Blushing and heart-pounding scene.

Qin Feng didn't think much of what he heard. He was just curious. This man was quite strong. Where did the piles of male corpses with broken pelvises scattered in the forest come from?

Chen Qiaoying was really blushing and her heart was beating.

Especially now that she was very close to Qin Feng.

Despite warning herself countless times, she couldn't help but glance at Qin Feng's Adam's apple, collarbone, and solid chest.

Then down.

Chen Qiaoying closed her eyes consciously. What happened to her? She became impure.

, Qin Feng shook his head and couldn't see anything.

He pulled Chen Qiaoying over and said, "Let's go, to the next one."

"Hmm?" Chen Qiaoying's voice was soft.

After watching some of the scenes in this corner, they were all similar.

Men and women, they should play and rejoice.

There's nothing different.

Just when Qin Feng began to feel bored, a group of topless women swung their arms and walked towards this side.

Qin Feng suspected that these women were heavier than him.

Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying were both quite tall, and these were all bungalows, so they could be seen as soon as they got close.

He quickly took Chen Qiaoying and jumped down from the bungalow and hid behind the wall.

Here, the sound in the house was more obvious.

The group of women outside swayed their bodies and directly opened the windows of the rooms where the sound came from.

After basically looking through them all, they began to line up in different places.

Among them, three women sat down next to the house where Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying were hiding.

Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying could just hear the sound of them talking.

"Hahaha, who is not like this when they first come here? It will be gone tomorrow."

"Fortunately, we won the last few games, otherwise I will have to give those men Viagra tomorrow."

"And tomorrow they have to go to work again, the land in the west has not been plowed yet.

Qin Feng nodded after listening, no wonder he was so energetic.

It seems that these men have just arrived and don't know the market situation yet.

However, Qin Feng remembered the look of the buddy outside, and he felt that he was not only being exploited in this aspect.

Listen again to see what is not simple.

"But what if this man doesn't want to plow the fields? He looks very strong."

"Use Sister Fu's method, tie him with a dog chain, drag him on the ground and run a few laps with a tractor, and he will be obedient."

"Hahaha, fun."

"These men usually act arrogantly, and they come here to treat them like grandsons."

"That's right, oh, why did it take so long this time. Let's do it when we go to play cards, right? "

One of the women turned around and slapped the door twice.

Get out!"

"Hurry up! Don't force us to do it!"

After they said this, the noise in the room gradually subsided.

However, before the woman could say anything.

The man inside seemed to be frightened and shouted, and all kinds of table tennis sounds rang out in the room.

Qin Feng:.

Chen Qiaoying:

Qin Feng shook his head, but he mourned for the man inside in his heart.

Even Iron Man couldn't stand it.

"Let's go," Qin Feng said, "There's nothing to see, let's go see other places."

Chen Qiaoying nodded uncomfortably and followed Qin Feng.

However, just after turning around and walking a few steps, he ran into a few women who were not wearing anything.

People on both sides were stunned for a moment.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

These women who came to have fun subconsciously stared at Qin Feng, stunned.

"You" didn't have time to finish speaking.

Qin Feng dragged Chen Qiaoying back and ran away.

Several women behind him screamed: "Oh my God! There is a super handsome man."

"Catch him!"

"There is a woman next to him, not from here, she is wearing clothes!"

Hearing the word "man", the idle women here, or the women who were not interested in doing it, rushed out.

One by one, they asked: "Men? Where are they, where are they?"

The few who first discovered Qin Feng and the others pointed to a certain place: "They ran to the farm, very fast!"

Sure enough, the next second, two fast-moving figures passed by everyone.

It can be seen that the black figure is a tall man.

These women went crazy all of a sudden.

One of them said, "Quick, bring those skinned dogs here, only they can catch up!"

"Aren't those dogs here to bite people to death?"

"Never mind, let's catch the person first. This man is so fast, he must be very strong."

"Yes, let's catch up and let the dog bite the woman to death first."

But neither they nor the dog could see the figures of Qin Feng and others clearly.

One is nearly seven times faster than an ordinary person, and the other is five times faster. It would be strange if they could see them if they ran faster.

One of them didn't know the way, and the other was a big road idiot.

The two ran and ran and got lost in this huge base, and came to a place full of the smell of live poultry.

"Hmm~~" Chen Qiaoying couldn't stand the smell, which was worse than the smell of corpses in her opinion.

"This should be a breeding farm," Qin Feng said, "Don't worry about it, hide."

Chen Qiaoying was a little confused, couldn't they just run out?

But Qin Feng didn't say he was leaving, so she went wherever Qin Feng went.

So she followed Qin Feng and hid behind the warehouse full of the smell of live poultry. The smell was even stronger here.

She couldn't breathe.

"Shh, keep your voice down," Qin Feng said, "They should come after us. Did you hear it just now? They're going to let the dogs bite you."

"They're obviously going to bite us!" Chen Qiaoying pinched her nose and said.

"They look so hungry," Qin Feng said, "Will they be willing to hurt me?"

Qin Feng was about to turn his head to say something, but Chen Qiaoying directly put her lips to him, holding his head and sucking hard.

She sucked the air out of his mouth.

"It's really suffocating here," Chen Qiaoying said, "Borrow some air for a while."

Qin Feng:.

At this moment, they both heard a woman's wild laughter, a dog's barking, and a man's painful screams coming from the warehouse.

The two looked at each other. Could it be that they had already caught up with them?

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