Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 144 Zombies Surrounding the Tomb (1)

Qin Feng ignored the surprised look of the people around him and said to the system: "System, call up my attribute list."

Attribute list:

[Host] Qin Feng

[Age] 19

[Strength] 98

[Speed] 98


[Endurance] 96

[Skills] Jeet Kune Do mastery, God-level swordsmanship, fearlessness (trigger conditions required), sensory enhancement, corpse explosion,

[Obtained items] Black Flame Golden Knife (Black Gold Knife Ultimate Form), Corpse Hunter Pistol, Extreme Gloves, Shadowless God Boots, Upgraded Protective Clothing, Blood Curtain.

[Zombie Coins] 10980

Now his ability is almost ten times that of an ordinary person.

Qin Feng clenched his fists, his bones creaked, and his whole body was full of endless strength.

He had [Extreme Gloves] on his hands, which was equivalent to 11 times the strength of an ordinary person.

He wore the new [Shadowless God Boots] on his feet, which increased his speed and strength by ten points.

His whole person was probably ten times the state of an ordinary person.

Moreover, this black flame golden knife

Qin Feng reached out and took the two knives behind him that had fought with him for a long time. It was indeed different from the sound of metal grinding before.

These two knives are lighter and more handy.

The black flame has no temperature, and even looks a little cold. The flame surged.

"Ah, I saw it!" Chu Rou shouted beside him.

But soon she looked puzzled again and said, "I can't see it anymore, I just saw a shadow."

Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying both laughed. It seems that this knife is really invisible to ordinary people.

"It seems that this knife," Qin Feng laughed, "is extraordinary."

The voice of the system sounded in his mind:

[The black flame golden knife has a characteristic, phantom]

[While the blade is waving, it can be transformed into different attack forms through the host's thoughts]

"Really?" Qin Feng was puzzled.

He stretched out his hand and waved the black flame golden knife, constructing a giant blade cutting across in his mind.

As expected, with this swing, the black flame on the blade suddenly surged, the blade appeared, and the blade flame turned into a huge blade, directly impacting the portal facing Qin Feng.


The black flame hit the portal, and the blue flame rushed out, and the two flames confronted each other in the air.

There was a loud explosion, and the flames splashed.

The power was so great that even Qin Feng himself was a little shocked.

Not to mention Chu Rou and Chen Qiaoying who were watching on the side.

"This knife can be invisible?"

"This knife, the knife energy can fly."

"What a handsome knife! Wow, there are a lot of zombies, I can chop them!"

"The blade is transparent, invisible is better than the shape, awesome."

"Qin Feng, with this knife, thousands of zombies in the future will not be a matter of a few knives?"

"It seems that I don't need to activate the zombie form in the future, haha."

Qin Feng put the knife back with satisfaction, and felt the full power of his body again, as well as a new set of equipment.

With this body, plus those skills, I don't have to be afraid of going to that Ark Spiral Company.

Cut them all down with one knife after another.

Chu Rou and Chen Qiaoying continued to admire the exquisiteness of the knife. Qin Feng turned around and said, "It's almost time. I'm leaving."

"Are you leaving now?" Chu Rou retracted her admiration and walked over to ask, "So soon?"

Qin Feng nodded.

Chu Rou's eyes flashed with reluctance and worry, but she didn't say anything.

Chen Qiaoying also walked over and said, "Is the place you are going to dangerous?"

Qin Feng chuckled, "It was a little dangerous before, but now it's not dangerous to this extent."

Chen Qiaoying nodded, "Then Chu Rou and I will guard the house, you pay attention to safety."

Chu Rou exhaled and said, "Yes, you can go without worry, nothing will happen with us two at home."

Qin Feng looked at the two of them again, turned around and walked towards the portal.

Chen Qiaoying and Chu Rou followed behind him, without any hypocritical attempts to keep him.

Qin Feng said to the system: "Open the portal, and teleport to the location where the CEO of Ark Spiral Company is. I want to blow up Ark Spiral Company in front of him."

[The portal is fixed]

[The first time you teleport, you will need to deduct 3,000 zombie coins. Do you want to teleport? ]

Qin Feng nodded: "Yes."

The sound of Sanskrit spread, and the flame gate of the teleportation opened with a bang.

The blue flames rushed back and forth, and there was a familiar vortex at the door.

Qin Feng did not hesitate and stepped in. In an instant, the blue flames engulfed him.

He pulled Qin Feng into the door.

Bang! The door closed, and the flames kept rushing back and forth on the door, and it took a long time to stop.

"It's really amazing the more I watch," Chu Rou said, "Qin Feng also disappeared in front of me like this before."

"So that's it," Chen Qiaoying also sighed, "I said the prison guards are so strict, how could he appear in the third underground floor?"

Chu Rou turned around and smiled, "It seems that we are really destined to meet him. We can still meet in this way of transmission."

"Yeah," Chen Qiaoying stretched, "I don't know how long he will be gone this time."

"No matter how long," Chu Rou smiled, "Guard the house!!"

Clenched her fists, looking like she was going to fight.

Chen Qiaoying couldn't help laughing, but as she laughed, her face suddenly froze.

She looked in a certain direction, as if she could see something through the dense green fog wall.

"What's wrong?" Chu Rou was startled by Chen Qiaoying's sudden change of expression, "Did you see anything?"

Chen Qiaoying frowned and said, "Not seeing, but feeling."

"Ah?" Chu Rou didn't react.

Chen Qiaoying suddenly turned around and strode out of the cemetery. As she walked, she shouted to Chu Rou: "Chu Rou, hurry up, go to the villa and prepare the artillery fire."

"What?" Chu Rou asked, "What happened?"

"A large number of zombies," the purple blood vessels on Chen Qiaoying's neck seemed to move in the dark night, and the purple blood vessels began to spread in a small range, "They are coming here, on the ground, in the sky, all."

Her eyes were sharp: "I have never seen so many zombies!"

Chu Rou was shocked. Chen Qiaoying said so, how many should there be!

Outside the cemetery, about two kilometers away.

In the night, in the silver light.

A large number of zombies are making uh uh uh, ho ho ho sounds and are walking towards the cemetery.

Zombies are crowded.

Under the moonlight, they are like black ants crawling collectively, densely packed.

There are thousands of zombies walking underground alone.

And not only on the ground, but also in the sky, countless helicopters with flashing red lights were flying around.

Their searchlights were crisscrossed, and between every two helicopters there was a large cage of zombies hanging.

Some of these zombies vomited black water, some had green water in the corners of their eyes and mouths, some had black and yellow skin, and some were unprecedented.

In a little more than three months since the apocalypse, this land has never seen such a large wave of zombies!

And all of them have only one goal.

The zombie cemetery.

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