Li Tianfang was caught off guard and was quickly cut by the flames that split into three parts, like blades.

Inch by inch, from the broken arm, inch by inch upward.

This wasn't chopping someone, this was chopping someone up. Black Flame directly chopped Li Tianfang's limbs into mincemeat.

"Sister!!! Ah!!!" Li Tianfang vomited blood. He had no time to say anything. Why was Qin Feng still able to catch up after this?

He's terrible, he's terrible! ! !

Li Ruohan was so frightened that her limbs were weak. She looked at the display on the small computer next to her and swallowed.

"Hurry up, please, hurry up." Li Ruohan murmured in a low voice.

"Sister! Save me!" Li Tianfang wanted to struggle, but what could a person without limbs do? What's more, the ends of the limbs were ground into minced flesh.

The bones were broken into slag, but Black Flame was cooking slowly and slowly, as if he was cooking a dish.

Li Ruohan saw that it had been soaked in donated blood, and the black flames had cut into Li Tianfang's pelvis and shoulders.

"Hurry up!" Li Ruohan shouted, "Come out quickly."

"Sister" Li Tianfang vomited blood, "you"

Li Tianfang couldn't understand what Li Ruohan was shouting.

Also somewhat incomprehensible was Qin Feng, who was climbing up little by little with black flames.

He looked at the glass base four or five meters above his head, which was filled with blood, minced flesh, and broken bones.

Li Ruohan's voice came out, a little muffled.

"What are you coming for?" Qin Feng frowned. The black flame golden knife in his hand had already appeared. He said to himself, "Is it in danger?"

"Coming!" Li Ruohan's voice came.

All he could hear was screams of murderous screams coming from the tunnel deep underground beneath Qin Feng's feet.

This scream was not that of an animal, nor a human, nor a zombie.

It's more like a grinding sound made by machinery.

The voices overlapped one after another, and there was more than one.

Qin Feng was still surrounded by black flames when his foot was suddenly pulled by something, and a burst of cramping pain came from his ankle.

Qin Feng looked down and saw a crab-shaped robot that laughed like a three-year-old child wrapped around his feet.

From the depths of the abyss, crab-shaped robots crawled towards Qin Feng one after another.

The temperature of the black flames rose instantly, but even if these crab-shaped robots were cut apart, they still strangled Qin Feng's body.

Qin Feng was pulled down into the endless abyss channel.

Without the black flame's restraint, Li Tianfang, who was almost chopped into a human pig, lost most of his life.

Blood flowed all over the glass cover, dripping down from the place punctured by the black flames.

"Thirty seconds to the explosion"


The entire dungeon began broadcasting a thirty-second countdown to the explosion.

Li Tianfang felt that he could not hold on any longer and said, "Sister, I can't survive."

Li Ruohan looked at him, motionless.

Their glass cover successfully reached the first floor, where the skylight had been opened, the space was bright, and a team of people and helicopters were waiting for them.

"Miss, young master!" Several people saw him and came over to save them.

Li Tianfang: "Sister, kill that man and destroy his cemetery, or I will die in peace."

Li Ruohan nodded with tears in his eyes, and the people came to help them open the door, but Li Tianfang could no longer be saved.

Li Ruohan followed them and quickly boarded the helicopter.


"Miss," a security-looking person pulled Li Ruohan and hurried to the helicopter that had started, "hurry up!"

Li Ruohan wiped away her tears and climbed into the helicopter. Her bare legs were already mottled and scarred.

She looked at the glass cover where Li Tianfang was still staying, and her mind was filled with the shadow of Qin Feng waving black flames.

"Brother," Li Ruohan said as the helicopter took off, "I will do what you said."

She retracted her cry and said: "After we get out, find someone to keep staring at this place. Even a fly will destroy it."

"But miss," the security guard said, "haven't you already activated the explosive device? There is also poison gas."

Li Ruohan sneered and said: "I released those robots, and you know that those robots are not afraid of poison gas and explosions."


Although Li Ruohan's order was to keep an eye on the robot, she was subconsciously targeting Qin Feng.

She didn't know why, but she felt that even if it was poison gas, explosion, and the robot that was released, it would definitely kill no living beings in the locked space.

None of them could stop Qin Feng. In Li Ruohan's heart, Qin Feng was like the King of Hell who was seeking his life.


On the other side, Qin Feng was pulled directly down, surrounded by robots.

These robots have red eyes and infrared scanning, and can accurately capture the enemy's movements in the dark.

And their hands and feet seemed to be countless blades made of extremely hard metal. If an ordinary person was caught, his whole body would be shattered.

And now the explosion alarm is sounding throughout the dungeon, and there are only a few dozen seconds left.

The only one who can destroy this place is Li Ruohan. She must have released these robots.

Only she has such authority.

"A woman who is bound to retaliate," Qin Feng said, "but I am not a vegetarian, can you stump me like this?"

"These robots are not human beings, nor are they zombies. It is impossible to stab them to death. We can only tear them apart."

The black flames on Qin Feng's body surged, and with a loud shout, his physical strength ten times that of an ordinary person exploded.

He shouted: "Turn on fearlessness! Turn on sensory enhancement!"

In an instant, all attributes reached a peak state ten times that of ordinary people.

The flames on Qin Feng's body surged, first fixing his body and letting him float in the air.

He reached out and pulled out the crab-shaped robot that cut his lower abdomen with a blade.

With a strong slash of his hands, Qin Feng tore the hard crab-shaped robot apart and threw it down.

But these crab-shaped robots were not as easy to deal with as Qin Feng thought. One was as big as a three-year-old child, and there were many of them.

As soon as Qin Feng tore off one, the others swarmed up, densely covering Qin Feng's body in an instant.

The glass passage was vertical, and more and more robots pounced on Qin Feng, trying to cut Qin Feng's body.

The surging flames were like countless hands, constantly tearing these robots apart, and one by one they were thrown into the abyss.

But these hundreds of robots rushed in, and some even jumped on Qin Feng's defenseless head, trying to cut his throat.

They were torn to pieces by Qin Feng, but they continued to rush up.

Under the abyss, who knows how many more there are.

"3,2,1,0, start the explosion."

In the underground city, the cold prompt sound penetrated all the sounds, the sizzling sound of poisonous gas, the erosion sound of poisonous gas, and the screams of people.

And the screams of the robots around Qin Feng.

There was a tremor from the ground, and the flames of the bomb rushed up from the 27th floor at a very fast speed, and the flames spread all over the prairie.

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