Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 176 Does it hurt?

Black flames, like black juice, suddenly seeped into the zombie's neck.

The sizzling sound flows in the giant zombie's body. These "liquids" are hot, and the flames burn every corner inside.

Qin Feng's body seemed to be connected with these flames.

The moment the flames entered, Qin Feng saw everything inside the zombie's body.

His eyeballs became extremely dark, but his pupils were as bright as flames.

There was a storm in his eyes, frantically searching for the weaknesses of these giant zombies.

The skeletons in the giant zombies were extracted and replaced with mechanical ones.

They are not 100% zombies, so Chen Qiaoying cannot control them.

Giant zombies don't have many weaknesses. Professor Li and others conducted tests when they made giant zombies.

Unless the body of the giant zombie is burned with fierce fire for three days until its skin and flesh are completely burned out and melted away.

The mechanical skeleton inside is exposed, and then the joints, organs, especially the heart are destroyed one by one.

Only in this way can it be possible to kill giant zombies.

Several experts are still very confident about the giant zombie's almost mountain-moving combat power.

In Professor Li's words: "It's a small cemetery, but its strength is not something to be afraid of. These giant zombies will definitely level it to the ground once they get out."

No one can control the movement of giant zombies except themselves.

So, this time, the cemetery must die!

It's a pity that apart from their excellent research, these experts are just talking on paper.

What they never expected was Qin Feng.

They underestimated Qin Feng.

At this time, the world in Qin Feng's eyes had long since disappeared from the world beside the cemetery, as well as the few people in the battle.

All that was left was the inside of the zombie he caught.

It was completely black, and the original black flames turned into thin lines shining with silvery white light.

Like a silver fish, it shuttles through the zombie's body.

The zombie's body became transparent, and he could see everything inside the zombie's body.

"No wonder," Qin Feng said, "These zombies don't listen to Chen Qiaoying's orders. They turn out to be zombies that have been transformed."

"This structure is very clever. It is worthy of being Chu Rou's doctoral supervisor."

“It’s hard for people to find weaknesses.”

"However, I still found it."

Qin Feng opened his eyes angrily, and blood vessels emerged from around his eye sockets.

The knife he was holding that was inserted into the zombie's body turned the knife handle hard.

The flames that entered the zombie's body directly latched onto every corner of the zombie's body.

Especially the black flames in the heart, which penetrated deeply into the zombie's heart, grabbed the purple thing, twisted it, and tried to crush it.

"Ugh!!!" The giant zombie let out a huge scream.

Qin Feng was stunned for a moment, yes, this giant zombie will experience pain!

Qin Feng pulled out his knife fiercely, and the zombie's black blood flew in the black flames.

Countless black flames drew out the flesh of the zombies, and even the crisp sound of steel bones breaking was very obvious.

"Uh uh uh!!!"

“Ho ho ho!!!”

The zombies are screaming, they have been directly transformed, and they are always flawed.

For example, without the characteristics of zombies such as loss of pain, loss of fear, etc., Qin Feng's doing this is equivalent to directly cutting off all their bones, skin and flesh.

Click, click, click, the giant zombie's body made a snapping sound, plop! ! Fall to your knees.

Qin Feng drew it out, turned around and jumped down. Countless black flames shrank into his hands, like meteor showers in the dark night.

"I found a way to kill them, continue!" Qin Feng said.

Chu Rou continued to attack, while Chen Qiaoying was also tearing the flesh of the zombie's feet frantically, causing the giant zombie to lower its head to look for Chen Qiaoying and expose its neck.

At this time, Qin Feng also heard the exclamations of nearby mutants.

Looking over there from the corner of his eye, he caught sight of them, bringing with him a whole area of ​​ice and coldness.

Turn around and continue fighting.

The black flame was like the second him, constantly flying among these zombies and piercing into the second zombie.

The black flame spread out quickly, like the poison of the tarsus, quickly wrapping around.

With one precise move, Qin Feng sucked the life out of the giant zombies that were so strong just now.

It let out a huge scream, causing the mountain to shake and the trees to sway.

All the bones in their bodies were broken by the black flames, and there was absolutely nothing that could support their huge bodies.

One by one collapsed.

All the mutants screamed:

"Wow, you're going to kill me now?!"

"What's going on? I, I'm confused."

"This man is really fierce, and these two women work really well together."

"Did you see what he used to pierce the zombie's neck? That black flame is so powerful?"

The eyes of all the mutants looking at Qin Feng ranged from suspicion, to surprise, to shock and admiration.

Some mutants even had admiration in their eyes.

If the little beans that can see can be called eyes.

The four zombies could almost cover the land, and they were still howling ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

But the steel bones in his body were broken by Qin Feng, and hundreds of holes were pierced in his heart by the black flames.

I can only feel helpless and furious.

Qin Feng looked at the zombies with a cruel smile on his face and asked, "Does it hurt?"

Although the zombie would not answer his words, the loud wailing and the complete inability to move told him this.

"Okay!" Before Qin Feng could go and check on Chen Qiaoying, someone from the mutants behind him was already applauding.

Several people looked over and saw that in the woods that had not yet been destroyed by the cemetery, all kinds of weird mutants were cheering and cheering.

"They're mutants," Chen Qiaoying said, her hands covered with blood and minced meat. As a zombie, she wouldn't feel tired, but her hands were numb. "Are these people watching everything?"

Qin Feng chuckled: "Onlookers? Just watch. I didn't move away on purpose just to let them watch."

"Hero!!!" A mutant took the lead in shouting.

Immediately afterwards, these hundreds of mutants began to shout:

"Brother is awesome!"

"You are too strong!"

"These zombies deserve to die, you are so strong that they are invulnerable!"

These giant zombies just killed some people around them a few days ago.

Originally, they were very grateful for escaping from death, so when they saw the giant zombies, they wanted to go up and tear them apart themselves.

It's a pity that the ability is there.

What Qin Feng, Chen Qiaoying, Chu Rou and the others did happened to grasp the psychology of mutants.

Before Qin Feng and others could say a word, the hum of a huge propeller came from the distance.

Helicopters bearing the logos of different companies flew to the cemetery, and the helicopters all had different machines on them.

Come to catch zombies? Come to catch mutants? Or, come to rob this cemetery.

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