Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 185 The Correct Use of Mind Control

Mental control is mainly for other people.

Qin Feng thought for a while and called Chu Rou and Chen Qiaoying.

Of these two, one is a physically strong human being, a top student with strong self-control, and a good mind.

The other one was the Zombie King. When the mutant with the white brain wanted to control her, he couldn't control her.

Qin Feng called the two of them and told them his intention to use his mental power to control them.

"Control our thinking?" Chu Rou asked first, "How to control it? How do you want to control it?"

Qin Feng said: "You just move around, and I'll see if I can change your behavior through changes in mental power."

"That's right." Chu Rou and Chen Qiaoying nodded.

Qin Feng walked a little further. He wanted to test how far his control distance was.

Across more than half of the cemetery, Qin Feng nodded.

As a human, Chu Rou takes the first step.

Her steps were brisk, she moved a little fast, and she was bouncing.

Coupled with her twin ponytails, bouncing around like this, she feels like a little girl.

Qin Feng's heart skipped a beat when he looked at Chu Rou's appearance.

I'm thinking about finding a maid outfit next time, or maybe a bunny girl wearing it for her.

Maid outfit. Oh no, there was a shadow last time.

Just this bunny girl, her pants are just briefs and black stockings.

If you want to do something, you don't even need to take off your clothes, you can just take off a little bit.

"Qin Feng!" Chu Rou walked for a long time, "Did you use your mental power? If it doesn't work, is this mental power control beyond the scope?"

She stopped, turned around, smiled, and said, "Or maybe your mental power is useless, hahaha!"

Qin Feng looked at Chu Rou's expression of "the villain has succeeded" and shook his head helplessly.

He concentrated and began to imagine in his mind how to manipulate Chu Rou's body and control her actions.

One second, two seconds and five seconds passed. Chu Rou was still talking and jumping up and down to herself.

Qin Feng just started using this skill and is not very familiar with it yet.

"Wow, Qin Feng," Chu Rou has been familiar with Qin Feng for a long time. She originally liked to talk casually, but now she likes to joke even more, "Should I do it or not? I've been waiting for a long time."

Chen Qiaoying couldn't help laughing when she saw Chu Rou playing tricks, covering her mouth and laughing secretly.

Qin Feng chuckled lightly and frowned. Chu Rou's body instantly shrank together as if being restrained by someone.

"Hmm! What's going on?" Chu Rou was stunned for a moment, "Wow, I can't move."

Chen Qiaoying's eyes widened because Chu Rou was looking at her from the front, or she couldn't feel it herself.

Chu Rou's feet were slightly off the ground. The soil on the large surface of the cemetery was soft and black with a bloody smell.

Therefore, this small distance is not easily noticed by others, but with this small distance, Qin Feng can move however he wants as long as he is willing.

Chu Rou was screaming. She was now being lifted up by her entire body, and the feeling of weightlessness made her body feel a little more inexplicably firey.

Especially, where does Qin Feng have his mental control?

How could you put it in such a shameful place?

Qin Feng looked at Chu Rou's reaction with satisfaction. He even clicked his eyes twice, and his mental control was like a big transparent hand.

The fingers of the big transparent hand kept touching two places.

One is a place with high mountains, and the other is a place with winding paths leading to secluded areas.

She hadn't moved yet, causing Chu Rou to scream in surprise.

"Is it beyond the scope?" Qin Feng said with a bad smile, "You also asked me if it is useful and whether I can do it or not?"

"I, I was wrong," Chu Rou's mountains were obviously calm as usual, but the feeling coming from her brain made her scream uncontrollably, "Qin Feng, I was really wrong, please spare me."

"It's too late." Qin Feng said.

In the originally silent zombie cemetery, a girl's singing came out.

Seven notes can be switched at will, including treble, bass, and air sounds.

In the end, Chu Rou was turned into a puddle of soft water, and she had no strength to move.

Qin Feng could only control her body, walked to the side, and fell softly on a tombstone.

"There is a saying that is good," Chen Qiaoying said with a beautiful smile, "I heard the voice trembling gradually, and I was slightly frightened and blushed. The tombstone has been dry for too long, so you can be regarded as watering the tombstone."

Ahem, ahem, Chen Qiaoying also turned evil in a polite manner.

Chu Rou's eyes were blurred and her skin was tinged with pink. She knew clearly that Chen Qiaoying was teasing her, but she couldn't refute a word.

His mind was in a mess, and he only had one sentence left: Hum, Qin Feng will do something to you later.

Sure enough, before Chen Qiaoying became arrogant for a few seconds, Qin Feng said: "Qiaoying, get ready, it's your turn."

Qin Feng's self-control is so good that even Chu Rou screamed like this, and he still didn't look away.

It’s not that I don’t want to, but I can control it.

Chen Qiaoying stopped smiling and turned around stiffly, with a trace of embarrassment on her face.

"No, Qin Feng," Chen Qiaoying said, "I, I'll forget it, I'm the zombie king. It's not easy to be half-human and half-zombie."

"That's why it's challenging!" Qin Feng said, "Come quickly, and you can also practice how to resist mutants with mind control."

"That white brain had a mediocre mutation ability before, and we almost fell into it."

Chen Qiaoying's apricot eyes looked pitifully at Qin Feng. After a long while, she could only say: "Okay, I understand, come on."

In fact, Chu Rou's voice had already made her a little uncomfortable.

But her half-human, half-zombie physique really gave her excellent self-control.

So, it was actually okay.

But now that she was facing Qin Feng, she was really a little scared.

"Qiaoying, I may have higher requirements for you," Qin Feng said, "I need you to change from human state to zombie state little by little, and then completely become a zombie state."

"Do you control me like that?" Chen Qiaoying asked.

Qin Feng nodded.

Chen Qiaoying held it in for a while and said, "Qin Feng, you are too much."

"Where did I go too much?"

"You want me to endure it for so long!" Chen Qiaoying said, "And, it's still so powerful."

Qin Feng shrugged, looked at Chen Qiaoying and Chu Rou, and said, "Then I will help you solve it later, okay?"

The two girls looked at each other, turned around, and nodded shyly.

Chen Qiaoying is half human and half zombie, and she is also the zombie king.

So for Chen Qiaoying, Qin Feng is more difficult to control.

But this is also challenging.

Chu Rou took a few seconds at the beginning, but Qin Feng was able to quickly control her after he became familiar with this skill.

But when it came to Chen Qiaoying, Qin Feng still spent a little time.

The zombie state was gradually filled up. Compared with Chu Rou's gentleness, charm, and cuteness from beginning to end, Chen Qiaoying seemed a little violent.

No, it was quite violent.

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