Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 149 Look carefully, don’t close your eyes

It's not that Qin Feng didn't want to kill her.

In this doomsday, Qin Feng abides by the law.

If someone doesn't offend me, I won't offend him. If someone offends me, I will return tenfold.

He wants to kill this woman, but not now.

She is right. This is an underground city. The structure is more complicated than what he has encountered before.

He cannot control the defensive measures and defensive personnel.

He can kill quickly, but not all of them. The blood array explosion doesn't say that it can explode below.

Moreover, since this woman is obviously in a situation of confrontation with him, she still wants to protect the young master. They will definitely hide him tightly.

This woman is useful.

As soon as the door opened, the assistant saw that it was not Li Ruohan who was coming, but the stranger Qin Feng.

In an instant, he realized that something was wrong and hurriedly shouted to protect.

However, in an instant, Qin Feng didn't even move.

The black flame on the black flame golden knife, jumping with flames, was pulled out in an instant and rushed to the assistant's throat at a very fast speed.

As soon as he said the word "protect", his throat was pierced and blood splattered!

"Ah!!!" Li Ruohan didn't expect Qin Feng to really kill someone. She was so scared that she shrank on the ground and screamed with her head in her hands.

Her scream attracted more people, and all the guards who heard the sound rushed over.

These guards were fully armed, with the same equipment as the people who went to the cemetery to provoke before.

Qin Feng sneered. He could kill before, and now he can kill even more.

Just in time to give this woman a warning.

Qin Feng stood at the door, and the black fire on the two black flame golden knives surged, and the flames branched into streams that surrounded Qin Feng's whole body.

He looked like a devil from hell.

"Hurry, hurry! The young lady is in danger!"

"There is an intruder! Kill him!"

"Protect the young lady's safety!"

These people came with guns, but as soon as they appeared at the door, the flames taught them a lesson.

The black flames surged, the temperature was so high that the iron sheet beside them melted a little, and the people who came over, one by one, the flames pierced one.

Two came, the flames pierced a pair.

The black fire devoured, and one after another black corpses fell to the ground, unrecognizable.

These were all Qin Feng's thoughts controlling the knife fire, making them like countless weapons that could split into multiple bodies, harvesting the lives of these people.

Li Ruohan held his head behind him and kept shouting.

"Shut up," Qin Feng said, "or I will kill you now."

Li Ruohan was so scared that he quickly covered his mouth and trembled all over.

The guards who came behind also learned to be smart. This one came and sent one away. Obviously there was danger in this room.

They all waited outside with guns. As long as Qin Feng took a step out of the door, he would instantly be in the hail of bullets.

Outside, the guards on both sides of the door also made gestures.

They had agreed to hit the head, so they would hit the head.

Qin Feng had excellent eyesight, and he could see the movements of several people from some reflective objects outside.

Suddenly, an idea came to his mind, and he turned around and walked towards Li Ruohan.

"You, what are you going to do?" Li Ruohan trembled, "Don't come over, don't come over!!!"

Qin Feng grabbed Li Ruohan's arm with one hand, and Li Ruohan picked up the bath towel and quickly wrapped herself.

"The eldest lady and general manager of Ark Spiral Company," Qin Feng said, "You can manage such a large company, you must have seen everything in the world, right?"

"You, what do you mean?" Li Ruohan trembled, and her legs tightened unconsciously.

"Have you experienced gunfire and rain of bullets?" Qin Feng said, "I have been in the doomsday for so long, and I have experienced gunfire and rain of bullets from time to time."


"Come here!" Qin Feng was so strong that he directly hugged Li Ruohan in front of him and put his arm around her waist.

His hand pressed down on a pair of round bottoms.

"Hmm!" Li Ruohan couldn't help but hesitate, but she was more afraid than shy, so she didn't continue to be shy.

"Come out with me." Qin Feng said.

"No, don't!" Li Ruohan yelled, "Don't shoot, don't shoot~!!!!"

She is the head of the company. If these people don't have eyes and shoot her to death, then Ark Helix, such a big company, will definitely be in chaos.

After she yelled, the people outside would definitely not shoot!

However, when Qin Feng grabbed her and walked out, the figure just appeared at the door.

The guards who had been lying in ambush for a long time did not hesitate to shoot directly!

Even though they all saw that Li Ruohan was in Qin Feng's hands.

But at the moment of shooting, a blood-colored protective shield suddenly appeared around Qin Feng and Li Ruohan.

The moment the bullet hit the protective shield, it was not a hard bang.

It was like hitting the water, or some soft mud, and it was absorbed by the plop.

Li Ruohan was so scared that she closed her eyes just now, and cursed in her heart ten thousand times. These people dared to shoot even when she came out!

Are you stupid?

Unexpectedly, nothing happened.

Outside, there were at least 20 guards with guns on each side. All of them were shocked by the thing in front of them that looked like a layer of bloody mucous membrane.

"What is this?"

"Bullets can't penetrate it? Oh my god!!"

"So disgusting, human internal organs?"

"Are you still going to shoot?"

"Shoot! I don't believe that bullets can't penetrate this thing."

More than 40 people raised their guns and were about to shoot again.

Li Ruohan in Qin Feng's arms was so scared that she closed her eyes again and said, "Are you crazy? I'm the general manager, and you're shooting at me?"

Qin Feng couldn't help but sneer.

He said calmly: "Blood curtain, do what you should do."

Da da da da, the sound of bullets burst out instantly.

Countless metal shells flew towards their blood curtain that contained two people.

However, the bullets did not hit the blood curtain for many times, and the blood curtain, which was said to be a blood-colored mucous membrane, suddenly burst out with blood threads one by one.

It made a swishing sound in the air and flew straight towards these people.

Puff, puff, one after another blood threads were like a knife cutting people, densely packed, and quickly nailed into these people.

Even the thick protective masks, peeks, and protective suits were ignored.

Wherever they were facing, there were dense blood lines.

The blood lines penetrated the protective gear and nailed into the human body, and firmly grasped the skin and eyeballs of those people like fish touching water.

Then, they were torn off.

Bang, the people in the front layer fell to the ground with a bang, and blood splattered all over the ground.

Li Ruohan couldn't help but breathe heavily, and the poor bath towel button on her chest was about to come off.

Qin Feng whispered in her ear: "Don't close your eyes, don't scream, and watch how I slaughter your defense system. If you dare to close your eyes, I will kill you."

"After watching, decide whether to listen to me or not."

Before Li Ruohan could say a word, more blood continued to burst out, piercing the next group of people one by one.

They tore the people and their skins together.

Some people behind couldn't help it, and they dropped their weapons and ran away screaming.

Qin Feng smiled and turned to one side, and the blood curtain followed him.

As long as it was within a certain range, the blood curtain could kill the threat to Qin Feng within the range.

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