When Wang Tao got into the car, he kept holding the head of the Frozen Lord zombie in his hand. Everyone was curious, but they didn't ask any more questions.

After Wang Tao read the attributes of this weapon, he explained the function of [Small Frozen Lord Head] to everyone.

"Sure enough, I had already guessed that this might be a 'weapon'!"

Xiang Hongbin suddenly looked like I had expected it. Everyone ignored his pride and started communicating in a low voice.

The function of this weapon sounds very strong - in fact it is indeed very strong. The previous zombies are a good example. If Wang Tao's attributes weren't exactly restrained, their difficulty would have greatly increased.

But if you think about it carefully, there are some questions here. What does this "ice attribute partner" mean? If you are an ice awakener, then the limitations of this weapon are too great!

Of course, they were not stupid either, and they quickly thought of crystal nuclei such as [Ice Attribute Defense]. If the fusion of these crystal nuclei can be regarded as an ice attribute partner, then the meaning will be completely different!

"Wang Tao, what do you think is the possibility?"

Wei Zhenguo looked at Wang Tao with sharp eyes.

He used to be a soldier, and he can deeply understand the meaning of the words "there is strength in numbers" and "unity is strength".

If the threshold for using this [Small Frozen Lord Head] is lowered, then it will definitely be considered an artifact, especially when facing frozen zombies.

"I guess the threshold is not that high. How about we give it a try first? Which of you will come? I still have some peeling crystal cores in my hand..."

Wang Tao looked at several people.

He needs to control this weapon himself, and only he can see the specific numbers, so it is best to find other people to test it.

"Let me give it a try!"

Wei Zhenguo immediately raised his hand.

He was clearly interested in this stuff.


So Wang Tao took out a fourth-level peeling crystal core for Wei Zhenguo. After a moment, Wei Zhenguo's [Charge] ability was randomly peeled off.

Wang Tao asked Wei Zhenguo to fuse an [Ice Attribute Defense] crystal core, and he himself awakened the weapon and began to use the crystal core to improve the compatibility.

After a while, Wei Zhenguo completed the fusion, and Wang Tao also increased the compatibility of the weapon to 100%.

The operating mode of this weapon is different from other weapons. When Wang Tao just woke up the weapon, he probably understood it - it does not mean that there is an "ice attribute partner" within the range to take effect, but that he needs to take the initiative to put the "ice attribute" first. "Attribute Partner" joins "Ice Chain". This is equivalent to you having to prove that this person is your partner first.

As for how to add the ice chain, it is actually very simple.

When Wang Tao awakened the weapon, he discovered that the consciousness of this weapon was different from other weapons. Other weapons are all weak consciousness, but it is composed of an independent consciousness and many extremely tiny consciousnesses.

To add someone to the ice chain is to put this tiny consciousness on that person and mark it.

If others don't resist, if this tiny consciousness can be put in, it means that he is an ice attribute partner. If he cannot be put in, then it naturally means that he is not.

Seeing that Wei Zhenguo was ready, Wang Tao warned:

"I don't know what will happen later. Anyway, just don't resist."


Wei Zhenguo nodded, and everyone else stared at the two of them with interest.

Wang Tao carefully felt the consciousness inside the weapon, and then placed one of the tiny consciousnesses on Wei Zhenguo's body.

Wei Zhenguo suddenly shuddered, and then looked at Wang Tao in surprise, or to be precise, the head in Wang Tao's hand.

A smile appeared on Wang Tao's face, and he and Wei Zhenguo spoke at the same time:


After hearing that it was effective, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then they all showed excited expressions. The threshold for using this weapon is acceptable.

"Tell me first how you feel?"

Wang Tao asked Wei Zhenguo.

Wei Zhenguo immediately explained excitedly:

"At that moment, I felt something 'sticking' to my body. The thing was very cold and scared me. I felt at the time that as long as I resisted subconsciously, the thing wouldn't be able to stick to me, but I held back. After this thing completely stuck to my body, I suddenly felt that the car seemed to be a lot hotter. At the same time, I could vaguely feel that there was something that kept pointing me in the direction, and that thing was your hand. The 'weapons' in it... As for myself, apart from getting a little warmer, there seems to be no change..."

"It seems that this weapon also has the ability to guide its partners..."

After listening to Wei Zhenguo's words, Wang Tao nodded, and then introduced what he saw.

"After I added you in, I can vaguely feel where you are through this head. Both of us can sense each other. Although it is not very clear and cannot be compared with the ability to perceive, at least it is a kind of mutual guidance. The ability is still very useful at certain times..."

"Then there is the increase provided by the weapon. You have actually been increased now. You suddenly feel a little hot. It should be that the ice attribute defense has increased a little, making you less afraid of the cold. As for the specific increase..."

Wang Tao took a look at the current attributes of [Small Frozen Lord Head].

[Level 4 Weapon·Small Frozen Lord Head]

[HP: 100000/100000]

[Status: Awakening]

[Amplification: Ice Chain]

[Fitness: 100%]

[Number of people in Ice Chain: 1/100]

[Ice chain range: within 25 meters from the weapon]

[Extra attack: 1% (upper limit 25%)]

[Extra defense: 1% (upper limit 50%)]

It can be seen from this data that this ice chain can only have a hundred people at most. But there were more than two hundred zombies before... Wang Tao guessed that this should be because the weapons dropped from the zombies had some differences from their original properties, right?

But when it comes to this number of people, Wei Zhenguo is currently the only one who is an "ice attribute partner", so when one person is displayed, the user Wang Tao does not count... Although Wang Tao had expected it, he was still a little speechless. Isn't this quite Yu Bai is working part-time!

The range of the ice chain is within 25 meters from the weapon. It can be said that this is a circle with a radius of 25 meters, which is about two thousand square meters, equivalent to the area of ​​four and a half basketball courts. This area is not small.

The additional attack and defense it provides are capped, and the attack can be increased up to 25%! Defense can even be provided to 50%!

To be honest, the upper limits of these two increases really shocked Wang Tao. Let alone defense, they had just seen it, mainly because the attack can increase by 25%!

If Wang Tao's attack was instantly increased by 25%, he couldn't imagine how great it would be!

Wang Tao briefly explained the current attributes of this [Small Frozen Lord Head] to everyone, and they were as shocked as Wang Tao when they heard it.

Especially the 25% attack increase, which should greatly increase the efficiency of killing zombies!

However, the prerequisites required to achieve a 25% increase are also troublesome.

The number of people in Ice Chain is directly proportional to the attack and defense provided. Judging from this data, it is obvious that only after gathering 100 people can the attack and defense be raised to the upper limit. About 2 people can increase the defense by 1%, and 4 people can increase the attack by 1%.

This is a bit difficult for Wang Tao and others - mainly because there are too few of them, only about ten people in total.

Calculating this, even if all of them are integrated with ice attribute crystal cores, after using this [Small Freeze Lord Head], their attack will increase by 4% and their defense will increase by 8% at most... then this increase is too small.

Of course, Wang Tao can also gather 100 people to improve the attributes of this weapon. But he doesn't like to fight with too many people. After all, his awakening and superpowers are large-scale, indiscriminate attacks. If there are too many people, you may injure yourself. Every time he uses Catching Fire, everyone else stays far away...

Moreover, Wang Tao is very fast, and he also likes to use his speed to establish an advantage.

If he had a [Small Freeze Lord Head] on him, then he might run more than thirty meters away in one go, exposing others to the ice chain. Without the others, he would have the ice chain by himself. It has no effect.

Not to mention if someone else is carrying the [Small Freeze Lord Head], after he rushes out in an instant, it will still have the effect on others, but it will have no effect on him...

So based on his own fighting style and habits, Wang Tao feels that this [Small Frozen Lord Head] is not that useful to him?

Of course, this does not mean that this weapon will not work. It is still a good thing. For example, if it is used for defense or city defense, it is very suitable.

"This thing is strong, but it doesn't feel suitable for us. There are too few of us..."

At this time, Lu Yingfeng spoke.

Everyone nodded, it was indeed not suitable for them.

"Let's look back and see how to deal with this weapon..."

Wang Tao didn't know how to use it for a while, but he could sell it, and there were probably many people willing to pay a high price, but it was still a good thing, so just selling it like this, Wang Tao was still a little reluctant to part with it...

"Let's talk about it later. I'll give you the stuff and you can study it later."

Wang Tao handed the [Small Freeze Lord Head] to Wei Zhenguo. Others actually wanted to try the effect of the ice chain, but Wang Tao didn't have many fourth-order peeling crystal cores in his hand, so there was no need to waste the crystal cores, so they I didn’t say much.

Wang Tao continued to check the loot.

The trophies just exploded from the Freeze Lord zombie itself. It also exploded five trophy packages. Wang Tao didn't remember to look at them yet.

First is the first loot package, which contains 5 crystal cores, namely the red [Level 4 Crystal Core·Almighty], the orange [Level 4 Crystal Core·Awakening], the purple [Level 4 Crystal Core·Powerful], The purple [Level 4 Crystal Core·Ice Attribute Defense] and the red [Level 4 Crystal Core·Defense].

No wonder this Frost Lord zombie is so tough. Not only does it have an overall defense, it also has ice attribute defense and defense abilities! If it were in the game, this would be considered a mage, right? The result is a bunch of defensive skills...

Wang Tao shook his head speechlessly, and then looked at the second trophy package.

[Obtain: Level 4·Frozen Bones*2]

[Obtain: Level 4·Frozen Nails*2]

[Level 4·Frozen Bones: Production material, which can increase the ice attribute defense of equipment]

[Level 4·Frozen Nails: Made of materials that can increase the ice attribute defense of equipment]

There are two kinds of crafting materials in this package, and both of them have properties. Wang Tao was looking forward to the drawings.

Inside the third loot package is a physical awakening key.

[Obtain: Awakening Key*1]

Wang Tao has already accumulated a lot of physical awakening keys. If there is a suitable opportunity, he can let those members of the team who have not awakened to try again.

The fourth loot package contains potions.

[Obtain: Ice attribute amplifying potion*10]

[Obtain: Ice attribute defense potion*10]

These two potions were something Wang Tao had never seen before.

[Ice attribute amplifying potion: After injection, own ice attribute damage is increased by 10%, lasts for 1 minute, and cools down for 12 hours]

[Ice attribute defense potion: After injection, own ice attribute defense increases by 10%, lasts for 1 minute, cools down for 12 hours]

Seeing the effects of these two potions, Wang Tao's eyes suddenly lit up. Ice attribute defense potions feel so-so, but this potion that increases ice attribute damage is very good!

Although he can't use it, since there are potions that increase the ice attribute, there should also be potions that increase the fire attribute. If he can get a potion that increases the fire attribute in the future, then he can enhance his own burst!

After putting away the potion, Wang Tao continued to look at the loot. Inside the last loot package are blueprints.

[Obtain: Ice Bracelet Making Drawing*1]

[Obtain: Antifreeze Leather Jacket Production Drawing*1]

[Ice bracelet making drawings: You can make an ice bracelet. Materials required: frozen nail*1, fourth-order crystal core*1]

[Ice Bracelet: Unknown attributes]

[Anti-freeze leather top production drawings: You can make an anti-freeze leather top. Materials required: frozen bone*1, fourth-order crystal core*1, iron block*30, nails*30, rubber*30]

[Anti-freeze leather top: unknown attributes]

Just looking at the introduction of these two drawings, Wang Tao thinks it should be good equipment.

The name Ice Bracelet reminded Wang Tao of the Fire Bracelet he made before. The flame bracelet can carry fire attribute damage to people's attacks, so this ice bracelet should carry ice attribute damage, right? Anything that can increase attribute damage must be good equipment!

Not to mention this leather jacket, the name is "antifreeze", so it can probably resist the cold?

There was Wang Tao's own private room in the car, so he immediately went back to the private room and started making.

Soon, the bracelet was completed first.

【Ice Bracelet】

[Level 4 (Excellent)]

[Attack with ice attribute damage]

This is a crystal clear ice blue bracelet, which seems to be made of ice. It feels cool to the touch and is very comfortable.

And its properties are the same as Wang Tao expected, which is to increase ice damage!

Wang Tao is very curious, if Lan Yulian wears a flame bracelet and an ice bracelet at the same time, what attributes will she add to others?

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