Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 19 Qin Feng is injured

On the third floor, the prison boss was smoking in the room.

This kind of cigarette originally cost five yuan a pack, but in these last days, it can be sold for astronomical prices.

Take a puff and the thick smoke dissipates.

The more he smoked, the more upset the prisoner boss became, and he put out the half-smoked cigarette.

My right eyelid kept twitching, and I felt uneasy inside.

"Tsk, why has the swordsman been gone for so long?" said the prisoner boss, "shouldn't he be here with someone's head in his arms earlier?"

Shenqiang folded his arms on one side and sat on the sofa without saying a word, but his expression was solemn.

Swordsman, if you haven't come up for so long, something may have happened.

Sure enough, not long after the two of them finished speaking, a gunman ran up in a panic and said, "Boss! It's not good, it's not good."

After hearing this, both of them showed a hint of surprise on their faces.

The prisoner boss walked over, grabbed the guard, and said, "What's going on? Just straighten your tongue and speak!"

"Swordsman, Swordsman was killed by that person!" the guard said tremblingly.

The surveillance camera was broken, so the boss sent them down to check, but no sign of the two people was found in the passage.

Instead, he saw the body of the swordsman nailed to the wall.

The white T-shirt was soaked with blood. He was so stunned that his eyes almost popped out. The death scene was extremely terrifying.

The prisoner boss immediately let go of the man's hand, and the guard fell to the ground with a thud. His mind went blank.

A wave of panic came over me.

Can a swordsman die?

Is the swordsman who wielded a kitchen knife and hacked to death seven or eight zombies who broke into the prison cell, and who could chop down everyone with a pair of knives in his hands?

He was killed by the man dressed like an agent!

He suddenly slumped down on the chair, his eyes trembling and the corners of his mouth trembling.

"Even the swordsman is dead," the prisoner boss said, "That man is so scary? What should we do? We are going to be killed!"

In the past few months, they have killed countless zombies and killed countless people. The prisoner boss has never been so afraid of death.

Now that the swordsman is dead, he is equivalent to losing an arm!

A few minutes later, the prisoner boss opened his scarlet eyes and asked, "Then where is that man now?"

The guard said: "It must have come up. When we went to the negative floor, we found that the passage on the other side had been opened. It must have been walking for a while."

The prisoner boss said: "Gather all the firepower and we must find this person! I will beat him to death and then throw him into the pile of zombies and let the zombies eat him to death!"

The guard nodded and was about to go out to convey the boss's order.

The sharpshooter stood up, with a serious but arrogant look on his face, and said, "There's no need for so many people. The guards still have to watch over the zombies. I'll just lead the team there."

The prisoner boss looked at the sharp gun and asked, "Can you? That man even killed the swordsman."

"How can a man with only two swords be better than a man with a gun," said the sharpshooter. "Have you ever seen a swordsman beat me? I can kill that man with just one gun."

There is a gun on the waist of the gunman. It looks like it is well made and it is the gunman's favorite treasure.

The sharpshooter also took a rifle from the guard beside him, hung it on his body, and said, "Let's go, I'll bring his head over here."

The prisoner boss nodded and said: "No, capture him alive, I want him to be bitten by zombies!"

"Okay." Shen Qian smiled disdainfully and said.

Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying finally found the stairs leading to the upper floor and walked all the way up to the first floor.

After not seeing the light for several months, Chen Qiaoying subconsciously covered her eyes and hid behind Qin Feng's tall figure.

However, when he regained his sight, he saw Qin Feng half-kneeling on the ground.

"Qin Feng!" Chen Qiaoying quickly stepped forward to support Qin Feng and asked, "You, what's wrong with you?"

"It seems that I overestimated and underestimated my swordsmanship," Qin Feng said with a trace of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, "His hand strength is not weak. My internal injuries are a bit serious. I should have injured my internal organs."

Continuous powerful impacts and collisions, coupled with Qin Feng's crazy attacks, still resulted in 1,000 injuries to the enemy and 800 losses to himself.

Even though his recovery speed was several times higher than normal, he still didn't recover that quickly.

"Then, what should we do?" Chen Qiaoying asked in a panic.

"I have brought you to the first floor," Qin Feng said a little weakly, "Of course you left by yourself, what can you do?"

"I can't leave you!" Chen Qiaoying grabbed Qin Feng's hand and said, "Let's go together."

When Qin Feng heard this, he was startled and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"There is no surveillance here," Chen Qiaoying said. "I know there is a place where I can hide for a while, but can you recover? They will definitely come down to look for him if he doesn't come back."

Qin Feng nodded, rescuing Chen Qiaoying was really the right choice.

Qin Feng is very tall, and although Chen Qiaoying is also a long-legged beauty, she still can't resist.

It was Qin Feng who supported Chen Qiaoying and followed Chen Qiaoying all the way to a secret room. When he looked up, he saw three big words "Interrogation Room" at the door of the room.

Qin Feng: This is the first time in my life that I have entered an interrogation room, haha.

"There is no surveillance or glass observation room here," Chen Qiaoying said. "We used to call it a small dark room. It can be locked from the inside and is very safe."

While talking, he carried Qin Feng and walked in.

After closing the door, Chen Qiaoying was about to let Qin Feng sit down, but suddenly she felt Qin Feng pressing down on her.

All of a sudden, he pressed her directly opposite to the ground.

Plop, Qin Feng's whole face pressed on something soft.

Chen Qiaoying was stunned. She, she didn't wear underwear.

"Qin, Qin Feng." Chen Qiaoying said with a blushing face, "Get up quickly, you're pressing me"

However, Qin Feng didn't answer. He was a little weak, and he closed his eyes all of a sudden when he touched something fragrant and soft.

Chen Qiaoying saw that Qin Feng didn't get an answer, so she looked down at Qin Feng's fluffy hair and swallowed her saliva.

"Anyway, he's asleep, this, this is okay?"

"Fortunately it's big enough, otherwise such a heavy person would come down, I would have pressed it to bleed."

"Uh, it seems, I don't dislike it. It seems a little shy, what's going on?"

Qin Feng was talking to the system in his mind at this time.

[Ding, check the host's serious injuries and select the products needed by the host]

[Corpse Hunter's Strength Potion: After drinking it, the strength can be doubled for a period of time, but the rest time will also be doubled in the later period. The price is 200 zombie coins]

[Do you want to buy it? 】

Strength potion? The danger is not over yet, and the recovery speed will be extremely slow if we wait.

Qin Feng thought about it and said, "Okay, buy it."

Dingling, the sound of coins falling, a bottle of dark green potion appeared silently in Qin Feng's hand.

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