Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 20 Why don’t you also look at mine

Qin Feng slowly came out of the system in his mind, raised his head and thought about taking medicine.

Unexpectedly, there were two humps in front of him.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, Qin Feng turned sideways.

Feeling the pressure on his body disappear, Chen Qiaoying opened her eyes and slowly sat up.

"You, are you okay?" Chen Qiaoying hurriedly checked, "You just fainted."

It also hit her, cough cough, anyway, it was very dangerous.

Qin Feng shook his head, raised his hand, and found the bottle of dark green potion in his hand.

"The power potion of the corpse hunter?" Qin Feng murmured in a low voice, never mind, just drink it given by the system.

Open the lid and drink it with your head tilted back.

A cool, tasteless liquid went down the throat and went straight to the stomach.

Half a minute later, Qin Feng felt a force from the dantian, which was transmitted to every corner of the body through the seven meridians and eight vessels.

"It really works!" Qin Feng thought.

[Ding, the corpse hunter's strength potion lasts for 7 hours, and the rest recovery time is 12 hours]

[Remind the host, there are only 7 hours and 01 minutes left to return]

Qin Feng's excitement just rose, and then fell again.

There are only seven hours left, and the strength potion can't last until the last second, there is a one-minute gap.

Maybe in that minute, he will suddenly lose consciousness completely.

If he stays here any longer, he will probably die.

"You, are you okay?" Chen Qiaoying looked at Qin Feng's eyes and suddenly lit up, thinking that he was recovering.

Qin Feng came back to his senses and looked at Chen Qiaoying. Did he just hit Chen Qiaoying?

Qin Feng chuckled and said, "It's okay, it's okay to do it with you here a few times."

Chen Qiaoying's face flashed a blush, but the situation was in front of her, and she ignored Qin Feng's dirty talk.

He asked seriously, "I'm not kidding you, I'm serious! Are you really okay?"

"No," Qin Feng shook his head, he secretly exerted his strength, and the strength of his arms returned, "Let's take a rest first, I don't know what's going on outside now."

Chen Qiaoying nodded and shrank to the side.

Qin Feng glanced at her and asked, "Just now, when I lay down, I seemed to hit something soft. Then when I opened my eyes, did I hit you?"

It's really big and soft, and it smells good.

There are very few Asian women of this level. For example, the ones he saw before were basically smaller.

This feeling is pretty good, and I want to do it again.

"Yes!" The blush on Chen Qiaoying's face never faded.

"It's okay," Qin Feng saw that Chen Qiaoying was about to have a brain congestion, and said, "Anyway, you have pulled me, right?"

"Then, isn't it equal to you to see my whole body!" Chen Qiaoying asked.

Qin Feng leaned over and said, "Why don't you watch mine too? Anyway, we have time now."

Chen Qiaoying was speechless, her heart pounding. She turned her face away and said nothing.

It was already so late, how could this man be so calm, and still be in the mood to make fun of her.

Qin Feng flirted with her and then slipped away, and immediately focused his attention on the outside again.

His body was blessed by the system, and his qualities in all aspects were twice that of normal humans, including hearing.

You couldn't see inside the small dark room from outside, and you couldn't see outside from inside, but it couldn't stop him from listening to the sound.

Qin Feng held his breath and listened to the movement outside.

Not far away, it seemed that someone was going downstairs in a very basic way, and there were some metal sounds of guns rubbing against each other. The voices were unclear, but they felt very hurried and hurried.

I don't know if there was a group of footsteps, but there were several.

Going back and forth upstairs and on this floor.

Qin Feng lay down, his ears to the ground, and sure enough, there were also downstairs.

Seeing Qin Feng's actions, Chen Qiaoying asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"They have sent people down to look for us. There are people upstairs and downstairs on this floor." Qin Feng said.

Chen Qiaoying immediately became nervous and said, "Then they must have sent the sharpshooter down. This person is more terrifying than the knifeman."

"The sharpshooter, the knifeman?" Qin Feng asked, "One uses a gun and the other uses a knife? The names are so random."

"Is this the focus of attention?" Chen Qiaoying said, "The sharpshooter is very powerful. His gun skills are almost 100% accurate, and he is not weak in close combat. I heard from those who are guarding me that the sharpshooter lost the knifeman in a competition with the knifeman."

More powerful than the knifeman?

Qin Feng smiled slightly. It seems that he is still a long way to go out and kill people.

In the end of the world, before contacting zombies, you must first contact people's hearts.

"Hurry, hurry, they may have escaped to this floor!"

"Search all these closed places!"

"Here, here, and there!"

"Boss, I'll search this side."

At this time, there was a clear conversation outside, the sound of leather shoes stepping on the ground, and the sound of guns rubbing.

There are at least a dozen people.

"Can we kill them?" Chen Qiaoying asked.

Qin Feng looked at Chen Qiaoying in surprise. This girl probably has complete trust in his ability. Just a dozen people, kill them.

Qin Feng said: "The previous incident should have made them take precautions. They can be killed, but it's not easy."

"Then they should search here soon, we." Chen Qiaoying said, "What should we do, Qin Feng."

Qin Feng chuckled, took Chen Qiaoying's hand and touched under his body, saying: "Not only do they have guns, I have them too."

Qin Feng was talking about his corpse hunter pistol, of course.

But how could this posture and this sentence make Chen Qiaoying think wrongly?

Qin Feng said solemnly: "You hide in the corner, don't come out, I will kill you."

Chen Qiaoying nodded. She couldn't help Qin Feng if she went there, so she waited for him there.

There was also a file cabinet in the small dark room. Chen Qiaoying had long arms and legs, and even though she was thin, she couldn't completely shrink into it.

She could only hide with difficulty, and the two pitiful iron sheets barely covered it.

Qin Feng saw that it was almost done, and reached out to take out two corpse hunter pistols, with ancient and prosperous patterns and red and black gun bodies.

Thirteen bullets for a pistol, enough.

Opening the door, the huge sound of the door opening attracted the crowd.

"He's here!"

"Give up!"

"Good grandson, take a shot from your grandfather."

Qin Feng didn't wait for them to do anything, and fired a shot himself.

He crossed his left hand and fired with his right hand.

"You guys should die," Qin Feng said, "You bastards."

There was a quick contraction in the air, as if some energy gathered at the muzzle of the gun, and it accumulated power in an instant.

With a loud bang, a dark green bullet flew out of the gun.

However, it flew into the air and instantly turned into a green flame that seemed to have life.

The flames spun in a circle, and there were a dozen people in front of them. There were about seven people in the direction where the flames flew.

Before they could react, they were entangled by the green flames and burned into black broken bones in an instant.

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