The black flame on the black flame golden knife suddenly surged, like a dragon emerging from the water.

The flames instantly swirled out from Li Ruohan's neck and wrapped around her whole body.

The burning sensation attacked from all directions of her body, and Li Ruohan instantly felt the fear of death.

She froze and couldn't move.

In the black flames, Qin Feng's face was gloomy, and he said: "I'll say it again, if you lie to me, I don't mind cutting your throat and letting you bleed."

"I'm not sympathetic to all women."

Li Ruohan took a deep breath and said: "There is indeed a traitor in my company. Although it is clear who gave the order, the person behind the scenes is still under investigation."

"I, I didn't lie!"

Qin Feng looked at Li Ruohan with a slight mockery in his eyes.

As expected of a businessman, he quickly changed the subject when it was not good for him.

Qin Feng was too lazy to keep it a secret.

"Although I don't know what your company is doing with the mutant zombies, the mutant zombies must be one of the most valuable tools for your company."

"Thousands of zombies, no, now there are almost 10,000 zombies. Not to mention research, it is difficult for human organizations to capture them alive."

Qin Feng listened to the system prompt in his mind and frowned.

"The person who mobilizes so many zombies at the same time must have a high position in your company."

"And when you came in, you said something about catching the young master back."

"So, do you think I'm a fool? Are you still lying to me?"

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he clearly felt that Li Ruohan stiffened for a moment.

After a while, her pupils stopped trembling, and she sighed and said, "So, since you can guess, what do you want to do?"

"Every grievance has its perpetrator," Qin Feng said, "He has caused me so many troubles, is it reasonable for me not to cut off his hands and feet?"

Li Ruohan was shocked, so if she asked someone to catch Li Tianfang back now, wouldn't it harm him?

This man is here to seek revenge.

Although Li Ruohan doesn't like her useless brother, who can do nothing except pretending to be cool and messing around.

However, after all, the brother-sister relationship is there, and Li Ruohan doesn't want Li Tianfang to get into trouble no matter what.

But the man in front of her doesn't seem to be joking at all. He has some terrible kung fu and this thing around his neck.

Li Tianfang might really be in danger.

As soon as Li Ruohan got nervous, her chest began to rise and fall violently.

She advised herself in her heart: "No, you have to calm down, calm down, there will be a way."

This is the underground city, the headquarters of the Ark Spiral Company.

There are guards everywhere, and their defense facilities everywhere.

This man can only act arrogantly now. After he goes out, he will definitely die.

Then she just needs to delay enough time.

Looking at the handsome face of Qin Feng in front of her.

Li Ruohan suddenly softened, and her tone was charming: "The eldest young master is very important to the company, can you not kill him?"

Qin Feng was very keen to notice the change in Li Ruohan's tone.

"If you don't kill the young master," Li Ruohan said tenderly, "I can serve you well, okay?"


Intimidation failed, so he came to seduce. Is this to delay time?

In the cemetery, two girls don't know how long they can last, and it will take him ten hours to go back.

Qin Feng thought for a while and asked: "Serve me? How to serve?"

Hearing this, Li Ruohan felt that she had a chance.

She knew the advantage of her appearance, and now that her jade body was exposed, this man couldn't resist.

"You can do whatever you want me to do," Li Ruohan said, "and, I, I'm still a virgin."

When she said this, Li Ruohan was embarrassed, but she was telling the truth.

She was very beautiful, and many people pursued her in peacetime.

But she was a little arrogant, and looked down on those who only spent their family's money and had no ability.

So, there was no love, let alone losing her virginity.

Qin Feng said, took back the black flame golden knife, and put it back behind him.

The burning sensation was instantly evacuated.

Li Ruohan let out a long sigh, and Qin Feng approached instantly, touching everything that should be touched.

"Really anything is possible?" Qin Feng asked.

"Of course," Li Ruohan calculated that it should be an hour before the door can be opened, "As long as you are willing to let the young master go, I, I am willing to do anything."

"You are his fiancée," Qin Feng sneered, "I have never taken someone else's wife."

As he spoke, Qin Feng exerted force.

Li Ruohan actually felt a wave of tremors, this man's technique.

If this continues, she feels that she will not be able to hold on.

The man in front of her is handsome and looks strong. It's not a bad idea to give it to him for the first time.

Just treat it as a treat.

So she indulged herself and began to cater to Qin Feng's actions.

When she was too soft, Qin Feng suddenly let go, and Li Ruohan sat down on the ground dejectedly.

Her mouth was slightly open, panting, and asked, "Why not continue?"

Qin Feng's eyes were cold without a trace of lust.

"Don't think I'll be fooled by your beauty trap," Qin Feng said, "If it's a woman, I'll take advantage of her. Am I a teddy bear?"

"You!" Li Ruohan's anger hadn't subsided yet, but she could feel the coldness coming from this person.

"Want to delay time?" Qin Feng mercifully exposed Li Ruohan's thoughts, "You gave your men two and a half hours, you just need to delay this time so that I can't do anything to you. When your men find out what's going on, I will surrender."

"To be honest, your figure is not as good as my two women, do you think you can hook me?\

,"Really, Chu Rou and Chen Qiaoying, one with a baby face and big breasts, and the other with a sexy queen, attracted her.

A trace of surprise flashed in Li Ruohan's eyes. This man could see through her plan.

Li Ruohan suddenly felt like a transparent person in front of Qin Feng.

The embarrassment of having her plan exposed, the worry about her brother, and the fire in her body.

Under the overlapping of three emotions, Li Ruohan returned to the fierce CEO look.

"But even if you find out, what can you do?"

"This is the headquarters of Ark Helix Company, an underground city with the best and most complete defense measures and defense personnel."

"The guards on my floor alone are extremely strict, not to mention the tenth floor."

"You can't find a way out!"

Li Ruohan frowned and said, "Unless you don't touch the young master or me, I can guarantee your safe exit."

At this moment, the person outside the door suddenly turned on the sound transmission, and a hurried voice came: "It's not good, Miss, the young master is furious in the office on the ground floor, we can't stand it."

"Miss? Go and have a look. Is there something wrong? We are presumptuous to come in!"

Li Ruohan:

"Young master, young lady?" Qin Feng looked at Li Ruohan, sneered, and said, "It's really interesting, there are guards outside, right?"

"What did you say?" Li Ruohan looked at Qin Feng, and her back was unconsciously cold.

"Let me show you," Qin Feng said, "I have the ability to break out of your defensive guards and facilities."

Qin Feng pulled out the black flame golden knife, and the black flame climbed up Qin Feng's strong arm like a climbing dragon tattoo.

With a metallic muffled sound, the door in front of him slowly opened.

"Listen carefully, Miss," Qin Feng said before he went out, "I'll give you one minute to think. If you don't cooperate well, I will kill you immediately."

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