Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 174 Giant zombies are not just zombies

"Qin Feng?!" Chen Qiaoying was still fighting a giant zombie.

However, before Chen Qiaoying, the zombie king, could do anything, she was also pinched by the giant zombie.

She was caught, and even though she was in zombie state, she could hardly move.

"Why don't these giant zombies listen to me?" Chen Qiaoying's purple blood vessels swelled, and she activated her commander skill, "They are completely disobedient."

Her commander skill that can control zombies is actually useless in front of giant zombies! ?

Qin Feng was also lifted up by the zombie in front of him and held tightly in his hand.

The giant zombie is very strong, and Qin Feng has excellent physical fitness and is wearing an upgraded protective suit.

And Chen Qiaoying is the zombie king.

So, the two were just pinched and did not suffer any harm in the next step.

"Qin Feng!" Chen Qiaoying said, "What should we do?"

Her voice became hoarse because of the zombie state, and was almost drowned in the roar of the giant zombie.

Qin Feng still heard it, but he didn't answer. The flames on his body were like thin threads passing through the zombie's arms, trying to cut them off at the joints.

But the black flames that had always been able to cut iron like mud couldn't cut the zombie's arm.


The giant zombie lifted Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying up, holding them tightly.

The bloody mouth opened wide, and it was about to put the two people into the giant zombie's mouth.

Bang bang bang!

After running three times, Chu Rou aimed the cannon at the two zombies holding Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying, hitting their heads accurately.

A small piece of the giant zombie's skin was blown off, and the black water exploded instantly, splashing out of the brain and flying in all directions.


The giant zombie's head was blown crooked, but it didn't seem to have any effect.

The action paused, and it was about to continue biting forward.

The most serious thing was that the other two giant zombies discovered Chu Rou's position.

Bang, bang, bang, the remaining two zombies all walked towards Chu Rou.

On the ground, the red vines had already felt the zombies rushing over, and countless red vines surged, like fine silk threads directly fixing the feet of the two zombies.

Deeply rooted, firmly fixed.

"Chu Rou!" Chen Qiaoying said loudly, "Don't make a sound."

It would be dangerous if those zombies walked towards Chu Rou, and Chu Rou, a human, had no way to resist.

"Qin Feng!" Chen Qiaoying struggled to break free from a little gap, but the power of the giant robot seemed to be very strong, "You think of a way!"

Qin Feng looked at the giant zombie for a long time, and said: "These are not just zombies, try your best to break free from them, and then attack them from behind the neck!"

Chen Qiaoying nodded and tried to do what Qin Feng said, although she didn't quite understand.

Qin Feng's body was surging with black flames, and he also called up fearlessness and mobilized his ability to the highest level.

A little bit, a little bit, he stretched out the giant zombie's restraints.

At the moment of stretching out a little bit of restraints, Qin Feng jumped out with the help of black flames.

The black flames all over his body were like his limbs, helping him to support the impact of the fall from behind and lay his body flat.

Two black flames hit the fingers of the zombie holding Chen Qiaoying's hand, jumped up, and flew out after kicking the giant zombie's shoulder.

He pushed Chen Qiaoying's hand away, and Chen Qiaoying fell smoothly and safely to the ground.

The giant zombie's hand fell off, and he looked at it in confusion.

He made a sound of "uh uh uh" and turned his head to slap the falling Chen Qiaoying.

Qin Feng's black flames stretched out and pulled Chen Qiaoying to the zombie's crotch, and Chen Qiaoying escaped successfully.

Came to Qin Feng's side.

"Qin Feng." The purple blood vessels were still beating on Chen Qiaoying's body, "Why don't they listen to me?"

Qin Feng looked at the four huge zombies in front of him and said, "Because, although they are zombies, they should be mechanically controlled inside. Their bones are all made of super-strong alloys, so my black flames are not easy to cut off."

The zombies roared and turned around to find Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying.

The two of them went straight ahead, heading towards Chu Rou in the cemetery.

There were hundreds of mutants, in addition to those who crawled out of the underground city, there were also some survivors who were infected by the poison gas later.

Ace and Li Qiao were two of them.

They were foreign brothers, and they had been fleeing around the world since the outbreak of the virus.

As a result, when they passed by Yueli City, they were almost affected by the explosion, and the poison gas that flowed later had already infiltrated their skin.

Originally, the burning pain and the feeling of the skin softening into blood had made them feel that they could not survive.

But after a night of fermentation.

They were not, and their bodies were mutated.

Compared with other mutants with strange appearances, the two of them were okay, just like monsters with burned skin.

Ugly, with the stench of rotting wounds all over their bodies.

But they were very strong, moved quickly, and could even tear zombies apart.

But it was always not good to be alone at the end of the world.

And after they mutated, many more mutants were found in Yueli City.

These mutants, with strange shapes, were all heading to one place.

That was the cemetery near Hongteng City.

It was said that it was a paradise for survivors. They were mutants now and could kill zombies.

There was nothing wrong with going to a cemetery just over a thousand kilometers away.

So Ace and Li Qiao decided to go to the cemetery to find out.

But some people don't want to go. They like to kill people in the doomsday because they have all the skills.

Not long ago, Ace and Li Qiao saw some mutants being taken away by helicopters.

There was a twisted zombie logo on the helicopter.

When they saw the helicopters, they ran faster. Maybe the cemetery is their only salvation.

After several days of long journey, they finally arrived at the suburbs of Hongteng City last night.

But in the suburbs, they found giant zombies.

The next day, when they finally arrived at the cemetery, they found that the giant zombies seemed to have fought with people.

"Is this zombie transformed from a human?" Ace asked.

"I don't know," Li Qiao said, "These zombies look like they are here with bad intentions, heading for the cemetery."

"Wow, is this cemetery really a paradise for survivors?" Ace said, "Is it nonsense? I don't believe it."

"The radio said that the cemetery is a paradise for survivors," Li Qiao said, "Let's wait and see. Anyway, we are in this state now and will not be in danger in the doomsday."

"There are people! Two, no three people are fighting with giant zombies!"

Someone suddenly shouted.

All the mutants, about hundreds of people, looked over there.

They saw that among the four giant zombies, someone was shuttling back and forth.

"Is this a person?"

"Impossible, they can't beat them."

"Give up."

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