Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 11 Why are there zombies here?

Walking through the steam room, passing by the complicated and chaotic iron plank road, there are some buzzing machines stirring something.

Smelly, disgusting.

Looking over, from the rolling red and white residue, I saw human fingers and human hair.

"What is this?" Qin Feng asked with a twitch in his brain.

Chen Qiaoying was silent for a while, and said: "It's a pity to throw away the men or women who were killed by the boss, so they will be transported here and smashed into meatballs."

Qin Feng's pupils shrank slightly, and a feeling of nausea surged up.

In this era, the most terrifying thing is probably not the end of the world, but the human heart.

The two ran all the way, avoiding the search and pursuit of some people in the middle, and came to a protective fence.

There is a staircase leading up here.

Looking up, the guardrail is nearly eight meters high, with circles of protective wire wrapped around it.

Sharp iron hooks, scattered flesh and skin.

And it is also wrapped with protective wires. This set of equipment can offset physical damage, but it doesn't say that this can offset it.

Tsk, no risk.

Qin Feng thought for a while and asked Chen Qiaoying, "Can't you take me to a better wall? How did people escape from prison in the past with this kind of thing?"

Chen Qiaoying shook her head and said, "This is the least protected. You see, there are only protective equipment but no people. For other places, let alone the iron nets and wires, there is a guard with a gun every three steps and a machine gun every five steps. We will be wiped out before we get here."

Qin Feng blinked. This basement is also well guarded.

It is worthy of being a prisoner who has turned over. He knows how to strengthen the measures so that people outside cannot come in and people inside cannot go out.

This is a bit tricky.

Seeing that Qin Feng did not answer, Chen Qiaoying thought that she had said something wrong, so she asked, "Then, should I take you to those guarded places?"

"Can you kill your way out?" Qin Feng asked with a slightly frowned brow. Since coming here, he has not killed many zombies, and more than 20 humans have died alone.

It is definitely uncomfortable, but in this case, his excitement about facing zombies overshadows everything.

Qin Feng looked up at the situation here. This should be the storage place for the group's food and water.

A huge mixer rolling human flesh, countless piles of dried food and grass. There are also huge water tank pipes all over this floor.

"Do these pipes lead directly to the upper water supply?" Qin Feng asked.

Chen Qiaoying suddenly realized and said, "Do you want to climb up by climbing the water pipe? Yes, you can use the buoyancy of the water to climb up little by little. You are really a genius."

Qin Feng:. Big sister, you are so smart.

Qin Feng coughed and said, "If that's the case, we don't have to go through the upper floor. God knows who is waiting for us there. If they are waiting for us with a heavy artillery, we are done."

"But," Chen Qiaoying pointed to the water tank that was as high as two floors and said, "We have to climb in here. How to climb?"

The water tank is a huge elliptical sphere supported by a tripod at the bottom. The surface is smooth and there is no support point.

There is only a pull ring at the top that can barely support it.

"More than six meters." Qin Feng said.

"Ah?" Chen Qiaoying was puzzled.

"I can jump up with a sprint," Qin Feng said, "but with you, you are so heavy that I can only jump more than four meters. I need a point to support you. I should be able to jump up by jumping repeatedly."

Chen Qiaoying:

Woo la la, woo la la. Suddenly, there came a roar and low hum that humans could not make not far away.

The two looked over there and saw zombies coming towards them. They would soon find them!

"Hey, how could there be zombies here?" Chen Qiaoying couldn't help but be amazed. It was obviously the second floor underground. Could it be that the place above was conquered?

Qin Feng squatted down slightly, stretched out his right hand, made a circle, and said, "Come up."

"Ah?" Chen Qiaoying was a little stunned, "Are you going to carry me up?"

"Yes," Qin Feng said, "Hurry up, do you want to be bitten by zombies?"

These zombies were obviously put in by someone. They had gray and hard skin, but no fresh blood on their bodies.

Obviously they were not killed.

"Okay." Chen Qiaoying agreed, and stopped nagging. She quickly nestled in Qin Feng's arms and let Qin Feng hug her from below.

"Put your arms around my neck," Qin Feng said, "otherwise you'll fall down halfway and you'll be the one with missing arms and legs."

Chen Qiaoying immediately put her arms around Qin Feng's neck after hearing that.

A little blush appeared on her delicate face, and her slender arms twisted together unconsciously.

"Sister," Qin Feng said, "I don't want to kill you."

"What?" Chen Qiaoying said.

"You can hug me, but please don't clamp my neck. I can't breathe." Qin Feng said.

Chen Qiaoying immediately lightened her strength and her face became even redder. Qin Feng was too close to her.

Feeling the power coming from behind his thigh, Qin Feng hugged Chen Qiaoying with one hand and jumped up like a child.

With a whoosh, it showed that he jumped onto the meat grinder first. With a bang, there was a real buzzing sound, and the meat grinder stopped for a moment.

A huge noise was heard, and the zombies realized that there were people here, and they all ran over here in a huge crowd to cheer!

Qin Feng jumped hard again and successfully jumped onto the water tank and stood on it.

"You, you are so awesome!" Chen Qiaoying was frightened. This jump was really high. Just now she thought Qin Feng was joking. How could an ordinary person jump so high?

"Really?" Qin Feng smiled and opened the lid of the water tank. "You go down first."

With a splash, he threw Chen Qiaoying down.

Qin Feng raised his middle finger to the zombies that caught up with him, dodged, and jumped into the water tank.

"Puff, oh," Qin Feng sank a little, then slowly floated up, and saw Chen Qiaoying struggling there, and hurried over to pick her up, "You can't swim."

"I, I can't." Chen Qiaoying said.

"Then you suggested running into the water tank." Qin Feng said.

"I thought you were here, I could hold you, who knew you threw me down first." Chen Qiaoying coughed a few times, hugged Qin Feng and didn't let go.

However, at this time, the sound of the crowd outside came in. The zombies heard their voices and smelled their smell from the hole above.

Climbing the water tank like crazy.

The water tank is slippery, but it can't withstand the zombies' corpse ladder.

Judging from the vibrations outside the water tank, these zombies are about to climb up. If they are found, even Qin Feng will not be able to perform well in such a small space.

"Sink down," Qin Feng said, "You can hold your breath, hold me tight."

Chen Qiaoying nodded, and Qin Feng held Chen Qiaoying and dived into the water.

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