Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 187: Ten Thousand Corpses Carrying to the Tomb

Increase mental power by controlling others?

Qin Feng read it alone and thought: There are so many mutants, but there may not necessarily be people with mental mutations.

It seems impossible to enhance spiritual power by burying corpses.

Therefore, after building a dungeon, check whether the defense is strong or not.

If he can resist many intruders, then he can go out and control people unscrupulously.

It would be best to take Chen Qiaoying, Chu Rou and the others with them.

That Ark Company has to come to cause trouble and it is impossible to sit still and wait for death.

He, Qin Feng, wants to destroy those companies one by one.

If possible, he would destroy the company's headquarters with his own hands, and then kill those who could have been killed before but were spared by his mistake.

On the night of the third day, Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying finally sorted out the weapons and arranged them clearly in different sizes.

"Now," Chu Rou asked after watching the two of them finish, "are we going to move the cemetery now?"

Qin Feng nodded.

"How to move?" Chen Qiaoying said, "Where are you moving to?"

Qin Feng pointed at the cemetery and said, "Let it be chosen."

"It?" Chen Qiaoying and Chu Rou were confused.

Qin Feng smiled and said in his mind: "The system can start carrying tens of thousands of corpses to the tomb."

[Preparations are being made to carry tens of thousands of corpses to the tomb. The preparation is successful and will be started soon.]

【Open! 】

As the system finished speaking, the scene in front of him shook violently. The ground beneath the three of them shook from side to side, as if an earthquake had occurred.

It swings wildly and makes violent noises.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. Everyone except Qin Feng looked confused.

It shook for a few times, and several people clearly felt the ground sinking.

"Here, is the ground sinking?" Chen Qiaoying's senses were sharp and she suddenly sank.

"It seems so." Chu Rou bit her finger and looked around.

The green mist wall around the cemetery gradually expanded, and a sea of ​​red flowers and soul-hanging willow trees slowly appeared in the cemetery.

Not only is it expanding, it is also growing upward.

After growing to a certain height, it begins to develop horizontally again.

The cemetery gradually became a closed space, like a coffin made of green mist.

All around, the sounds of flowers, birds, insects and animals gradually disappeared, replaced by the sound of the friction of soil.

The light completely dimmed in an instant, and the temperature dropped sharply, then gradually warmed up again.

"Qin Feng." Chu Rou is a human being, and her perception is the most obvious among the people here. She was a little nervous and shouted.

Qin Feng was also observing the surrounding scene, and he also heightened his senses.

All of a sudden, I felt what was happening around me.

They fell into despair.

To be precise, the entire cemetery sank underground.

It's still sinking now, and I don't know where it will sink.

Finally, the cemetery stopped sinking, trembling slightly, and only sighing sounds came from the surroundings.

"Is this the tomb of thousands of corpses?" Qin Feng couldn't help but wonder, where are the corpses? Where are the ten thousand corpses promised?

"Wow, I feel like I'm in an undersea tunnel," Chu Rou said. "It's so quiet around here. But I can still hear movement."

"Yes," Chen Qiaoying said, "For example, I heard the sound of earthworms digging into the soil and the sound of roots digging into the ground."

Qin Feng glanced at them, turned around and looked towards the edge of the cemetery.

The cemetery is very big, so it takes a while to walk there.

Qin Feng squatted on the edge, looking at the lingering green mist, thinking slightly in his heart.

"What's wrong?" Chen Qiaoying and Chu Rou came over and squatted beside Qin Feng and asked.

Qin Feng did not answer, and stretched out his hand to explore inside the green mist wall. When Qin Feng stretched out his hand, a hole miraculously opened in the green mist wall.

Can see how the edges of the land move.

Qin Feng's hand paused for a moment, and Chu Rou let out an exclamation.

"This is it." Even Chen Qiaoying couldn't help but be surprised.

Because under the green mist that Qin Feng turned into, the edges of the cemetery land were filled with ghost hands.

Oh no, it's a zombie's hand.

Purple skin, hard nails, and a stench that never changes.

One hand after another, holding on to the edge of the cemetery, moved forward.

Qin Feng frowned, and two thin black flames floated out from behind and got under the hands of these zombies.

The following scene immediately appeared in Qin Feng's mind.

A hole was dug out under the entire cemetery, and the area of ​​the hole was as large as the entire cemetery.

In the cave, there were tens of thousands of zombies standing densely packed.

They raised their hands above their heads, supporting the cemetery as they moved forward.

Qin Feng finally understood why it was called "Ten Thousand Corpses Carrying a Tomb".

"System," Qin Feng asked in his mind, "Why can't the carrying of thousands of corpses to the tomb be completed on the ground? How many meters have we sunk?"

[What a corpse does cannot see the light of day]

[The host’s cemetery is now 100 meters deep]

Qin Feng nodded. No wonder Chu Rou had such a reaction.

Withdrawing the black flame, he took his hand away, and the zombie's hand disappeared into the green mist.

Qin Feng turned around and said, "It's okay, the body is being carried to the cemetery."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, some surprised expressions appeared on their faces.

For Chu Rou and Chen Qiaoying, carrying corpses to the cemetery was also a new thing.

However, Qin Feng's cemetery has always given them a lot of incredible things. After being surprised for a while, they can only sigh.

"Let's go," Qin Feng said, "Let's go to the villa and wait to see where the cemetery will stop. We need to go up there and take a look."

Chu Rou and Chen Qiaoying nodded, followed Qin Feng, and returned to the villa.

It took a long time to travel, Qin Feng estimated that it was a day and night.

When they stopped, Qin Feng, Chu Rou and Chen Qiaoying were still working.

As a result, the cemetery shook violently, and Chu Rou, who was still wearing it, was frightened.

Qin Feng shuddered and coughed.

"Just right," Qin Feng said, "Shall we go out and take a look?"

Chu Rou collapsed there, motionless.

Chen Qiaoying nodded and went out with Qin Feng.

As soon as he went out, a reminder sounded in his mind.

[The cemetery site has been selected, and it's time to carry the corpses to the grave]

[The host's goal is currently 17,669 zombies. Do you choose to grow the underground city?]

Growing underground city?

Qin Feng was stunned for a moment, and his steps stopped. Is this underground city grown?

Chen Qiaoying on the side also stopped to see if Qin Feng had anything to say.

It was the first time that Qin Feng heard that the underground city was built in this way.

After a while, he said: "Choose to grow."

The cemetery, which had been silent for half a day, suddenly heard a burst of ghosts and wolves howling, and the roars of zombies were all around.

Chen Qiaoying immediately became alert and looked around: "There are zombies!"

And just as Chen Qiaoying finished saying the three words "there are zombies", she cried out even louder. Zombies crawled out from the edge of the cemetery!

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