"A lot of zombies are coming? Are they all frozen zombies? What is the big guy?"

Wang Tao asked quickly after hearing Han Rui's warning.

"They are all frozen zombies, hundreds of them! Among them is a frozen zombie with huge energy, probably a fourth-order lord!"

"Everyone get in the car, get out first!"

Wang Tao retreated decisively.

He was not afraid of these zombies, he was afraid that the crystal energy vehicle would be accidentally injured during the battle. In this environment, they would not be able to return without a car.

Everyone immediately got into the car. As an experienced driver, He Jijun suddenly turned the steering wheel, and the car quickly turned around and left quickly.

When leaving, everyone could vaguely see the shadowy figure in the wind and snow.

"Find a safe place to park. We can't let these zombies go."

Wang Tao said to everyone.

They came out this time to kill zombies. Naturally they couldn't run away in this situation, and it wasn't like they couldn't defeat them. Especially since they now have a way to restrain these frozen zombies, they have to deal with the zombies even more.

This time, He Jijun was the driver. Not only did he have superb driving skills, he was also very experienced. He deliberately remembered some places along the way. When Wang Tao asked to find a place to park, it took him less than two minutes to arrive at a dilapidated town that was almost completely covered by heavy snow.

"Just stop here. There are no zombies around here, and there aren't any potholes. The road is relatively flat."

"That's it, get out of the car!"

Wang Tao was the first to get out of the car, and everyone followed immediately.

At this time, Wang Tao looked at Qu Shilin who had followed him down.

"Are you coming too? This battle is no better than before. It might be really dangerous."

"Don't be afraid, I have a little fire!"

Qu Shilin patted Xiao Huodao who was lying on her head.

She was actually a little scared. After all, there were hundreds of elite zombies and even a lord. But the little fire just now gave her a lot of confidence. Plus, with Wang Tao and others around, she felt that if she stood further back, there wouldn't be much danger.

Of course, there must be danger, but since you have made up your mind to go out on an adventure with Wang Tao, you can't hide in the car all the time.

And participating more in this kind of battle may also bring some benefits to her research. After all, practice brings true knowledge...

"You have a few things in mind, come with me!"

Wang Tao still admired Qu Shilin's actions in his heart, but now was not the time to talk nonsense. He immediately took the lead and ran to the front, using his mental energy to detect it like crazy, and the others followed closely.

After a moment, Wang Tao's voice sounded in everyone's headsets.

"The zombies are coming, prepare to fight!"

Wang Tao saw the zombies that Han Rui was talking about. They were indeed a large number of fourth-level elite frozen zombies. They did not walk together and were scattered. Wang Tao felt that there should be about two hundred of them. Two hundred Tier 4 elite zombies with 200,000 HP are terrifying to think about!

Among them, there is a frozen zombie that looks very similar to other frozen zombies, but is three meters tall.

[HP: 300000/300000]

[Blue amount: 200000/200000]

[Level: Level 4·Lord]

[Awakening: Ice Cone Summon]

[Ice Cone Summoning: Summon a huge ice cone]

[Status: Frozen Halo]

The awakening of this fourth-level lord zombie is a purely offensive ice-type awakening. Although the introduction is simple, Wang Tao thinks it should be very powerful.

And the most important thing is that this lord also has a [frozen aura] state on his body, but his freezing aura is much stronger than those elite zombies!

[Freezing Halo: The movement speed is reduced, the ice attribute defense is increased, and the attack is added with ice attribute. Enemies within a radius of fifteen meters will be slowed down and their ice attribute defense will be reduced]

Since there are no specific numbers for speed reduction and ice attribute defense, Wang Tao doesn't know how much stronger it is, but its range is a radius of 15 meters!

The freezing aura range of elite frozen zombies is only 5 meters, which is not a 3-fold difference. The area of ​​a circle with a radius of 5 meters is 78.5 square meters, and the area of ​​a circle with a radius of 15 meters is 706.5 square meters. This is a 9-fold difference!

And the distance of 15 meters may not sound far, but it is just beyond the reach of many people's long-range attacks!

For example, shock waves cannot hit.

So if you want to attack this zombie, you may have to attack within the range of his freezing aura.

As for its 300,000 health points, Wang Tao thought it was nothing, and even thought it was a bit less. After all, the elite zombies had 200,000 health points...

"The freezing aura of this lord zombie has a very large range, it is estimated to have a radius of 15 meters. Please pay more attention."

Wang Tao explained it to everyone.

"Huh? So big!"

Most of them are close combat. The attack distance is not far. Now that the area of ​​​​its freezing aura has become so large, the difficulty of the battle has greatly increased.

However, everyone did not panic. After all, they were also awakened people, so they would not be frightened by a lord zombie of the same level.

"Ho ho..."

These frozen zombies must have smelled the scent of humans, so they immediately quickened their pace and rushed directly towards Wang Tao.

Their freezing aura will slow them down, so their acceleration is not fast, but there is one exception, that is the fourth-level lord. Originally it was in the middle of the group of corpses, but within a few seconds, it reached the first one.

"It is less affected by the slowdown of the freezing halo! You should pay more attention!"

Wang Tao immediately spoke out.


Everyone became more cautious.

Since he didn't know the specific strength of this lord zombie, and there were a lot of frozen zombies, Wang Tao wasn't going to do any testing, and a small fireball instantly appeared in his hand.


Qu Shilin didn't know that Wang Tao was a fire awakener. Except for Xiao Huo, she had never seen a creature that set fire out of thin air. She was very surprised when she saw the fireball in Wang Tao's hand.

But she knew she couldn't talk nonsense at this time, so she didn't ask any more questions. But she watched Wang Tao closely, wanting to see what was going on with Wang Tao's fireball.

While Wang Tao was charging the fireball, he kept a close eye on the zombies. When he discovered that the zombies were not gathered together, he felt a little regretful. If all these zombies gathered together, he might be able to kill him in seconds with just one fireball! But now the formation of these zombies is very scattered, and his fireball can only blow up a dozen of them at most...

But the fireball was fully charged, and he didn't have time to wait any longer. So he threw the fireball directly at the Frost Lord zombie walking at the front.


The lord zombie did not dodge or dodge, and instantly collided with the fireball. Suddenly a huge flame rose up, lighting up the dim sky. The heat wave swept over, and Qu Shilin felt a little sweat on her forehead.

"What a powerful awakening!"

Qu Shilin was shocked when she saw Wang Tao's fireball power for the first time. She even regarded this as Wang Tao's awakening.

But Wang Tao frowned and looked at the sea of ​​fire. I saw several ferocious figures walking out of the sea of ​​fire...

"No one died..."

Wang Tao's fireball didn't even kill a single zombie.

When he used fireballs to attack those frozen zombies, he did 200,000 damage at a time and killed all those zombies almost instantly.

But now he clearly saw that when the fireball hit the frozen zombie lord, it only caused 30,000 damage. This damage was not much different from when he attacked other zombie lords. What about the attribute restraint you mentioned?

And when the fireball hit those elite zombies, it only did more than 70,000 damage, which was far from 200,000!

Moreover, his fire attribute damage originally included burning damage, but on these zombies, the burning damage is gone...

How is this going?

To say that the lord zombies are special would be fine. But this elite zombie is obviously the same as before, nothing special. But my damage was only one-third of what it was before...

Others didn't know the number of damage caused by Wang Tao, so they didn't think there was anything wrong. However, when they fought with zombies, they obviously felt something was wrong.

"Something doesn't seem right. I feel like these frozen zombies are different from the previous frozen zombies!"

“They feel like they’re a lot stiffer and they’re slowing me down even more!”

"I feel even colder now..."


Seeing the state of everyone, Wang Tao knew that it was these zombies that had a problem, not his own attack.

"Everyone, please pay attention. These zombies are weird. I'm going to see what's going on first!"

Wang Tao gave up the idea of ​​making another fireball, but directly charged forward with his knife.

As soon as he entered the range of the frozen halo, Wang Tao felt his footsteps sink.

"The freezing aura of these elite zombies has been enhanced!"

Wang Tao would have been slowed down by about 10% before, but he could break free through brute force, so it had no effect on him. But now, he feels that he has been slowed down by at least 20%. Although he can still break free through brute force, the process of breaking free feels a bit strenuous!

Wang Tao slashed an elite zombie on the head.


He used to be able to do 30,000 damage with one strike, but now he can only do 15,000, and the bleeding damage is gone!

"Is it because this lord zombie has any special abilities that increase their defense? Or is the damage caused to them reduced?"

Wang Tao thinks that this is a high probability. After all, compared with the previous battle, this is just the difference between having one more lord.

But then again, even if the damage was reduced by 50%, this elite zombie still couldn't stop Wang Tao for a few seconds. After Wang Tao quickly solved it, Wang Tao shouted to everyone:

"You guys help me stop the elite zombies, and I'll kill the lord!"


Wang Tao rushed directly to the lord zombie.

Others immediately attracted the surrounding elite zombies away.

When Wang Tao entered the freezing aura of the Lord Zombie, he felt that his whole body became heavier instantly, and the white frost quickly climbed from Wang Tao's instep to his waist.

"Slow down so hard!"

Wang Tao felt that his movement speed might have been reduced by 40%!

He was very fast, and he was a little uncomfortable losing so much speed.

As a result, Wang Tao's muscles all over his body swelled, and he wanted to try to see if he could break free with brute force.

It can only be said that it has an effect, but not much.

He could only escape part of it with brute force, and there was about 20% of the deceleration that he couldn't escape with brute force alone.

But brute strength cannot always be there, there will always be times when you are exhausted. If you run out of energy, you may not be able to lose 40% of your weight, but you may lose more.

And as he got closer and closer to the lord zombie, Wang Tao felt that the deceleration was getting bigger and bigger. The white frost originally only reached his waist, but when he walked in front of the zombie lord, the white frost had already reached his chest!

Wang Tao felt his chest was tight, as if he was soaking in water.

He felt that if the white frost came to his arms, his attack speed might be slowed down, or he might even be completely frozen...

But fortunately, when Wang Tao came to the lord zombie, these white frost eyes were still on his chest, and it seemed impossible to strengthen them.

"Ho ho..."

The frozen zombie lord waved his claws at Wang Tao. Although Wang Tao was slowed down, this frozen zombie was obviously not good at speed, so Wang Tao easily dodged his attack with a roll. After rolling, Wang Tao jumped high again and slashed the zombie lord on the head.


Wang Tao's high-frequency vibration sword only did 7,000 damage. In other words, he would have to chop dozens of times to kill this lord zombie?

Zombies are not just standing around asking him to chop them down. There will definitely be dangers in the process. Wang Tao has not encountered such a difficult zombie for a long time. Even the fifth-level night demon lord is not as good as this frozen zombie lord.

This made Wang Tao suddenly dream back to a few months ago - when he was weak, this was how he killed zombies.

If there was only this zombie lord, Wang Tao might not mind playing with it slowly. After all, he wanted to find out what was going on. But there are still two hundred elite zombies... we can't delay them!


At this moment, the frozen zombie suddenly roared at Wang Tao.

In the gloomy sky with heavy snowflakes, a large blue-white mist suddenly appeared. The scope of this mist was the same as the frozen halo of this Frozen Lord zombie!

A second later, ice cones larger than humans appeared one after another in the fog. Then these ice picks suddenly fell from the sky and started attacking indiscriminately!

"Damn it, such a large range attack!"

Although Wang Tao had long been prepared to prevent its awakening, he did not expect that the scope would be so large!

Looking at the densely falling huge ice cones, Wang Tao's sixth sense told him that this thing should not rely purely on gravity, but mainly on ice properties! If he was hit by a lot of ice picks, he might really die!

"Wang Tao!"

While others were fighting the elite zombies, they all paid attention to Wang Tao's movements. Seeing such a terrifying scene, before others could say anything, Qu Shilin screamed out in surprise, and she even threw Xiaohuo in a panic. In the direction of Wang Tao.

"Xiaohuo, go save him!"

Xiaohuo, relying on his small size, was able to rush through the group of corpses.

But those ice picks fell extremely fast. From their point of view, the ice picks had already submerged Wang Tao, and it was obviously too late now.

But at this moment, a hot breath suddenly appeared, and everyone else away from the frozen zombie lord felt a heat wave coming.

At the same time, a flash of red appeared in the crystal clear ice cones. Those ice cones began to melt silently, turning into water in the blink of an eye, and the water turned into gas.



A huge explosion was heard, and some ice picks were blown into pieces and flew in all directions, and others hurriedly took cover.

Qu Shilin reacted a little slowly, and just as she was about to be hit by a piece of broken ice, a figure suddenly appeared behind her and dragged her away.

"Thank you, thank you!"

Qu Shilin quickly thanked Lu Yingfeng.

Lu Yingfeng nodded, then looked at Zhancheng, and Qu Shilin also looked over quickly.

I saw the Zombie Lord's place was in a mess, with flames and ice slag everywhere. The flesh and blood on the Zombie Lord's body had been blown away, and it looked a bit miserable. But Qu Shilin's eyes were not on the zombie lord, but on the figure opposite the zombie lord, whose whole body was burning with flames.

"Wang, Wang Tao? How did he become a burning man?"

Qu Shilin opened her mouth in shock.

"That was his awakening."

Lu Yingfeng explained.

"Ah? Is this his awakening? Then the fireball he set before..."

"That's his power."


Qu Shilin felt that her knowledge was suddenly broken - such a terrifying fireball was just a superpower?

As for Wang Tao, who has awakened with burning flames all over his body, I don’t know if he is strong or not, but he looks stunningly handsome!

And it's great that Wang Tao is fine. No wonder she doesn't seem to be panicked by others...

the other side.

Wang Tao was very surprised. He didn't expect that his flames would explode when they met the zombie lord's ice cone. Moreover, the explosion also knocked out 100,000 blood from the frozen zombie lord!

Although he himself was hit with 50,000 blood, it was not a big problem. The frozen zombie lord only had half of his blood.

Wang Tao immediately held the flaming sword in hand and quickly rushed towards the frozen zombie lord.

Before using Catching Fire, the hoarfrost formed by the frozen aura reached Wang Tao's chest. After using Catching Fire, the hoarfrost was instantly evaporated, and no hoarfrost could exist within a radius of 5 meters of him. Whether they are elite zombies or lord zombies, their freezing auras are completely ineffective against Wang Tao!

Wang Tao arrived in front of the frozen zombie lord in an instant. Before he started attacking, the frozen zombie lord's head began to lose blood.

Wang Tao slashed hard.


The damage of one sword was more than 30,000 yuan. Although there was still no additional burning damage, the basic damage was enough, and Wang Tao's own burning flames continued to make him lose blood.

So, Wang Tao directly pinched its neck with one hand and wildly swung the knife at it with the other hand, completely ignoring its attack.

When Wang Tao raised the knife for the fifth time and before he could cut it down, he saw that the health bar of the Ice Lord zombie was cleared by the flames on Wang Tao's body.



Wang Tao let go of the frozen lord zombie's neck and let it fall to the ground.



At the same time, a large number of items exploded.

Wang Tao briefly checked what the frozen lord zombie had exploded, and suddenly understood.

"This weird situation is indeed related to it!"

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