Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 145 Zombies Surrounding the Tomb (2)

Two kilometers away, the zombies arrived soon.

They climbed up the mountain one by one, and the zombies transported by the helicopter were also swaying above the cemetery.

"Chen Qiaoying, what should we do?" Chu Rou asked loudly.

Her voice was soon drowned out by the sound of the huge propellers of the helicopter, but Chen Qiaoying outside still heard it.

But now, the situation in front of her did not allow her to speak.

No matter what had not been put down in the sky, there were at least thousands of zombies coming up in front of her!

The cemetery was originally located in a remote and desolate place.

Qin Feng would occasionally sigh with them that it was difficult to find a zombie in such a desolate and remote place.

Now there were thousands of zombies coming directly, and it was unknown how many more were above the head.

It seemed that someone was going to attack the cemetery in a big way.

But Qin Feng had just left.

The purple blood vessels at the junction of Chen Qiaoying's neck and shoulders kept clamoring, and they began to spread gradually, but stopped when they spread to a certain trend.

There are so many zombies, their roars constantly agitate Chen Qiaoying's suppressed zombie blood.

Chen Qiaoying can hardly keep calm now.

Her current ability can only maintain a half-human and half-zombie state, and it can't last long.

Maintaining that state will also be an extraordinary blow to her human form, and she must rely on the cross coffin to quickly recover her physical strength.

There are still so many zombies now. Once the zombie state is triggered, I'm afraid it will be difficult to take back the sky.

She and Chu Rou, I don't know if they can resist these zombies!

But whether they can resist or not, they have to resist. The people behind these zombies must want to take away the cemetery.

"Chu Rou!" Chen Qiaoying's voice penetrated the messy noise, "We promised Qin Feng that we would defend the cemetery no matter what!"

"I know!" Chu Rou's voice was very low. She was now standing on the second floor of the villa and saw all the scenes in the sky and underground. "I'm firing on top, be careful! If it doesn't work, retreat. The cemetery can also defend itself."

"I know." Chen Qiaoying said.

The closer the zombies got, the faster they moved, like hungry wolves seeing lambs.

They all rushed toward the cemetery.

The zombies in front of them were getting closer and closer. As soon as they approached a certain place in the cemetery, the red vines on the ground popped up.

They passed through several zombies in a row.

However, the next second, they were stepped on by the zombies behind them.

More and more red vines broke out of the ground, like bloody red tongues, piercing zombies one after another.

The air was filled with the stench of various zombies, black blood, green water, and yellow-green pus splashed everywhere under the moonlight.

There were too many of them. The red vines eliminated about a thousand zombies.

But behind them, thousands of zombies rushed up one after another.

All rushed towards Chen Qiaoying who was standing in front of the zombies.

The number of zombies affected Chen Qiaoying's zombie bloodline, and the purple blood vessels on her shoulders were expanding and climbing at a visible speed.

But she did not lose control. She had done a good job in the control training in the past few days.

She was now half human and half zombie.

Uh uh uh, ho ho ho!!!

The huge zombies' roar even covered the hum of the helicopter propellers, and they rushed towards Chen Qiaoying.


The shells exploded in the pile of zombies, and a small group of zombies were blown to pieces. It was Chu Rou who was fighting.

Chen Qiaoying snorted, and the half-human and half-zombie state was formed. She shouted and rushed into the zombie group.


Bang bang bang!

Chu Rou was also supporting from a distance. She had a very good understanding of the artillery fire and aimed very accurately.

The shells kept falling in the zombie group, which also created a lot of operating space for Chen Qiaoying.

However, it still did not stop many zombies from moving forward.

After fighting for about a few minutes, Chen Qiaoying was completely forced into the green fog wall.

The flames of the green fog wall rose high, and the flames of the portal also burst out, and the red vines outside fought frantically.

In addition to the stench of zombies, the air also smelled of burnt meat.

There were several more loud noises of artillery fire, and Chu Rou kept operating the firepower, focusing on the pile of zombies outside.

Relying on the defense system of the cemetery and the artillery fire, the offensive trend of the zombies was finally resisted.

Chen Qiaoying bent over and gasped in the cemetery. There were too many zombies.

However, before they could catch their breath for long, those helicopters in the sky that originally could not fly into the sky chose to quickly pass through the sky and quickly release the zombies.

They dropped a large cage of zombies hanging from them.

The "zombie rain" fell, and although affected by the magnetic field, many helicopters lost their direction directly after releasing the zombies.

They were entangled together, exploded and crashed.

However, the helicopters still flew over one after another, and there were at least more than a thousand zombies falling from the sky.

"Bang!" Chu Rou adjusted the angle and sniped the zombies in the air, but there were too many of them and they were falling fast.

Soon, Chen Qiaoying was surrounded by falling zombies.

The sound of bones breaking rang out around her, and soon these zombies twisted their bodies and attacked again.

And these zombies were obviously not ordinary, some of them even attacked Xiaotong.

Xiaotong felt the danger in front of her, hunched over, and prepared to fight.

And these zombies not only fell beside Chen Qiaoying, but also beside Chu Rou. Chu Rou could only change weapons to shoot these falling zombies.

She shouted, "Chen Qiaoying, they are coming!"

On the green fog wall, countless zombies were stacked by corpses, and Chu Rou's firepower did not continue.

Now they have climbed up the wall, one by one. Falling from the green fog wall one after another.

Chen Qiaoying watched the zombies gradually recover after landing, and the zombies that fell from the wall were rushing towards her.

She was very anxious, and her breathing was heavier.

Seeing that these zombies were roaring and rushing towards her!

Chen Qiaoying screamed, and the purple blood vessels on her shoulders swelled rapidly! Almost in an instant, they broke through the obstacles and instantly covered her whole body.

The boiling black air rolled between heaven and earth, and Chen Qiaoying was the center.

The transformation of the zombie form was complete!

"Uh uh uh, ho ho ho~~~~" Chen Qiaoying's throat made a harsh and hoarse roar.

She is the zombie king.

The movements of these zombies obviously paused for a while, which was shocked.

"Chen Qiaoying?" Chu Rou blasted away the zombies that wanted to approach her, and turned to look at Chen Qiaoying who was surrounded by zombies in the cemetery.

Is she out of control now? She is even more violent than when she lost control during the previous training!

But Chu Rou didn't have time to think about this, there were many zombies in front of her!

Those zombies just paused for a moment, and then rushed towards Chen Qiaoying in full force.

A fierce roar came from Chen Qiaoying's throat, and she also rushed towards these zombies.

In an instant, black blood splashed, and the sky and the earth were gray.

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