Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 137 He wants to cause trouble for the Ark Spiral

Ark Spiral Company, since it accidentally came across this cemetery, has never stopped its attempt on the cemetery.

First, it spread broadcasts and found a lot of flies and mosquitoes.

Intended to weaken his defense, but one by one, they died.

Then they sent several waves of soldiers and even released a lot of zombies, trying to let the zombies rush in.

Although there was no harm to him and the cemetery, it sent waves of resources.

Qin Feng didn't mind this kind of "helping charcoal in the snow" and also offering his face to him and slapping him.

It just so happened that he appreciated the feeling of blood and flesh.

A group of people coming to die came, and he could hone his skills.

However, Qin Feng didn't want to sit and wait for death.

Rather than letting them provoke him again and again, it is better to take the initiative.

However, Ark Spiral Company, even Chu Rou, who participated in the research, was not very clear about the existence of this company.

Where is its headquarters, and what is the purpose of studying this mutant zombie.

No one knows.

Therefore, Qin Feng thought about using the portal to go there and blow up the headquarters of the Ark Spiral Company directly.

Knowing Qin Feng's idea, the system paused for a while, and the prompt sounded again:

[The coordinates of the Ark Spiral Company have been found. Do you want to teleport now?]

[Remind the host that three thousand zombie coins are needed]

Qin Feng:.

"Not going now," Qin Feng said with his hands folded, "Now, you can't go."

Just from the actions of the Ark Spiral Company to invade the cemetery.

Qin Feng always felt that these invasions were just some small fights.

Whether in terms of scale or command, it was not the level of a company with a certain foundation that could study mutant zombies in the doomsday.

Especially the last time, when hundreds of zombies attacked the cemetery collectively.

There were mutant zombies, zombies that were half mutated and unstable, and ordinary zombies.

It was an unprepared attack at first glance. He didn't expect his cemetery defense system to be so powerful.

Then there were not enough zombies, so they were temporarily dispatched.

He also took out the drone to broadcast or record, just for his own pleasure.

You should know that research funds are very expensive. Those who dare to waste so much and do such childish behaviors are definitely not the real senior executives of this Ark Spiral Company.

Probably a spoiled child.

For example, the ignorant young lady or young master in the company wants to invade the cemetery to show off.

The real Ark Spiral Company must be very powerful, which he cannot predict now.

Therefore, it is best to go after it has been upgraded to a certain level.

Rash actions will only hurt the enemy by a thousand and hurt yourself by eight hundred.

Qin Feng will not fight an unprepared battle now.

The mutant zombie tomb cannot improve his physical attributes, but can only strengthen the life essence and cemetery defense.

Therefore, he needs more zombies, and he also needs the fourth-level tomb to give him more things.

The best is skills and equipment.

But the problem is that although the performance of the fourth-level tomb is not bad now, there are not enough zombies.

Even if he continues to slaughter in Hongteng City, it is still not enough.

The first thing Qin Feng thought of was the zombie bell, which can attract zombies within a certain range.

But this is a desolate place with few people on weekdays, and zombies are transformed from humans, so there are few zombies.

Last time, it was released for a long time, but few zombies were attracted.

So where should he go to find it to be safer?

Just as Qin Feng was thinking, Chu Rou's voice came from the villa: "Hey, you're awake, come and eat something."

"Don't look, Qin Feng is outside and will be back soon."

Yes, he still has Chen Qiaoying.

It sounded in the women's village that when Chen Qiaoying triggered the zombie state, she had triggered the commander ability.

The zombies in the distance were floating and restless, as if they were controlled by her.

But Chen Qiaoying's skills are not proficient, and she can't control too many zombie states.

But if Chen Qiaoying can control it, plus the bonus of this [Zombie Bell]?

Will it attract a large number of zombies?

And Chen Qiaoying's state, she must control herself.

Qin Feng couldn't stay with Chen Qiaoying forever. If Chen Qiaoying didn't control this state well, it would be like he tied a time bomb in his own cemetery.

Qin Feng thought about something in his mind, raised his feet, and walked towards the bloody villa.

When Qin Feng walked into the villa, Chen Qiaoying had just come out of the coffin and was taking off the rotten cloth on her body.

She was about to put on the clothes Chu Rou gave her.

When Qin Feng came in, she was startled and didn't know whether to cover the top or the bottom for a while.

Qin Feng:.

Chu Rou: Hahaha

"I've seen it all," Qin Feng said, "and you still block it. Chen Qiaoying, you have to learn to face me honestly."

Chen Qiaoying's face was slightly red, and she took off her hands. The scenery was very charming.

But at this time, Qin Feng had something else to tell her. After Chen Qiaoying put on her clothes, he explained the matter.

"You want me to stimulate the zombie state and try to control the zombies?" Chen Qiaoying asked with a scared tone.

When she was in the zombie state, she didn't have no memory.

It's just that the whole person is in an impulsive and ignorant state.

Deal with danger and kill anyone you see.

So, that kind of toughness shocked Chen Qiaoying's heart.

She seemed to have some memory of controlling the zombies, and she could vaguely feel something coming out of her.

Thousands of threads, like strings controlling puppets, controlled the zombies.

"That state is too dangerous," Chen Qiaoying said, "You have seen it before, what if I can't control it?"

"You must control it," Qin Feng said, "I can't always stay by your side, or run over to help you control it anytime and anywhere."

"You have to learn to control this ability yourself, this is a compulsory course."

Chen Qiaoying looked at Qin Feng and nodded.

Qin Feng was right, she had to control it.

This ability is also a double-edged sword. Although it can ensure that she, who was originally so weak, will not be hurt in the doomsday, once she loses control.

Chen Qiaoying thought about the scene of tearing the living people apart with her own hands, and suddenly she didn't dare to imagine what would happen to her if she lost control.

She looked at Chu Rou with some worry. Although Chu Rou looked very strong.

But she couldn't stand that zombie state.

Chu Rou also smiled when she saw Chen Qiaoying looking at her.

"Let's start from now," Qin Feng said, "I will be going on a long trip in a few days, and you must learn to control this ability before that."

Coincidentally, if he goes to the Ark Spiral Company, he will definitely not be able to come back within twelve hours.

By then, he will not be able to control what happens here, nor will he be able to participate in anything.

"Now?" Chen Qiaoying said, "How should we train?"

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