When this meat ball zombie came out, not only were the plants around it withering, but the zombies around it were also losing blood rapidly!

In a moment, the health bars of all the zombies around it were cleared!

When Wang Tao saw the specific attributes of this meat ball zombie, he broke out in a cold sweat.

One million health bars - this is the zombie with the most health that Wang Tao has ever seen!

And it's not a fourth-level zombie, but a fifth-level zombie!

Level 5...disaster!

Disaster level!

Wang Tao has never seen this level before. It should obviously be a level higher than the lord level.

It has no mana and should have no powers, but it has a disaster awakening radiation - it carries a lot of radiation within itself!

No wonder those plants and zombies are dead!

"Click, click, click—"

The Geiger counter in the helicopter continued to buzz, and Wang Tao saw a negative state on everyone's heads, including his own.

[Radiation: The body is slightly radiated and can return to normal after resting for a certain period of time]





Hey guys, losing 100 blood every second is still considered mild radiation? So what does moderate or severe look like?

And it can be radiated from such a long and high distance?

"Quickly! This is a level 5 zombie, and it carries a lot of radiation!"

Wang Tao shouted immediately.

"Level 5 zombies!"

Everyone exclaimed, they had not seen many level 4 zombies yet, but here are the level 5 zombies?

Is the speed of evolution so terrifying?

He Jijun had already started to ascend the helicopter when he heard the Geiger counter sound, but he didn't know the specific situation, so he was still waiting for news from Wang Tao. Now that he heard that this was a fifth-level zombie carrying a large amount of radiation, he immediately changed direction and left here without looking back without saying a word!

The meatball zombie should not have long-range attack capabilities. After seeing the helicopter leaving, the heads on it roared unwillingly, and then it fell into the subway tunnel again.

The meatball zombies left, leaving only dead silence.

On the helicopter, Wang Tao put down his telescope after he saw the flesh ball zombie entering the ground again.

"It shouldn't be chasing me."

After hearing this, everyone did not relax.

"Wang Tao, are you okay? I always feel a little uncomfortable..."

Han Rui grabbed Wang Tao's hand.

"It's okay. We were all radiated, but the symptoms were relatively mild and we'll be fine soon."

Wang Tao held Han Rui's hand and said.

The helicopter has left the place where the meat ball zombies just appeared, but the bodies of several people are still bleeding!

Although it's not as much as 100 blood drops per second before, it still drops dozens of points. Fortunately, this blood loss number is slowly decreasing, otherwise even if they have 100,000 blood, they will not be able to withstand constant loss!

"The plane may be contaminated with some radiation. We need to clean the plane after we go back, and we also need to clean it ourselves..."

He Jijun spoke at this time. He obviously has some experience in this area.

"This zombie is too scary..."

Xu Xiaojun scratched his head and said.

He is relatively single-minded. He is also afraid of zombies, but usually he will not directly say fear or fear. But this time, he was really scared.

Although except for Wang Tao, none of them could see the health bar or see that they were losing blood. But the feeling of physical discomfort was very clear, and they could vaguely feel that their vitality seemed to be decreasing!

If they stayed there for a little longer, they thought they might die even if the zombie didn't attack them!

This is the first time for everyone to encounter such a zombie. It feels so uncomfortable even if they are far away. If they get close, wouldn't they die suddenly on the spot?

"It's really scary!"

Wang Tao nodded.

Judging from the fact that you can lose 100 blood per second from such a distance, if you are a little closer, you might lose 1,000, or even 10,000! Maybe he died suddenly on the spot!

At this time, Wang Tao seemed to have thought of something and suddenly said:

"I seem to understand why these giant zombies are not in the center of the city, but have gone to the periphery..."

After he reminded him, everyone understood.

Judging from the appearance of the meat ball zombie just now and the widespread death of surrounding plants and zombies, these giant zombies are probably also afraid of this radiation! So I was forced to leave the city center!

After all, the radiation on the flesh-ball zombies is so unreasonable! It doesn't even need to take action, as long as it stops there, it can cause a lot of deaths!

If the distance is too close, the giant zombie might not even be able to withstand the hundreds of thousands of blood!

"Disaster level...is this a disaster..."

Wang Tao murmured to himself.

Disaster, it really lives up to its name!

After taking some time, the helicopter finally left Wuyang City. As he was leaving, he was spotted by a giant zombie, who immediately chased after him.

He Jijun walked in the opposite direction to the military base, shook off the giant zombie, and then flew towards the military base.

It was already night when we returned to the military base, and the journey went smoothly without any problems.

After the helicopter landed, He Jijun immediately led everyone to flush the helicopter with water to remove the remaining radiation on the plane.

Then Wang Tao and others took a bath with soap and took some iodine tablets and other medicines, and the bleeding on their heads stopped.

"Phew - I finally feel a lot more relaxed..."

Han Rui spoke while dressing Wang Tao.

"This kind of zombie is really scary!"

If they weren't flying in the sky, if it wasn't for He Jijun's reaction speed, if it wasn't for Wang Tao's decisive evacuation...if he had been closer or slower, he would have been in big trouble!

The two went out of the room together, and then Wang Tao called everyone over and told them about the radioactive zombies.

"Fifth level? Disaster level..."

"Zombies carrying large amounts of radiation..."

"Just getting close will kill you..."

When everyone heard the news, they were shocked and looked ugly.

They haven't studied the fourth-level lord zombies yet, but now there are fifth-level disaster-level zombies?

This doesn’t allow anyone to live!

"This fifth-level zombie, I feel, may be related to the small-yield nuclear bomb recorded in the previous military base log..."

Wei Zhenguo suddenly said at this time.

There was a lot of important information in the military base's logs, and Wang Tao shared it with Wei Zhenguo and the others.


Wang Tao nodded thoughtfully.

The log said that the previous small nuclear bomb melted a large number of zombies in that area, and only one zombie survived. And this zombie mutated, and later caused a lot of trouble to the military base. Fortunately, in the end was killed.

But looking at this log now, Wang Tao feels that they have missed something. Could this zombie be hiding in the sewer or subway? It first underwent radiation mutation, and then experienced many corrosive acid rains... and now it has turned into an even more terrifying disaster-level zombie!

"Military base...can't stay too long!"

Wang Tao said suddenly.

There were already giant zombies here that were eyeing the base and could come to the base at any time, but now they encountered zombie waves, rampant zombies, and even fifth-level disaster-level zombies! All of this tells Wang Tao that the military base can't wait any longer!

He couldn't take any chances, otherwise when the danger really came, it might be too late to run.

Especially, if these dangers come at the same time - zombie craze, giant zombies plus a radiation zombie, the military base can be destroyed in an instant!

After all, the defense of the military base does not have anything like high walls, but relies on modern weapons, but these weapons have been used up before, and there is nothing left in stock.

As for hunting the fourth-level lord zombies, Wang Tao doesn't think about it now. In this situation, there is no way to hunt zombies anymore.

After all, it is a level five disaster zombie. If he is caught by this zombie, Wang Tao feels that he will definitely die...

After hearing Wang Tao say that he couldn't stay long, Ding Yuqin immediately asked in a low voice:

"Then shall we go to Bauhinia Base or Changhe Base City?"

She knew that Wang Tao was in a bit of a dilemma now, but a decision had to be made on this matter.

Before Wang Tao had time to speak, Nie Siyan suddenly ran over.

"Brother Wang! The line has been repaired! We have contacted Changhe Base City again!"


Wang Tao immediately got up and came to the communication room and picked up the microphone.

"Hello, this is Wuyang Military Base, and I am survivor Wang Tao."

"Zizi...Hello, I'm the operator Li Ping. I finally contacted you again! I thought you had already..."

There was a very excited female voice on the opposite side. After hearing Wang Tao's voice, she breathed a sigh of relief, and then said quickly.

"Can you get out of Wuyang City now? We have observed that the zombies have become more and more violent recently. If you don't leave as soon as possible, you may not be able to get out!"

After hearing what the other party said, Wang Tao asked:

"I want to know, are there any large zombies, such as giant zombies, on the way from Wuyang City to your base city? If so, please show us a safe way. Our planes are still more afraid of giant zombies. of……"

Han Rui had already communicated with her about the giant zombies before. This was not unique to Wuyang City. People in Changhe Base City had also seen it, but not near the base city.

"Ah? Do you still have access to airplanes?" Han Rui hadn't mentioned this before. Li Ping was obviously a little surprised. Then, as if something had occurred to her, she quickly said, "I'll give you an air route, which should be relatively safe." , but you must not fly high into the sky!"


Wang Tao frowned.

Li Ping immediately explained:

"Not long after the end of the world, the satellites in the sky became unusable. The satellites were destroyed by a strange energy! After that, this energy began to decline. As long as electronic products touched by this energy, problems would occur. , including aircraft flying in the sky! After our testing, currently, when flying above an altitude of three thousand meters, the aircraft will have problems and lose control! So you must not fly too high! It is recommended to fly below two thousand meters, the best It’s about a thousand meters!”


Wang Tao opened his mouth. Will he lose control when flying high in the sky? No wonder the transport plane suddenly lost control - when it encountered the giant zombie, He Jijun subconsciously flew high into the sky! And that transport plane can indeed fly very high.

As for the helicopter, He Jijun usually doesn't fly very high, about a thousand meters, because Wang Tao wants to observe the zombies on the ground, so he can see them when he flies high. Sometimes they fly to a height of more than 100 meters, such as when searching for fourth-level zombies in the city...

Wang Tao previously thought that the area where the transport plane crashed was a no-fly zone, but now he finally has his doubts cleared up - the entire high altitude is a no-fly zone!

"So that's it. It would be nice if I could contact you earlier. We have already crashed a military transport plane before..."

Wang Tao said helplessly.


Li Ping was silent for a moment. She thought that all the crew members on Wang Tao's side had crashed. After all, it flew to an altitude of more than 3,000 meters and suddenly lost control. It was basically a narrow escape. Even if there is a parachute, it may be too late. Military transport aircraft are not fighter jets and do not have special skydiving seats...

Wang Tao was not aware of this small misunderstanding, and he asked some more about Changhe Base City.

Li Ping told everything she knew, and the shadow of a huge survivor base slowly appeared in Wang Tao's mind. This is a city with a large population, strong combat capabilities, and no powerful zombies around!

Wang Tao is already sure that this base city is the place he is looking for!

Wang Tao also talked about the situation here in Wuyang City.

Li Ping was shocked when she heard that there were fifth-level zombies here.

"Level 5 zombies! Or is it a disaster level higher than Lord level? Oh my god! This news is very important. Thank you very much, Mr. Wang Tao!"

Obviously, they may not have seen level 5 zombies either.

This is actually a good thing. Because there are many people there, and since they have never seen it, it means that the number of fifth-level zombies is extremely rare, and maybe this one is the only one...

Wang Tao saw that the time was almost up, so he said:

"There are still some survivors here in Wang Tao, and the helicopter can't take them all away... So, can you send people to support us?"

After communicating with this Li Ping, Wang Tao had an idea - to use the power of the base city to rescue the people in Bauhinia Base!

Wang Tao didn't expect that the other party would send someone to come in person.

His request was not high. From what Li Ping said, it was obvious that Changhe Base City had aircraft. If we could airdrop some weapons or even vehicles to them, it would be able to win some for the survivors of Bauhinia Base. A chance to survive, that's enough.


Hearing Wang Tao's words, Li Ping suddenly felt embarrassed.

"Sorry, Mr. Wang, it's not that we don't want to save you. It's just that you are too far away..."

No matter when you do anything, you have to consider the pros and cons. Especially now that it is still the end of the world and every human life is precious, if more people are involved in order to save these few people, then the gain outweighs the loss!

Wang Tao was immediately disappointed when he heard the other party's rejection. But he hasn't given up yet.

"I can exchange materials, such as crystal cores."

"Mr. Wang, I'm very sorry. This is not a problem with the crystal core..."

Li Ping continued to shake her head.

"I just want some airdrops. Can't even airdrops work?"

"Just airdrop? That should be possible in theory. But it's not possible now, because the weather here is bad, there are strong winds and lightning every day, and the plane can't take off..."

The country of Qian is very large, and it is normal for the environment and climate in different regions to be different. Just because Wuyang City can fly planes does not mean that the base city can also...

"That's it... Okay, I'll think of a way. Even if more than 20,000 of us can finally reach the base city, I don't know how many will be left..."

Wang Tao's tone was filled with helplessness that could not be concealed, and Ding Yuqin and others next to him also sighed.

Sure enough, it still doesn’t work...

"Ah, wait!"

But at this moment, Li Ping on the other side of the microphone suddenly exclaimed.

"What did you just say that I didn't hear clearly?"

Wang Tao frowned, the signal is not working again?

"I mean, I just have to figure it out on my own."

"No, there's one more thing!"

"Uh... there are more than 20,000 of us, even if we leave -"

"More than 20,000 people!"

Before Wang Tao finished speaking, he was interrupted by the other party.

"I heard there are more than 20,000 of you?!"

Li Ping was a little surprised.


Wang Tao nodded.

"But didn't you say there were only about ten people?"

The other party asked quickly.

Wang Tao looked at Han Rui, who shrugged.

It is essential to be on guard against others. When she first contacted the other party, Han Rui didn't understand anything, so she naturally had something to hide.

And she didn't count the ones at the Bauhinia Base, she counted the ones at the military base. There were more than thirty people here at the military base, and she said it was reasonable to have more than ten people.

So Wang Tao explained:

"We have two bases here. There are only about ten people at the Wuyang military base, but there are more than 20,000 people at the Zijing City base. However, more than 20,000 people are trapped by the zombie wave, and it is very troublesome now. , so I want you to support us with some airdrops..."

"Mr. Wang, wait a moment! Wait for me to report!"

After Li Ping said something to Wang Tao, she immediately became silent.

Wang Tao and everyone looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

After waiting for a while, a vigorous and powerful voice sounded from the opposite side.

"Hello, Mr. Wang, I am Hou Zhiyuan, commander of the Third Army in Base City. I would like to ask you what you just said, is it true that you have 20,000 survivors?"


Wang Tao nodded.

"Do you have equipment there that can take videos? I need you to take videos of your survivors and send them to us. I want to make sure you didn't lie to me."

Hou Zhiyuan continued.

"Huh? Why?"

Wang Tao frowned when he heard this.

There is nothing easy to deceive, and it will not bring any benefit to him.

"Because if it is true, I will send the Third Legion to rescue you!"

Wang Tao was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise:

"You want to send someone here? This is too dangerous!"

Saving people is more difficult than simply killing zombies. Not only do they have to come over, they also have to take people back! The risk is doubled!

"There are more than 20,000 survivors, no matter how dangerous it is, they can still be saved! You don't have to worry about us, you just need to package the video and send it to me, and then wait for rescue!"

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