Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 12 In the water tank

It was quiet underwater, even the buzzing sound of the zombies climbing the water tank was covered.

The two-meter water tank was less than half full of water, and there was only air at the top.

Qin Feng tried to open his eyes, and a stinging sensation came, but he quickly adapted.

While moving downward, he observed that the channel water pipe was at a relatively lower position of the water tank.

Now the two of them can't go directly over, there is not enough oxygen. Then they can only wait for the zombies to leave, and then go out to breathe air.

Time passed by minute by minute, and Qin Feng could clearly feel the vibration decreasing against the wall of the water tank.

Five seconds, ten seconds, twenty seconds, thirty seconds, nearly a minute

Qin Feng suddenly felt that the hand around his neck loosened.

Turning his head, Chen Qiaoying closed her eyes, frowned slightly, and the corners of her mouth had unconsciously stretched a little.

Air was slipping out from the corners of her mouth little by little, forming a string of small bubbles that kept rising.

"This is lack of oxygen." Qin Feng thought.

Reaching out to touch the wall of the water tank, the vibration was still there, although it was still decreasing.

The zombies had not completely evacuated.

Qin Feng glanced at Chen Qiaoying, stretched out his hand to hold her head, leaned over to aim at her lips.

Gently passing air, a string of bubbles spread between the two.

Fortunately, his physical fitness is twice that of an ordinary person, otherwise he would be dead.

As the breath transitioned, Chen Qiaoying gradually regained consciousness. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Qin Feng kissing her lips.

She struggled subconsciously.

"Hmm~!" A dull sound came from the water, and Qin Feng also let go.

Chen Qiaoying lost her support, staggered and reached out to grab something, Qin Feng was stunned for a moment.

"Hmm!" Chen Qiaoying grabbed the supporting stick and climbed on Qin Feng again.

Qin Feng was black, stretched out his hand to touch the wall of the water tank, and felt that there was no vibration, and the zombies retreated.

With a kick of his long legs, he brought Chen Qiaoying back to the surface of the water.

"Puff, hmm!" Both of them breathed in fresh air in big gulps, especially Chen Qiaoying, who almost suffocated just now.

"Well, it was a close call. I almost died just now," Chen Qiaoying said while hugging Qin Feng's neck, "Why did you let go just now?"

Qin Feng looked at Chen Qiaoying and said, "You were flailing in there, I was afraid that your demon-like nails would scratch my handsome face."

Chen Qiaoying coughed twice, coughed up some water, and said, "It was a close call. I grabbed a stick and caught you again. But the stick in this water tank is really strange, it can become hard."

Qin Feng:.

He slowly said, "The corpus cavernosum, also known as the corpus cavernosum muscle, is the hardest smooth muscle and connective tissue in the human body. When the human body is excited, blood will flow into the cavity, and the corpus cavernosum will swell and become hard due to excitement."

Chen Qiaoying blinked, not understanding why.

Qin Feng said, "The thing you grabbed is commonly known as a carving."

Chen Qiaoying: !!!

"Sorry," Chen Qiaoying said, her face red as a peach, "I, I didn't mean it."

"Anyway, I've seen your whole body," Qin Feng said, "It's fair."

Chen Qiaoying's face turned even redder, and she subconsciously buried her face in Qin Feng's neck.

Qin Feng looked at her and said, "Okay, now is not the time to be shy. If the zombies rush over, I can't guarantee your safety. Let's go up first. The exit here is below, and we need to hold our breath again to get there.

And this time we need to hold our breath for a longer time, so you should be prepared."

Chen Qiaoying nodded.

Qin Feng took a deep breath, and she followed suit, and the two sank into the water again.

Qin Feng hugged Chen Qiaoying, and the two dived into the water pipe together.

The pipe was a long strip filled with water, with no gaps, which meant that they had no chance to breathe.

Five seconds, ten seconds, twenty seconds, thirty seconds.

Chen Qiaoying suddenly hugged Qin Feng's neck tightly, and Qin Feng knew that she was short of oxygen again.

Qin Feng turned around and held Chen Qiaoying's head, breathing again.

Finally, she stopped struggling and became obedient.

Five seconds, ten seconds, twenty seconds, thirty seconds.

The two had already lurked in the second pipe.

Chen Qiaoying patted Qin Feng's shoulder, indicating that she couldn't do it again.

Qin Feng:. You like this?

They faced each other again and breathed.

At this time, the water surface had changed from the original darkness to a little light.

It seems that the two swam to the bottom of the ascending pipe!

Qin Feng carried Chen Qiaoying on his back, climbed up the slippery water pipe wall, and finally reached another water tank.

"Puff, huh!"

The two regained air, gasping for air, and their lungs were filled with fresh air.

"Thank you, thank you, cough cough." Chen Qiaoying said while coughing, and the water wet her long hair.

Her long black hair stuck to her, and water droplets flowed down her cheeks to her body.

Winding and circling, flowing through mountains and gullies.

Qin Feng had no time to appreciate such a beautiful scenery at this time.

He looked up and looked around. This was still a closed water tank with a lid on the top of the mountain.

The difference was that it was twice as big as the water tank below.

Moreover, there was a step next to it, and upward was a small iron platform that could accommodate two people.

People who live here probably get water from here.

Qin Feng swam over with Chen Qiaoying and brought her to the platform.

"This should be the big water tank on the negative first floor," Chen Qiaoying said with a cough, "This and the first floor are the closest to the zombie area, there are many guards, we may have to be very careful when we go out."

Qin Feng nodded, he knew this.

Moreover, when they were on the negative second floor, the zombies that were not killed appeared, which proved that the people here had noticed them.

Then it is very likely that when they open the door, there will be a bunch of people pointing guns at them.

"You stay here first," Qin Feng said, "If someone comes, you sink down and hide by grabbing this step."

After saying that, Qin Feng was about to get up and move.

Chen Qiaoying was nervous, grabbed Qin Feng's arm, and asked: "Where are you going?"

Qin Feng turned around and said: "Go out."

If he doesn't go out first and take Chen Qiaoying out, if there is any danger outside, won't she die directly?

When he turned around, Chen Qiaoying grabbed Qin Feng again.

"Tsk," Qin Feng frowned and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Chen Qiaoying was stunned for a moment, and said timidly: "Then, will you come back?"

Qin Feng looked at Chen Qiaoying for a long time, raised his hand and gently touched Chen Qiaoying's forehead, and said: "I just went out to explore the way, otherwise, with your strength, wouldn't you be killed as soon as you go out? Don't worry, I will come back."

She was stunned for a moment, touched her forehead, and was a little stunned.

Qin Feng no longer lingered, stood up and opened the lid on the top of the water tank, jumped up and climbed to the edge of the exit, and exerted force again, and the whole person jumped out of the water tank.

The lid was closed, and the water tank fell into darkness and silence.

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