Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 155: Of course no one will be left alive

Qin Feng's quick action caught the two off guard.

Li Tianfang didn't even have time to react, and he watched his arm fly into the sky.

The pain came a second later, and he covered his arm, blood flowed out, and he screamed in pain.

"Ah!! My hand, my hand."

"Tianfang!" Li Ruohan hurried over and squatted down to check on Li Tianfang.

Li Tianfang's arm was chopped off by the black flame from the elbow.

The angle was so precise that the exposed bone joints were attached to the flesh and blood, and blood flowed all over the ground.

Li Ruohan quickly took the belt of his clothes and tied Li Tianfang's arm to stop the bleeding.

"You," Li Ruohan said, "you actually did it to him."

"I said I wouldn't kill him," Qin Feng said, "I didn't say I wouldn't cut off his hands and feet."

Qin Feng stood up, and the flames behind him were retracted. The whole person was several times more terrifying than the gloomy look that Li Tianfang saw in the video.

"Take me there now," Qin Feng said, "If you turn a corner, I'll chop off one of your brother's hands. If you take him the wrong way, I'll chop off one of his legs."

Conference room.

The virtual image projected images of more than 60 investors and a dozen prospective investors.

They watched what happened at the bottom of the dungeon together, their faces solemn.

"Oh, who is this man? He looks very powerful."

"He has great kung fu, is very experienced, and is a ruthless man."

"Are you sure your Ark Helix can stop him? Look, he can kill all these people in an instant."

"Is it a new project of your company? Mutated zombies are not enough, but also mutated humans?"

The meeting was not chaired by the Li brothers and sisters.

Li Tianfang now had one hand chopped off, and Li Ruohan, the two of them are now taking Qin Feng to the lower level.

And the meeting was chaired by a middle-aged man with glasses and a face of a gentleman.

Sven Scoundrel glanced at the projections of all the investors around him and said, "I have to say that the business acumen of all the investors is more flexible than that of Chinese people like us."

"Yes, this man is the first mutant in our company's investment experiment."

"Today, due to improper operation of the company, he accidentally escaped from the laboratory. Some of the memories we gave him."

As soon as Sven Scoundrel's words fell, all the investors were surprised.

Someone asked, "Does your company still want to conduct research on mutant humans?"

Sven Scoundrel looked at the three people moving in the stereoscopic image in the center of the venue and said, "That's right, so don't worry, everything is under the control of our Ark Spiral Headquarters."

"Just watch the show quietly."

The investors nodded, looked at the stereoscopic image, and watched the show quietly.

A man who looked like an assistant came to Sven Scoundrel's ear and whispered, "The minister, general manager, deputy general manager, and the man in black have already gone downstairs."

"Do you need us?" The assistant made a throat-cutting gesture.

The gentleman scum snorted coldly and said, "I originally wanted to do it myself and make the Li family panic, but I didn't expect that a black boy would come to the door at this time." He thought for a while and said, "The place they are going to now is the research center of mutant zombies. It just happened that the zombies were transferred there by that idiot Li Tiancheng, and now Li Ruohan has transferred zombies from other areas." "You find a chance to release them, and then bite Li Ruohan and Li Tianfang to death." The assistant nodded and asked, "Then Minister, what should we do with the man in black?" "Of course, let him go and bite him to death, otherwise?" "Yes, I understand." At the bottom of the underground city, in the private passage dedicated to Li Ruohan. Li Ruohan carried Li Tianfang, who had half of his arm broken, and the two walked in front of him. Qin Feng followed behind them. The wall of the passage trembled from time to time, and from the long passage, Qin Feng could hear everything happening outside. The soldiers' hurried footsteps, heavy breathing, and the sound of guns colliding. Someone said, "They can't find it. Where should we look now?"

"I don't know. Keep searching. Maybe we can find it soon."

The voice quickly dissipated, and Qin Feng's ear cartilage moved.

"We're here," Li Ruohan said. She put the weak Li Tianfang aside. "This is the bottom of the entire underground city, -27th floor, the mutant zombie research center."

Qin Feng raised his head. There was a big red "-27" on the door at the end of the corridor.

"Before going in," Li Ruohan said, "it's best to wear a gas mask. Everyone inside lives with a gas mask."

"If a person breathes in the toxic substances inside for more than one minute, a qualitative change will occur."

She picked up the gas mask hanging on the wall and put it on Li Tianfang first, and then on herself.

She opened the door without hesitation and went in first.

Qin Feng also took a gas mask and put it on.

Like Laboratory No. 1, there is also a large iron door here, and the round iron door is heavy.

Qin Feng turned on the sensory enhancement and heard the voice inside.

This time, there was no gunshot or heavy breathing.

Instead, there were slow footsteps and the smell of chemicals.

White gas gushed out, and the light gradually brightened.

Li Ruohan, Li Tianfang and Qin Feng walked into the laboratory.

There were only about four or five experimenters here, wearing white coats and masks.

"Miss, Master," the experimenter inside greeted them, "Master's hand."

Behind Li Ruohan, the tall Qin Feng slowly appeared, and the staff were stunned.

Seeing the undisguised black flames flowing on Qin Feng's back, they were even more stunned.

"I have done what I promised you," Li Ruohan said, "Now, can you let us go?"

In the underground experimental center, Qin Feng has seen all the core researchers working in the experimental center. Can he let the two siblings go?

Qin Feng did not answer Li Ruohan, but turned to several experimenters and said, "Take off the mask."

Several people looked at each other, who is this person? What is he doing?

Li Ruohan was afraid that Qin Feng would get angry, so he hurriedly said, "Take it off."

Several people took off their masks manually, and Qin Feng skipped all of them.

"No, that's not right," Qin Feng said, "Li Gaojin, 58 years old, the main experimenter of zombie mutation drugs, where is he?"

The people in front of him were just young people in their twenties.

The person he was looking for should be that Li Gaojin.

If Qin Feng remembered correctly, this Li Gaojin was one of the people in the car at the time.

He said: "According to the principle of natural selection, the fittest survive, the guy in the back of the car should be thrown out. Whether he can survive depends on his luck."

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