"Huh? I feel like the defenses of these zombies have become weaker!"

Lu Gang, who was fighting frozen zombies, suddenly spoke.

"It has indeed become weaker!"

"What's happening here?"

"Could it be..."

Everyone subconsciously looked at Wang Tao, just in time to see the frozen zombie lord fall in front of Wang Tao.

"The frozen zombie lord is dead!"

Seeing this scene, everyone was instantly excited.

Although they have never doubted Wang Tao's strength, this frozen lord zombie is too weird after all, and they are still a little worried. Now seeing Wang Tao's zombie lord fall in front of Wang Tao, this is also an incentive for them. Especially now that these frozen zombie elites have become weaker...


Everyone exerted their strength again.

On the other side, after Wang Tao dealt with the frozen zombie lord, he took advantage of the blessing of Xinghuo Liaoyuan and rushed directly into the group of corpses.

His awakening can be said to be a complete victory over frozen zombies, because he will not be affected by the freezing aura, can also reduce freezing damage, and has an additional bonus to the damage caused by frozen zombies... So after Wang Tao joins, the situation has changed. Immediately there was a one-sided massacre.

Of course, the situation changed instantly, not only because of Wang Tao's joining, but also related to the death of the frozen zombie lord - these zombies, including the zombie lord, suddenly became so difficult to deal with. It was the credit of this zombie lord. It died, and the difficulty Naturally it is reduced.

The more than two hundred zombies were relatively scattered, but it took some time to finally deal with all the frozen zombies.

"Quickly clean the battlefield and then retreat."

Wang Tao, who had already ended the state of Catching Fire and started a prairie fire, immediately shouted.


The speed of cleaning the battlefield is very fast, after all, everyone is familiar with this aspect.

After finishing cleaning up, Wang Tao and everyone immediately retreated to the car.

Due to the current limited field of vision, Han Rui's perception range is also limited, and he cannot clearly observe the situation in the distance. Therefore, for safety reasons, He Jijun drove the crystal energy car to another place to rest.

"No one is hurt, right?"

Wang Tao asked.

"We are all fine! With Yu Lian here, nothing will happen to us. Moreover, the fire attribute attack that Yu Lian gave us unexpectedly turned out to be very useful when dealing with these zombies..."

The equipment Wang Tao gave to Lan Yulian before allowed Lan Yulian to add fire attribute attacks when treating people. Since it is a fire attribute, it is reasonable to increase the damage against ice attribute zombies.

However, Wang Tao rushed too fast, and also activated the Catching Fire state, so he didn't have time to compare the difference between fire attribute attacks and non-attribute attacks. He didn't even have time to cooperate with Xiao Bing and try them both. Can I trigger combo skills...

But there is still plenty of time in the future, so you can study it slowly.

Wang Tao nodded, then turned to look at Qu Shilin.

"What’s wrong with you?"

He discovered after the battle that Qu Shilin looked at him from time to time.

"It's okay..."

Qu Shilin quickly said to Wang Tao: Lend me to study.

But it was rude after all, so she didn't say it. But she was really curious. Wang Tao's whole body was clearly on fire just now. She could feel the high temperature even from a long distance away. Even if Wang Tao himself can avoid his own flames, why are Wang Tao's clothes still intact? She was curious about it.

Of course, she was more curious about Wang Tao himself. She wanted to explore Wang Tao's theory of "igniting", but it was useless to talk about it now. She would talk about it later if there was a chance.

After making sure that no one was injured, Wang Tao checked the loot.

Those elite zombies exploded a total of 216 crystal cores, of which there were three types. The largest number of them is ice attribute defense, with a total of 151 pieces of various qualities.

The second type of crystal core is enhanced with ice properties, and there are 41 of them in total.

[Fourth-order crystal nucleus·Ice attribute enhancement]

[Quality: Excellent (80%)]

[Purity: 35% (Side Effect: Body Stiffness)]

[Ice attribute enhancement: Passive ability, enhanced ice attribute damage]

This crystal core increases passive ice damage, but Wang Tao has never seen an ice awakener, so this crystal core seems to be useless for the time being...

There are 24 crystal nuclei of the third type in total. Wang Tao's eyes lit up when he saw this crystal nucleus.

[Level 4 Crystal Core·Ice Attribute Attack]

[Quality: Epic (100%)]

[Purity: 35% (Side Effect: Body Stiffness)]

[Ice attribute attack: Passive ability, attack with ice attribute damage]

Wang Tao has only seen three types of attribute damage so far. The first is the flame bracelet he gave to Lan Yulian before, which brings fire attribute damage when attacking. The second is the awakening of some poison systems, which brings poison damage when attacking. The third type is the one you see in front of you. It attacks with ice attribute damage.

Moreover, the sources of these three attribute damages are different. One is brought by equipment, the other is brought by awakening, and the last one is brought by crystal cores...

This kind of thing with extra attribute damage is definitely a good thing. Even if there is no restraint, it will increase its own damage. If there is attribute restraint, the damage increase should be considerable. Just like today everyone uses fire damage to attack frozen zombies...

Especially now that there is a crystal core with enhanced ice attributes. If a person combines ice attribute enhancements and ice attribute attacks at the same time, then the damage he causes should be very good, right?

And there are no requirements for the use of this crystal nucleus! When Wang Tao fused fireballs and explosive crystal cores before, the introduction said that only fire awakeners could fuse them, and other awakeners could not use them, which had great limitations. But there is no problem with these two crystal cores. They can be used as long as they reach the fourth level, and the threshold is lower.

But there are two problems with this...

One is that if you want to integrate ice attribute attacks, you must use them together with ice attribute enhancements, so as to maximize the benefits. But each person can only fuse up to 4 abilities, which means two positions are missing. You have to think more carefully about merging abilities later, and if you want to change skills, you have to use peeling cores. This kind of core is not So easy to get.

The second is that it is now freezing and snowy outside, and the zombies Wang Tao has seen have all evolved into ice attributes. If we use ice attributes to attack these zombies, wouldn't it be counterproductive? After all, these zombies have very high ice defense...

Of course, there are always problems, but the two crystal cores should work well together. Wang Tao thought he would try it on them later, or try it himself to see how effective it was.

Although ice attribute attacks seem to be useless now, Wang Tao doesn't believe that this snow can last a lifetime. There will always be a time when it stops. By then, ice attribute attacks may be more suitable...

But then again, "Ice Attribute Enhancement" and "Ice Attribute Attack" are not appropriate to use now, but "Ice Attribute Defense" should be pretty good!

After all, the zombies they encounter now are all frozen zombies. The zombies themselves carry a "frozen aura", which not only reduces ice-attribute defense, but their own attacks are also ice-attributed.

If someone fuses this ice attribute defense crystal core, they should be more calm when facing these frozen zombies, and maybe they won't be affected by the freezing aura!

Wang Tao explained the functions of these three crystal nuclei to everyone, and they were very interested after hearing it. They wanted to see what this ice attribute attack was like and whether it was worth changing the ability. After all, Wang Tao said that he still has some peeling crystal cores in his hand, which can be replaced if he is willing to do so.

As for the "body stiffness" side effect in these three crystal nuclei, this must be eliminated naturally, and there are no other side effects. Such side effects that affect movement can be fatal during combat.

While Wang Tao collected these crystal nuclei, he also performed a synthesis. Counting the previous cores, he synthesized a total of 60 ice-attribute defensive cores without side effects, 15 ice-attribute enhancement cores without side effects, and the last 10 ice-attribute attack cores without side effects.

And these are high-quality crystal nuclei above purple, especially the ice attribute attacks, which are all red and orange.

If nothing else happens, we should be able to cultivate 10 talents with ice attribute attacks and 60 talents with high ice attribute defense. It depends on whether the subsequent testing results will work...

These frozen zombie elites have nothing else besides dropping crystal cores, but the frozen zombie lord doesn't want to do that. It explodes a lot of things.

Wang Tao briefly looked at it before but did not take a closer look. Now he can check it for himself.

The frozen zombie lord exploded a total of three items and five loot packages.

The three items are a crystal core, an awakening energy bead and its own head.

[Fourth-order crystal core·Ice spike]

[Quality: Excellent (80%)]

[Purity: 35% (Side Effect: Body Stiffness)]

[Ice Spike: Consume energy, awaken energy, and launch an ice spike (only ice awakeners can fuse)]

Wang Taogang was still saying that there are no prerequisites for the fusion of the three crystal nuclei, and the threshold for fusion is relatively low. Now this crystal nucleus has the conditions!

This ice spike is similar to his fireball. It is nothing more than one that only fire awakeners can fuse, and one that only ice awakeners can fuse.

Wang Tao had never seen the Freeze Lord zombie use this ability because he killed it too quickly. But judging from his own fireball, the damage of this ice spike should not be low. After all, according to Wang Tao's experience, abilities that require the consumption of awakening energy are very powerful.

This crystal core also has the side effect of "body stiffness". This side effect must be removed before it can be used, so I have to save two more...

"By the way, if you are an ice awakener, will there be any additional bonuses if you combine ice attribute enhancement and ice attribute attack?"

Wang Tao suddenly thought of another question.

The Ice Awakener may not necessarily be able to attack with ice attributes. Just like himself, if he does not use Catching Fire, his attacks will not carry fire attributes. When he got the flame bracelet before, he tried it. The flame bracelet had a certain increase for him, but the increase was very small. He might as well use fireballs, so he didn't use this bracelet himself. But he doesn't have any special abilities like "ice attribute enhancement"...

It's a pity that they don't have ice awakeners, so no one can use this crystal core, so they can only keep it for now and look at it later.

I won’t talk about the second item, the Awakening Energy Bead, but it’s the same old face. Mainly the third item, and this thing is a head.

When he killed the frozen zombie lord, the blood bar on the zombie's head disappeared immediately, but an entry appeared on the zombie's head.

Wang Tao twisted off its head without much force, and then some ice crystals appeared on the zombie's head, turning into a frozen head, which was not as disgusting as before. Of course, it still looks a bit eerie.

[Level 4 Weapon·Small Frozen Lord Head]

[HP: 10000/10000 (upper limit 100000)]

[Status: Awakenable]

[Amplification: Ice Chain]

[Fitness: 0%]

[Ice Chain: The more ice attributes partners are in the vicinity, the higher the additional attack and defense of yourself and your partners (the upper limit of the blood volume of the weapon affects the amplification effect and amplification range)]

When Wang Tao attacked these zombies before, he still had a slight doubt that there was something wrong with his attack, but Wang Tao felt that there was a high probability that there was something wrong with these zombies, especially this zombie lord, after all, he didn't have it before.

When Wang Tao killed the frozen zombie lord and saw its head, Wang Tao finally confirmed his guess. It was indeed related to the frozen zombie lord!

Its head is a fourth-level weapon!

The weapons Wang Tao has seen before can be roughly divided into three types. One is worn on the body to increase attributes, such as entangled tree roots and iron beetles. One type can fight independently, such as Night Devil Heart and Iron Beetle - Iron Beetle is special and has two forms. There are also pure weapons, such as bloody chainsaws.

And now this "small frozen lord head" is different from the previous weapons... If Wang Tao guessed correctly, whether this head is placed on the body or elsewhere, it should be effective as long as it is within a certain range. It can be regarded as a purely auxiliary prop. This range naturally refers to the range with ice-type partners.

The introduction above makes it very clear that as long as there are enough ice partners, you can add a lot of defense and attack to yourself and all ice partners!

There were more than two hundred ice zombies in total just now. The increased defense power can be imagined, which directly halved the damage caused by Wang Tao...

If you look at it this way, the attributes of this head are quite strong!

For Wang Tao himself, it may be of little use. Not to mention that they don't have people with ice attributes. Even if they do, they only have about ten people in total, so they shouldn't be able to unleash the potential of this weapon.

But if it is used by organizations with many people, the effect may be different. Even if it is not as strong as the effect brought by these zombies, it will definitely be better than the effect of a dozen of them.

But Wang Tao has a question, that is, what does this "ice partner" specifically refer to?

Is he an ice awakener? Or someone who has integrated a crystal core like "Ice Attribute Defense"?

If it is the former, then the role of this head will be greatly reduced. After all, he didn't even see an ice awakener now.

But if it is the latter, this may undoubtedly become an artifact - because this kind of crystal core can be fused by anyone.

Of course, there is also a problem, that is, the current awakening people are too rare. There are only a few dozen people in the entire Changhe Base, and it seems that the maximum effect cannot be achieved... But Wang Tao has obtained a lot of awakening fruits in his hands before.

One attribute of the Awakening Fruit is "After being eaten by third-level humans, they can be promoted to the fourth level." Although this promotion cannot be awakened - the awakening of humans is equivalent to the lord of zombies, and the promotion to the fourth level without awakening is equivalent to being the lord of zombies. Elite - but it can at least fuse the fourth-order crystal core, which is still much stronger than the third-order.

Judging from the previous situation, those fourth-level frozen elite zombies can obtain the amplifying effect of "Ice Chain", then maybe human superpowers can also!

Of course, it’s useless to guess exactly what it is, you have to test it to know.

It just so happens that Wang Tao still has some fourth-order peeling crystal cores in his hand. If he wants to, he can find someone to test the effect now!

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