Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 131 Do you want to live?

The sound came from the warehouse.

The woman laughed wildly, the dog barked wildly, and the man screamed one after another.

And the important thing is that Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying heard the sound of flesh being torn apart.

"Why do I have a bad idea," Chen Qiaoying said, "Is it in here?"

Qin Feng was very familiar with the sound of zombies biting people, he had seen it countless times.

This was definitely not a zombie biting people.

Qin Feng winked at Chen Qiaoying, and the two climbed up the warehouse wall slowly.

Through the long window at the top, the two looked down.

I saw that a man was hanging in the middle of the warehouse.

His hands were tied with hemp ropes and hung on the beams, and his feet were not on the ground.

It should have been hanging for a while, and his wrists had been rubbed a little, and blood was dripping.

But this circle of skin on his hand should be the most complete piece of skin on his body.

Because there was a skinned dog that was constantly rushing towards the man.

A random bite to a certain part of the man's body, with a tearing sound, a large piece of flesh was torn off.

That's how the man screamed, there was almost no good meat on his body.

Blood spurted out, and the man's stomach was still hanging with intestines.

The dog took the meat, gnawed it, and swallowed it.

Chen Qiaoying was a little uncomfortable, covering her mouth, her stomach churning.

On the other side, across an iron fence, several women were there unscrupulously enjoying the scene in front of them.

Every time the man was bitten and screamed, the women laughed as if they were watching a noon soap opera.

"It's really hateful," Chen Qiaoying couldn't help saying, "If you want to kill, just do it quickly, why torture people?"

Qin Feng smiled slightly when she heard what Chen Qiaoying said, and she began to realize a little.

A woman inside knocked the iron railing with a bamboo pole in her hand and said, "What do you think? Do you regret it? Do you admit defeat or not?"

"If you had served us sisters well, we would have protected you."

"Now, don't even think you can be a man, ahahaha."

The man opened his eyes with difficulty and then spat weakly.

The woman saw the saliva flying towards her and fell to the ground, a pool of blood.

She frowned and sneered: "Then keep biting, Wangcai, aim at the bottom and bite him to pieces!"

The skinned dog rushed forward like crazy.

It tore the man madly when it caught him.

"Woof, ow!!"


The man's screams, the madness of the mad dog and the horrifying tearing sound.

The dog was skinned and its whole body was shaking. Because of the pain, it attacked madly.

The bloody dog ​​meat was swaying and biting the man again and again.

This scene, which was more horrible than zombies biting people, was presented in front of Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying. They looked at each other and saw discomfort in each other's eyes.

They stopped looking and came down from the wall.

Chen Qiaoying's face was pale and she didn't know what to say for a while.

Behind her, the horrifying voice continued, and the woman's laughter and ridicule continued.

Chen Qiaoying said: "This is so different from the world I imagined."

She thought that the survivors must take care of each other, and the original society was so moral and orderly.

How could everything change just because of a few months of doomsday.

"Human life is cheap," Qin Feng said, "but what you see on weekdays is too peaceful."

"Even in peacetime, it is just a whitewashed peace."

"Evil is always hidden in places that people can't see, such as deep in their hearts."

Chen Qiaoying nodded, and she began to understand Qin Feng's previous cold behavior.

Qin Feng looked around and pulled Chen Qiaoying out of the corridor between the warehouses.

However, in the next second, three skinned dogs appeared in front and five or six skinned dogs appeared behind, panting and ready to go.

"Catch up?" Chen Qiaoying felt her scalp tingling as she looked at these dogs that were only left with flesh and bones.

Qin Feng said, "Let's go to the roof."

Chen Qiaoying nodded, and the two of them jumped onto the roof.

After running several times, Chen Qiaoying had a general understanding of her own strength, so she didn't stumble and fall again.

Several big dogs rushed up and screamed madly at the roof.

Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying ran on the roof of the warehouse, jumped off the roof and ran towards the edge of the farm at the fastest speed.

If you keep running in one direction, you will always reach the end.

Not long after running, the skinned dogs caught up again, but Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying were amazing and couldn't catch up.

However, how could these people let the two of them run away like this?

After a while, a gunshot was heard in the air, and with a bang, a bullet hit the ground next to Chen Qiaoying.

The splashing mud hit Chen Qiaoying's calf, and she cried out in pain.

But before she could react, the sound of bang bang bang continued, and countless bullets exploded around the two people.

Smoke, ashes.

Countless flames were everywhere.

In the corner of his eye, those women had already caught up with guns, and they were chasing them with their arms swinging.

Some were even sitting in armored vehicles, looking like they were going to the battlefield.

They chased Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying relentlessly.

This stronghold is really big. The two ran for a long time before reaching the end.

However, the iron net here is unusually high.

"What should I do?" Chen Qiaoying didn't have the confidence to jump over it, and there were cables on the iron net, and she would get electrocuted if she touched it.

Qin Feng was running quietly, and when he got here, he smiled when he saw the iron net.

"This scene seems familiar," Qin Feng said, "Do you remember the iron nets I saw when I took you out of the underground prison?"

"But now, it's not zombies that are chasing us, but a group of crazy women."

Chen Qiaoying had a black question mark on her face. Is she still reminiscing about the past at this time?

"Are they going to kill us?" Chen Qiaoying said hurriedly, "Think of a way first? How do we escape!?"

Qin Feng sneered: "Escape, why should we escape? Can they beat us?"

"What do you mean?" Chen Qiaoying asked.

Behind her, the women sitting in armored vehicles and small trucks were holding guns and shells and had caught up.

Chen Qiaoying unconsciously clenched Qin Feng's hand.

She didn't want to die. The women here seemed to have no humanity!

The man was bitten to pieces by the dog, his intestines were dragged, and his internal organs were crumbling.

She didn't want to become like that, and she didn't want Qin Feng to become like that!

Qin Feng turned around and looked at the white scene in front of him, and said: "Chen Qiaoying, do you want to live?"


Qin Feng grabbed Chen Qiaoying's shoulders and asked her to face the women, saying: "It's easy to live."

"Kill them."

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