"A super large survivor base? Where is its specific location? What's the situation? Don't be impatient and tell me slowly!"

Wang Tao was a little excited.

There really is a large survivor base? This suddenly made Wang Tao feel like he was no longer alone!

"That survivor base is in Xizhou Province. It is a super-large survivor base built by the government! It is called Changhe Base City!"

Han Rui explained immediately.

"Xizhou Gaoguanhe Base City?"

Wang Tao was a little surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, he was not so surprised.

Although Xizhou Province is not the westernmost province of Qian Kingdom, it is also located in the western region. It is a place with high altitude, backward economy and sparse population.

Fewer people means fewer zombies, so safety is naturally relatively high. It's really appropriate to build a large survivor base in a place like this.

But there is a thousand kilometers between Xizhou Province and Wuyang Province... This is too far!

"As for the specific size of this base city, their own people are hard to say, because the base has been expanding. There are also various survivor forces that have joined this base. Including the Stormtroopers, Hope Research Institute, Beihai Society and other large-scale The forces...there are hundreds of thousands of survivors there now!"

Wang Tao had never heard of most of the survivor forces Han Rui mentioned, and he only knew of one Hope Research Institute.

This Hope Research Institute is incredible, they researched all the inhibitors! The military base had some contact with them before, but later the contact was lost.

But didn’t it say that the Hope Research Institute was in the northern capital? Migrating from the capital to the west? How did you cover such a long distance?

Of course, these things are not the focus now. The point is that the Changhe base city is large, has a large population, and there are few zombies around. It is a very good survivor base!

Han Rui continued to explain:

"The Changhe Base City said that a large number of zombies have appeared in various places recently. They are probably waiting to die if they are hiding outside. There is still a chance of taking the initiative. But there is no zombie tide over there, so it is relatively safer... so they invited We go over and they provide us with food and security and even jobs..."

Wang Tao frowned.

"As long as we know the specific location, we have a chance to go there, but..."

There are still more than 20,000 people at the Bauhinia City base! Does he really want to leave these people and escape alone?

"There are still many detailed questions that we haven't asked clearly yet because the signal is cut off. Lao Wei said that there is a problem with our line and it is being repaired now. Communication should be restored soon..."

"Okay, if communication is restored, you can notify me again."


After Wang Tao ended his call with Han Rui, he called Lan Yulian and others over.

"Han Rui and the others contacted a large survivor base called Changhe Base City. It is said that it is safe there and there is no zombie wave. The people there also invited us there..."

Wang Tao told several people what Han Rui had just told him.

"Large survivor base! There is no zombie wave in that place?!"

Lan Yulian's eyes shone first. But when she heard that this base was actually in Xizhou Province, the light in her eyes dimmed instantly.

It's such a long distance that we can't walk!

Even if the plane can fly over, there are still so many people in the base...

Lan Yulian said no more, and her body collapsed as if she was deflated.

Wang Tao put his arm around her shoulders and comforted her:

"Don't be discouraged, I'll think of a solution."


Lan Yulian hummed in a low voice.

She was already a little desperate. She knew that it was not that Wang Tao was unwilling to save the survivors at the Bauhinia Base, but that there was really no way to save them! How could more than 20,000 people go to Xizhou Province? She even felt that the helicopter might not be able to fly over...

Wang Tao thought for a while and then said:

"When Lightning wakes up, I'll go back to the military base."


In the evening, Wang Tao never heard from Han Rui. He took the initiative to ask and said that the line there had not been repaired yet.

So Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue went out again and hunted several third-level lord zombies.

However, no level 4 zombies were seen. If there were no level 4 zombies, the Bauhinia Base could still hold on for some time.

The next morning, Lightning woke up.

"Woof woof woof!"

After waking up, Lightning was obviously bigger and his body was much stronger. After seeing Wang Tao, it immediately rubbed beside Wang Tao excitedly.

Lightning's blood volume has reached [5000/5000], and he has been successfully promoted to the second level.

Wang Tao rubbed Lightning's dog's head, and then said to Lan Yulian:

"Come to the military base with me?"


Lan Yulian said nothing.

She knew that if Wang Tao really wanted her to leave, she wouldn't be able to resist. But she still expressed her attitude with silence - it's not that she didn't want to leave, she didn't want to leave so many survivors waiting to die.

Wang Tao stood up and patted Lan Yulian on the shoulder.

"I'll leave first. If there's any danger, or if there are suspected fourth-level zombies, please contact me in time."


Buzz buzz——

Wang Tao and his party left the Bauhinia Base.

Lan Yulian watched the plane leave. She suddenly turned to Lu Yingfeng beside her and said:

"If Wang Tao insisted on taking me away just now, but I didn't want to, are you planning to knock me out and kidnap me?"


Lu Yingfeng also admitted it very bachelorly.


Lan Yulian glared at Lan Yulian fiercely, but finally sighed helplessly.

How can we solve the current dilemma... Do we really have to give up on these people...

On the helicopter.

Looking at the dense zombies below, Wang Tao also sighed.

"There are so many zombies, even if they stand and don't fight back and let me kill them, I won't be able to kill them all..."

Bauhinia City has a population of one million, and the number of zombies can be imagined. In addition, there are zombies coming from other places... There is really no way to stop it!

Not to mention that there are terrifying species like giant zombies, which cannot be stopped no matter how hard the high walls of the Bauhinia Base are. As long as a large number of zombies attack the Bauhinia base at the same time, or giant zombies come, the Bauhinia base will definitely fall...

"It's a pity that there are no lethal weapons in the military base. Otherwise, missiles or even small nuclear bombs will definitely solve the crisis. Even if this will cause some fish that slip through the net to become stronger, we can't control the future..."

He Jijun spoke with some regret.

The physiques of these zombies are very special and have been tested on military bases before. If you use destructive weapons, especially nuclear bombs, to attack zombies. As long as there are some fish that slip through the net, these fish that slip through the net will become more powerful zombies!

Of course, this is all after the attack. If you really encounter a problem that cannot be solved, it is not impossible to use anti-personnel weapons. We will talk about the future later. At least you can survive now. But the problem is that the military base does not have such weapons...it can only be said that they are out of luck.

It took some time and the helicopter returned safely to the military base.

Although I saw a lot of zombies along the way, I didn't encounter a giant zombie. The giant zombie that walked east from Wuyang City didn't know where it went.

This made Wang Tao temporarily relieved. As long as the giant zombies did not go to the Bauhinia base, the base could still hold on for a while.


After the plane landed, Ding Yuqin and others were waiting outside.

"Wang Tao!"

Ding Yuqin rushed over and hugged Wang Tao.

"Have you been contacted?"

Wang Tao asked.

Of course he was talking about the Changhe base city in the west.

"Not yet. These lines are very troublesome to repair, but Lao Wei said we should be able to contact them today!"

"That's good!"

Wang Tao came to the command center, then summoned everyone and told them about the Zijing City base.

"What? Twenty thousand survivors!"

Everyone was happy from the bottom of their hearts when they heard that there were 20,000 survivors in the Bauhinia Base.

But then I heard that the entire Bauhinia base was surrounded by a tide of corpses. Except for helicopters, there was no way to get out. The base might even fall... Everyone's faces turned ugly again.

The Bauhinia Base is not safe, so the best thing is to let the survivors of the Bauhinia Base go to Changhe Base City. But their helicopter is only so big and can’t carry so many people! Even if the previous military transport plane didn't crash, it could only carry one or two hundred people... This was a drop in the bucket for the 20,000 survivors.

Everyone subconsciously looked at Wang Tao.

They knew Wang Tao's character and character. If they hadn't taken the initiative to stand up when they were at the Shuize base, they would have died long ago.

But there was a glimmer of hope before, and Wang Tao had a chance to fight for his life.

But under the current situation, it can be said that the Bauhinia Base has no hope! Unless all these zombies are dispersed, no level four zombies will appear... This is obviously impossible.

So, what does Wang Tao want to do?

If you squeeze in the helicopter, you can get some extra seats, but that's about it...

"I'm going to go to the city."

Wang Tao said to several people.

"Hunting level four zombies?"

Ding Yuqin asked tentatively.

"Well. To be honest, I don't know how to save those 20,000 survivors now. But I know that strength is the foundation of everything. Only with strength can we have solutions. Without strength, everything is empty talk. So we have to improve our strength. ! Before the biggest crisis comes, we must improve our strength as much as possible!"

Wang Tao said with firm eyes.

Now he is the only fourth-level superpower user, and their strength is limited. But if there are a few more fourth-level superpowers, or even all of them are fourth-level superpowers, then maybe the problem can be solved - if nothing else, it can at least block a lot of fourth-level zombies, maybe all of them can Can hunt giant zombies!

"Improve your strength!"

Everyone also clenched their fists.

"Xiaoxue, Lao He, Xiaojun, Han Rui..."

Wang Tao selected a few people to join him.

As for the others, they all stayed in the base. Some repaired the lines, some kept in touch with Lan Yulian, and some hunted the surrounding zombies to increase their blood volume. Everyone is busy.

The newly refueled helicopter left the military base again and flew towards the urban area of ​​Wuyang City.

Far away, Wang Tao saw the giant zombie.

"These giant zombies are no longer returning to the center of the city! They have been wandering around the edge of the city..."

Wang Tao felt a little uncomfortable.

Giant zombies will block their way, causing them to waste a lot of time. Time is of the essence now, and wasting time is wasting life.

Moreover, giant zombies have been wandering outside the city, so they might leave the city at some point.

There are at least a dozen giant zombies in Wuyang City. If they all come out... not to mention the military base, the Bauhinia Base will also be gone!

"There is no other way but to take a detour."

He Jijun flew the plane away from here.

After going around several times, I finally found a place where there were no giant zombies.

After the plane entered Wuyang City, Wang Tao obviously felt that the zombies here were becoming more active.

Under normal circumstances, if it rains, it's daytime, and no one disturbs them, these zombies will stand in the rain in a daze. Because the rain is good for them, they are absorbing nutrients.

But now, these zombies in the rain seem very excited and active, more like them at night, and they always feel like they have been given a violent buff. But it's daytime now... Wang Tao doesn't know what kind of chaos this place will be like at night.

Wang Tao turned on his plant affinity and perception to the maximum, and carefully searched every corner here.

He still has two fourth-level promotion crystal cores in his hand. If he can get two more, he will have the capital to train the next awakened person!

One more fourth-level superpower means one more powerful combat power.

Moreover, Wang Tao will also obtain high-level special energy by killing the fourth-level lord zombies. These high-level special energies can increase the success rate of his second awakening and give him a chance to awaken for the second time!

Not to mention that you will get various items, equipment and so on by killing level 4 zombies. This can also enhance everyone’s strength.

Anyway, no matter what, he is sure to kill the fourth-level zombies in Wuyang City!

But...the more I look for something, the less I can find it.

Wang Tao felt that there should be a lot of fourth-level lord zombies in Wuyang City. After all, there were so many giant zombies, so it should be normal to have fourth-level lord zombies.

But he searched all afternoon and even the helicopter flew to the city center, but found nothing. Not even the Night Demon's lair was found.

Instead, they found a crazy demon's lair, but Wang Tao sensed that there were only crazy demons with similar strength in the crazy demon's lair, and there was no fourth-level lord crazy demon.

"Forget it, go back."

Seeing that it was getting dark, Wang Tao could only go home.


Suddenly, Wang Tao felt as if his plant affinity had detected a huge figure.

Although this figure is large, it is definitely not a giant zombie!

However, just after Wang Tao noticed this figure, the figure disappeared from his perception.

Wang Tao thought it was the figure that had escaped his perception, but after trying it again, he discovered that it was not the giant figure that had escaped, but the medium of his perception - the plant was dead!

"what's the situation?"

This was the first time Wang Tao encountered this situation.

When he used plant affinity to sense zombies, he encountered zombies that died suddenly, and zombies that ran away, but he had never encountered a plant that died!

After all, Wang Tao's plant affinity does not mean that he can only feel with a certain kind of plant, but that he can feel with the help of most plants.

What he just used was a large area of ​​moss. There were a lot of moss and the area was very large. But at that moment, all the moss died!

"Could that figure be aware of my perception? So it destroyed all these plants?"

Wang Tao quickly told everyone what he had discovered.

"Is it possible that there is a zombie with a particularly strong sense of perception, or a zombie with hidden abilities similar to yours?"

Han Rui frowned and analyzed.

"I don't know..." Wang Tao shook his head, and then said to He Jijun, "Old He, don't leave yet. I'll see what's going on."


The helicopter did not leave and began to circle nearby.

Wang Taozai carefully used his [Plant Affinity] and [Perception] powers to "see" the surrounding situation.

Soon, Wang Tao discovered it.

"Found it again! But...the plants are dying!"

The moment Wang Tao's plant affinity ability sensed the huge figure, the plants around the huge figure died!

And there are more and more of these dead plants! It seems that wherever this huge figure goes, the plants will die!

Wang Tao could only judge the location of the huge figure through the short-term information before the plant died.

Wang Tao "saw" more and more plants dying, and the direction of these plants' death... was towards their helicopter!

"It seems to be coming! Be alert!"

Wang Tao greeted immediately.

The others saw nothing, but were ready to fight.

"Click, click, click..."

Suddenly, there was a clicking sound inside the helicopter.

Although the propeller was loud, it still couldn't cover up the clicking sound, because the sound came from the headset.

And the sound is getting faster and faster.

“Click, click, click, click—”

"What's ringing?"

Wang Tao was a little confused, and everyone else was also confused.

After He Jijun heard the rapid clicking sound, without saying a word, he directly pulled up the joystick and let the plane rise rapidly!

After hearing Wang Tao's inquiry, he spoke loudly:

"The Geiger counter on the plane went off! Radiation! A lot of radiation appeared!"

"Huh? Radiation?"

Everyone was a little confused, how could there be radiation at this time? Could it be that there was some kind of nuclear leak?


At this time, a building below the helicopter suddenly collapsed.

The Geiger counter beeped more and more rapidly.

Wang Tao and others quickly looked down and saw a huge figure slowly walking out of the smoke!

"Oh my god! What the hell is this!"

Seeing this figure, everyone felt a little numb.

This is a huge meat ball-shaped monster composed of countless zombies, animals and even machines!

The place where it emerged seemed to be a subway entrance, and all nearby buildings were destroyed.

The zombies around it fell to the ground one after another, and the green plants around it withered at a speed visible to the naked eye!

There were many pairs of eyes on this fleshy ball, all staring at the helicopter. Everyone was covered in goosebumps by looking at it, and their bodies were a little stiff. A terrifying momentum directly shocked everyone!

When Wang Tao saw the health bar of this meat ball, he broke into a cold sweat.

[HP: 1000000/1000000]

[Mana amount: 0/0]

[Level: Level 5·Disaster]

[Disaster Awakening: Radiation]

[Radiation: You carry a lot of radiation]

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