Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 190 Blue-skinned girl

The speed of the blue fireball was so fast that Dashan disappeared in the vast snowfield before he could even see what was burning.

Disappeared from his sight.

In the vast whiteness, there was no trace of the blue fireball.

Even the heat wave that just passed by seemed to be an illusion. Dashan fiddled with the shell of the protective shield and sneered.

Yes, it was a sneer.

There was no surprise or fear at all.

First, since the doomsday, their team has been acquired by Ark Spiral and they have seen so many new and strange things.

What kind of infectious zombies and giant zombies.

Later, it seemed that all kinds of mutant humans came.

So he was not surprised by anything that appeared.

Second, the mutant in their base, hehe, was obedient and good-looking. It was just that the big blue skin looked a bit disgusting, but it was the same even when the lights were turned off.

And the main thing was that she seemed to have everything.

She could make fire, make water, and generate electricity. There were many functions that were yet to be developed.

With her, their base would be fine even without the continued assistance of the Ark Spiral.

"Fireball? What fireball?" Dashan asked, his eardrums about to burst as he shouted in the intercom.

"No, it's just a small fireball, hahaha," Dashan laughed, "Hurry up and make beef soup, it's true, it's been so many days."

"Alas, this mutant is quite versatile, that's right, it won't produce any materials without wind, rain, thunder and lightning."

"Aren't there many that haven't been developed yet? We found more than a hundred mutant genes in her."

"Come down quickly, it's freezing."

Dashan smiled and entered the underground city.

This underground city is very simple, many circuits are sparking, and the floor is black and colorful.

But the advantage is that there will be no problems.

Because, since the water and electricity were cut off here, the circuits, water, fire, etc. are all controlled by the little girl.

Unless the little girl dies and the control is in chaos, nothing will happen.

Entering the underground city, the light gradually brightened.

Dashan went straight to one of the floors. As soon as he entered, the whole space was paved with wires, and there were so many that he was really worried that the exposed circuits would electrocute people.

In the cans where all the wires were connected, there was a girl with long wet hair, about fourteen or fifteen years old.

She was not wearing any clothes, and her blue skin trembled with her breathing.

Her body was full of wires connected with electric clips, and even her poor round face was full of electric clips.

Only her head was exposed, but now her head was drooping and her face was hidden in her hair, so no one could see it.

Every time she shook, a thin current flowed through the wires, making a sizzling sound.

"The beef soup is just ready," the others were doing experiments, and the one watching the little girl here was called Turkey, "This girl is really hot, and once she blew fire, my soup would boil."

The big iron pot on the table was rippling with beef soup at this time.

Although the braised beef was stiffened by the wind and snow, it unexpectedly played a role in preserving freshness.

Now cook it like this, the aroma will overflow.

Dashan habitually took a cup from the side, walked to the little girl, knocked on her head and said, "Water."

The little girl slowly raised her head, opened her mouth and spit out her clove tongue.

A stream of clear spring just gurgled out, without a strange smell, but full of fragrance.

"Have you heard about it?" Turkey said, "about the cemetery."

"I heard about it," Dashan said, "Wow, those rubbish, sent so many people there, with so many weapons. In the end, they were completely wiped out."

"It's the tomb owner, the man in black clothes, who is said to have said that he would build a cemetery dungeon and only accept mutants."

"You have to kill a thousand zombies before you can get in, you are kidding!"

"That's right."

If it was in the past, maybe they would be tempted.

This cemetery dungeon sounds very fresh, but before, Ark Spiral was promoting the benefits of this cemetery everywhere.

What abundant materials, all kinds of people are accepted.

As a result, whoever went there died.

I never heard good news.

However, in their opinion, the strong dragon could not defeat the local snake.

It was not a place where strong men stayed, at most it was a robber's den.

"What's so powerful about that person," Dashan said after taking a sip of water, "I've seen the photos, it's just that the place is easy to defend and difficult to attack. He can't even take it down, he's a waste."

"I also watched the live broadcast, but the woman's power was unstable at that time, and I was watching it intermittently."

"Anyway, I didn't see any fighting power. Isn't it just relying on a woman to shoot? Bang bang bang a few times, it's all cracked."

The two chatted like family, talking about all the recent underground cities.

However, the girl who had been calm all the time and didn't resist when being clamped by countless wires opened her yellow eyes.

She stared at the two people intently, her pupils narrowed.

The pot of beef soup in front of the two was instantly overturned, and the boiling beef soup spilled on Dashan and poured on Dashan's chest.

Almost burned a layer of skin.

"Fuck!" Dashan cried out in pain. The hot beef cubes scratched his collar, and he jumped up in fright. "What the hell!"

Suddenly, a wire made a loud sizzling sound, and white electric currents were running densely on it.

The girl screamed loudly, and the pain was like cramps and skin peeling.

With a bang, the monitoring board next to her showed that the safety device on the top floor of the underground city was tripped due to excessive power, and it must be manually turned on after resting.

"It turned out to be you!" After Dashan dealt with it, he stood up and stepped forward, and slapped the blue-skinned girl directly, "Move again! So many wires will electrocute you to death!"

"Dashan, go up again," Turkey looked at the pot of meat on the ground with heartache, "I'll deal with it." It should still be edible.

Dashan spat at the blue-skinned girl who was covered in cold sweat and said, "Damn, bad luck."

He went up to the top floor of the underground city again to turn on the safety device, otherwise they would suffocate to death here.

And on the snow, the hearse trio who made a brilliant appearance and a brilliant exit were still racing.

In fact, it was not that they wanted to race in this place on ice and snow, but the speed of the car was too fast.

"Wow wow wow wow!" Chu Rou looked at the scene outside that was almost invisible and screamed in fear, "Too, too fast, wow haha, so exciting."

"Yes, yes," Chen Qiaoying was stable. She still maintained some of her original nature in her human state, "Qin Feng, how long are we going to drive like this? We just drove too far."

Qin Feng glanced at the ground outside that was scalded and wet, and said, "Wait a minute, we'll go back soon."

The hearse whirred and continued to rush forward, leaving a string of girls screaming.

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