Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 138 Training Chen Qiaoying

The night was bleak, and the cemetery was filled with cold winds.

Qin Feng, Chen Qiaoying and Chu Rou were standing on a large flat ground in the cemetery.

Qin Feng and Chu Rou were standing together, while Chen Qiaoying was standing, looking at Xiaotong.

Xiaotong was quiet in front of him, her skin had turned purple and leathery, and she looked lifeless.

Her gray eyes had no focus.

"Control her?" Chen Qiaoying said.

Qin Feng nodded.

It was unrealistic to let Chen Qiaoying control a large number of zombies at the beginning, although she had the ability.

But if she failed to control them, it would be bad if Chen Qiaoying lost control.

So, try to control Xiaotong first, even if there is any unrest outside. Without Qin Feng's permission, he could not enter the cemetery.

"Let's start," Qin Feng said, "think about how you changed your form today, just like learning to drive a car, step on the accelerator gently, don't stop the car all of a sudden."

Chen Qiaoying was also very smart and understood what Qin Feng meant at once.

She turned to look at Xiaotong, recalling how she became a zombie in the women's village today.

At that time, she followed the method taught by Qin Feng to break the necks of those women.

At first, she was a little timid and could control her temper.

In the end, she became more and more excited as she killed more and more people. One neck was broken, and she hurried to find the next one.

Then, someone shot at her.

One shot hit her shoulder, which was a little painful, but it couldn't hurt her.

But that shot reminded her of the shots these people shot at Qin Feng.

He must be in pain.

So, she was angry and ran towards that person.

Continue to kill.

But at this moment, the shells that fell from the sky made her unable to react and exploded beside her.

The suffocation and burning brought by the huge heat wave made her feel that her life was threatened.

Then, the burst of despair

Chen Qiaoying caught this feeling, she tried to amplify the feeling, and sure enough, the purple blood vessels on her neck began to clamor.

Like a little snake pulling out of the eggshell, twisting and absorbing the surrounding nutrients.

But unlike the rapid surge like the first time, this speed is very slow, covering little by little.

There is no cold breath flowing on the ground like boiling black oil, Chen Qiaoying has controlled it.

Qin Feng nodded with satisfaction, Chen Qiaoying is a talented person.

"Her eyes." Chu Rou watched from the side and covered her mouth involuntarily, because at this time Chen Qiaoying's black eyes that were still shining a second ago suddenly turned pale.

The purple blood vessels climbed into the eyes like parasites.

"Uh uh uh"

"Ho ho ho"

Chen Qiaoying and Xiaotong in front of her simultaneously made low roars that only zombies would have.

Xiaotong even bent her body and made a posture of preparing for battle.

Zombies do not perceive emotions.

They only feel hungry and have the consciousness of fighting.

When they meet a zombie king like Chen Qiaoying, they will have emotions similar to "fear" of humans.

But they don't feel afraid, so this emotion is transformed into attack.

Xiaotong sensed the threat from Chen Qiaoying and was very scared, so she was about to attack Chen Qiaoying.

"Uh uh uh!!!" Suddenly, Xiaotong rushed towards Chen Qiaoying, just like when Chen Qiaoying turned into a zombie that day.

Xiaotong left the puppet state and started to attack Chen Qiaoying like an ordinary zombie.

"Control it!" Qin Feng shouted, "Try to control it with your mind, don't attack it!"

Chen Qiaoying put down her hand that she was about to raise, and her gray eyes stared at Xiaotong rushing in front of her.

Getting closer and closer.

Xiaotong roared in her mouth, and black water kept coming out of her mouth.

It was about to get close to Chen Qiaoying, and that mouth was about to bite Chen Qiaoying's face.

Chu Rou exclaimed and covered her eyes.

Qin Feng frowned but did not take action, he knew that Xiaotong could not hurt Chen Qiaoying.

What he was looking at was whether Chen Qiaoying could use her commander skill. If not, then this awesome skill would be like a waste.

Just when Xiaotong was about to touch Chen Qiaoying, the action stopped abruptly, as if it encountered some obstacles.

Chen Qiaoying just looked at Xiaotong and suddenly tilted her head.

Xiaotong made a trembling "uh uh." sound in her throat. This was the first time Qin Feng heard it from a zombie.

Fearful surrender.

Xiaotong was completely motionless, but her throat still made the same sound as before.

Chu Rou, who was standing by, stretched her fingers and saw these through her fingers. She was surprised and said, "Wow, it's under control!"

Qin Feng smiled and nodded, and Chen Qiaoying, who was in a half-zombie state, also turned around, and a smile appeared on her pale face covered with purple blood vessels.

After successfully controlling Xiaotong, the three came to the outside of the cemetery.

Under the silver moon, the light was pale.

This time, Qin Feng let Chen Qiaoying stand on the sea of ​​flowers, and put down the [Zombie Bell] at her feet.

"This time, there may be many," Qin Feng said, "Do your best to recover, understand?"

"But don't have any psychological pressure, I'm here for everything."

Chen Qiaoying looked at Qin Feng and nodded.

With Qin Feng here, nothing will go wrong.

Ringing the zombie bell, the sound that humans can't hear spread all of a sudden.

Chen Qiaoying is now in a semi-zombie state, she can hear it.

I couldn't help but frown, but I quickly adapted.

After adapting, she began to concentrate, trying to sense the existence of zombies and control them.

The purple blood vessels began to expand gradually, winding and crawling on her skin, and protruding.

They crawled all over her body little by little.

The rolling black air flowed again, and even the flower sea covered with a layer of silver light could not resist "disappearing".

One minute, two minutes, the surroundings were still silent.

However, starting from the third minute, Qin Feng heard the sound of zombies coming from the foot of the mountain!

The sound became louder and louder, and the places where the sound came from became more and more numerous and denser.

About five minutes later, the zombie bell stopped, but the entire cemetery hill was full of zombies at this time.

They were unconscious under Chen Qiaoying's control, and staggered towards the cemetery.

"So many." Chu Rou was amazed, "There must be more than a hundred zombies!"

This kind of wilderness can attract more than a hundred zombies. Chen Qiaoying's command ability combined with the zombie bell sound is powerful!

"Uh, hehe, uh." However, at this moment, Chen Qiaoying's throat let out a hoarse laugh.

The zombies that were originally walking slowly suddenly began to stir. They roared as if they were ignited, and actually ran towards Qin Feng and the others!

"Qin Feng!" Chu Rou shouted, "The zombies are rushing over."

"Hehe, hehe." Chen Qiaoying was still laughing.

Qin Feng pushed Chu Rou back, trying to get her into the protection range of the green fog wall.

At the same time, he looked at Chen Qiaoying.

Chen Qiaoying happened to be looking at him, but that face showed an extremely weird smile.

"Hehehe" Chen Qiaoying laughed, she seemed to have lost control.

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