Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 175 Coordinated Operations

The mutated people were already watching around here, clustered around the cemetery and not daring to disturb them.

Most of them had encountered giant zombies before. It was obvious that they had mutated before and were more than capable of dealing with zombies.

But this giant zombie can tear many of their lives into pieces.

They are now mutated people, and these giant zombies are simply their nightmare.

I came to the cemetery to seek refuge, but I didn’t expect that when I got here, these giant zombies arrived early! ?

Now, even the cemetery is not safe.

However, the eyesight of these mutants is definitely much sharper than when they were humans.

Therefore, when they saw Qin Feng, Chen Qiaoying and Chu Rou, who was providing remote support, fighting back and forth with four giant zombies, they decided to take another look.

"But it's impossible. The giant zombies are too awesome. How can we kill these three humans?"

"What human being? I think it's a mutant, a zombie and a human! Look, that man is surrounded by flames."

"Fuck, that's true."

"But this man is a mutant. Why is his face so good-looking? As a man, I actually find him a bit handsome."

"Oh, you are a boy, and your brother has mutated."

"Hey, if you can't beat us, let's go. We can survive the end of the world with our abilities."

"But did you see the helicopter that came to catch the mutants that day?"

"It's scary. It's better to unite together. Looking at it again, I really don't think we can beat him. This man has mutated so much that he has no merit."

Bang bang bang!

Three cannon shots, Chu Rou was never afraid of these.

Her artillery attack never stopped, blowing up to the height of the giant zombie's head, with flying sparks and gray explosive gas.

The black water was splashed randomly.

The zombies' vision was partially obscured by her, and almost all of the zombies' firepower was attracted by her.

But at this moment, Qin Feng was not idle either, the flames on his body kept coming out.

Wave after wave of black fire was like black tentacles, constantly attacking the giant zombies.

It passed under their skin and was firmly fixed on the steel bones in their bodies, entangled and burning.

He was behind the zombies and held all the giant zombies!

"Chen Qiaoying!" Qin Feng said, "Now is the time!"

Chen Qiaoying, who has completely transformed into a zombie, has been able to control her mind. She is now a complete zombie king.

The purple blood vessels kept swelling on the skin, and seemed to make a sharp scream.

She hunched her back and growled lowly.

After Qin Feng gave the order, Chen Qiaoying rushed forward and fought desperately among the four giant zombies that were held by Qin Feng.

The giant zombie's giant hands were swiping around Chen Qiaoying, but Chen Qiaoying had gained experience this time and couldn't hit her no matter what.

Instead, Chen Qiaoying tore into several pieces of meat.

The mutated zombies were surprised when they saw this scene.

"Wow, these three people work together really well!"

"This zombie actually listened to that man. This man is so powerful."

"Women are also very powerful. Can they tear them apart with their bare hands? But they still can't deal with giant zombies!"

"I think it should be possible. These giant zombies seem to have been firmly restrained by men."

"You should be able to kill them. Maybe coming to this cemetery to join these people is the right choice."

However, before the mutants could finish praising them, something dangerous happened!

Although Chen Qiaoying's speed and ability can defeat tens of thousands of zombies by herself.

But this giant zombie is not a zombie in nature. It was deliberately made by someone. It is completely mechanical in its bones.

Therefore, Chen Qiaoying cannot use her commanding skills.

The strength and speed of this giant zombie were so great that the four heads cooperated together and the giant hands kept waving, reducing the space for Chen Qiaoying to move.

The waving air flow made Chen Qiaoying's actions a little more difficult, but as long as she could encounter a zombie, she would definitely tear it apart!


"Qin Feng!" Chen Qiaoying shouted in a hoarse voice at this time, "Find a way quickly, these giant zombies are not easy to deal with."

Her space for movement was getting less and less, and she even bumped into the hand of a giant zombie slapping her just now.

He almost lost his balance and hit the leg of a giant zombie.


Chen Qiaoying directly picked off a large piece of flesh from the zombie's leg, stepped on it with a giant foot, and she quickly ran away.

Chu Rou's artillery support continued, and the whole scene was very chaotic.

Qin Feng looked at the scene in front of him, quickly calculating how to deal with it in his mind, and a storm gathered in his eyes.

Suddenly, he pulled out the black flame golden knife from behind with both hands, and the flames surged even more with the strength of his hands.

Light up everything here!

Qin Feng pulled back his hands and kicked off his long legs.

Flying into the sky, heading straight towards these zombies.

Among the mutant population:

"Is this about to start a fight?! That man rushed forward."

"At the end of my strength, I feel like I can't do it anymore."

"This is like hitting an egg against a stone, and it won't work at all."

"Let's go, let's go, if the giant zombie finds us, we will die too!"

"I just can't look at these three people. I thought they were so awesome!"

The zombies lost Qin Feng's restraint and beat Chen Qiaoying more smoothly.

Chen Qiaoying couldn't avoid it, and a piece of flesh on her back was scratched off by a giant claw.

Fortunately, in her zombie state, her pain was minimized, but the burning feeling still came from her back.

Qin Feng jumped up, jumped onto the zombie's shoulder, stood on the zombie, and the flames around him exploded.

"Chen Qiaoying, just attack their legs and tear off the meat."

"Don't let them hit you again!"

"Okay!" Chen Qiaoying replied.

Bang, bang, bang, Chu Rou's shells hit several other zombies accurately. This time the firepower was stronger, and the zombies were blown crooked.

The knife in Qin Feng's hand was connected with countless flames. He could jump on these zombies at high speed and change his methods flexibly.

The black flame gold knife in his hand seemed to be integrated with him, attacking Chen Qiaoying below and Chu Rou above.

The three of them cooperated closely.

Qin Feng raised the knife and no longer chopped at the front of the zombies, but turned to their back necks.

The giant zombies were as hard as if they were reinforced.

But the neck was always soft.

Qin Feng's previous attacks were one to the heart and one to the neck.

Qin Feng could sense the distance between the two black flames.

But facing the giant zombies head-on was like suicide. These giant zombies were supported by metal frames.

So, Qin Feng found the weakness of the giant zombies from the neck.

He went around the back of the zombie's neck, and the blade went down and stabbed the neck directly.

Ten thousand flames burst out, like dense long snakes, and the knife went down and drilled directly into the zombie's neck.

In an instant, it corroded and burned everything deep in his neck.

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