The car that came out of the portal was all on fire. It was all black, and the blue flames added a little mystery to it.

On the ground, there were originally five cemeteries, one of which was gradually filled with soil, and a small coffin also appeared in Qin Feng's hand.

[The cemetery has been materialized. If you need to materialize, you need 10,000 zombie coins, and the host's balance is insufficient]

Qin Feng walked towards the car burning with flames and asked, "What is this?"

[Cemetery hearse, which can carry people to various places at the same time. When driving, it enters a special space channel and disappears from the eyes of ordinary people]

[Portable grave coffin, level 5, can accommodate 400 zombie corpses, and the performance is the same as the level 5 grave]

Qin Feng nodded with a smile on his face. This way, he can take Chen Qiaoying and the others out!

Chu Rou had just rested at this time, and walked out slowly. Seeing the scene in front of her, she said sleepily: "Wow, your paper car is well burned, so big."

Qin Feng got on the car. In his previous life, he was a good driver.

But this is the first time to try to drive a hearse.

Chen Qiaoying and Chu Rou, who were sitting in the co-pilot seat and the back seat, looked around curiously.

Chu Rou said, "I thought it was a paper car, but it turned out to be... Wow, so cool! Qin Feng, how many things have you hidden? Let me see them all at once. I am overwhelmed by all the things that come again and again."

Although Chu Rou is open-minded, she is a scientist after all, and she still believes in science in her mind.

Qin Feng's cemetery really surprises her and shocks her again and again.

This car that caught fire, sitting in it is fine, and it is very comfortable, with air conditioning.

Qin Feng touched the familiar steering wheel and shifted gears. Although this car just came out, it felt like a long-lost car.

"System!" Qin Feng complained, "Why didn't you make it earlier? Such a cool thing is only available now."


The system was silent, and Qin Feng was too lazy to care.

He played with it, which felt much better than Lamborghini.

"Qin Feng," Chu Rou stretched her head over like a little girl, "Try to drive it, we're going."

Qin Feng smiled, said nothing, and stepped on the accelerator.

The sound of the engine came from the front of the car, a very smooth sound, and a blue flame came from the small tombstone decoration in front of the car.

The sound spread throughout the car, and the car started with a buzz.

The extremely fast speed caught several people off guard, and Chu Rou fell from the middle of the car to the back in an instant, the speed was extremely fast!

As soon as the car started, the blue flames spread and engulfed the entire car.

Because of the fast movement, the entire car cut a blue line of fire in the cemetery, and rushed to the green fog wall of the cemetery with a whoosh!

"Wow wow wow!" Chu Rou screamed in fear, "There is land behind this wall!"

Chen Qiaoying also widened her eyes in fear, after all, she was still a human being before.

Qin Feng was calm because he heard the system's prompt, but facing the green fog wall that was getting closer and closer, and approaching at a high speed, he also constructed a scene of a car crash in his mind.

However, just when the blue flame was about to collide with the green fog wall, the car and the people seemed to enter a space in an instant.

Like a wormhole, or a gap in time and space, in short, after just one second, the car came to the place of green light and white shadow.

"Hoo, hoo, hoo!" Chu Rou kept stroking her chest, frightened, and had not yet adapted to the clearness in front of her from the dark underground.

The car seemed to be driving upwards, and all of them leaned against the backrest of the car.

Fortunately, the two women were not wearing skirts, otherwise, they would be covered by skirts now.

The car reminded: "Coordinates are the swamps of Bingji City, please select the next coordinate."

This car also has an automatic positioning function!

Qin Feng thought for a moment and asked, "Hearse, do you have any way to find the branches of Ark Spiral Company all over the world? I want to trouble them."

"We are searching. The nearest one is located in the snowy area 100 kilometers north of Bingji City, one of the branches of Ark Spiral."

"Okay, let's go there!" Qin Feng said.

"Location successful, start."

The voice of the hearse was cold and desolate, which was actually similar to the general coordinate navigation.

But the voice was more like a ghost.

When the voice ended, the upward trend of the crowd had not completely stopped. The hearse rushed forward like a ghost changing its course.

"Wow!" As a result, even Chen Qiaoying shouted this time.

In the snowy land, a lonely building stood on the snowfield.

There was no one in the lobby, thinking that this was just a passage to an underground city.

A fully armed man just pulled a box of things from outside, dragging a long tail on the snow.

He came to the front desk of the building and turned on some button.

A floor in the middle of the lobby quietly opened, the heating was released, and the wind and snow invaded the underground all of a sudden.

The man threw the things down and said to the intercom: "My friend, I found the braised beef from three months ago, do you want to try it?"

The intercom sizzled and said: "Get lost, either continue searching or come in, close the door, it's freezing!"

"Alas, it's really not a place for human beings to live in this minus fifty degrees," the man said, slamming the door shut, "This underground city was built halfway and then stopped, that Li Tianfang is really stupid, now that we have lost contact, we are completely isolated and helpless."

Ice Pole City was originally in the far north, with ice and snow, and it was extremely cold.

One hundred kilometers north, the temperature is even lower, about 50 degrees below zero during the day and 80 degrees below zero at night.

This underground city was originally planned to be built by Li Tianfang of the Ark Spiral.

In the end, it was only halfway built and had seven floors.

The people suddenly withdrew, leaving only their team to support themselves in this icy and snowy place.

In the intercom: "Ark Helix is ​​a fucking idiot. It built an underground city and cut off the line supply. If we hadn't found that mutant, he would have died long ago."

The man outside was called Dashan. He smiled and said, "Although the mutant has a blue skin, his figure is really good."

"She is a fourteen-year-old girl, what are you thinking?"

"It's the end of the world, can't I think about it? Besides, that figure doesn't look like a fourteen-year-old."

"That's right, but you can't touch her. We depend on her for our survival now."

"I understand. If it wasn't for her, we wouldn't have extracted special genes, and we wouldn't have so much power. It's really Kuaibaoer."


The two were still talking, and Dashan was suddenly stunned.

Because something blue seemed to flash in his peripheral vision, like a fireball!

But it moved too fast and he didn't see it clearly.

Behind him, there was a loud bang.

Dashan was startled and said, "Fuck it." He turned around and saw a blue flame rushing into the distance.

"Is this a fireball?"

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