like this, he immediately smiled.

He came to Xiang Hongbin first and patted him on the shoulder.

"I won't talk about other things, but I will just say one thing. After you are successfully promoted, the impurities in your body will be directly reduced by half! You were infected with the zombie virus before. Although you used inhibitors to save your life, the impurities in your body accumulated so much. That’s quite a lot. If you don’t find a way to remove the impurities from your body, you will turn into a zombie sooner or later. Therefore, your promotion is not only to improve your strength, but also to prevent you from becoming a zombie!”


Wang Tao's words made Xiang Hongbin a little silent.

If he can live, he wants to live too!

But...since he became disabled, although he acted very open-minded, in fact he felt very uncomfortable.

After all, he used to be the number one combat force in Shuize Base, but now he is a waste. Not many people can accept this sense of gap. If he hadn't been stronger, he might have committed suicide...

So now he is somewhat giving up on himself. Of course, he also didn't want Wang Tao to waste the crystal core.

When Wang Tao saw that he was silent, Wang Tao had no choice but to use his trump card.

"Actually, I feel that your disability is not without remedies..."

Xiang Hongbin suddenly raised his head.

But before he could speak, Wei Zhenguo next to him immediately spoke:

"what way!"

"Wait a mininute."

After a moment, Wang Tao walked in with a huge robotic arm.

"This is Xiaojun's robotic arm, his third hand."

Wang Tao demonstrated the operation of the robotic arm in front of several people. Xu Xiaojun didn't go out to fight today, so he didn't wear this equipment.

This was the first time for Ding Yuqin and the others to see this kind of mechanical arm, and they were all surprised. Wei Zhenguo's eyes even shone. If Xiang Hongbin had this kind of equipment, wouldn't he be able to regain some of his combat effectiveness?

Xiang Hongbin gently stroked these robotic arms with his intact hand, his lips trembling a little.

"Besides us, there are other survivors who are also working hard to survive. Among them are researchers and scientists. This thing was made by them. If you can have a set of similar equipment, you may be able to restore a lot of combat effectiveness. Now. Do you still think you should be promoted to the third level?"


Xiang Hongbin gritted his teeth and said.

He had been in despair before, but now he saw hope.

Wang Tao suddenly laughed.

"I won't give you this robotic arm. After all, it is actually controlled by hand, so it is inconvenient for you to operate. But don't worry, I will definitely get you the appropriate equipment! And our base also has Taiwanese military 3D printer, let’s look back and see if we can get you a prosthetic limb first.”


Xiang Hongbin's eyes were a little red.

"As I said, we are all our own people!"

Wang Tao patted his shoulder, then came to Li Qiuyu and knocked her head directly.

"As for you...there's so much nonsense, just use it."


Li Qiuyu felt strong differential treatment. But she didn't dare to resist Wang Tao, so she could only say aggrievedly.

Ding Yuqin and Han Rui looked a little funny next to them. They knew Wang Tao's character. Wang Tao has always been generous to his own people. If he doesn't have it, forget it. If he does, he will never be stingy. You have to ask for it even if you don’t want it. After all, this is the end of the world and there is no time for pretentiousness.

It took some time, except for Xiang Hongbin and Li Qiuyu, everyone else reached the second level of peak strength.

"I feel like I can advance to the third level..."

"Me too, I can advance at any time!"

Everyone was a little excited.

This is the third level!

If it weren't for this zombie wave, they would have planned to hunt down the third-level zombies and pool all the team's resources to turn Wei Zhenguo into a third-level superpower. As for the others, they never thought that they could reach the third level!

Unexpectedly, after they met Wang Tao, they would be promoted to the third level in less than a day!

"Since you can all be promoted, let's start tonight. Promotion will take 24 hours. By this time tomorrow, you will be third-level superpowers."


Several people nodded.

Wang Tao looked at Xiang Hongbin and Li Qiuyu again.

"As for the two of you...you two are still not quite strong enough. You have to kill zombies to get promoted. It just so happened that flying a plane today attracted a lot of zombies, all outside the base. I will take you out to kill zombies now to improve your strength. Say it again."


Nod to Hongbin. He has hope now and is more motivated.


Li Qiuyu was a little scared, but she also knew that Wang Tao would protect her.

Wang Tao took Xiang Hongbin and Li Qiuyu out, along with Jiang Shixue.

Jiang Shixue attracted zombies, and Wang Tao beat him half to death, and then asked Li Qiuyu and Xiang Hongbin to do the finishing touches.

There are many third-level elite zombies here. It was a leapfrog kill for them. Their health volume quickly reached 29,999.

"Okay, let's go back."

Wang Tao waved.

"Tsk, tsk, I'm so lucky to be able to fight zombies with you! We owe you more and more, and we won't be able to repay you in the future!"

Xiang Hongbin sighed.

Before, it was very troublesome for them to kill a third-level elite zombie. He never thought that he could blow the head of a third-level elite zombie so easily!

"Haha! Then improve your strength and kill more zombies as a reward for me, because I hate zombies."

Wang Tao laughed.

Li Qiuyu next to her was whispering to Jiang Shixue:

"Xiaoxue, it turns out you are so strong!"

"Brother Wang Tao is really strong, but my strength is average."

Jiang Shixue said without thinking.


Looking at Jiang Shixue's expression, Li Qiuyu always felt that something had happened between Jiang Shixue and Wang Tao before...

If so, she would be embarrassed!

Although she has never had anything happen to Wang Tao, they are already in this situation. It would not be a surprise if something happens...

No, I have to do some subtlety at night!

Li Qiuyu thought with some worry.


He Jijun suddenly received good news.

A line buried underground in the military base was damaged. It was not too far from the military base. After he repaired it, he actually contacted someone!

Wang Tao came over curiously.

Amidst a burst of sizzling sounds, there was indeed a sound coming from over there.

"Zizi... Mr. Wang Tao, can you receive my message... Zizi..."


Wang Tao was a little surprised. The voice in the speaker was unfamiliar to him, but he could guess that it should be someone from Lan Yulian's side.

After all, there were only so many people who knew him. Ding Yuqin and the others had already taken over, leaving only Lan Yulian and the others.

"I am Wang Tao."

Wang Tao spoke.

"Ah! It's all figured out!"

The other party was a little surprised, and then said quickly:

"Mr. Wang, please wait a moment. We are from the Bauhinia Base. I will ask our leader to speak to you!"

Sure enough it was them.

After a while, Lan Yulian's voice sounded.

"Wang Tao, are you!"

"it's me."

"Finally we made contact! There are indeed some lines under this base, but most of them are damaged. I only found someone to repair one, but I didn't expect that we actually made contact!"

Lan Yulian's voice was a little surprising.

"How is the situation over there?"

"There is no problem for the time being, but there are a lot of zombies coming around the base, and the tide of zombies is getting bigger and bigger..."

Wang Tao thought for a while and said:

"I'll go there in two days, please pay attention to your safety. Keep in touch."


After talking to Lan Yulian for a while, Wang Tao ended the call.

He looked at his attribute panel, and the countdown for the fusion of the little flames was about to end.

Tonight, he can try to wake up!

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