Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 186: More exercise is helpful

"Hold it."

"No, I can't, Qin Feng."

"Upgrade to zombie state."

".Okay, okay."

"I'll increase the strength."

"Well~~I really can't do it, Qin Feng, you've had enough, don't touch it, uh uh uh, hehe!"

The purple blood vessels on Chen Qiaoying's body swelled again, but the eyes that should have been bluish-white and cold and ruthless were now filled with mist.

The mist, the kind of mist that is soft to the heart.

"This way," Qin Feng thought, "it's quite cute."

Uh ​​uh uh, hehe!

Chen Qiaoying turned into a zombie state and became the queen of zombies.

But the whole person was as impetuous as Chu Rou on the ground.

At this point, Qin Feng began to feel that it was a bit difficult to control.

After all, he was not familiar with this skill.

Chen Qiaoying was a bit like her usual combat state at this time, slightly hunched over her back, panting softly.

Purple blood vessels floated and spread on the body, still looking murderous.

Those hands seemed to be as sharp as the ones that tore the heads of zombies and the flesh of giant zombies.

Qin Feng wanted to continue to stimulate her, and the mental control in his mind increased a little.

Even though Chen Qiaoying had turned into a zombie at this time, the feeling in her body was getting hotter and hotter, as if burning.

And the hotter she was, the higher her ability seemed to be stimulated.

Her lower abdomen sucked in and out.

Chu Rou almost suppressed her rising warmth at this time, but her body was still soft. She sat up and watched Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying do something wrong together, and test their mental control together.

Qin Feng said: "Control it, I'm starting to use force."

"Uh~~" Chen Qiaoying roared softly.

Chu Rou shook unconsciously. Three months after the doomsday, she had never heard such a gentle zombie roar.

Qin Feng felt that the outside was almost done, and it was time to move the inside.

Chen Qiaoying also tried her best to control the surging in her body.

But Qin Feng was not unfamiliar with the structure inside, and he knew where to provoke Chen Qiaoying's fighting spirit.

Suddenly, Chen Qiaoying stopped staying where she was, and rushed towards Qin Feng with a roar!

Sharp, ruthless, without any hesitation.

"Not good!" Chu Rou screamed in her heart, "Chen Qiaoying is going to lose control of herself again."

She hurriedly wanted to get up and get a gun, because Chen Qiaoying didn't control herself and became violent, which would be very troublesome for Qin Feng to deal with.

Moreover, if Chen Qiaoying could move, wouldn't Qin Feng's mental control be out of control?

"No! Um~~" Chu Rou just wanted to stand up, but her legs were weak and she knelt down again, "Qin Feng is in danger!"

But, she really had no strength.

Chu Rou struggled a few times and gave up.

Forget it, Qin Feng is so strong, Chen Qiaoying should be fine if she explodes.

In fact, it's really fine.

The reason why Chen Qiaoying was fine was that, on the one hand, her control was really strong, and on the other hand, Qin Feng didn't want to bear it anymore after seeing her like this.

Then he took back his mental control, and Chen Qiaoying lost the last control and rushed over.

"Come on," Qin Feng whispered, "see how strong this fighting power is after being stimulated."

He would not use black flames to deal with Chen Qiaoying.

Barehanded, he also hunched his waist, his right leg backward, and his left leg slightly bent.

Get ready, ready to fight with Chen Qiaoying.

As a result, Chen Qiaoying rushed over, and Qin Feng was ready to take over and throw her over his shoulder.

Chen Qiaoying rushed over and hugged Qin Feng directly, and with a bang, knocked Qin Feng to the ground.

The force was so great that the two of them knocked a long deep pit in the soft soil of the cemetery, and a small mound of earth was piled behind Qin Feng.

"Qin Feng! Chen Qiaoying!" Chu Rou shouted behind him.

Uh uh uh, ho ho ho!

Chen Qiaoying raised her body and screamed, her face looked like she was losing control.

The sharp hand really poked down at Qin Feng, and it looked like it was really going to pierce Qin Feng's flesh.

Take out his heart and taste it slowly.

Puff, puff, the sharp hand poked at Qin Feng's body again and again.

"Chen Qiaoying, are you crazy?" Chu Rou screamed, she really thought Chen Qiaoying was crazy, just her hands were as sharp as knives after she turned into a zombie.

If she poked like this, wouldn't Qin Feng be turned into minced meat?

However, as she poked, she heard Chen Qiaoying say: "Hey, why can't this dress be poked?"

"Why can't I take off these pants, Qin Feng, do you have tattoos on these pants?"

"I want it! I want it! Give it to me!!"

Chu Rou: I've never seen such a violent begging.

These half-coquettish words, coupled with Chen Qiaoying's hoarse throat, are simply a particularly beautiful scene.

Qin Feng held Chen Qiaoying's waist and said, "Untie it from the waist, do you need me to move?"

"What do you think?" Chen Qiaoying said sternly, "Of course I have to move by myself! Can your pelvis bear it?"

"I'm afraid you'll get lazy halfway through."

"If I'm lazy, I'll take your last name!"

As a result, Chen Qiaoying really wasn't lazy, she really tried to move again.

Chu Rou couldn't help but cover her eyes, it was just like the piston in a car engine running at 120KM/h, shaking Chu Rou's eyes.

In the end, Chen Qiaoying got lazy.

She was about to collapse, and said, "Qin Feng, why are you taking so long!"

"I told you, I'm afraid you'll get lazy halfway through," Qin Feng turned over and pressed over, "I'll do it myself."

The zombies' roars are actually pretty good. Chen Qiaoying's roars are nice to hear.

After Chen Qiaoying finished, she went to Chu Rou. She had to control her strength well, otherwise Chen Qiaoying's strength would be useless against Chu Rou.

It can be worn.

A deep sleep is essential, but a nap is also unique. Well, that's it.

After it was over, Qin Feng carried them one at a time and carried them to the cross coffin.

Both of them fell asleep almost directly in the coffin, and slept soundly.

Qin Feng stood outside the cross coffin, looking at the two people in the coffin, smiled, and reached out to touch their heads.

He closed the coffin and turned to go out to breathe some fresh air.

As soon as he went out, he heard the system's prompt sound:

[The host gains +5 mental attribute points by exercising mental control]

[The host currently has 17 mental attribute points]

As soon as the voice fell, a cool feeling attacked the back of the head from the spinal cord all the way to the whole brain.

The mind was even clearer than before, and the eyes were wide.

"Is this the power of mental power?" Qin Feng was slightly surprised. This feeling of becoming powerful in the spiritual realm made him feel comfortable. "System, doesn't it mean that mental power can only be obtained by burying corpses that have mutated in this aspect?"

[The host has two ways, one is to bury mutants with mental control mutations]

[The other is to continuously exercise and generate more mental power]

[But please note that for the same person's exercised mental power, the host's mental power can only be increased once, and the value is unlimited]

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