Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 177 My cemetery does not accept people


Before Qin Feng and the others could react, someone among the mutants already exclaimed.

Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying had special powers, so it was normal for them to be able to hear.

But these sounds are theoretically difficult for ordinary humans to detect, but these mutants noticed them in advance.

A trace of satisfaction flashed in Qin Feng's eyes. It seemed that the abilities of these mutants had indeed risen to a whole level compared to ordinary people.

It seemed just right to have them under his command.

"Are they going to arrest us!?" Someone shouted, "Hurry up!!"

"Get out of here!" Ace stood up at this time and stepped forward.

He looked as if his entire body had been skinned, covered in blood and exuding the smell of blood.

"Brother," Ace walked out with a little excitement on his face, and a drop of blood was forced to drip to the ground by his excited face, "Brother! We, we are mutants from Yueli City, you are the tomb here. Master?"

Qin Feng retracted the knife, and circles of flames were retracted behind his back. The black flames did not disappear.

Wings like a fallen angel in the dark night circled behind him.

"Say." Qin Feng said in a cold voice.

Ace couldn't help but shudder, and he didn't know why. Although he had no skin anymore, he could still feel goosebumps all over his body.

He took a deep breath and said: "Brother, we heard about your cemetery from Yue Li City. We are here to join you!"

"Of course, I understand, brother, you definitely don't need idlers."

"However, we are mutants and have many more abilities than ordinary people."

"Host us here, we can help eldest brother resist foreign enemies!"

Ace was really impressed by Qin Feng's ability, and now he wanted to defect to Qin Feng.

This is the end of the world, and it is impossible for everyone to be equal.

It would be great if I could follow Qin Feng.

His good brother Li Qiao also thought so. The same bloody man stood up with firm eyes.

Other mutants also came over one after another, stood still, and wanted to defect to Qin Feng.

Chen Qiaoying stood next to Qin Feng. At this time, she had recovered. Except for the blood on her hands, everything else seemed to have nothing to do with the seemingly crazy female zombie just now.

She knew about Qin Feng's previous plan, so she said in Qin Feng's ear: "Don't you just want to form a mutant army? They seem to be able to do it."

Qin Feng glanced at the person in front of him, and his mind was filled with thoughts.

For a while, everyone thought that Qin Feng had thought carefully and would take in the mutants.

Qin Feng said: "No, my cemetery never accepts others."

Everyone:! ! !

Chen Qiaoying also looked at Qin Feng in surprise. Did Qin Feng change his mind halfway?

"But..." Ace looked shocked and wanted to persuade Qin Feng again.

Qin Feng looked determined and said: "No, my cemetery does not accept people."

A look of disappointment suddenly appeared on everyone's faces. They were actually already very strong. Why was Qin Feng unwilling to take them in?

"If you have time to think about whether you will be taken in by me," Qin Feng said, "it's better to think about how to deal with these helicopters."

He pointed to the sky with a smile on his face: "They are coming."

The mutated people's expressions changed greatly, and they looked at the countless helicopters flying towards the sky.

There are at least hundreds of helicopters!

The fear of having his companions taken away, the fear of never hearing from them again, and the unknown fear of the future.

Mutated people are in a hurry.

The helicopter arrived here quickly, but due to the magnetic field, it could not stay directly above the cemetery.

Just wander around the cemetery.

However, as soon as it stopped, many heavily armed soldiers wearing black clothes and camouflage came down one after another from above.

These people were well trained and climbed down the long ladder.

It's coming soon!

"Are they really here to catch us!?"

"Will they take us back for experiments? Are they going to disembowel monsters like us?"

"We look like this, our changes are so miraculous, they must be studying us!"

"No, I think they want to destroy us!"

These people were human beings a few days ago. They came all the way here and didn't experience life and death much.

For a moment, he was as panicked as an ordinary human being.

Qin Feng looked at them and then at Chen Qiaoying.

Chen Qiaoying immediately understood that these people could not be accepted for the time being.

These people, apart from having some special powers, are actually pretty much the same as ordinary people.

That kind of character cannot be recovered by becoming a mutant in a few days.

Only after some experience or painful experience can one be completely convinced and surrender to them.

Chen Qiaoying looked at Qin Feng with a look of admiration in her eyes.

Her man is simply too strong.

Not only in terms of ability, look at this stupid giant zombie. After Qin Feng figured out the basics, he defeated it repeatedly.

Even her scheming is top-notch, and her sensitivity in detecting people's hearts is beyond her reach.

She is already the zombie king, and she simply thought that she could just conquer them.

These people have been shocked by their abilities, and even surrendered to their abilities.

Qin Feng looks higher, further, and is far-sighted.

Thinking of this, Chen Qiaoying unconsciously approached Qin Feng again.

The queen of zombies stood side by side with the tomb owner, looking like a little bird.

Qin Feng looked at these panicked mutants and couldn't help but sneered. He raised his voice and said, "You deserve to be killed like this. What's the point of living in this doomsday?"

Qin Feng's words were quite impolite.

Even the mutants in panic were provoked by this sentence.

"What do you mean?"

Qin Feng said, "Mutants, their brains are still human, right? But their bodies have changed so much, and their abilities have improved so much."

"However, you people don't know how to make good use of your mutations."

"One by one, you have no ambition, and you are satisfied after killing a few zombies."

"With this mentality, you deserve to be killed in the doomsday. Whether you are killed by zombies or humans, you deserve it."

Qin Feng's venomous words directly aroused the anger of these mutants.

Someone shouted, "What do you mean!!!"

Qin Feng said, "My meaning is very simple!"

The soldiers on the mountain called out, "Come on, they are here!", "No matter who they are, catch them first."

There were Chinese, foreign languages, and many different languages.

But they could all tell that those people were against them.

"Did you see those people coming down from the helicopter?" Qin Feng said, "They want to catch you and may even kill you."

Qin Feng's eyes were grim: "Kill them."

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