Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 162 Fighting in the Tunnel

Hiss, hiss, hiss.

Qin Feng's five senses were heightened, and the cries of these robots filled his ears.

Although the black flames would not break, these robots lay on him one by one, and the blades twisted his body.

Even if they could not cut it a little bit, they still rushed forward.

The weight was almost equal to that of a small car.

Qin Feng protected his head without any protective measures, and the black flames on his body surged, tearing these robots apart frantically.

"System!" Qin Feng shouted, "How long is left?"

[Answer the host, the remaining time is 30 minutes]

Qin Feng:.

These robots are not very strong, but there are a lot of them.

Just like marching ants, one bites you, and more than a dozen immediately follow.

Biting one by one, using the sharp blades to twist the flesh of the bitten person frantically.

Crazy, determined, without any emotion.

[Ding, reminding the host, the explosion shock wave is only 50 meters away from the host]

[Blood curtain time is full]

[Fearless effect is fully activated! 】

It seems that this situation is extremely threatening to him.

The blood curtain gurgled and covered Qin Feng's body again, and the hissing sounds of these crab-shaped robots were isolated outside.

More than a hundred robots hanging on Qin Feng were instantly bounced away, and tens of thousands of blood threads stabbed them frantically.

But these robots are not afraid of single-point damage. Even if the blood threads pierce the epidermis and tear off a layer of the surface, it still cannot stop their crazy attack.

These robots, after receiving the command, have no intention of stopping at all.

Qin Feng used the blood curtain and black flames to dodge back and forth in the relatively narrow and slippery glass wall. Countless blood threads and countless black flames strangled these robots frantically.

And Qin Feng manipulated two black flame golden knives to make these attacks more fierce.

The vibration in the air became more and more obvious, and the surrounding glass walls were shaking with phantoms.

The wave of the explosion was about to come.

[Ding, the explosion shock wave is only 30 meters away from the host]

[25 meters]

[20 meters]

The glass passage that was originally as dark as the abyss was instantly filled with flames, but there was still a distance to go.

Qin Feng knew that he had no way to escape from this impact.

He shouted loudly, and the black flame golden knife, countless black flames, bloodshot, madly intertwined.

Densely spread throughout the entire space.

These clamoring robots were torn apart and beaten down by Qin Feng one by one.

Qin Feng got a gap and used the black flames to madly jump up.

He was very fast, and the robots chasing behind were also very fast, and the flames behind seemed to be even faster.

The hissing sounds of the robots could no longer be heard in his ears, and the successive explosions swallowed up all the sounds.

Attacking Qin Feng mercilessly.

"Hiss, ah!!!" A sharp sound came from behind, it was a robot, it jumped onto Qin Feng's back.

He swung the blade towards Qin Feng's neck, but he couldn't cut it. After cutting for a long time, his blade became blunt.

"Ha, ha," Qin Feng, who was bathed in blood, sneered, and controlled two black flames with his mind, and went forward to pick up the robot directly, "I have all my skills, and you still want to kill me?"

The black fire tore the robot apart, and its originally bright red eyes dimmed instantly.

Throw it down without hesitation.

Qin Feng's climbing action did not stop at all. He was very fast, and he ran to the entrance of the passage before the explosion.

There, the only thing blocking the road was the glass cover where Li Tianfang was still.

After the helicopter flew out for a while, the ground trembled, and the fire had already appeared from the glass cover under Li Tianfang.

Li Ruohan covered her eyes and dared not look again.

"Miss," said the security guard on the helicopter, "We have more than 60 investors and more than a dozen prospective investors who called to ask if something happened in our underground city."

Li Ruohan took down her hands, her eyes were very red, but there were no tears.

"Tell them that we are just acting to test the durability of the product."

"There are plenty of such dungeons in the Huaxia area of ​​our Ark Spiral."

"Yes, Miss." The assistant was gone, so the security guard acted as the assistant.

However, at this time, the security guard who was responsible for watching the bottom suddenly said in surprise: "Ah, a, a bloody corpse crawled up?"

Li Ruohan's heart skipped a beat, and she hurried to the helicopter door and looked down.

"He, he actually came up safe and sound!" Li Ruohan was shocked when she saw Qin Feng crawling out of the passage and standing on the stage.

Poison gas, explosion, and a robot that would not waver after receiving an order, these three could not shake this man?

What kind of monster is this!

What kind of devil is this! !

Li Ruohan's eyes widened, and the helicopter flew farther and farther.

A rumbling sound came, and with a bang, the explosion blew up the entire ground with the only passage as the center.

Cement slabs, metal plates, and steel bars were all blown away.

The flames swallowed up all the people and everything below in an instant.

Li Ruohan was still staring at Qin Feng, who had just stepped onto the stage and whose blood had not yet faded.

"If he is still alive," Li Ruohan said, "then he is really scarier than a ghost."

"What zombies, mutant zombies? Even robots, they are not as scary as this man."

"Miss!" The security guard wanted to pull her back, because the shock wave of the explosion was too large, and the helicopter was a little unstable.

Li Ruohan pushed the security guard aside and stared at a certain part of the flame.

She wanted to see if that person was reduced to ashes.

The explosion burned everything in the underground city, and it was instantly in a sea of ​​fire.

However, at this moment, a faint blue fire broke through the orange flame, as if it was a layer of ice, but it was surging with enchanting flames.

In this way, a place like a protective shield was rushed out.

Li Ruohan, holding Li Ruohan's security guard, several people stared at the scene in front of them with wide eyes.

"Hu~~~" The flame made the sound of air flowing.

In the blue flame, Qin Feng floated in the void.

The blood-colored putty on his body had faded, and the tall, black figure was surrounded by flowing black fire.

It was reflected with the blue flame wrapped around.

Qin Feng, like a soul-catching messenger who came on the fire of hell, was deadly and terrifying.

Li Ruohan was still staring at the scene in front of her in a daze.

But she saw Qin Feng looking up at her side without saying a word.

Instead, he stretched out his hands and raised them in front of him.

"Heh." Qin Feng sneered, and raised his middle finger with his well-defined joints.

A black flame rushed towards the helicopter at lightning speed.

Li Ruohan gasped in shock, thinking, it's over.

At this moment, the blue flame burned again, engulfing Qin Feng.

Before the black flame touched the helicopter, Qin Feng, along with the blue flame, disappeared in a sea of ​​fire.

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