Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 146 The third stop, under the bed?

The blue flame quietly bloomed in a completely dark room, illuminating the whole room.

It went out, and a tall figure appeared in the room.

[Ding, fixed-point teleportation is successful]

[Remind the host! The time is 10 hours]

Qin Feng, who entered the portal, had no idea what happened in the cemetery. He quietly opened his eyes.

He found himself lying in a dark and narrow space.

The air was filled with a faint scent of perfume, a bit like the body fragrance of a woman.

"What is this place." Qin Feng was about to sit up, and with a bang, he hit the wooden board in front of him, "Damn!"

Qin Feng covered his head and was about to complain about what the system had teleported him to.

Suddenly, there seemed to be some movement outside.

Then the door was opened and the lights came on instantly.

Qin Feng knew that he was teleported under someone's bed.

First, a man's voice said, "Manager, the investment meeting will probably start in three hours. The young master has been caught, but all the zombies have been moved away."

A woman's voice said, "Then move the zombies from other areas here first, don't let those old sly guys see anything."


"Also, bring the young master back to my office and keep an eye on him," the woman seemed very tired, "I'll take a break first and turn on the sound barrier. It will be turned on in two and a half hours.

Before that, I don't want to hear any sound from outside."


The door was closed, and only the heavy breathing of the woman remained in the space.

Qin Feng turned his head to look at a pair of jade feet pacing by the bed, wearing stilettos, and there were blood marks on the ankles.

"Why is the woman so obsessed with high heels?" Qin Feng didn't understand, "Isn't it uncomfortable to walk on stilts?"

The woman kicked off her high heels and put on slippers.

Then the clothes were thrown down one by one, skirts, suits, shirts, underwear.

There were many reflective surfaces in the room. With the reflections of the "mirrors" one after another, Qin Feng could just see a small strip of mirror on the ground facing him.

The woman's body was in full view.

"So small." Qin Feng said silently.

In fact, the woman's was not small. One more point would be too much, and one less point would be too little.

Qin Feng gestured with his hands, and it was just enough to cover it. And it didn't collapse. Hmm, the shape was good.

"Bamboo shoots?" Qin Feng thought of a word to describe this shape.

But it didn't seem right. Bamboo shoots are so sharp that they can kill people if you hold them from the front.

Maybe because she was used to seeing the surging of Chen Qiaoying and Chu Rou, this level was small.

The woman didn't notice Qin Feng's presence. She took off all her clothes, sighed, took the bath towel and walked to the bathroom.

The door was closed with a bang, and the sound of dripping water came.

Qin Feng then slowly came out from under the bed, with a woman's underwear strap hanging on the handle of the black flame golden knife.

Qin Feng picked up the thing with his little finger and looked around.

This should be a place in the headquarters of Ark Spiral Company. Listening to the conversation between the two people just now, the woman is still a senior executive.

Many facilities in this place have a sense of high technology.

For example, the door just now, a huge and heavy iron door, with a complicated design, Qin Feng felt that it was no simpler than the door in Mr. Guo's base.

"With such strict protection, what kind of manager is she. Then she must have a lot of information here?" Qin Feng raised his eyebrows and just looked for it.

Otherwise, he would have no idea about Ark Spiral Company.

Although the woman's room was full of her daughter's fragrance, and the floor was messy with her clothes and shoes she had just taken off.

But the overall situation was still neat and clean, rigorous and orderly.

On the desk, there were many file bags, document bags, and notebooks.

She looked like an urban elite.

Qin Feng walked over, his fingers slid across the row of files, and finally his hand settled on one of the files called "List of Mutation Plan Researchers".

"Mutation Plan?" Qin Feng murmured, "Could those mutant zombies really be created by people from this company?"

He reached out and took it out, but it was different from the other files.

This file was in an alloy box with a password lock on the seal. Qin Feng touched it lightly, and the alloy box sounded: "Please enter the password, or use fingerprint."

Qin Feng:.

In the bathroom, it seemed to be immersed in the sound of water and did not hear it.

Qin Feng looked at the alloy box in front of him and said, "You scared me."

"Please enter the password, or use fingerprint."

This also requires a password to open? Fingerprints are also required, probably only that woman has them.

Qin Feng looked up and down, tutted, and put the alloy box on the table.

"Please enter the password, or use"

Qin Feng did not wait for the box to finish, and pulled out a black flame golden knife from behind, the flowing flames wrapped around the seemingly tangible but invisible blade.

Qin Feng said nothing and directly split the alloy box.

The sound of the box stopped abruptly.

"What password do you want?" Retracting the knife, Qin Feng sneered, "Just split it and it's done."

Alloy box: I feel bitter.

Qin Feng took away the broken pieces of the box and took out the information inside to read.

However, before he had read a few times, his originally smug look was replaced by a solemn look.

He didn't recognize the first few fools, but the more he turned the pages, the more familiar their faces looked.

"Wang Chuanfeng, 33 years old, senior genetic researcher."

"Mo Yueyue, 24 years old, zombie combat effectiveness tester"

"Li Gaojin, 58 years old, chief experimenter of zombie mutation drugs."

The name is not the important point, it is just a code name anyway.

In this doomsday, he can also say that he is Bill Gates or Shui Bingyue.

The key point is that these people's faces suddenly evoked Qin Feng's memory.

"The people in that car." Qin Feng's mind kept flashing back to the time when he first traveled to this world, when he was weak and bullied.

Those evil, mocking, indifferent faces in that getaway car.

Scenes, as thick as quenched venom, repeated themselves in Qin Feng's mind.

There are several people here, all from that car!

"What a bad fate," Qin Feng sneered, "I still let you encounter you. In this case, I have more reasons to blow up this place. However, I have to find you first and kill you one by one."

At this moment, the sound of water behind him stopped.

The woman opened the door and came out, and the warm steam suddenly hit her face.

Qin Feng turned around and met the woman's eyes. The woman was wearing nothing but a bath towel hanging from her head to her body.

The fair skin was slightly reddish by the steaming heat of the hot water. Qin Feng raised his head and faced that beautiful face.

She was stunned for a moment, and her expression changed from stunned to vicious: "Who are you? How did you get in!"

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