Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 156: A series of traps

Qin Feng still remembered the old scholar, with his scientific and rigorous appearance.

After discussing with the people in the car, they decided to throw him out.

Although he didn't take any action, he kept adding fuel to the flames.

Probably because he was afraid that he, an old man, would be thrown away, so he diverted his attention.

"Kill" his accomplice.

"Li, Professor Li?" said an experimenter, "Professor Li went out and hasn't come back yet."

"Where have you gone?" Qin Feng's voice was cold.

"We don't know," the experimenter said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Black Flame flew forward and strangled one of them by the neck like a ghost hand.

"Now," Qin Feng said, "think clearly."

"Okay, okay, let me think about it!"

When Qin Feng was questioning these people, Li Ruohan turned his head and winked at Li Tianfang.

Li Tianfang slowly moved to a place, and Li Ruohan also walked to a certain place cautiously.

Where they moved over, there was an obvious metal gap on the ground. The gap was about the width of a pinky finger and connected to the same metal gap above the lab.

The button Li Ruohan was going to press was called the emergency braking device.

As long as Li Ruohan presses the button, the two of them can leave safely from the metal frame.

And this place will become a dangerous place, the defense device of the dungeon will automatically open, and this place will

At this time, everyone in the conference room couldn't help but be speechless when they saw this scene.

"What is Miss Li doing?"

"I remember, when I last came to visit your laboratory, this was your emergency braking device."

"I remember it too."

"Is Ms. Li going to give up the entire laboratory? What is your company planning to do?"

The gentle scum coughed a few times to signal for silence, and said, "The eldest lady is testing the ability of our experimental product. Don't doubt her accuracy."

All the investors nodded and continued to watch.

The scumbag was a little anxious and turned to ask his assistant: "What's going on? What does she just want to do? What will happen if the emergency braking device is pressed?"

The assistant flipped through the information and said: "After this emergency braking device is activated, the entire experimental center will be sealed. Then, poisonous gas will be released."

"This is to prepare the mutated zombies for any changes. If any changes occur, the anti-virus will directly kill the zombies."

The gentle scum said: "Then she wants to poison that man, right?"

"If that's the case," Sven Scum thought for a moment and said, "Then intercept them and don't let them come out. If they are also poisoned to death inside, it will be natural for me to take over the company."

"Yes," the assistant said, "I'll set it up right away."

Inside the Laboratory Center.

Li Ruohan looked at the confrontation between the people in front of him and swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Cold sweat broke out on his back.

"Sister," Li Tiancheng whispered tremblingly, "Sister, if we do this, we will give up here."

"Is it worth it for such a person?"

Li Ruohan shook his head: "Of course, this man is not the only one who will be crippled by this. Have you done what I asked you to do while you were in trouble?"

"The contact is established," Li Tiancheng said, "They are already ready on the ground."

"Can you still hold on?" Li Ruohan asked.

"Of course." Li Tiancheng said.

His hand was tied with a bandage by Li Ruohan to forcefully stop the bleeding. It has been a while now and the bleeding has stopped.

"That's good," Li Ruohan said, "then you must sit tight later."

After the two siblings finished their discussion, they exchanged tacit glances with each other.

Li Ruohan took a deep breath. Now she was only two or three feet away from the button.

Just run over and get out of here.

But if you press that button, more than just poisonous gas will be released.

She was determined to destroy this place and this dungeon this time.

She looked at Qin Feng, a trace of reluctance flashing in her eyes.

This man had saved her, and she was slightly attracted to him.

But the company is important, and my brother is important.

She had no choice.

Ever since Qin Feng reminded Li Ruohan who the traitor was in this company, Li Ruohan had already made up his mind to destroy the dungeon.

After carrying out the mutant zombie project, Ark Helix invested significantly more than before.

It even reached ten times not long ago.

Problems of this kind began to arise within the company.

Li Ruohan also knew that those people had begun to spread their influence in this underground city, but before that, she was still willing to believe in the beauty and virtual image of the first underground city she created.

But Qin Feng's sudden intrusion and what happened made her see clearly the bombs that had been ambushed beside her for a long time.

A team of mercenaries from the company that would shoot her.

A man with malicious intentions who instigated his brother and tried to destroy the foundation of the company.

No matter what it is, it is a rotten root in this underground city.

Li Ruohan has always been ruthless in dealing with things. Since everything is rotten, let's destroy it all.

She tricked Qin Feng into going to the office just for the USB flash drive, which was filled with information about the entire company, including the secret ingredients of the mutated zombie potion.

With these things, she can go to the next dungeon to establish the Ark Helix Company.

Therefore, she is now going to blow up the entire dungeon starting from the bottom.

Let all the rotten roots here be buried.

So, this series of events was all in her plan.

Moreover, in order to prevent some people from making it impossible for them to escape, she changed all the settings of the system while she was still in the office.

Li Ruohan took a deep breath and said, "Just like that, let's start."

She rushed over and pressed the button.

With a click, it seemed as if something was turned on, and the red lights in the whole laboratory flashed.

A sharp alarm sounded, "beep, beep".

Qin Feng turned his head and saw a closed space surrounded by glass rising from the metal gap on the ground.

All of a sudden, it locked Li Ruohan and Li Tianfang.

"What's wrong?"

"Danger signal? What happened here?"

"This is the emergency brake button. Wait, it will only be pressed when the zombies are out of control."

"The zombies inside are fine!"

The laboratory researchers behind him were already in a mess. Those who have worked here for so long know what this signal means.

Qin Feng looked at Li Ruohan and Li Tianfang who were in the glass door at this time.

Li Ruohan showed a hint of apology in her eyes, but it was soon replaced by forbearance.

Li Tianfang, however, became arrogant.

"Hahaha, idiot, have you been cheated? I tell you, you'll be dead in a while."

"Cut my hand? You won't be left with any bones in a while!"

"I'll watch you kneel down and call me grandpa! Damn it."

"Just wait, you'll be corroded and rotten all over your body, hahaha!"

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