When Xiao Huo quickly killed the frozen zombies, everyone was already amazed, but when Xiao Huo and Xiao Bing's awakenings merged and killed a group of them in one go, they were blinded. 6⃞ 9⃞ s⃞ h⃞ u⃞ x⃞ .⃞ c⃞ o⃞ m⃞

In terms of damage and range, this [Ice Flame] is extremely powerful. They have only seen this happen to one person - Wang Tao!

Wang Tao is the awakened person with the strongest attack power they have ever seen, and the combined damage of these two minks is almost as high as Wang Tao's!

"Niu beep!"

Wei Zhenguo and others spoke at the same time.

"It's really powerful. I didn't expect their fusion awakening damage to be so high, and it's also continuous. If it's really more of a continuous output, I might not be able to match it..."

Wang Tao smiled and shook his head.

"What is the principle of this? The fusion awakening of the two is not as complicated as I imagined, but 1+1 is directly greater than 2?"

Ding Yuqin looked at everyone curiously.

Lan Yulian adjusted the video to slow play, and then explained:

"Please pay attention, although Xiaobing and Xiaohuo attack at the same time, Xiaobing's speed is actually faster. In fact, Xiaobing froze the zombie first, and his body was instantly frozen, and then Xiaohuo's flames Falling on zombies and causing an explosion..."

"If it were before the end of the world, I would think that this might be the heat generated by the fire, which decomposed the ice on the zombies into hydrogen and oxygen. In the presence of a fire source, a large amount of hydrogen and oxygen exploded..."

"But now is the end of the world. The world has undergone tremendous changes. Even some physical rules are different from before. For example, the fire set off by Wang Tao cannot be extinguished with water..."

"I can only say that it may be such an idea, but we don't know what it is specifically. Anyway, according to the power in the video, it is not as simple as an explosion. Ice is different from ice, and fire is also different from fire... …So we don’t need to worry about the principle, as long as it works.”

After listening to Lan Yulian's words, everyone nodded secretly, thinking that what she said made sense.

But Wang Tao suddenly raised his eyebrows. He thought of something from Lan Yulian's words - if he asked Xiaobing to freeze the zombies first, and then use his awakening flame to attack, would there be any harm? addition?

The flames he emits are completely different from ordinary flames. They should be more similar to the flames of Xiaohuo... If it is really what Lan Yulian said, then it seems possible!

Wang Tao touched Xiaobing's head and decided to give it a try after seeing the zombies! If it can really increase the damage, then it would be great for him...

At this time, Qu Shilin suddenly said excitedly:

"Then doesn't this mean that with Xiaobing and Xiaohuo here, in this extreme cold weather, we don't have to be afraid of these evolved frozen zombies at all? Or even to put it arrogantly, we are directly invincible?"

The scene where the two minks were fighting just now was too shocking. In addition, Wang Tao's shooting range was relatively wide, and Xiang Hongbin was also included in the photo. They knew how strong Xiang Hongbin was. By killing Xiang Hongbin Comparing the time of a frozen zombie, you can feel how strong Xiaobing and Xiaohuo are! Especially Xiao Huo, it's simply outrageous.

For the two little ferrets, the evolution of this zombie is of no use at all, or even has a negative effect - because the fire will do more damage to them!

Then with Xiao Huo around, wouldn't they be invincible?

After hearing Qu Shilin's words, everyone looked at Wang Tao subconsciously. Wang Tao shook his head speechlessly:

"You are a bit fanciful. You must first understand that the reason why Xiao Huo's damage is so high is because it uses awakening! Have you ever seen anyone who can use active awakening all the time? This consumes awakening energy. It is impossible to use it all the time. Before the awakened energy is used up, Xiao Huo is indeed very powerful, but if it does not have awakened energy, then it may not be as good as other awakened people or lords. After all, awakened energy is difficult to replenish..."

"Uh...it seems so! I'm so happy for nothing..."

Qu Shilin suddenly scratched her head in embarrassment.

But Wang Tao then added:

"But then again, without interference from external factors, Xiao Huo and Xiao Bing's awakening energy seems to be restored faster than us humans... So as long as we use it reasonably and don't use up their awakening energy, then They are still very powerful. Like these frozen zombies, you can kill them instantly."

"Then I must let Xiaohuo plan it carefully - no, I should let you do it! I leave it all to you!"

Qu Shilin is very self-aware. She has a third-level body, but no combat experience. If she is asked to command Xiao Huo, it may be better to let Xiao Huo perform freely, so it is better to let a professional like Wang Tao do it. The command is better.


Wang Tao smiled.

Theoretically speaking, he couldn't command Xiao Huo. It wasn't a matter of Xiao Huo being obedient or not, but it was that he and Xiao Huo didn't have that kind of connection.

He has some connections with Xiaobing, Xiaohei, and even Lightning. With his eyes and movements, the other party can understand what Wang Tao is going to do. But naturally it won't work with Xiao Huo.

However, with Xiao Bing here, the relationship between the two minks is very good, as if they are brothers. Wang Tao can send messages to Xiao Huo through Xiao Bing, thereby indirectly controlling Xiao Huo. Although there is a certain delay, Xiaohuo is very smart and can completely offset these delays through its own judgment...

While several people were talking, the car had already passed the place where the battle had just taken place.

Qu Shilin wanted to take a look at the battlefield where Xiaohuo had just fought, but it turned out that it was covered in heavy snow, and only some traces could be seen vaguely.

"The snow is too heavy...and I always feel that the snow outside is heavier than the snow inside the base..."

Xiang Hongbin frowned.

"It should be because of the wind. After all, the base is surrounded by high walls, which can block strong winds, and there is no shelter outside..."

Wei Zhenguo explained.


He nodded to Hongbin, then looked at Wang Tao and said:

"Wang Tao, where do you think these zombies have gone?"

They had been searching here for more than an hour just now. Except for those zombies, they found no other zombies, but they also didn't find zombie corpses.

According to the information from the city hall, there should be a large number of zombies here. If the zombies are frozen to death or captured, they can be seen. But except for a small number of frozen zombies, there are no other zombies here.

Xiang Hongbin is worried that all the zombies in this huge group of corpses will evolve into frozen zombies! The large army of zombies left, leaving behind only a small number of zombies... If this is the case, it is definitely not good news for them. They would rather see these zombies trapped in place...

"I don't know, but since I haven't seen any zombies or zombie corpses, it is very likely that they have left, so... there is a high probability that these zombies have mutated!"

Wang Tao looked serious.

Although both he and Xiao Huo can cause a lot of damage to this frozen zombie, there are too many zombies! Even if all the zombies in these groups were gathered for him to kill, he wouldn't be able to kill them all before his awakening energy was exhausted.

If these zombies have really left, then people in the base will be even more afraid to come out. If they don't come out, they won't be able to improve their strength... an endless cycle!

This is a very serious problem.

After all, it has been less than a year from the end of the world to now. Every day that passes, the world may change a lot. In the past, they kept chasing the pace of zombie evolution, but now they have suddenly stopped for more than half a month, and the zombies are still evolving!

If it takes a month, two months or even three months for the heavy snow to stop, and during this period, the human strength in the base remains unchanged, then after the snow stops, there may be humans in the base who are only at level 4, but there are zombies outside. The lowest level is six levels! How to fight this? This is tantamount to a disaster for the entire base!

"I hope we don't encounter the worst case scenario..."

He Jijun, who had been silent, shook his head.

The worst-case scenario is that among the five places they plan to go this time, the trapped zombies have all left... which means they have all mutated!

The car went all the way south, but due to the heavy wind and snow, the car could not be lifted up. After all, Wang Tao did not want to overturn the car, so he waited until dark before finally arriving at the location of the second group of trapped corpses.

Still pretty much the same as before, Wang Tao was going to get out of the car and take a look. After confirming the specific situation there, he decided on which plan to use.

"Huh? There are zombies!"

But this time the situation was different from last time. Han Rui exclaimed before Wang Tao got out of the car.

"How many zombies?"

"There are about twenty of them, right in front, all of them are fourth-level elites! I can faintly feel the coldness in their bodies. They seem to be the frozen zombies you mentioned!"

Han Rui quickly explained.

"Everyone get out of the car and fight immediately! You guys should also experience what it's like to fight against these frozen zombies."

Wang Tao said hello and everyone got out of the car immediately.

"S-shall I go too?"

Qu Shilin looked at Wang Tao with some fear.

Wang Tao thought for a while and then said:

"You should also feel it. Don't worry, Xiaohuo and I will protect you."


Although Qu Shilin was afraid, her fear was based on her self-awareness. She knew that she had no fighting ability. In fact, her character is relatively decisive. Since Wang Tao said so, she will not get entangled.

"It's so cold!"

When she got off the warm car, the cold wind blew, and Qu Shilin shivered instantly.

"In this kind of weather battle, the combat effectiveness is greatly weakened..."

Yang Changhong next to him was a little helpless.

Because she wanted to protect herself from the cold, she wore more clothes than usual, which would definitely consume extra energy during the battle. In addition, the cold wind blew on her face like a knife... it felt very uncomfortable.

But when she saw those frozen zombies appearing, she realized that they were nothing, and the next thing she felt was even more uncomfortable.

"so cold!"

Not only Qu Shilin, but others could not help but speak out.

"It's these frozen zombies! When they gather together, they will cause the surrounding temperature to drop. The more they are, the more the surrounding temperature will drop..."

Wang Tao frowned.

He didn't feel much about it before. After all, he only encountered four or five zombies at a time, and he and Xiao Huo eliminated them in an instant.

Now more than twenty frozen zombies are gathered together, and the freezing temperature is coming. It is estimated that ordinary people will freeze to death in a short time!

When these frozen zombies came to them, the information watch showed more than 40 degrees below zero!

"Quick victory!"

Wang Tao took one look at the zombies and after confirming that they were all Tier 4 elites with 200,000 blood, he immediately rushed forward.

Since he wanted them all to experience the feeling of fighting frozen zombies, Wang Tao didn't use his powerful ability to kill them and just slashed them with a knife.





Since he already had experience, Wang Tao swung his knife quickly and dodged two zombie attacks. He only used four swords to kill the frozen zombie with 200,000 blood in just two seconds!

But other people's battles are not so simple, especially those who have never fought frozen zombies.

"My steps feel so heavy and I can't walk!"

"This deceleration is so disgusting..."


It was obvious that everyone's rhythm was a bit chaotic.

But they are not ordinary people after all, they just didn't adapt just now. After a few seconds of adaptation, they quickly found their rhythm.

It has to be said that the awakened ones of the system are indeed more versatile, such as Lu Gang and He Jijun. They just relied on their strong physical fitness to ignore the deceleration. After figuring out the characteristics of these frozen zombies, they quickly killed the zombies.

The ones who suffer the most are the poison types, such as Nie Siyan and Gao Hua. Their poison does not seem to have a great effect on zombies. In addition, their physical fitness is not strong enough and they are more affected by slowdown, so when facing this Raising fourth-level elite zombies, the fight is a bit dangerous. This is a feeling that no fourth-level lord has ever experienced...

Contrary to them, Lu Yingfeng was also slowed down, but she was able to do so with ease. The knife in her hand always appears on the zombie's head at the most appropriate time. This seemingly random step not only accurately evaded the zombie's attack, but also caused a large amount of damage to the zombie. A moment later, the zombie with 200,000 blood fell at her feet.

Wang Tao kills zombies with a knife, which stands out for his roughness, while Lu Yingfeng looks very elegant. Of course, there is no distinction between high and low. Both of them made full use of their own advantages and found comfort.

"Little fire, spray it to death!"


On the other side, Wang Tao was a little surprised to find that Qu Shilin actually held the small fire in his hand, as if holding a gun or a flamethrower, and sprayed the raging flames at the zombies.

In a few seconds, several zombies were burned alive.

"...Is this okay?"

The battle started suddenly and ended quickly.

After all, most of them are awakened ones. As long as they are familiar with the effect of the freezing halo, there is no surprise in killing these zombies.

Wang Tao and others had just finished cleaning the battlefield when Han Rui suddenly spoke up.

"Zombies! A large number of frozen zombies are coming! There is also a big guy!"

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